Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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scythians in central asia

In another incident a year later 3,000 Sakā horsemen

joined the rebellion of the Bactrians and Sogdians

against Alexander, but when the battle turned against

them they decided to plunder the baggage of their allies

and made off with their spoils into the steppe. Later, in

327, when news came that Alexander was intending to

lead an expedition to India, Sakā detachments flocked to

his cause unable to resist the lure of plunder.

The proximity of the thriving Achaemenid empire

and the chaotic period which saw its demise created a

variety of opportunities for contingents of Sakā horsemen

to thrive. The rewards and the plunder generated

by this involvement flowed back into their steppe homeland

to be used in cycles of gift exchange, the exotic

items much admired, until finally they were consigned

to the earth as the burial goods of their last owner.

For more than 200 years the nomads had confronted

7.5 Gold plaque in the form of a fabulous winged lion-griffin. the Persian empire receiving, through a myriad of social

One of the items from a hoard known as the Oxus treasure mechanisms, a wide variety of valuable craft goods feeding

their senses with new images redolent with meanings.

which was probably found at Takht-i Kuvad, Tajikistan. It is of

Persian inspiration. Items like this introduced the symbolism of

exotic mythological beasts into the Scythian repertoire. While they may not have fully understood the iconography

of these items, they reminded them of the exotic elite

world which they so valued. Thus new motifs began to enter the nomad repertoire—

lotus flowers and palmettes, lions and fabulous beasts such as winged bulls and sphinxes.

Some of these alien images were copied by nomad craftsmen from Achaemenid imports

and skilfully incorporated into the native milieu, while in the frontier markets there will

have been craft-workers, schooled in the Persian tradition, eager to provide luxury goods

to satisfy the tastes of their nomad customers. It was a situation not dissimilar to that

existing between the Scythians and the Greeks towns along the north Pontic coast.

Landscapes with People

The various classical texts that survive do scant justice to the great variety of people

who occupied the 3,000 km of the Central Asian steppe and desert steppe stretching

between the Urals and the Altai–Sayan mountains. To understand something of

that variety we have to rely on archaeological evidence gained from the examples of

many hundreds of graves which reflect an attitude to death. Comparable evidence of

daily life gained from settlements is very limited, not least because the settlements of


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