Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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crossing the carpathians

6.8 Large gold fish in Scythian style found with other Scythian material at Witaszkowo, Poland (formally

Vettersfeld). Whether a hoard or a burial, the assemblage would seem to suggest the presence of a member

of the Scythian elite in the far west. The fish is 0.41 m long.

kind of assemblage that might have accompanied the burial of an aristocratic Scythian

male and perhaps his female companion. At the time of the original discovery,

however, shards of a large pot were found suggesting that the treasure may, instead,

have been a hoard deposited in the pot either as an offering to the gods or for safekeeping.

No human bones were found at the time of the original discovery nor were

any recovered when the Berlin museum mounted an excavation in the following year.

The Witaszkowo find remains something of a puzzle. How is it that the assemblage

of an elite Scythian warrior was buried so far from the Pontic steppe where

many of the items had originated? It is tempting to believe that these trappings of

aristocracy were carried by a Scythian warlord curious to explore the extremity of

his world. Perhaps he was moved to dedicate his prize possessions to the gods or

perhaps he was buried somewhere in the plain and his grave was robbed, the loot

later being concealed in a pot. At the very least, this remarkable collection is a stark

reminder of the mobility of the times.


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