Barry Cunlife - The Scythians

World of the Scythians.

World of the Scythians.


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discovering the scythians

interest in shipbuilding. In 1697 he travelled incognito to

western Europe with a small delegation, known as the

Grand Embassy, to learn about the West and to establish

new alliances. His interest in maritime technology

led him to spend time in Amsterdam in the shipyards of

the Dutch East India Company, as well as in the London

dockyards. Later he visited Malta to study the Knights of

St John and their fleet, and even considered the possibility

of setting up a Russian naval base on the island.

It was in Amsterdam, in 1697, that Peter’s other

great interest, in collecting scientific curiosities and

antiquities, began to develop. There he met the great

Dutch collector, Jacob de Wilde, whose collection of

scientific instruments, antiquities, coins, and medals

he is said later to have acquired. It was this fascination

with curiosities that drew him, on that spring day,

to visit Ashmole’s museum in Oxford. Like many

educated men of the time Peter became an eclectic

collector of curiosities, amassing works of fine and

applied art, artefacts, items of oriental culture, and

naturalia, especially human malformations, which were

eventually displayed in the Kunstkamera (Cabinet of

Curiosities)—a grand structure built on the banks of

the Neva in St Petersburg, opened in 1727, two years

after Peter’s death. The collection remained there

until December 1859 when it was moved to the Winter

1.1 Peter the Great, Tzar of Russia (r. 1682–1725) dedicated his Palace, but on the orders of Tzar Alexander II it was

life to transforming his country from the medieval backwater in transferred the next year to the Hermitage. One part

which he was born to a forward looking state embracing western

ideals of culture, government, and military prowess. His

of Peter’s collection, to which he was particularly

intellectual curiosity led to him amassing a collection of scientific

curiosities and antiquities. This ‘cabinet of curiosities’ was which came from Siberia. It was handed over to the

attached, was a group of artefacts, mainly of gold,

first displayed in the Kunstkamera in the new capital of St Petersburg.

Later the collection was transferred to the ÂHermitage. Academy of Sciences in 1723, eventually passing to the

Hermitage, where it is still displayed as The Siberian

Collection of Peter the Great.

Siberia was a vast region sparsely populated by nomadic tribes. Russian conquest

had begun in 1581–2 under Ivan IV (The Terrible) and by the middle of the seventeenth

century under official encouragement the flow of Russian settlers had increased,

attracted by the many economic opportunities which the virgin territory had to offer.


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