The Poetic Beauty of the Western Cape

Village n Life has an exceptional collection of hotels along the coastline of the Western Cape. From the rustic charm of The Farmhouse Hotel in Langebaan to the luxurious and lush landscapes of Pezula Resort Hotel & Spa in Knysna. Each property has a character of its own that draws you in and offers you an unforgettable experience. It’s a pleasure to see our properties shine in what can only be described as ‘The Poetic Beauty of The Western Cape’.

Village n Life has an exceptional collection of hotels along the coastline of the Western Cape. From the rustic charm of The Farmhouse Hotel in Langebaan to the luxurious and lush landscapes of Pezula Resort Hotel & Spa in Knysna. Each property has a character of its own that draws you in and offers you an unforgettable experience.
It’s a pleasure to see our properties shine in what can only be described as ‘The Poetic Beauty of The Western Cape’.


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Poetic Beauty

of The Western Cape

A journey through Village n Life’s Hotel Collection

South Africa


Village n Life has an exceptional collection of hotels along the coastline

of the Western Cape. From the rustic charm of The Farmhouse Hotel in

Langebaan to the luxurious and lush landscapes of Pezula Resort Hotel

& Spa in Knysna. Each property has a character of its own that draws

you in and offers you an unforgettable experience.

It’s a pleasure to see our properties shine in what can only be described

as ‘The Poetic Beauty of The Western Cape’.

The Poetic Beauty of

The Western Cape

A journey through Village n Life’s Hotel Collection

December 2019

There are a million quotes about travel and what it does for

the soul. There are even more quotes about travelling to

beautiful places and immersing yourself fully in your

surroundings. Some are profound and poetic, while others

are sappy and will most likely end up being bumper stickers

on the back of some well-travelled Volkswagen Kombi.

However it may be, the truth is, travel does feed your soul

and travelling to gorgeous places will leave you with memories

for a lifetime.

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Camps Bay beachfront

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West Coast Spring flowers

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The Farmhouse Hotel, Langebaan

I’ve always been intrigued by the coastline. Especially the coastline of

South Africa, which is, undoubtedly, one of the most beautiful stretches of

coastline in the world. From the Namibian border, all the way round to the

edge of Mozambique - the South African coastline is worthy of a sappy bumper

sticker quote.

Perhaps the most beautiful stretch of this majestic coastline (and yes, I know

this is up for debate) is that of the Western Cape.

South Africa’s most visited province, the Western Cape is known for many

things - and while I can certainly list them all here, I wouldn’t want to spoil the

feeling of discovering this amazing place for yourself.

It was then with quotes (good and bad) running through my mind that I decided

to take a trip along the coast of the Western Cape. A sort of poetic road trip if

you will.

Armed with the books, musings and quotes of Keats, Coelho and even Hunter

S. Thompson - all who have in their own right written about the beauty of travelling

and discovering - I set out on my journey.

To paraphrase Mr. Thompson: I bought the ticket and took the ride.

My journey starts on the West Coast. The unfiltered, natural and raw beauty of

the West Coast is almost harsh. The rugged coastline that has captured the

souls of so many.

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The Farmhouse Hotel, Langebaan Lagoon

Fishing in Langebaan

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Kitesurfing at Langebaan Beach

Being relatively untouched by modern aesthetics and

city-like developments, the various towns scattered

along the West Coast are all distinctly charming in their

own way, with most of them being home to early settlers in

the 17th and 18th century, and the indigenous Khoisan

prior to that.

However, it is one of the West Coast’s more famous

towns that has stood the test of time, capturing visitors

with its captivating charm and warmth time and time

again: Langebaan.

The town itself is dripping with unobstructed beauty: a

sparkling lagoon, spilling on to the white, bright beaches,

natural fauna and flora, and that distinctive West Coast

air that will clear any dwelling mind.

It’s the ongoing allure of this stunning West Coast town

that has brought poets, pirates and players back to

Langebaan so many times.

If fun and adventure is what you seek, then you’ll find

a subdued version of it in Langebaan. An amazing

kitesurfing hotspot, the lagoon is full of water sport

aficionados in the summer months. The winter brings

those looking to reset. Whether it be in a cottage on

the water’s edge, or something more magical, like the

houseboats in Kraalbaai.

There is ample accommodation, but one hotel that certainly

stands out in terms of character is The Farmhouse Hotel

- perfectly positioned overlooking the lagoon. I imagine

that Mr. Keats would have found solace in the warm,

cosy rooms in this beautiful hotel.

Langebaan is a laid back paradise. A place to unwind

and breathe - truly breathe - for those looking for an


As I leave Langebaan behind, instead of taking the R27,

I take a detour on the R45 en route to another quaint

little town on the West Coast; Hopefield.

Hopefield is a tiny town in the heart of the Sandveld area

and it looks like a painting. I think to myself that if I really

wanted to, I could retire here and write poems until the

end of days. Or bumper stickers?

It’s a tiny town and a quick observation of the locals will

make you realise there is no pretence in this town. It’s

authentic and charming and undeniably precious.

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The Bay Hotel, Camps Bay

Sandy B Private Beach Club

Camps Bay beach

Camps Bay Retreat, Camps Bay

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Sandy B Private Beach Club at The Bay Hotel

“I bought the ticket

and took the ride.”

Getting back on the R45 and driving through these

old, enchanting West Coast towns evokes a feeling of

nostalgia - although I don’t know for what. The West

Coast steals your heart without thinking twice.

Back onto the R27, Table Mountain in all its glory comes

vaguely in to view, and I get excited to reach my next

checkpoint on my journey - the Mother City.

While my travels are exclusively within the borders of

South Africa, upon arrival in Cape Town, I feel like I have

just arrived in an eclectic European city. Barcelona?

Berlin? Sure - but with that unmistakable energy and

beauty that is Cape Town.

My mind immediately starts to think of Hunter S. Thompson,

and how he would’ve enjoyed the vibrant energy of the

Mother City. It’s weird and wonderful; the vibrant city

set against the backdrop of the majestic mountain. An

anomaly. Just like Mr. Thompson.

However, its when I venture out of the city bowl that I get

transported even further out of South Africa, and I find

myself in what certainly has to be the French Riviera…

but it’s not, it’s Camps Bay, and it is most definitely the

crown jewel of Cape Town’s Atlantic Seaboard.

Author James Thurber once said that “beautiful things

don’t ask for attention” and while I’m sure he meant this

in a more anthropological way, the same can’t be said

of Camps Bay.

It’s the sprawling beaches that first catch your eye.

Pristine in appearance, the beach reminds me of a

Pinterest board: bright, with turquoise water and

enviable beach bods lazing in the sun.

The famous ‘Sunset Strip’ along Camps Bay’s beach

road is electric. Dozens of restaurants and cocktail bars

compete to lure you in, open a bottle of fine wine, and

forget about troubles or time.

As for accommodation, none sticks out more than The

Bay Hotel. The iconic hotel has been a stalwart on the

Camps Bay strip since the 1980s, and it’s easy to see

why the hotel has stood the test of time. The hotel lures

me in, and it’s home for the next two days.

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My last evening finds me at Camps Bay Retreat, a sister hotel of The Bay

Hotel, and a gorgeous property that can be mistaken for the set of an Emily

Brontë film adaptation.

Watching the last sunset over the Atlantic Ocean from Camps Bay Retreat’s

luscious lawns leads me to once again think of what Mr. Thurber said about

beautiful things not demanding attention.

To call Camps Bay the Crown Jewel of Cape Town almost seems like an

exaggeration. A typical metaphor that any first-time tourist would use to

describe this little piece of heaven of the Mother City. While I try to refrain

from making an analogy that would fit firmly in the realm of ‘cliché traveller

reviews’ (or make for a camp Camps Bay bumper sticker), I realise that

anything else would simply not do it justice. The views, the atmosphere, the

friendly people on the Sunset Strip could easily transport you to some kind

of wonderland; magical, majestic and downright moving.

So with my apologies to Mr. Thurber and his original quote, I’d like to

say that Camps Bay and Cape Town not only asks for your attention,

but demands it.

Leaving Cape Town behind is never easy. Something anyone who has ever

fallen in love with the Mother City can certainly attest to. However, it’s time

to move on; after all, the promise of discovering new places on a road trip

shouldn’t allow you to pick favourites just yet.


“Leaving Cape Town

behind is never easy.”

As I glide down the N2, over Sir Lowry’s Pass, I come face to face with

the enthralling little towns of the Overberg region. There’s Grabouw with its

alluring apple orchards and Botrivier, and the charming coastal villages of

Fisherhaven, Vermont and Onrus, all leading you to the pot of gold on the

other side of the Overberg rainbow: Hermanus.

If you’ve heard of Hermanus, you’ll almost instinctively associate this

seaside village with whales. Hailed as one of the best land-based whale

watching areas in the world, Hermanus has made a name for itself through

the annual arrival of these mammoth mammals.

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Camps Bay Retreat forest

things don’t ask for attention.”

- James Thurber

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However, what I am soon to discover is that Hermanus

is so much more than whales. ‘Don’t judge a book by

its cover’ is a colloquial idiom that has become a staple

quote for the everyman (and has most certainly featured

on many a bumper sticker). And even as corny and

cliché it may be, the phrase is very much applicable

to my time in Hermanus.

My accommodation for my time in Hermanus comes in

the form of the Harbour House Hotel - situated conveniently

in the heart of the ‘Old Town’ area of Hermanus

and overlooking Walker Bay where the whales annually

come to play.

The beautiful Manor House of the hotel looks like

something that would be described as the epitome

of luxury in early 20th-century romance novels, and it

makes me feel right at home.

I wander into a little café where I order a glass of

the local Pinot Noir and am promptly informed by the

waiter that the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley just outside of

Hermanus is home to a host of award-winning, spectacular

wines, and is especially great for the cultivation of

Pinot Noir grapes. Another surprise, and I think to myself

“Well, so far we’ve got whales and wine” - something

I’m definitely not complaining about.

However, it’s a walk about town that suddenly makes

me realise Hermanus is saturated with art galleries,

museums and bookshops; the one even more alluring

and interesting than the next. It’s a town with a quirky

character and it becomes clearer to see why so many

artists, poets and painters have made Hermanus home.

Just before I reach the hotel to check-in for the night,

I stumble across a small, intriguing bookshop aptly

named Hemingways. Now, as a writer on a road trip

in search of some sort of poetic justice, I simply could

not resist this serendipitous encounter. Hemingways is

beautiful and a true treasure trove for book aficionados.

The bookshop is somewhat of a legend in Hermanus

and houses several bric-a-brac pieces as well as

collectable and classic books.

Camps Bay, Cape Town

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Hermanus Old Harbour

I find out that the shop has also been internationally

recognised as a place to find rare collectables and

out-of-print books.

I walk out of the shop approximately an hour later and

much poorer. But as every millennial has said at one

point or another: YOLO! (Which is definitely a popular

bumper sticker quote).

The next morning, as I sip my coffee overlooking the

ocean in front of me, new (old) books beside me, I realise

that Hermanus is like an old classic book: you may have

heard of it, think you know it, but until you read it, you’ll

never truly know the precious beauty it holds.

It’s the last leg of my road trip, and I am as excited as

Santiago was to discover his treasure in Egypt in Coelho’s

‘The Alchemist’. My treasure in sight is the unparalleled

and mystical beauty of my final destination: the

Garden Route.

John Keats once said that “the poetry of Earth is never

dead” and nowhere does this statement ring as true as it

“Well, so far

we’ve got whales

and wine.”

does along the Garden Route of South Africa. For here,

you’ll be able to find poetry in every aspect of the Earth;

be it the mountains, the forests or the ocean.

Even after devastating floods and fires over the past few

years, the towns scattered along the Garden Route on

the Western Cape’s south-west coast have shown that

they are as resilient as they are drenched in natural beauty,

and that even after weathering many a storm, their flowers

will still bloom.

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Whale watching in Hermanus

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Art Galleries in Hermanus

Old town Hermanus

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There are many towns along the Garden Route, each as

peculiarly pretty as the next. It’s the ever-popular town

of Knysna, however, that will be the so-called denouement

of my road trip story.

Pezula Resort Hotel & Spa

Drenched in natural beauty with a sprinkle of mysticism,

this lakeside town is as dreamy as they come. Surrounded

by lush, indigenous forest, gorgeous beaches and dozens

of quaint restaurants, art galleries and curio stores,

it’s easy to see the poetic enchantment of Knysna and

why it has inspired some of South Africa’s most famous

literary masterpieces.

You can easily get lost in an endless daze in Knysna with

the array of activities it has to offer. Noetzie beach with

its majestic castles looks like a piece of undiscovered

Wonderland a la Lewis Carroll. A trail run (or walk, in my

case) in the Knysna forest is a must.

The Knysna forest is a magical space. So much so that it

has inspired countless pieces of literature and art, most

notably famed South African author, Dalene Matthee’s

four “forest” novels - including the masterpiece that is

“Kringe in ‘n Bos’ - all set in the Knysna forest.

“The Garden Route’s cup doth

overfloweth when it comes to activities,

character and soul.”

For those wanting to indulge in an unforgettable culinary

experience, a trip to any good, reputable seafood

restaurant is recommended. It’s here where you can

spoil yourself with fresh Knysna oysters to your heart’s

content - something I definitely overindulged in.

My home for the few days in gorgeous Knysna is the

equally gorgeous and ridiculously tranquil Pezula Resort

Hotel & Spa. Besides the beauty and luxury of the hotel

- which is set on the famous Eastern Head of Knysna,

by the way - the hotel is also home to one of the most

beautiful golf courses in the world.

And while I certainly won’t call myself a Tiger Woods or

Ernie Els, I can imagine that the views the golf course

offers one can cause for a truly inspired swing.

The Garden Route’s cup doth overfloweth when it comes

to activities, character and soul. It’s almost tangible; a

sense of magic that covers this stretch of the Western

Cape coastline that you for sure know in your soul you’ll

never experience anywhere else.

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Pezula Championship Course Hole 14

Mountain bike trails in Knysna

Kayaking in the Goukamma Nature Reserve

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View over the golf course at Pezula Resort Hotel & Spa

As I sip on my glass of wine and make notes about the

final stretch of my road trip in search of poetry in motion,

I realise that everything I experienced on this coastal trip

has been poetic in some way or another. The thing with

poetry is, it’s always there, you just need to look deeper

to find it.

“The poetry of

the Earth is

never dead.”

- John Keats

Recharging at Pezula Spa

Author Alexandra Stoddard said “when you leave a

beautiful place, you carry it with you wherever you go”,

and she’s right. Much like a line from your favourite

book, or a poem you can recite by heart, a beautiful

place will never truly leave you. And that’s one bumper

sticker quote I’d buy into.

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“The Poetic Beauty of The Western Cape” Journey

Langebaan - Knysna









Aquila Private

Game Reserve


2h 59min (261km) via N2




Sanbona Wildlife


Table Mountain

National Park

Botlierskop Private

Game Reserve

George Airport


Game Reserve













Langebaan - Cape Town 130km • Cape Town - Hermanus 122km • Hermanus - Knysna 420km

Total Journey 672kms

A journey through Village n Life’s Hotel Collection page 18

Julia Strydom

About the author

Julia Strydom is a writer with a passion for travel, beautiful

places, the ocean and reading books by authors far better

than her. She enjoys discovering new places and meeting new

people, and writing about what inspires her - be it an enthralling

experience or, simply, an ice-cold glass of Sauvignon Blanc,

savoured with a view.

TV1448 06/02/2020

Kraalbaai, Langebaan

© Tourism Creative Agency 2019

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