PT Warwickshire Feb Half Term 2020

We love this time of year at Primary Times, with Spring just around the corner and lots of great activities to look forward to as the year progresses. Already we are getting news about holiday activities, some of which begin in the February half term. We love this time of year at Primary Times, with Spring just around
the corner and lots of great activities to look forward to as the year
progresses. Already we are getting news about holiday activities, some
of which begin in the February half term.

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Primary Times Warwickshire & SolihullWHAT’s ON WHEREFrosty Campfire, Dens andS’moresRyton Pools Country Park CV8 - 12noon. Come and have somefun discovering how to design and buildyour own winter woodland shelter that’scamouflaged, big enough for your teamand waterproof…. ish!! The Rangers willbe on hand to provide tips, materialsand help. When all the shelters are builtwe will light a small fire and toast somemarshmallows for our tasty S’mores.(Dairy free option available). Suitable forchildren aged 3 years + although under5’s will need additional help doing theactivity. Pre-booking essential.Dens and S’moresKingsbury Water Park B76 - 12noon. Come along to build aden from natural materials and then toastsome marshmallows over a small fire tomake s’mores (marshmallow, chocolateand digestive biscuit sarnies). Wear oldclothes - you will get muddy and dirty.An event for children aged 5 years andabove - please note the park is not ableto accommodate younger children on thisevent. Pre-booking essential – childrenmust be accompanied by an adult. Seewebsite for booking details.Astonishing Art Activity: Sketch andModelAston Hall B6 and 1.30-2.45pm. Createyour own Astonishing Art inspired byAston Hall! Come on an exploration ofAston Hall, sketching as you go, followedby a clay modelling session. An activeand artistic way to explore Aston Hall, thisevent is suitable for children aged over 4years old accompanying adults. Childrenmust be accompanied. This activity isnot suitable for adults not accompanyingchildren. Pre booking is essential. T: 0121348 8263.Animalmania at BlakesleyHallBlakesley Hall B25 Come along in theFebruary school half term holidays tomeet animal friends at Blakesley Hall.The animals can include lizards, snakes,chinchillas, hedgehogs, giant bunnies,tortoises and creepy crawlies. AnimalMania usually consists of around 8 to 12small animals that children can see andinteract with in slots of 30 minutes. Prebooking is essential. T: 0121 348 8263.19 February 21 FebruaryFebruary Half Term Family CraftsWightwick Manor and Gardens WV6 From push-up puppets toclay tiles - have a go at a traditional andWightwick-themed craft activities thisFebruary half term. Booking not needed.Admission applies. T: 01902 760102.19 February – 23 FebruaryWilderness Wednesday - WhittlingWands (knife skills)Brandon Marsh and 1.30-3pm. WildernessWednesday sessions are aimed at thoseaged 8 years and up, with each weeklearning or undertaking a new skill oractivity. Whittling Wands - Learn safe knifeskills and learn how to whittle your ownmagic wand. You’ll be selecting your ownperfect stick from our woodland wandshop (the woods) before, crafting it to bethe perfect shape, add your own flair tocustomise the wand to your personality,can you make the ultimate masterpiece.See website for booking details. T: 024 76308 912.20 FebruaryMarvellous Mini BeastsMarket Hall Museum CV34 Become a bug expert atMarket Hall Museum, and get up closewith some mini beasts. £2.50 for dropin activities. Meeting the mini beastssessions take place at 10:15am, 11am,and 11:45am. These sessions have limitedspaces and must be booked in advance.£5 for mini beast session, includesdrop in activities. All children must beaccompanied by an adult. See website formore details. T: £5 for mini beast session,includes drop in activities. All childrenmust be accompanied by an adult.T: 01926 412500.Willow Bird FeedersRyton Pools Country Park CV8 - 12noon. Have a go at creatingthis simple but effective bird feederusing the corn dolly weaving technique.The ranger will show you step-by-stepand, once complete, you’ll get messymixing up our own wild bird food mix tofill the feeders with. Suitable for childrenaged 8 years + although some may needadditional help with the activity. Prebookingessential. See website for details.Floral Suncatchers Craft ActivityBlakesley Hall B25 Make your own sun catcheror head band in this fun craft activity!Drop-in activity, online booking available(please ensure the correct date and time isselected). T: 0121 348 8263.Kids Jewellery WorkshopMuseum of the Jewellery Quarter B18 - 12noon and 1pm - 3pm. Have a goat making your own piece of jewellery withthe help of a friendly learning officer inthis special children’s jewellery workshopactivity. Recommended for ages 8 and up.Children must be accompanied by at leastone adult. Due to limitations on space,no more than 2 adults per booking. Prebooking is essential. T: 0121 348 8263.20 February – 22 FebruaryGet Involved: Spring 2020 - The StormWhaleWarwick Arts Centre CV4 Families are invited tocontribute to a community mural in theCreative Learning Space inspired byThe Storm Whale. See website for moredetails. T: 024 7652 4524.Escape GameSt John’s House CV34, 11.30am, 1pm, 3.30pm, 5pm and6.30pm. Returning to St John’s House aftera sold-out run-in autumn 2019. Challengeyourselves to solve puzzles, crack codesand find hidden treasure before yourtime runs out. Set in the Edwardian era,this escape room-style game will testyour skills and team-work as you find themissing present. Game lasts up to 45minutes. Please arrive no more than 15minutes before your time slot. Suitablefor 2-6 players, ages 7+. £25 per team.Booking required. T: 01926 412069.21 FebruaryFabulous Fiver Friday FT TheBudbrooke ChaseWarwick Racecourse CV34 This is the bargain of the season,as entry to your favourite racecourse isjust a £5. The day features great racingincluding the valuable Budbrooke Chaseand falls during half term so there islots of entertainment lined up for theyounger racegoers amongst you. Perfectyour arts and craft skills with ‘make andtake’ activities including rosette making,papercraft and horse hoppers. T: 01926405560.Tall Tales: Rapunzel FamilyStorytelling TourAston Hall B6 -12.15pm and 1-2.15pm. Swoosh!Come along for an interactive telling ofthe traditional story of Rapunzel. Findout why Rapunzel was taken from herparents, learn about the witch who usedher magic unwisely, climb the stairs tosee Rapunzel’s room in the tower andhear about the Prince who tried to helpRapunzel escape from the enchantedtower. Before you go, we’ll create a perfectphoto opportunity, so you can take aphotograph of your little one as a memoryof your day. Pre booking is essential.T: 0121 348 8263.Pancake DaySarehole Mill B13 A celebration of the humblepancake. Come along for this day ofbaking themed family fun includingpancake baking, races and trail. Entryfee to site applies as activities arethroughout the site (there is no freeentry into the grounds on this day). Prebookingis recommended.T: 0121 348 8160.Crafty Fridays: Story SticksWeoley Castle Get creative over this halfterm and make your very own story stick.Join friendly volunteers and use a varietyof materials to create your story stick,use coloured string, craft materials andadd some greenery from Weoley Castleto tuck under the string, to make yourstory. Children must be accompaniedby an adult.£2.00 per child. Free forBirmingham Museum Members. Drop-inevent, online pre-booking is available. T:0121 348 8140.23 FebruaryMini Masterclass: SLAP, BANG,WALLOPAn Introduction to Unarmed Stage CombatWarwick Arts Centre CV4 and 1.30pm. These MiniMasterclasses are designed to offeryoung people the opportunity to mastera new skill. SLAP, BANG, WALLOP is anIntroduction to Unarmed Stage Combat for8 – 16 year olds. Led by a BADC CertifiedStage Combat teacher and Fight Director,participants will learn the techniques ofunarmed stage combat including punches,slaps and falls with the chance to learn ashort fight scene to show each other andfamily at the end. 100% physical and 100%fun. See website for more details.T: 024 7652 4524.Frosty Dens and ToastyMarshmallowsKingsbury Water Park B76 - 12noon. Come and have somefun building a den from natural materialsin the woodland. You will then toast amarshmallow over a small campfire. Anevent for children aged from 5 years, whomust be accompanied by an adult and willneed supervision during the activity. Wearold, warm clothes that can get muddy. Seewebsite for booking details.Creative Sunday WorkshopsThe Barber Institute B15 and 1.30-3pm. Soapy SaintCarvings. Meet our new sculpture of StJames the Great and carve your own saintfrom a bar of soap. Session 1 for ages 4-8.Skills- carving techniques, learn aboutalabaster. Session 2 for ages 8-12. Skillsfinedetail and texture, discover saints in art.Booking required. See website for details.T: 0121 414 7333.24 February – 23 March£3 after 3pm on Term TimeWeekdaysthinktank B4 Visit Thinktank for £3 per personafter 3pm on weekdays during term-time(excluding bank holidays) T: 0121 348 8000.24 February – 30 MarchToddler Muddy MondaysUpton House and Gardens OX15 Get stuck into nature withMuddy Mondays this spring. Bookyour little one onto a unique learningexperience with Upton’s toddler forestschool. Experience the outdoors, learnnew skills and meet new friends in a safeand fun woodland environment. Adultsmust accompany their child for eachsession. Booking is essential. Admissionapplies. T: 03442491895.25 FebruaryThis makes That with These |Sprite-botsCoventry Transport Museum CV1 1JDwww.transport-museum.com10.30am-12.30pm and 1.30-3.30pm.Discover pixel art and design your owndigital sprites using ‘Scratch’. Will they looklike a traditional fairy-like sprite or will youcreate something new? Then, have a goat building a physical look-a-like “Sprite-Junk-Bot”, using a specially designedchallenge kit. You will be given the mostimportant pieces to make a moving botand there will also be a variety of everydayappliances for you to take apart and puttogether to make your “Sprite-Junk-Bot”.Designed for age 7+. Book online inadvance. T: 024 7623 4270.10FEBRUARY HALF TERM 2020 |

Primary Times Warwickshire & SolihullShocking stats on screen time, and the impact it has on the amountof time children are spending outdoors, has inspired the Heart ofEngland Forest to launch a new holiday club called WildTribe toprovide an opportunity for children to spend quality time outdoors.A survey of 2,000 parents of 5 to 12 year olds, part of Persil’s Dirt isGood campaign revealed that children today are spending less timeoutdoors than prisoners, with 1 in 5 children not playing outside at allon a typical day.With growing obesity rates and 1 in 4 children suffering from adiagnosed mental health condition, the Heart of England Forest iskeen to get children outside more often in order to improve theirphysical and mental health.Head of Learning and Skills Elaine Skates explains:“Our new WildTribe holiday club is perfect for children aged5 + who love getting outdoors, learning about nature and havingfun in the woods. Activities will be run by experienced outdooreducators/forest school leaders and will include arts andcrafts, outdoor cooking and scavenger hunts, with lots of hotchocolate and marshmallows!”l 8.30am – 5.30pm, £30 per day, online booking ClubThe Heart of England Forest’s new holiday club for childrenaged 5 years and over will be full of fun, adventure andfresh air. From bushcraft and arts and crafts to learningabout wildlife, this club will suit budding Kate Humbles andBear Grylls – in fact all children who love getting outdoors,learning about nature and having fun in the woods.FebruaryWildTribe HOLIDAY CLUB 2020 Mon 17th Feb - Fri 21st FebHours: 8.30am - 5.30pmShorter hours can be arrangedLocation: Middle Spernal Farm(Between Studley & Great Alne)EasterMon 6th Apr - Thur 9th AprTues 14th Apr - Fri 17th AprCost: £30 per child per dayBook online at: charity no. 1097110 Company no. 0430956412-20222_HOEF_WildTribe flyer_A5.indd 1 20/09/2019 13:39Party planningmade easy atJump in WarwickPLANNING the perfect birthdayparty for your child can bedaunting but booking a children’sbirthday party package at JumpIn Trampoline Park in Warwick isa popular option because theyorganise it all for you, allowing theadults to enjoy the day as well.Jump In’s award-winning children’sbirthday parties are now bigger,brighter and better than ever withthe launch of two additional partypackages including Crazy Glow Partyand the UK’s first Interactive DomeParty in Warwick.The standard children’s birthdayparty, offers a two-hour package ofnon-stop fun for up to 10 childrenand comes complete with:• Check in and safety briefing• Jump In socks for all guests• One hour to enjoy all the JumpIn facilities• Dedicated party host• Water whilst jumping• Pizza (choice of pepperoni orMargherita) or hot dogs• Plates, cups, plasticware andnapkinsA range of party extras can also bepurchased, including party bags,popcorn, ice cream and sweetpots.But essentially, all you need tobring is your guests and the cake!Jump In Warwick’s Crazy GlowParty adds some extra shine toproceedings and the 360-degreeInteractive Dome Party includes 30minutes of private ‘partying’ withsurround sights and sounds on afilm, TV show or soundtrack of yourchoice and is the perfect backdropto a themed party.Further party details are availableat: Oremail: or call01926 356290.Everyone Active Parties Copyfor Primary TimesHosting a birthday party with Everyone Active is a great way to makesure your child has loads of fun celebrating their day with their friends.Whichever you choose from our huge range of available parties, we’resure everyone will have a day to remember.There’s an enormous array of birthday parties available, including climbingparties, football parties, swimming parties, soft play parties, ice skatingparties and so much more. Whatever your preference, you, your child andtheir guests are sure to have a wonderful time.Several of our centres will allow you to cater for your party yourself, butwhy not let us take the strain and provide all the food – including theall-important cake – for your party.Meanwhile, our party leaders will look after all your needs to make sureeveryone has a great time. Most importantly, they’ll clear up afterwardstoo, meaning you can have a party for your kid with no hassle, no mess,just fun!To find out more, visit or get in touch with yourlocal Everyone Active | FEBRUARY HALF TERM 2020 11

Primary Times Warwickshire & Solihull


Frosty Campfire, Dens and


Ryton Pools Country Park CV8 3BG

10.30am - 12noon. Come and have some

fun discovering how to design and build

your own winter woodland shelter that’s

camouflaged, big enough for your team

and waterproof…. ish!! The Rangers will

be on hand to provide tips, materials

and help. When all the shelters are built

we will light a small fire and toast some

marshmallows for our tasty S’mores.

(Dairy free option available). Suitable for

children aged 3 years + although under

5’s will need additional help doing the

activity. Pre-booking essential.

Dens and S’mores

Kingsbury Water Park B76 0DY

10.30am - 12noon. Come along to build a

den from natural materials and then toast

some marshmallows over a small fire to

make s’mores (marshmallow, chocolate

and digestive biscuit sarnies). Wear old

clothes - you will get muddy and dirty.

An event for children aged 5 years and

above - please note the park is not able

to accommodate younger children on this

event. Pre-booking essential – children

must be accompanied by an adult. See

website for booking details.

Astonishing Art Activity: Sketch and


Aston Hall B6 6JD

11.30am-12.45pm and 1.30-2.45pm. Create

your own Astonishing Art inspired by

Aston Hall! Come on an exploration of

Aston Hall, sketching as you go, followed

by a clay modelling session. An active

and artistic way to explore Aston Hall, this

event is suitable for children aged over 4

years old accompanying adults. Children

must be accompanied. This activity is

not suitable for adults not accompanying

children. Pre booking is essential. T: 0121

348 8263.

Animalmania at Blakesley


Blakesley Hall B25 8RN

11am-3.30pm. Come along in the

February school half term holidays to

meet animal friends at Blakesley Hall.

The animals can include lizards, snakes,

chinchillas, hedgehogs, giant bunnies,

tortoises and creepy crawlies. Animal

Mania usually consists of around 8 to 12

small animals that children can see and

interact with in slots of 30 minutes. Pre

booking is essential. T: 0121 348 8263.

19 February 21 February

February Half Term Family Crafts

Wightwick Manor and Gardens WV6 8EE

11am-3pm. From push-up puppets to

clay tiles - have a go at a traditional and

Wightwick-themed craft activities this

February half term. Booking not needed.

Admission applies. T: 01902 760102.

19 February – 23 February

Wilderness Wednesday - Whittling

Wands (knife skills)

Brandon Marsh CV33GW

10.30am-12noon and 1.30-3pm. Wilderness

Wednesday sessions are aimed at those

aged 8 years and up, with each week

learning or undertaking a new skill or

activity. Whittling Wands - Learn safe knife

skills and learn how to whittle your own

magic wand. You’ll be selecting your own

perfect stick from our woodland wand

shop (the woods) before, crafting it to be

the perfect shape, add your own flair to

customise the wand to your personality,

can you make the ultimate masterpiece.

See website for booking details. T: 024 76

308 912.

20 February

Marvellous Mini Beasts

Market Hall Museum CV34 4NS

10am-3pm. Become a bug expert at

Market Hall Museum, and get up close

with some mini beasts. £2.50 for drop

in activities. Meeting the mini beasts

sessions take place at 10:15am, 11am,

and 11:45am. These sessions have limited

spaces and must be booked in advance.

£5 for mini beast session, includes

drop in activities. All children must be

accompanied by an adult. See website for

more details. T: £5 for mini beast session,

includes drop in activities. All children

must be accompanied by an adult.

T: 01926 412500.

Willow Bird Feeders

Ryton Pools Country Park CV8 3BG

10.30am - 12noon. Have a go at creating

this simple but effective bird feeder

using the corn dolly weaving technique.

The ranger will show you step-by-step

and, once complete, you’ll get messy

mixing up our own wild bird food mix to

fill the feeders with. Suitable for children

aged 8 years + although some may need

additional help with the activity. Prebooking

essential. See website for details.

Floral Suncatchers Craft Activity

Blakesley Hall B25 8RN

11am-3.30pm. Make your own sun catcher

or head band in this fun craft activity!

Drop-in activity, online booking available

(please ensure the correct date and time is

selected). T: 0121 348 8263.

Kids Jewellery Workshop

Museum of the Jewellery Quarter B18 6HA

10am - 12noon and 1pm - 3pm. Have a go

at making your own piece of jewellery with

the help of a friendly learning officer in

this special children’s jewellery workshop

activity. Recommended for ages 8 and up.

Children must be accompanied by at least

one adult. Due to limitations on space,

no more than 2 adults per booking. Pre

booking is essential. T: 0121 348 8263.

20 February – 22 February

Get Involved: Spring 2020 - The Storm


Warwick Arts Centre CV4 7AL

10am-4pm. Families are invited to

contribute to a community mural in the

Creative Learning Space inspired by

The Storm Whale. See website for more

details. T: 024 7652 4524.

Escape Game

St John’s House CV34 4NF

10am, 11.30am, 1pm, 3.30pm, 5pm and

6.30pm. Returning to St John’s House after

a sold-out run-in autumn 2019. Challenge

yourselves to solve puzzles, crack codes

and find hidden treasure before your

time runs out. Set in the Edwardian era,

this escape room-style game will test

your skills and team-work as you find the

missing present. Game lasts up to 45

minutes. Please arrive no more than 15

minutes before your time slot. Suitable

for 2-6 players, ages 7+. £25 per team.

Booking required. T: 01926 412069.

21 February

Fabulous Fiver Friday FT The

Budbrooke Chase

Warwick Racecourse CV34 6HN

12noon. This is the bargain of the season,

as entry to your favourite racecourse is

just a £5. The day features great racing

including the valuable Budbrooke Chase

and falls during half term so there is

lots of entertainment lined up for the

younger racegoers amongst you. Perfect

your arts and craft skills with ‘make and

take’ activities including rosette making,

papercraft and horse hoppers. T: 01926


Tall Tales: Rapunzel Family

Storytelling Tour

Aston Hall B6 6JD

11am -12.15pm and 1-2.15pm. Swoosh!

Come along for an interactive telling of

the traditional story of Rapunzel. Find

out why Rapunzel was taken from her

parents, learn about the witch who used

her magic unwisely, climb the stairs to

see Rapunzel’s room in the tower and

hear about the Prince who tried to help

Rapunzel escape from the enchanted

tower. Before you go, we’ll create a perfect

photo opportunity, so you can take a

photograph of your little one as a memory

of your day. Pre booking is essential.

T: 0121 348 8263.

Pancake Day

Sarehole Mill B13 0BD

9am-4pm. A celebration of the humble

pancake. Come along for this day of

baking themed family fun including

pancake baking, races and trail. Entry

fee to site applies as activities are

throughout the site (there is no free

entry into the grounds on this day). Prebooking

is recommended.

T: 0121 348 8160.

Crafty Fridays: Story Sticks

Weoley Castle B29

11am-2pm. Get creative over this half

term and make your very own story stick.

Join friendly volunteers and use a variety

of materials to create your story stick,

use coloured string, craft materials and

add some greenery from Weoley Castle

to tuck under the string, to make your

story. Children must be accompanied

by an adult.£2.00 per child. Free for

Birmingham Museum Members. Drop-in

event, online pre-booking is available. T:

0121 348 8140.

23 February

Mini Masterclass: SLAP, BANG,


An Introduction to Unarmed Stage Combat

Warwick Arts Centre CV4 7AL

11am and 1.30pm. These Mini

Masterclasses are designed to offer

young people the opportunity to master

a new skill. SLAP, BANG, WALLOP is an

Introduction to Unarmed Stage Combat for

8 – 16 year olds. Led by a BADC Certified

Stage Combat teacher and Fight Director,

participants will learn the techniques of

unarmed stage combat including punches,

slaps and falls with the chance to learn a

short fight scene to show each other and

family at the end. 100% physical and 100%

fun. See website for more details.

T: 024 7652 4524.

Frosty Dens and Toasty


Kingsbury Water Park B76 0DY

10.30am - 12noon. Come and have some

fun building a den from natural materials

in the woodland. You will then toast a

marshmallow over a small campfire. An

event for children aged from 5 years, who

must be accompanied by an adult and will

need supervision during the activity. Wear

old, warm clothes that can get muddy. See

website for booking details.

Creative Sunday Workshops

The Barber Institute B15 2TS

11am-12.30pm and 1.30-3pm. Soapy Saint

Carvings. Meet our new sculpture of St

James the Great and carve your own saint

from a bar of soap. Session 1 for ages 4-8.

Skills- carving techniques, learn about

alabaster. Session 2 for ages 8-12. Skillsfine

detail and texture, discover saints in art.

Booking required. See website for details.

T: 0121 414 7333.

24 February – 23 March

£3 after 3pm on Term Time


thinktank B4 7XG

3-5pm. Visit Thinktank for £3 per person

after 3pm on weekdays during term-time

(excluding bank holidays) T: 0121 348 8000.

24 February – 30 March

Toddler Muddy Mondays

Upton House and Gardens OX15 6HT

9.30-11am. Get stuck into nature with

Muddy Mondays this spring. Book

your little one onto a unique learning

experience with Upton’s toddler forest

school. Experience the outdoors, learn

new skills and meet new friends in a safe

and fun woodland environment. Adults

must accompany their child for each

session. Booking is essential. Admission

applies. T: 03442491895.

25 February

This makes That with These |


Coventry Transport Museum CV1 1JD

10.30am-12.30pm and 1.30-3.30pm.

Discover pixel art and design your own

digital sprites using ‘Scratch’. Will they look

like a traditional fairy-like sprite or will you

create something new? Then, have a go

at building a physical look-a-like “Sprite-

Junk-Bot”, using a specially designed

challenge kit. You will be given the most

important pieces to make a moving bot

and there will also be a variety of everyday

appliances for you to take apart and put

together to make your “Sprite-Junk-Bot”.

Designed for age 7+. Book online in

advance. T: 024 7623 4270.



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