Bartolucci et al. 2018_An updated checklist of the vascular flora native to Italy

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Stachys guillonii (Timb.-Lagr.) Soldano, Peruzzi & Bartolucci subsp. hyssopifolia (L.) Soldano, Peruzzi & Bartolucci

Stachys heraclea All.

E Stachys italica Mill.

Stachys major (L.) Bartolucci & Peruzzi

Stachys maritima Gouan

Stachys marrubiifolia Viv.

Stachys montana (L.) Peruzzi & Bartolucci subsp. montana

Stachys ocymastrum (L.) Briq.

Stachys palustris L.

T Stachys recta L. subsp. grandiflora (Caruel) Arcang.

Stachys recta L. subsp. recta

T Stachys recta L. subsp. subcrenata (Vis.) Briq.

ET Stachys recta L. subsp. tenoreana Bornm.

Stachys romana (L.) E.H.L.Krause

Stachys rossii (Peris, Stübing, Jury & Rejdali) Bartolucci, Peruzzi & Soldano

E Stachys salisii Jord. & Fourr.

Stachys sylvatica L.

Stachys thirkei K.Koch

Stachys tymphaea Hausskn.

Teucrium botrys L.

Teucrium campanulatum L.

Teucrium capitatum L. subsp. capitatum

Teucrium chamaedrys L. subsp. chamaedrys

T Teucrium chamaedrys L. subsp. pectinatum Rech.f.

Teucrium creticum L.

Teucrium flavum L. subsp. flavum

Teucrium flavum L. subsp. glaucum (Jord. & Fourr.) Ronniger

Teucrium fruticans L. subsp. fruticans

Teucrium lucidum L.

Teucrium luteum (Mill.) Degen

Teucrium marum L.

Teucrium massiliense L.

Teucrium montanum L.

Teucrium polium L. subsp. polium

Teucrium polium L. subsp. purpurascens (Benth.) S.Puech

Teucrium scordium L. subsp. scordioides (Schreb.) Arcang.

Teucrium scordium L. subsp. scordium

Teucrium scorodonia L.

E Teucrium siculum (Raf.) Guss. subsp. euganeum (Vis.) Tornad.

Teucrium siculum (Raf.) Guss. subsp. siculum

Teucrium spinosum L.

Teucrium subspinosum Pourr. ex Willd.

Thymbra capitata (L.) Cav.

Thymus carstiensis (Velen.) Ronniger – Note: This species was considered as a hybrid between Th. longicaulis C.Presl and Th. pulegioides L., but it has been

recently revaluated as an independent species (Bartolucci et al. 2017c).

Thymus herba-barona Loisel. – Note: For the taxonomy of this species, see Molins et al. (2011).

Thymus illyricus Ronniger

Thymus longicaulis C.Presl subsp. longicaulis – Note: All the Alpine records of this species have to be referred to other taxa (Bartolucci and Domina 2014).

Thymus moesiacus Velen. – Note: Several records of Th. oenipontanus Heinr.Braun ex Borbás from central and southern Italy should be referred to this species.

Thymus moesiacus [= Th. chaubardii (Boiss. & Heldr. ex Rchb.f.) Čelak. var. subisophyllus Borbás ≡ Th. longicaulis C.Presl var. subisophyllus (Borbás) Jalas] is

closely related to Th. glabrescens Willd. subsp. urumovii (Velen.) Jalas. [= Th. callieri Borbás ex Velen. var. microcalyx Degen & Urum.], and further studies are

needed to establish the systematic relationships among these taxa.

Thymus oenipontanus Heinr.Braun ex Borbás – Note: The distribution of this species needs further investigations. For its nomenclature, see Bartolucci and

Scharfetter (2015).

E Thymus paronychioides Čelak. – Note: For the nomenclature, taxonomy and distribution of this species, belonging to Th. sect. Hyphodromi (A. Kern.) Halácsy,

see Bartolucci and Peruzzi (2014) and Bartolucci and Domina (2015).

E Thymus picentinus (Lacaita) Bartolucci – Note: The records of Th. thracicus Velen. from southern Italy have to be referred to this species (Bartolucci et al. 2013;

Bartolucci and Mráz 2016).

E Thymus praecox Opiz subsp. parvulus (Lojac.) Bartolucci, Peruzzi & N.G.Passal.

Thymus praecox Opiz subsp. polytrichus (A.Kern ex Borbás) Jalas

Thymus praecox Opiz subsp. praecox

T Thymus pseudochamaedrys (Heinr.Braun) Ronniger – Note: The taxonomic identity of this species, closely related to Th. oenipontanus Heinr.Braun ex Borbás,

is still unclear. In addition, both these names are yet to be typified.

Thymus pulegioides L. – Note: It is a highly polymorphic species, which is generally divided into different subspecies [i.e. Th. pulegioides subsp. chamaedrys

(Fr.) Guşul., subsp. effusus (Host) Ronniger, subsp. montanus (Benth.) Ronniger and subsp. pannonicus (All.) Kerguélen] on the basis of calyx length, leaf length

and width, inflorescence length and leaf hairiness. Considering the morphological variability observed in the putative diagnostic characters, the constant

presence of intermediate forms, the absence of any ecological or geographical discontinuity, it is impossible to justify any subdivision of Th. pulegioides in

subspecies. Waiting for further studies, we can recognize just two varieties: the glabrous plants pertain to var. pulegioides (Th. glaber Mill., Th. ovatus Mill., Th.

chamaedrys Fr., Th. pulegioides subsp. montanus (Benth.) Ronniger, incl. Th. istriacus Heinr. Braun, Th. alpestris auct. Fl. Ital.) and hairy plants pertain to var.

vestitus (Lange) Jalas (Th. lanuginosus Mill., Th. pannonicus All., Th. froelichianus Opiz, Th. carniolicus Borbás ex Déségl., Th. valderius Ronniger) (Bartolucci et al.


E Thymus richardii Pers. subsp. nitidus (Guss.) Jalas

E Thymus spinulosus Ten.

Thymus striatus Vahl subsp. acicularis (Waldst. & Kit.) Ronniger

Thymus striatus Vahl subsp. striatus

Thymus vallicola (Heinr.Braun) Ronniger

Thymus vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris

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