Albemarle Tradewinds February 2020 Web Final

February edition of the Tradewinds now online February edition of the Tradewinds now online


312 S Hughes Blvd Suite A Elizabeth City, NC FINANCIAL FOCUS The Tax Lady LLC Geri Zaler EA 252-202-5315 Registered IRS tax agent Can You Improve Your Relationship with Money? In your life, you will have all sorts of relationships – with your family, your friends, your co-workers, and even with civic groups and charitable organizations you support. But have you ever considered another key relationship – the one you have with money? Of course, this type of relationship has several aspects, such as saving, spending and investing. And your fellow Americans clearly face some challenges in these areas. For example, in a recent survey by financial services firm Edward Jones, only 21% of respondents reported that they feel happy when thinking about saving money, while 92% said they see room for improvement in their financial health. Yet only one in four plan to improve their spending habits. Furthermore, just 26% said retirement was a top savings priority. If you share some of these concerns, what should you do? Here are a few suggestions: • Identify your money-related emotions. Try to recognize the emotions you feel in connection with saving and investing. Do you get nervous about spending? Does putting away money for BATEMAN’S TREE SERVICE Stump Grinding Truck Crane Sawmill Firewood Grading & Leveling WE SPECIALIZE IN SERVICE Ken Bateman Owner Ask us about Proximity Marketing Call Scott 252-312-2302 Submitted by Chuck O’Keefe Chuck.O’ the future give you satisfaction or not? Do you worry that you don’t know how much you should be investing, or whether you’re investing in the right way? Clearly, these types of questions can cause some anxiety – and, even more importantly, they may lead you to make poor decisions. Emotions are obviously closely tied to money – but they really should not play a big role in your spending, saving and investing choices. • Develop a financial strategy. By developing a sound financial strategy, you can reduce money-related stress and help yourself feel empowered as you look to the future. A comprehensive strategy can help you identify your goals – a down payment on a new home, college for your children, a comfortable retirement, and so on – and identify a path toward reaching them. Your financial strategy should incorporate a variety of factors, including your age, risk tolerance, income level, family situation and more. Here’s the key point: By creating a long-term strategy and sticking to it, you’ll be far less likely to overreact to events such as market downturns and less inclined to give in to impulses such as “spur of the moment” costly purchases. And without such Free Estimates Trimming Excavator Service Fully Insured Storm Cleanup Home 330-4917 Office 330-4850 Cell 338-4986 The two most beautiful words in the English language are ‘cheque enclosed.’ - Dorothy Parker Grading and Landscaping, Lot and Land clearing, Road and Concrete work, Tree and Under Brush work, Driveway Piping, Pond Work, Digging and Cleaning Ditches, Storm Water Management. Fully Insured. Certified septic system installation and repair 252-426-1437 252-340-5363 a strategy, you will almost certainly have less chance of achieving your important goals. • Get an “accountability partner.” Your relationship with money doesn’t have to be monogamous – you can get help from an “accountability partner.” Too many people keep their financial concerns and plans to themselves, not even sharing them with their partners or other family members. But by being open about your finances to your loved ones, you can not only avoid misplaced expectations but also enlist the help of someone who may be able to help keep you on track toward your short- and long-term goals. But you may also benefit from the help of a financial professional – someone with the perspective, experience and skills necessary to help you make the right moves. Like all successful relationships, the one you have with money requires work. But you’ll find it’s worth the effort. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. The Downtown Café and Soda Shoppe Matthew Hassell Owner Operator Hertford, NC Chuck O’Keefe is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones. Edward Jones (252) 335-0352 Find me on Facebook at: Edward Jones - Financial Advisor: Chuck O’Keefe 301 S.Broad St Edenton, NC 252-482-8300 32 Albemarle Tradewinds February 2020

New Life of Currituck by Pastor Dan Bergey Most conversations these days seem to stem from the current political landscape we are observing. So, I thought it might be helpful to share some thoughts from the book of Proverbs in the Bible. Proverbs was written to help us gain wisdom for avoiding struggles that want to trip us. Its goal is to give the naive the ability to self-discipline in a very practical way. The wisdom we gain is based on knowing and living for Jesus. First let me break this down in the simplest of terms. This article is not a political conversation but a human one. One of the trends that can frustrate me today is the lack of attention to the world around us. Maybe it is just me, but I see and sense a lot of selfishness. Whenever I see an act of kindness and service, I will try to give the person a compliment. Whether we like it or not God designed us to be generous towards each other. “From the fruit of a man’s mouth he enjoys good, but the desire of the treacherous is violence.” Proverbs 13:2 This verse describes an important clue connected to our words about life that many of us do not want or care to think about. Many times, in the Bible food is used as an analogy to our words. Harsh and critical words are to us and others as rotten food that causes sickness in our lives. Words that encourage and build us up are like food that strengthens our body and provides energy for our soul. In a recent paper I wrote about this thought I noted that discipline and correction in proper context and relationship creates opportunity to grow. I say that because there are times when words are said in the right way but received wrong due to the heart of the person receiving them. I do not have the time or space in this article to go in depth about the differences. I do however want to talk about two important thoughts that go along with this verse that will help us today. Regardless of what side you come down on through this impeachment that is going on, I think we all must admit that this country has lost its ability to communicate properly. I am not here to say whether it comes from the top down, meaning from our government leaders, or from the bottom up, meaning our leaders are simply communicating the same way we do in everyday life. I personally think all of us need to change, and I know the language change Jesus Christ asked of me when I asked Jesus into my heart. But please remember that body language and facial expressions are 90% of our communication. So often I see individuals that change their words, but their heart is still holding grudges and they continue to serve bad food to others. Now back to the two important thoughts of this verse. One, what you say has an affect on others. I wonder if we ever take time to look and think about how our words affect others. Would you intentionally hand a plate of bad food to someone else hoping they will eat it and get sick? That is what happens more than you think it does. The worst part of is that we often do this most to the ones we say we love. In communication we say that feedback is the breakfast of champions. Asking ourselves whether the person was hurt by our words might be a good start. Being vulnerable and strong enough we might need to ask the other person if we hurt them by what we said. The other day I had to get down on my hands and knees to crawl underneath a partially opened garage door that was stuck. The homeowner heard my moaning and as they were walking back into the house they said, “It sounds like you are to old to be doing that.” I went on about my repair and when I got done and was getting paid for the work the homeowner apologized for the statement. We had a short laugh, and I said no worries because they did not hurt my feelings, I did think it was funny. Why? Because I choose everyday to enjoy life and relationships due to the emotional healing and health that Jesus has given me. We all need this desperately. The second thought is a bit more serious. Scripture tells us that what we say to others will come back and reside within us. Read the very next verse in Proverbs “the one who guards his mouth preserves his life, the one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.” So, my encouragement to you is the next time you wish to feed someone some rotten food and make them sick, ask yourself this question. Am I willing to eat this food too? May we choose to ask Jesus to help change our menus. So, in the coming months if you would like to hear encouragement from a verse in the book of proverbs please send me an email to Office - 252-453-2773 Church website - Dan Bergey - Senior Pastor In Him I Am by Ron Ben-Dov Copyright all rights reserved How do you answer, When you are asked How are you doing? Do you complain, All mealy mouthed? Spouting all the minutiae, The minor problems; The ones you think you have; Or do you break out in praise; Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Praising the, Lord God, Almighty For I am blessed and highly favored; Saved by the blood of Jesus, The mighty blood of Jesus, And in Him, I am. The author was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, December 12, 1953. Moved to New York at the age of five, and became a U.S. citizen at the age of eleven. Graduated from George Washington High School in New York City. In 1972, I enlisted in the U S Navy and was discharged in 1975. I was a merchant seaman from 1982 through 1988. In between I dug ditches, washed dishes, sold used cars, and even drove a cab. I graduated from Elizabeth City State University in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. I was a Motor Fuels Tax Auditor for the State of North Carolina, an IT Control Specialist for Gateway Bank/ Bank of Hampton Roads and retired at the end of 2015. Author of the following books: Faith Based Poetry Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron Inspiration by God, More Perspiration by Ron Inspiration by God, Even More Perspiration by Ron Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume IV Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume V Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume VI Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume VII Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume VIII Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume IX Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume X Secular Poetry School of Life 252-335-9800 Other American Legion Post 126 – Photo collection of members and activities of Hertford’s Post 126 Hertford’s Causeway, Turtle Log, and “S” Bridge – photo collection Albemarle Tradewinds February 2020 33

New Life of Currituck<br />

by Pastor Dan Bergey<br />

Most conversations these days seem to stem from the current<br />

political landscape we are observing. So, I thought it<br />

might be helpful to share some thoughts from the book of Proverbs<br />

in the Bible. Proverbs was written to help us gain wisdom<br />

for avoiding struggles that want to trip us. Its goal is to give the<br />

naive the ability to self-discipline in a very practical way. The<br />

wisdom we gain is based on knowing and living for Jesus. First<br />

let me break this down in the simplest of terms. This article is<br />

not a political conversation but a human one. One of the trends<br />

that can frustrate me today is the lack of attention to the world<br />

around us. Maybe it is just me, but I see and sense a lot of<br />

selfishness. Whenever I see an act of kindness and service, I<br />

will try to give the person a compliment. Whether we like it or<br />

not God designed us to be generous towards each other.<br />

“From the fruit of a man’s mouth he enjoys good, but the desire<br />

of the treacherous is violence.” Proverbs 13:2<br />

This verse describes an important clue connected to our words<br />

about life that many of us do not want or care to think about.<br />

Many times, in the Bible food is used as an analogy to our<br />

words. Harsh and critical words are to us and others as rotten<br />

food that causes sickness in our lives. Words that encourage<br />

and build us up are like food that strengthens our body and<br />

provides energy for our soul. In a recent paper I wrote about<br />

this thought I noted that discipline and correction in proper<br />

context and relationship creates opportunity to grow. I say that<br />

because there are times when words are said in the right way<br />

but received wrong due to the heart of the person receiving<br />

them. I do not have the time or space in this article to go in<br />

depth about the differences.<br />

I do however want to talk about two important thoughts that<br />

go along with this verse that will help us today. Regardless of<br />

what side you come down on through this impeachment that is<br />

going on, I think we all must admit that this country has lost its<br />

ability to communicate properly. I am not here to say whether<br />

it comes from the top down, meaning from our government<br />

leaders, or from the bottom up, meaning our leaders are simply<br />

communicating the same way we do in everyday life. I personally<br />

think all of us need to change, and I know the language<br />

change Jesus Christ asked of me when I asked Jesus into my<br />

heart. But please remember that body language and facial<br />

expressions are 90% of our communication. So often I see individuals<br />

that change their words, but their heart is still holding<br />

grudges and they continue to serve bad food to others.<br />

Now back to the two important thoughts of this verse. One,<br />

what you say has an affect on others. I wonder if we ever<br />

take time to look and think about how our words affect others.<br />

Would you intentionally hand a plate of bad food to someone<br />

else hoping they will eat it and get sick? That is what happens<br />

more than you think it does. The worst part of is that we often<br />

do this most to the ones we say we love. In communication we<br />

say that feedback is the breakfast of champions. Asking ourselves<br />

whether the person was hurt by our words might be a<br />

good start. Being vulnerable and strong enough we might need<br />

to ask the other person if we hurt them by what we said. The<br />

other day I had to get down on my hands and knees to crawl<br />

underneath a partially opened garage door that was stuck.<br />

The homeowner heard my moaning and as they were walking<br />

back into the house they said, “It sounds like you are to old to<br />

be doing that.” I went on about my repair and when I got done<br />

and was getting paid for the work the homeowner apologized<br />

for the statement. We had a short laugh, and I said no worries<br />

because they did not hurt my feelings, I did think it was funny.<br />

Why? Because I choose everyday to enjoy life and relationships<br />

due to the emotional healing and health that Jesus has<br />

given me. We all need this desperately. The second thought<br />

is a bit more serious. Scripture tells us that what we say to<br />

others will come back and reside within us. Read the very next<br />

verse in Proverbs “the one who guards his mouth preserves<br />

his life, the one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.” So,<br />

my encouragement to you is the next time you wish to feed<br />

someone some rotten food and make them sick, ask yourself<br />

this question. Am I willing to eat this food too? May we choose<br />

to ask Jesus to help change our menus.<br />

So, in the coming months if you would like to hear encouragement<br />

from a verse in the book of proverbs please send me an<br />

email to<br /><br />

Office - 252-453-2773<br />

Church website -<br />

Dan Bergey - Senior Pastor<br /><br />

In Him I Am<br />

by Ron Ben-Dov<br />

Copyright all rights reserved<br />

How do you answer,<br />

When you are asked<br />

How are you doing?<br />

Do you complain,<br />

All mealy mouthed?<br />

Spouting all the minutiae,<br />

The minor problems;<br />

The ones you think you have;<br />

Or do you break out in praise;<br />

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah,<br />

Praising the, Lord God, Almighty<br />

For I am blessed and highly favored;<br />

Saved by the blood of Jesus,<br />

The mighty blood of Jesus,<br />

And in Him, I am.<br /><br />

The author was born in Tel Aviv, Israel, December 12,<br />

1953. Moved to New York at the age of five, and became<br />

a U.S. citizen at the age of eleven. Graduated from<br />

George Washington High School in New York City. In<br />

1972, I enlisted in the U S Navy and was discharged in<br />

1975. I was a merchant seaman from 1982 through 1988.<br />

In between I dug ditches, washed dishes, sold used cars,<br />

and even drove a cab. I graduated from Elizabeth City<br />

State University in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting.<br />

I was a Motor Fuels Tax Auditor for the State of<br />

North Carolina, an IT Control Specialist for Gateway Bank/<br />

Bank of Hampton Roads and retired at the end of 2015.<br />

Author of the following books:<br />

Faith Based Poetry<br />

Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron<br />

Inspiration by God, More Perspiration by Ron<br />

Inspiration by God, Even More Perspiration by Ron<br />

Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume IV<br />

Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume V<br />

Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume VI<br />

Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume VII<br />

Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume VIII<br />

Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume IX<br />

Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume X<br />

Secular Poetry<br />

School of Life<br /><br />

252-335-9800<br />

Other<br />

American Legion Post 126 – Photo collection of members<br />

and activities of Hertford’s Post 126<br />

Hertford’s Causeway, Turtle Log, and “S” Bridge<br />

– photo collection<br /><strong>Albemarle</strong>TradingPost <strong>Albemarle</strong> <strong>Tradewinds</strong> <strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 33

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