Creative HEAD February 2020

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from scissor and clipper cuts to blow-drys, colour and grooming. And

with its indoor and outdoor waiting areas that can hold up to six people,

douce’s intimate design allows everyone to interact with one another. This,

Phil believes, is what makes the concept a personal experience for staff

and customers alike.

The first salon has made a home in Cambridge, the second has taken

root predominantly in Broadgate, one of London’s busiest footfall areas.

“The Broadgate neighbourhood is great as it enables us to use the

spaces, free of charge, for events, studios and meetings,” says Phil. “But

the freedom of douce and its mobility means we can venture to festivals

and weddings all across the UK and into Europe. Being mobile allows

us to migrate to different places, and the aluminium exterior reflects the

changing landscapes.”

Douce has expanded its freedom and creativity with a campaign for the

French brand K-Way. “A clothing range has always been a dream of ours,”

says Phil. “And now not only will we be selling douce branded K-Way

jackets, but we’ll soon be launching

our own debut collection. Due to


come out in summer, we’ll be on the

move in the salon, attending markets

and vintage car-boot sales.” Safe

travels, douce.



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