LWC President's Annual Report 2019

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President’s Annual Report and

Honor Roll of Donors


A Historic Year

From the President’s Desk

It is a thrill to watch the development of Lindsey Wilson College.

From our humble beginnings as a training school at the dawn of the

20th century to the strong liberal arts college it is today, Lindsey Wilson

has been in continuous motion and evolving. It’s exciting to watch

us grow and change more lives every year. In less than two decades,

we have been transformed from a college with a solid presence in

Southcentral Kentucky to a global college with students enrolled from

all over the world.

But in my 22 years as president, little has thrilled me more than

when I saw Dr. Leon Ellison become the first graduate of LWC’s doctoral

program. What was even more thrilling was the crowd’s response.

It was so moving to see how the audience responded to that

Nursing graduate Kayla Jones from Columbia, Ky., historic occasion and embraced that special moment. Tears and goosebumps

spontaneously occurred throughout the audience.

accepts her diploma from LWC President William T.

Luckey Jr. at the 2019 spring commencement

ceremony held in Biggers Sports Center on Saturday,

May 11. Jones was a part of the 2019 class of

In this 2018-2019 President’s Annual Report, you will read about

Dr. Ellison and his triumph over personal trauma that led him to pursue

a doctorate degree. You will also read about Dr. Darlene Vaughn,

nursing graduates who posted a 100 percent pass

rate on the NCLEX-RN national licensure exam.

Read more on page 7.

who began her journey at LWC’s community campus in Wytheville,

Va. Dr. Vaughn was also a member of the 2019 doctoral class, graduating

from the program during the second half of the academic year.

This President’s Report also features three young alumni who have been recognized nationally for dynamic contributions

to their professions.

Academically, LWC students continue to fulfill their intellectual and professional potential because of the amazing work

of our incredible faculty and staff. Members of the 2018-19 graduating class were among the most distinguished in college

history. Our graduates entered professions where they will change scores of lives as teachers, nurses and licensed professional

counselors. Many will continue their educational journeys to study dentistry, engineering, pharmacy and religious


LWC’s nursing program had an incredibly successful year. The nursing program was reaffirmed by its national accrediting

body, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. And for the first time in program history, LWC nursing graduates

posted a 100 percent first-time pass rate on the NCLEX-RN national licensure examination for the 2018-19 academic


Finally, LWC continues to educate more students through our innovative distance and online programs. Our School of

Professional Counseling is a vibrant presence at our community campuses across the commonwealth, and we have added

more community college partnerships in Tennessee so that more people have the opportunity to experience the transformative

power of an Lindsey Wilson education.

None of those successes would have been possible, however, without you. Thank you for your continued support, commitment

and prayers for Lindsey Wilson College and its unique mission. You are what sets Lindsey Wilson apart from the

other colleges and universities. Without your confidence and funding, we could not accomplish the important work that we

do – improving lives through the power of learning and active caring.

– William T. Luckey Jr.




Leon Ellison Becomes

the First Ph.D. Recipient

in the History of LWC

Leon Ellison wore a pair of Air Jordan shoes the day he became the

first person to earn a doctorate from Lindsey Wilson College.

Wearing the sports shoes fulfilled a promise he made to himself

when he was in high school.

“As a kid, Jordans were a sign of success in my community,” said

Ellison, who is a Cincinnati native. “If you wore Jordans, everyone

liked you. You were the popular guy or you had money and a sense of


Growing up in poverty, Ellison lived in one of the most low-income,

high-crime neighborhoods of Cincinnati. His family didn’t have

the money to supply him the basic essentials for school, much less for

an expensive pair of sneakers.

“My sisters and I grew up in a really rough situation, and we didn’t

have a lot. They called me ‘little dirty Leon’ in school because I didn’t

have the Jordans and all the stuff everybody else had,” said Ellison. “I

went to work one summer. It was my first job. I was determined I

would use the money I made to buy new school clothes and more importantly,

a new pair of Jordans.

“I remember getting my first check. I’ll never forget, it was for


$169. I walked into the house, and my mother was washing the

dishes and she was crying. I didn’t know why, so I asked her

what was wrong. My stepfather told her I needed to give up my

checks for the whole summer to help pay bills. Every check

that I got I had to give up.

“I get to work one day, I remember it was on a Monday, and

in walks another kid working the program with me and he had

on a new sweatsuit and a fresh pair of Jordans. I was so angry

and jealous of the boy -- so from that point I plotted my revenge

on the kid for the rest of the summer. The last day of

work, I was going to follow him home and beat him up and

take his Jordans. He knew what I was going to do, because

while we were walking he began to cry

and I started to feel bad about what I

was planning.

“I didn’t do it, but it was a turning

point for me. I told myself, I’m never

going to buy or wear a pair of Jordans

until I reached my goal.’ So today

(graduation day) was my first day ever

wearing a pair of Jordans.”

On Dec. 15, Ellison was the first

graduate of Lindsey Wilson’s Doctorate

of Philosophy in Counselor Education

& Supervision Program. It was the first

Ph.D. to be awarded in the College’s

115-year history.

When Ellison’s accomplishments are

added up, earning a doctorate seems

like an obvious outcome. But his road

to success was never a certainty. It was

filled with obstacles that would stop

most in their tracks as his youth was a

blur of stress, chaos and trauma.

“I had a lot of anger as a teenager,”

he said. “I had been through so much

physical and emotional abuse in my

childhood. I graduated high school with

Lindsey Wilson College created the

doctoral program in counselor education

and supervision in response to the

growing need in Kentucky to have more

doctoral-level mental-health professions.

The Doctorate of Philosophy in

Counselor Education & Supervision

launched in fall 2014 with nearly two

dozen students. Today, nearly 60

students are enrolled in the program.

“The graduation of our first students is a

significant milestone for this program,”

said program director Jeffrey Parsons.

“It is an indicator the program is fulfilling

its mission of preparing leaders for the

counseling profession. More importantly,

we are seeing students internalizing

the mission of the program and

aggressively embracing their roles as

leaders in the counseling profession.

The CES program earned national

accreditation in 2018 from the Council

for Accreditation of Counseling and Related

Educational Programs (CACREP).

a .97 GPA. I did six years of high school. I was expelled from

high school twice for 80 days each. The last expulsion was because

I smoked (marijuana) in class while the teacher was

teaching because I was just so angry. I was 18-years-old when I

did that. The principal of my high school let me back in school

when really he shouldn’t have.”

Ellison entered the U.S. Army after high school as a way to

escape his volatile environment and dangerous community.

“The military changed me, and I owe that to my first drill

sergeant,” he said. “He asked me a very important question:

‘How long are you going to keep running?’ That question and

his response to my bad behavior was so different than I had expected

-- it saved my life.”

Ellison said he always knew he wanted to earn a college degree.

So after the Army, he immediately enrolled in Cincinnati

State Technical & Community College. He soon graduated with

his first degree — an associate’s in education.

“I was working as an in-school suspension teacher where I

was also the head coach of the boys’ high school basketball

team,” said Ellison. “Most of our young men in the inner city

don’t know how to respond to certain things or have the skills

to work through certain issues. I realized I was doing as much

counselor work as coaching and my level of empathy was much

higher because I had been through what a lot of these people

were dealing with. I could hear those stories of dysfunction and

trauma and not crumble.”

LWC’s human services and counseling program was a perfect

fit for Ellison because it offers classes at his community

college. After receiving his bachelor’s degree,

he went on to earn his master’s degree

in 2013.

“The LWC community campus program

in Cincinnati was huge for me because

I had to work,” he said. “No one’s

going to give me anything. It would’ve

been hard for me to remain employed and

go to class throughout the week. The

weekend program helped me out. I was

able to work full-time throughout the

week and go to school on the weekend.”

The doctorate program in counselor education

and supervision at LWC launched

in 2014. Ellison knew that was his next

challenge, but he was also intimidated.

“I can remember my first class. I was

with all of these accomplished professors,

some of them I had quoted in papers,” he

said. “And then there were the other seven

members of my cohort who were very intelligent,

-- and I’m like, ‘I don’t know if

I’m supposed to be here.’ But it pushed

me. I knew for me to get through this I

would need to step it up and push harder.”

Ellison quickly proved that he not only

belonged in the program, but had the skills to be an exemplary

student for it.

“Successful doctoral studies in counseling requires persistence,

commitment and the ability to master the technical apparatus

of the domains of teaching, research, leadership and

advocacy,” said Professor of Counseling & Human Development

Daniel Schnopp-Wyatt who served as one of Ellison’s

lead advisors. “Leon did all this and more. Some days it wore

me out just trying to catch up to him.”

Ellison’s dissertation focused on parenting and how the socioeconomic

factor of social status affects parental efficacy.

“I wanted to see how different factors influenced parents and

caused parents to feel less efficacious,” he said. “Additionally, I

wanted to learn how parents who do not feel effective respond

to children with behavioral issues.”

LWC Director of Counselor Education & Supervision Jeffrey



Left: The pair of Air Jordans Ellison wore as he crossed the commencement stage, fulfilling a promise he made

to himself as a child. Right: Ellison with his sisters, Melvina and Tina Odum.


Parsons said Ellison’s inside knowledge of the daily hardships

encountered by inner-city children gave him the drive to learn


“Leon has been consistent in his focus within the program,”

said Parsons. “He has overcome many challenges in his life. I

think those life experiences provided him with the level of

tenacity necessary to complete a doctoral degree. He is also

extremely passionate about parenting issues and mentoring of

African American youth. I think his commitment in this area

has sustained him with a clear vision for how he wants to

apply his agree after graduation.”

Ellison has already published two books. The first was a

book of poetry, Through It All My Silent Cries Ended, a detailed

account of his childhood experiences narrated from his

perspective. He co-authored the second, Why Are We So

Angry?, It takes a look at inner-city kids and the anger and aggression

that is pervasive throughout this group of adolescents.

His third book goes hand-in-hand with his doctoral work.

“I’m currently writing a children’s book about a middle

school kid who’s behavior changed because of bullying and his

social environment,” he said. “The book is intended to help

parents understand their middle school aged kids and why they

respond certain ways.”

Ellison hopes to use his doctorate degree to change the conversation

in his community. He wants to help others to realize

that success is a choice and for some, it takes a greater amount

of perseverance to beat the odds.

“Someone once asked me, if I could go back in my life,

would I change my story all together? And the answer is no, I

wouldn’t. Because then I would not have the experiences or

the opportunity to tell the story that I’m telling today to help

other people overcome and rise above,” he said.

Ellison has made many appearances as a motivational

speaker in hopes of inspiring others with his story of resiliency

and determination. He plans to apply for faculty positions at

colleges and universities in the Cincinnati area. But first, he is

looking forward to one more major event in his life.

“In 2020, I’ll be blessed to watch two of my three sons

graduate from college,” he said. “I don’t think it gets much

better than that, I’m really proud of them.”


2018-19 Notable & Noteworthy


Longtime LWC supporter and businesswoman Bunny

Parnell received an honorary doctorate degree from

Lindsey Wilson College on Saturday, May 11, 2019, at the

college’s 109th commencement ceremony. From left,

LWC President William T. Luckey Jr., Bunny Parnell and

Lindsey Wilson Board of Trustees Chair Allan Parnell.

Appalachian Childhood Motivates

Lifelong Counselor To Complete Degree

Darlene Vaughn waved her diploma

high in the air as she crossed the Biggers

Sports Center commencement stage in


Her accomplishment was the culmination

of a lifelong career, inspired by her

love for the people of Appalachia and the

region she calls home.

Vaughn was the second person to receive

a doctorate from LWC’s Counselor

Education and Supervision Program. She

was one of two doctoral graduates in the

Class of 2019.

A licensed counselor since 2000,

Vaughn has devoted much of her life to

helping others heal from trauma and mental

disorders. She has a firsthand understanding

of their challenges.

“Because of my own childhood traumas

within an impoverished Appalachian upbringing,

I have a passion for psychology

and mental-health counseling,” said

Vaughn, who was born and raised in the

mountains of southwest Virginia. “My own

experiences have given me an acute awareness

of the human ability to survive and

heal from the travails of the world.”

Vaughn received a bachelor’s in psychology

from Sangamon (Ill.) State University

in 1987 and a master of medical

science in pastoral counseling from the

University of Sedona (Ariz.) in 2000. After

a change in Virginia licensing requirements,

Vaughn attended LWC’s community

campus in Wytheville, Va., graduating

in 2013 with a master’s in counseling and

human development.

When LWC’s doctoral program

launched in 2014, she was determined to

be part of the first cohort.

“Being a student in this program fulfills

a career goal and lifelong dream for me,”

she said. “What a wonderful opportunity to

be a part of the launch of a new Ph.D. program

in my field of study.”

With more than three decades of counseling

experience, Vaughn’s resume includes

counseling, administration and

treatment management for the intellectually

disabled, multiply challenged and survivors

of sexual and domestic violence.

But it was Vaughn’s compassion for her

native Appalachia and work with substance

use that led her to the focus of her

dissertation – to serve clients in central

Appalachia by studying the self-efficacy of

mental health counselors with assessment

of and intervention for substance use.

“I’ve worked with adolescent substance

users in central Appalachia for the past

decade, some of whom died,” said Vaughn,

who lives in Woodlawn, Va. “Although

there is a tremendous amount of resilience

in this extremely impoverished area, cultural

mores remain intact that predate the

settlement of the United States, fueling a

pandemic of substance use.”

Vaughn completed LWC’s doctoral program

in just over four years. She says the

LWC faculty and staff set an example for

service-learning, love of students and their


“As a member of the initial cohort, CES

faculty consistently demonstrated a

tremendous amount of transparency, ethical

leadership, professional identity as academics

and creative license throughout the

process,” she said. “They encouraged independent

research and scholarly pursuits,

and taught us that it’s okay to both succeed

and fail.”

Vaughn completed program requirements

in March. And at the beginning of

the 2019-20 academic year, she began

teaching for the counselor education and

supervision doctoral program. She hopes

to continue speaking, consulting and has

plans to publish her dissertation.

“My greatest reward upon finishing this

degree has been my personal growth in life

purpose through an atmosphere of encouragement,

accountability and love,” she



Harris Named to

Lindsey Wilson College

Board of Trustees


When LWC alumnus Bruce Harris was asked to join the

Lindsey Wilson College board, he couldn’t answer right away.

“Frankly, it was so overwhelming that I didn’t have an immediate

answer,” he said. “It wasn’t that I didn’t think it was a

good idea or because I didn’t want to do it, it was because I

couldn’t possibly comprehend what he was asking.”

LWC President William T. Luckey Jr. approached Harris

about joining the Board of Trustees during Founders’ Day in

April. Harris eventually accepted

the offer, and in October he was

appointed to a three-year term. He

will serve on the Development

Committee and the Buildings and

Grounds Committee.

A native of Bandana, Ky., Harris

graduated from LWC in 2008

and earned his doctorate of pharmacy

from Samford (Ala.) University

McWhorter School of Pharmacy in 2012.

Upon graduation Harris began working for American Pharmacy

Cooperative Inc., where he developed strategies to address

performance measures and explored opportunities to

broaden the scope of practice for community pharmacists by

providing direct care services to patients. He currently is the

medical clinical pharmacy manager for Blue Cross and Blue

Shield of Alabama, where he has been instrumental in developing

a state-wide patient care integration program that places

value on the pharmacists’ role.

Because of his contributions to pharmacy associations and

communities, Harris was named Distinguished Pharmacist of

“What surprises me most is

the sense of ownership and responsibility

that I now feel for


Bruce Harris

Class of 2008

2019 by the Alabama Pharmacy Association for individual excellence

and outstanding service to the profession.

“That too was a bit surreal because the nature of my work.

Any recognition that I get is not a reflection of me but of the

people that I get to work with and work for,” said Harris. “They

are the ones on the front lines making the changes. I’m just in a

position where I can think about the changes that we could possibly

make and present it to them. That award has my name on

it, but it’s the profession’s award.”

Although he makes his home in Birmingham,

Harris visits Columbia often. He attends

Columbia Christian Church when in

town, and he is a regular at LWC events and


“No one knows LWC better than our students,

so it was a no-brainer adding Bruce

to the LWC Board of Trustees,” said President

Luckey. “He has been actively caring

about this institution every day since his graduation over a

decade ago. He has made outstanding contributions to his profession,

and I’m certain he will contribute to Lindsey Wilson in

the same way.”

And while Harris is honored by his appointment to the LWC

board, he understands the gravity of accepting the position.

“What surprises me most is the sense of ownership and responsibility

that I now feel for LWC,” he said. “It is a paradigm

shift. It is no longer just a college where I went and I made

friends and had a life-changing experience. It’s now a part of

my responsibility, and I’ve got an obligation to do something

about it in a much different fashion than I once did.”


2018-19 Notable & Noteworthy

Graduates of LWC’s

Nursing Program

Post 100 Percent

Pass Rate on National

Nursing Exam

For the first time in program history, Lindsey Wilson College nursing graduates posted a 100 percent pass

rate on the NCLEX-RN national licensure examination for the academic year 2018-19, marking a milestone

for LWC’s baccalaureate nursing program.

The results are preliminary. The 2019 NCLEX pass rates will be reviewed by the Kentucky Board of Nursing

(KBN) Education Committee in March of 2020 and formally accepted in April.

“The 100 percent pass rate among our 2019 graduates can be attributed to the hard work put in by our

students and our faculty,” said Vice President for Academic Affairs Trish Parrish. “Endless hours of studying

along with improvements to the program's curriculum have made this possible.”

A total of 17 candidates passed the examination on their first attempt, placing the Lindsey Wilson nursing

program among few institutions to accomplish this goal. Parrish says this wouldn’t have been possible

without the dedication of the nursing faculty and administration.

“This accomplishment demonstrates that our nursing program has faculty and administration dedicated to

enhancing the nursing profession and who are willing to do what is needed to prepare the next generation

of nurses for Kentucky.”

The National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN exam) is the testing standard used to qualify a

nurse’s knowledge and ability in patient care upon graduation from an accredited nursing program. Every

nurse seeking to become registered is required to pass the rigorous exam to practice in the profession.

“This is a milestone moment for the Lindsey Wilson nursing program,” said LWC Division of Nursing Chair

Emiley Button who has been with the nursing program since its inception in 2009. “We are so proud of our

faculty and students. This achievement speaks well to the value of a liberal arts nursing education.”

According to the Council of State Boards of Nursing, the nationwide pass rate for first-time exam takers

was 89.7 percent in 2018.

And Parrish says that Dr. Emiley Button deserves much of the credit for leading this young nursing program

to this accomplishment.

“Dr. Button should be recognized for her leadership, which has helped our program become more focused

on student achievement, while not lowering expectations, said Parrish.”



2018-19 Notable & Noteworthy

Three students from LWC’s Doctorate of Philosophy

in Counselor Education & Supervision Program

earned national recognition by placing first in an

ethics essay competition hosted by the American

Counseling Association. The Ph.D. students received

their award at the ACA Conference and Expo held in

New Orleans on March 29. Pictured, from left to right,

CEO of the American Counseling Association Richard

Yep, LWC Director of Counselor Education & Supervision

Jeffrey Parsons and LWC doctoral student Connie

Elkins from Richlands, Va. Team members not

pictured: Sherry Miller from Louisville, Ky., and Jay

Tift from Brentwood, Tenn.

The Bonner Scholars traveled to San Miguel Escobar,

Guatemala during 2018 fall break. This was the

first time the LWC Bonners Scholars participated in

a group nternational service experience. The

students worked with coffee farmers and

cooperatives through the De la Gente organization.


Emma Cooper from Rockholds, Ky., represented

LWC at the 89th-annual Kentucky Mountain Laurel

Festival in May. Her escort was student body

president Jakob Beckley from Pleasureville, Ky.,

who won the award for best escort.

More than three dozen LWC students spent spring

break on service-learning trips. Bonner Scholars

traveled to St. Augustine, Fla., to serve at

various non-profits in the area. Students from

LWC’s Christian ministries program served at

Second Harvest in Knoxville, Tenn.

The LWC 2018-19 student body was one of the

more talented and academically gifted in college

history. Graduates received acceptance to a number

of professional programs across the state.

From left, Troy Warren from Columbia, accepted to

UK School of Pharmacy; Kate Durham from Columbia

and Jacob Burroughs from Lexington, Ky., were

accepted to University of Louisville School of Dentistry;

and Kaytlyn Sharp from Edmonton, Ky., and

Cole Bedwell from Brownsville, Ky., were also accepted

to UK School of Pharmacy.

National Champions

LWC senior Brett Bradford, left, from Byron, Minn.,

and sophomore Brandon Reed from Louisville, Ky.,

won individual national titles at the 2019 NAIA

Wrestling National Championships held in Des Moines,

Iowa in March. Bradford won at the 165-pound class

and Reed took home the Heavyweight crown after they

both finished a perfect 5-0 for the tournament. As a

team, Lindsey Wilson wrestling posted a second-place

finish at the national championships.

The Lindsey Wilson softball team won the 2019

Mid-South Conference Tournament Championship

by defeating Campbellsville (Ky.) The victory is

LWC softball’s first tournament title since 2015 and

the programs eighth all-time.

LWC senior Kevin Hallmon from Hinesville, Ga., is a

two time individual national champion after winning the

men’s indoor track & field 200-meter dash in March

and the men’s track & field 200-meter dash in May.

Lindsey Wilson College Board of Trustees Chair

Allan Parnell of Louisville, Ky., presented a facsimile

check of $1.4 million to LWC President

William T. Luckey Jr., at Blue Raider Stadium on

Saturday, Sept. 15, 2018.

Parnell pledged that if the LWC received gifts

from 3,000 donors during the 48-hour period of

Sept. 11-12, he and other members of the LWC

Board would add $1 million to scholarship aid.

The two-day campaign, dubbed "All In For LWC,"

attracted 3,572 gifts totaling more than $1.4 million.

Since the Chair's Challenge began in 2014,

the number of donors has increased by 2,912

and the total dollars raised has increased over

$1.2 million.


Two Lindsey Wilson Alums

Recognized On the National

Stage For Innovative Business

Plan That Solves an Age-Old

Pharmacy Problem

Kailyn Conner, left, and John Brown, middle,

are joined by fellow teammate Noor Naffakh.

The trio won first place in a national business

plan competition.


Two LWC alumni were part of a three-person team that

took home first place in a national business plan competition

for graduate and professional students in May.

Kailyn Conner and John Brown, who are students in the

University of Kentucky pharmaceutical sciences doctoral

program following the pharmaceutical outcomes and policy

track, were joined by fellow pharmacy student Noor Naffakh

to develop a business plan for the Pharmacy Quality Alliance’s

Healthcare Quality and Innovation Challenge.

“We got an email just randomly from the director of our

graduate program, and we immediately became really interested

in competing,” said Conner, who earned a mathematics

degree from LWC in 2014. “So we recruited Noor, who is a

current UK pharmacy student, as our third teammate, and she

made tremendous contributions to the competition.”

The trio presented a business plan for a technology-driven

solution to a real-world pharmacy quality issue -- patients

who fail to pick up their prescribed medications and how

pharmacists communicate that information back to the prescriber.

“Primary medication nonadherence is the technical term

for it,” said Brown. “There isn’t an efficient way for pharmacists

to communicate with prescribers in instances where a

prescription doesn’t get picked up. We tried to think of a solution

to mitigate that issue.”

Conner said their solution would include the development

of a software plugin that will enable pharmacies to customize

their existing software systems.

“There were a lot of pieces that John was able to contribute

because he has worked in the field,” says Conner. “He

understood the workflow of a pharmacy and Noor contributed

to that knowledge as well. They knew the functionality

of the systems that were already in place, and we played

off those. We really tried to utilize everyone’s strengths in the


The team learned in early spring they had made it into the

top three. In May, they presented their idea at the annual

Pharmacy Quality Alliance meeting in Baltimore, Md.

“We presented our business proposal in ‘Shark Tank’ fashion,”

said Brown, who earned a biology degree from LWC in

2013. “Noor began by restating the problematic issue, and

Kailyn and I presented the implementation plan and the business


The UK team beat out teams from the pharmacy schools at

the University of Arizona and the University of California at

San Francisco.

“I think for all three of us, it was a testament to taking a

risk and putting something out there and not being afraid to

take a leap into unfamiliar territory,” says Conner. “Seeing

what became of it was one of those things where if we submitted

and it did well then it was fantastic and an amazing

experience. But, if it didn’t go anywhere, there was no harm

because we tried.”

Conner and Brown, both of whom grew up in Albany, Ky.,

often joke about following one another to different institutions.

They have been partners in their educational pursuits

since before their days at LWC.

“It’s fun to think back over the years to all of the times

Kailyn and I have traveled and competed together,” said

Brown. “From academic team to LWC Singers to our current

endeavors, we’ve found success as teammates many times.”

Brown is currently a second year student in the doctoral

program. He continues to work part-time as a pharmacist and

hopes to blend his clinical and research training in future


And Conner is in her third year in the doctoral program

and has finished all but the dissertation. She said she looks

forward to completing her degree and entering academia fulltime.

“I am really interested in contributing to students’ lives in

the same way that my life has been fed by teachers, just encouraging

me and mentoring me along,” she said.

2018-19 Notable & Noteworthy

LWC ended 2018 with a pair of accreditation renewals. The LWC nursing program was reaffirmed by its

accrediting body, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). And the education division

received renewal from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) in late fall.

Left: Members of the 2018 nursing cohort pose after receiving a white coat which symbolizes their

official entrance into the nursing program. Right: Biology education graduate Carlyn Causey from

Louisville, Ky., accepts her diploma from LWC President William T. Luckey Jr.

Become a member of the




a Phenomenal

Future at LWC

The Lindsey Wilson College Board of Trustees invites you to become a member of the “Fabulous 500 for a Phenomenal

Future at Lindsey Wilson.”

This estate-planning initiative is prompted by the fact that over the next 25 years more than $68 trillion in wealth

will be transferred from one generation to the next in the United States. That presents a huge opportunity for individuals

and charities. Not only will Americans transfer wealth to family members and loved ones, they also have an exciting

opportunity to create estate plans that support charities important to them.

Currently, 333 individuals have remembered LWC in their estate plans. To reach 500, we invite a minimum of 167

more individuals to engage in a conversation with us about how they can remember the College in their estate plans,

which will help secure the College’s future. It’s exciting to note that since May 1, 11 new individuals have joined the

Fabulous 500 because they notified us that LWC has been included in their estate plans.

You can join this elite group by simply remembering the College with a percentage or cash bequest in your will.

You can also join by doing something a bit more involved, such as making a gift of life insurance or a trust instrument.

Everyone’s situation is different, and we are happy to engage a conversation and, if needed, guide you toward

the right professional advice.

Together, we can join together to help ensure that LWC continues to be a college of opportunity for all students.

To learn more about joining the “Fabulous 500 for a Phenomenal Future at Lindsey Wilson” contact a member of the

Development Staff at our office number, 270-384-8400, or email us:

Kevin Thompson

VP for Development


Brady Button

Director of Major Gifts


Hannah Peck

Director of Alumni Relations


Gerald Chafin

Director of Church Relations



Fiscal Year: July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019

The Lindsey Wilson football team defeated

Campbellsville (Ky.) University 21-4 in the Battle

of Highway 55 in Campbellsville on Nov. 3. 2018.

This was the third consecutive win in the series

and the fourth of their last six against their MSC


In conjunction with the military science minor,

more than two dozen students have joined the

newly launched LWC Army ROTC program.

Led by LWC Dean of the Chapel and U.S. Army

Reserve Retired Colonel Terry Swan and Associate

Professor of Communication and retired U.S.

Navy officer Dan Koger, the program offers

students a chance to study and serve after they

complete their degree.

LWC has been designated as a military friendly

school since 2017 .


Debt has steadily declined 36% in the past five years.

The endowment has increased 31% in the last five years

LWC captured its eighth straight

Mid-South Conference President's Cup

following the completion of

regular-season play in the spring.

The spring edition of the MSC President's

Cup standings included archery,

baseball, men and women's golf, softball,

men and women's tennis, and men

and women's outdoor track & field.

A total of 10 LWC students were honored in April for their leadership skills and contributions to the LWC

community at the eleventh-annual L3 banquet. L3 – which stands for Live, Learn, Lead – is a program

that encourages and recognizes student leadership throughout the college. Back row, from left: Logan

McMahan from Elizabethtown, Ky.; Paul Payton Veraldi from Chatsworth, Ga.; Kohl Dodd from Louisville, Ky.;

Bryson Jones from Stamping Ground, Ky.; and Jakob Beckley from Pleasureville, Ky. Front row, from left: Carlyn

Causey from Columbia, Ky.; Airada Bricker from Elizabethtown, Ky.; Christy Antle from Russell Springs, Ky.;

Grace Blomstedt from, Red Oak, Iowa; and Gabby Pyles from Campbellsville, Ky.


2018 - 2019



All donors listed have given from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019


Membership in The Catherine Wilson Heritage Society is open to all alumni and friends of the college who fulfill one or more of the following conditions:

1. Remember Lindsey Wilson College in a will/bequest;

2. Designate Lindsey Wilson College as owner or irrevocable beneficiary of an insurance policy which accrues cash value and has a policy face value

of $25,000 or more;

3. Name Lindsey Wilson College as beneficiary of a trust instrument such as charitable remainder;

4. Name Lindsey Wilson College as beneficiary of a retirement plan such as 401K or an Individual Retirement Account (IRA);

5. Enter into a charitable gift annuity agreement with Lindsey Wilson College.

Other planned gifts, such as life-estate, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.






Dr. Jann Aaron

Hall Abston

Guy Adams

Dr. L. Dean and Valerie Murrell Adams

Daniel L. Antle

Nila Richards Antle

Melissa Saunier-Arnold

Julia Baker*

Mary Balfour

Clifton and Ellen Banks

Dr. Henry Baughman*

Drs. John B. and Lucretia Chilton Begley

Phil Allen Bertram

Dr. Covella Biggers

Duane Bonifer

Fred and Dr. Betty Bruton Brown

Junius E. Bryant

B.J. Burnett

Dr. Thomas P. Carter

John Cauley

Beth Challman

John and Cathy Pence Chowning

Linda Hughes Clark

Randall Clauson

Lee S. Clore

Jeanette Madison Coates

Josh Connor

Doyle Pete Cornett, Jr.

Nina Crutcher*

June W. Daugherty

William F. Davenhall

Dr. Donald B. Davis

The Reverend Raymond and Rita Deason Jr.

Dr. Bruce and Geraldine Dod

Pamela Donnelly

Barry and Leslie Dunn

Linda LeVally Early

Dr. William R. and Kathleen Edwards

Chris D. and Lindsay Estes

Judith R. Ford

Mark and Denise Fudge

James R. and Helen Fugitte

George Gaddie

Peter O. Gante

Jerry and Elaine Garver

Dennis George

Kenneth George

Kerry Michael and Bonnie Givens

Dr. Julia Goodin*

Dr. Robert R. Goodin

Charles H.* and Christine Greenman

Dr. Vera G. Guthrie

Ronald E. Heath

Dr. G. Edward Henry

Norma Hodge

Dr. Vernon and Pat Hodge

Sam B. Holmes

Kenton W. Hopper

John E. Howery

Dr. Emily W. Hundley

Gregory and Mary Johnson

Kyra W. Ketron

Linda Underwood King

Dr. George R. and Vonnie J. Kolbenschlag

Naomi Evlyn Komosa

Evelyn Larsen

Jeroldine Lawhorn

Dr. Hilda G. Humphress Legg

Dr. Jeremy and Mary Lord

Drs. George M. and Sue Luckey

Dr. William T. and Elise Hendrickson Luckey

Dr. Pete and Dixie Mahurin

Leighton and Amanda Gagel Main

Catherine Marshall*

Drs. Jerry and Kendrick McCandless

Dr. Margaret McDonald

Dr. Marshall Myers

Dr. Larry S. Nichols

Mary Oliver

Joshua Overstreet

George and Teresa Page

Larry Parker

Drs. Allan and Bunny Parnell

Bonnie K. Payton*

David and Lauri Perry

G. Trudy Perry

Tula Peterson

Dr. John and Jeanette Pierce*

Dr. James J. and Patti Pike

Frances E. Polston

Russell Polston

Willis and Traci Luckey Pooler

Mary Ellen Pruitt

Keith and Mary Stovall Radford

Dr. Paul D. Ransdell

Steve and Lisa D. Sanford

Brian and Melanie Shirley

The Reverend Kenneth Simpson

The Reverend Travis L. Smith

Dr. Frances Smothers

Esther G. Sparks

Joe Sparks

William H. and Sharon B. Steele

Dr. Sue Cravens Stivers

Alec G. Stone

Drs. Terry W. and Cinda Swan

Catherine Thomas*

Kevin A. and Donna Beth Thompson

Dr. Cal and Margaret* Turner

John C. and Lynn C. Upton

Dr. Robert H. Wade II

Richard L. and Mary Ann Wagner

Maxine Walkup Walker

Freida B. Waller

Mark B. and Cindy Weaver

Carol Weddle

John B. Wethington

Christine Whitaker

Oredia Whitaker

Mearlene Hendricks White

Kenneth Whitfield

The Reverend David G. and Win Wilde

Robert C. Wilson

Dr. M.A. and Portia Winchester

Jeanette Russell Wortham

* Deceased



Brown Lee Adams

Julie Adams

Clifford B. and Faye Amos

The Reverend Norman and Dora Antle

Dr. Lawrence A. and Fritz Appley

W. Cashman Ayer

Dr. Harold Baker

Dr. Truett Beighle

Virginia Belcher

Emogene Bewley

James C. Blair

Bob Taylor Blakeman

Ruth Ann Bottom-Antle

Martha Bertram

Myrl and Marcella Clark Brashear

Ruth S. Brewer

Addis Britt

Vernon H. and Pearl E. Brown

Sarah Burger

Kathleen Bush

Julialice Carter

Dr. Tim Lee Carter

Susie Caswell

Dr. Merrill Challman

The Reverend James D. and

Marilouise Chamberlain

Mary Chandler

Dr. Charles L. Childers

Anson E. Christian

James W. and Frances Compton

Joyce Cooley

The Reverend C. L. Cooper

Dr. C. Vernon Cooper

The Reverend Frank Cox

Kenneth Cuzner

Elmer Dalton

Bobbie Davis

Mary Burton Denton

Eunice Dishman

Magdalene Dudgeon

Elizabeth F. Duncan

William M. Dunn II

Mose W. Dunning, Jr.

W. Norris Duvall

Nancy Eastridge

Dr. Tom D. and Rowena Fritz Everett

Nellie Fish

Helen Gilpin Flatt

Ruby A. Whitney Flowers

The Reverend Chandler Ford

Daniel Foudray

August Fowler

Olive Freeman

The Reverend Edge N. Gamble

Marie Dorsey Garrett

Lorene Gilliam

The Reverend S. Ray Gilliam

Dr. Ronald D. Glosser

Donna Patterson Goad

Elva Goodhue

Carol Goodin

Violet Graben

Margaret E. Graham

Dr. Walter Graham

Carl S. Gribbins

Fred Gribbins

Katherine B. Groves

Lillian Hale

James S. Harris

Marvin Harvey

Jean B. Hatcher

Nancy Hayes

Ginny Heath

Matilda Heileman

Pearl Helm

Margery Mathis Henderson

William Glenn Henderson

Dr. Charles Victor and

Josephine “Jo” Antle Henry

Martha Henry

Billie Hensley

Isham Hensley

Thelma Hill

Jo S. Hoefelman

Leona Holland

John Hollenbach

Dr. Robert L. and Doris Holloway

Allene McKinney Holmes

Dr. John B. Horton

Marie Horst

The Reverend O. N. Hoskinson

Ervin Houchens

Martha Howard

Dr. F. Bennett and Carolyn Hulse

Elisabeth Hummel

J.P. Hundley

Mattie Hyams

Kathryn Ishmael

Guy G. Jeffries

Dorothy D. Jones

Walter M. and Lois G. Jones

Dr. Carolyn J. Keefe

Dr. Thomas Kendall

George Kern

Frances Kimbrough

Annette Knight

Emmett Kottke

Dr. Ferris I. Larsen

J. Alton Lawhorn

Maxine Moss Leinart

Dr. Henry and Mary Ellen Lilly

Betty Lincoln

Dr. Cecil P. Major

The Reverend Marietta Mansfield

James A. Martin

Robert T. and Sally Ovalene Martin

Royce McBeath

Elizabeth W. McCarty

Bill and Allene Willis McClendon

Dr. L. Rodford McDonald

Anna Zoe McMichael

Adrian B. McRee

L.A. Miller

Dr. Thomas Miller

Jimmie Montgomery

Vada T. Monroe

Mary Ann Moss

Margaret F. Nadal

George Neill

Chloe M. Niehaus

Terry Norfleet

James O’Brien

Marguerite Orman

William J. and Eva Jane Martin Parker

Arthur C. Patterson

Kennard and Melva Peden

E.C. Pelley

Dr. Rual T. Perkins

The Reverend William F. and

Nadine S. Pettus

Maxine Polston

Roy J. Polston

Dr. Lenn Pruitt

Aleen Ensor Ralph

Robert M. Rawls

E. Mabel Reid

Abbie Ricks

Elsie Rogers

Minnie Corbin Rubarts

Al J. Schneider

Yvonne Knifley Schneider

Kathryn Sengel

Dr. Asa M. Shelton

Lucille Sleamaker

Dr. Harold J. Smith

Jean Olive Smith

Dr. Jerry A. and Carol Smith

S. Russell Smith, Jr.

Willia Smith

Vera Snider

Dr. W.K. Snyder

Lester Helm Spalding

Marilyn Dudley Sparks

Dr. Billy L. and Jayne Squires

Penny Starnes

Keith Stearns

Dr. Julius M. and Hazel Bybee Stephenson

George Stoltz

Stanley and Beatrice Hopper Stringer

Dr. James F. and Jimmie Sutton

Dr. Cyrintha Terry

Clyde Thornton

Margaret Spragg Thurman

Mary Evelyn Thurman

Elizabeth L. Trigg

Dr. Cal Turner, Sr.

Keith Venable

Drs. Werner P. and Helen Vogel

Annie Rachel Walker

The Reverend James T. Walker

Lenora Walker

William L. "Bill" Walker

Jimmy Weathers

Dr. W.A. Weldon

Dr. Hilton Whitaker

Dr. Elizabeth Lowe Whitfield

Mearlene Hendricks White

John and Layne Kinnaird Wigginton

Johnny I. and Pernie Williams

Gaines Wilson

Dr. Ralph D. and Nellie Winchester

Noma Dix Winston

Rose Woodcock

Ruel and Runa Wooten

Mary Yohe

Joseph W. Zinn

Newt Zinn





Emily Hundley President’s Home Endowment

Dr. Gary T. and Doris McKinney Lane Endowed Scholarship

Joe and Margaret Quinn Taylor Endowed Scholarship

The Jean Walters Memorial Endowed Scholarship

The Dr. Jerry Westerfield Endowed Scholarship for Theatre


The Brandon Burns Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Irene Pendleton Endowed Scholarship for Nursing

The Dr. Joseph and Dorothy Thrasher Schickel Endowment

The Jessica Smith “The Jessica”

Endowed Scholarship for Women’s Golf


Carolyn Dodson ’94 King Memorial Music Scholarship

Dr. Mark Dunphy Memorial Pequod Scholarship

Eddie and Nancy Sinclair Endowed Scholarship

Jamestown High School Class of 1949 Endowment

Vicki Main Endowed Scholarship

The Ed and Linda Marcum Waggener Writers Scholarship

Helm-Baker Endowed Scholarship


Class of ’65 Endowed Scholarship

William Campbell Endowed Scholarship


Vivian Landrum Endowed Scholarship

James P. and Bettye M. Long Endowment

Lois Cooper and Louis W. Shepherd

Endowed Scholarship for Teachers

S. Russell Smith, Jr. Endowed Scholarship

Elizabeth and Ken Whitfield

Endowed Scholarship for Nursing


Mattie B. Baker and Son’s Endowed Scholarship

Kenneth George II Memorial Endowed Scholarship

L. Carman King and Linda Underwood King Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Emil D. McAdams Endowed Scholarship

Marit B. Robb and Shelia K. Robb Nursing

Advocacy Award Scholarship


Caleb Capps Baseball Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Patricia Merkley Christiansen Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1963 Endowed Scholarship

Chris D. Estes Endowed Scholarship

Dr. and Mrs. F. Bennett Hulse, Jr. Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Carolyn Keefe Endowed Scholarship

Dr. M.A. and Portia Winchester Endowed Scholarship


Chester and Jewell Humphress Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Barry C. Stephens Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Shelly Thrasher Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Bob and Lorene Whitmer Endowed Scholarship


Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Endowed Scholarship

Olive D. Freeman Endowed Scholarship

Jerry L. and Elaine F. Garver Endowed Scholarship

Pearl Helm Endowed Scholarship

Leona S. Holland Endowed Scholarship

Shirley McKinnon Memorial Scholarship Fund

Patricia Ann Massey and Sandra Diane Lone

Honorary Endowed Scholarship

Smiley Endowed Scholarship

Marilyn D. Sparks Endowed Scholarship


Frank M. Bacon Cycling Endowed Scholarship

Margaret Clayton Endowed Scholarship

Greg V. and Teresa M. Hall Endowed Scholarship

Allan M. and Bunny C. Parnell Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Susan Patterson Endowed Scholarship

Jannetta Peers Endowment Scholarship

Robert M. Rawls Endowed Scholarship

William B. Shearer Endowed Scholarship

Dorothy "Tillie" Wood Shelton Endowed Scholarship

S. Russell Sr. and Jean Olive Smith Endowed Scholarship

Sue Cravens Stivers Endowed Scholarship

Horace H. and Wilma Thompson Endowed Scholarship


Alumni Walkway Endowed Scholarship

Gilbert M. and Covella H. Biggers Endowed Scholarship

Clyde and Christine Cheatham Endowed Scholarship

Asa James Swan Christian Service Endowed Scholarship

Charles E. Fouser Endowed Award for

Research in Environmental Issues

Walter M. and Lois G. Jones Endowed Scholarship

Julia Loy Endowed Scholarship

Dr. J. Howard Olds Endowed Scholarship

The Reverend Dr. Jerry Allen Smith and

Carol G. Smith Endowed Scholarship

Jimmie Spurling Endowed Scholarship


John and Dean Burr Endowed Scholarship

Merrill and Beth Challman Endowed Scholarship

Mose Dunning Jr. Endowed Science Award

Coach Don Green Endowed Scholarship

Mary Kloth Endowed Scholarship

Dr. John Wesley and Jeanette Pierce

Endowed Scholarship for Christian Ministries

Margaret S. Thurman Endowed Scholarship

Emily Vickers Endowed Scholarship

John and Lanye Wigginton Endowed Scholarship


William Cashman Ayer Endowed Scholarship

Boyd Lubker Oratorical Endowed Scholarship

Burger/Hummel Endowed Scholarship

Claude Lee and Dollie Beatrice Cooley Endowed Scholarship

Mary Louise Ott-Fanelli Endowed Scholarship

Katie Murrell Endowed Scholarship-Sponsor, Jerry Garver ’62

Kennard and Melva Peden Endowed Scholarship

Pence-Chowning Endowed Scholarship

Rose Willis Endowed Scholarship


Elsie C. Butcher Endowed Scholarship

J.W. and Frances Compton Endowed Scholarship

Linda Levally Early Endowed Scholarship

The Reverend Chandler E. Ford Family Endowed Scholarship

Reverend Virgil J. and Ruth Fryman Endowed Scholarship

Drs. Charles S. and Vera Guthrie Endowed Scholarship

Heath/Meneely Endowed Scholarship

Doris Zenger Holloway Endowed Scholarship

The Lenn R. Pruitt Endowed Scholarship

Reverend Alice Bondurant Scott Endowed Scholarship

M. Keith Stearns Endowed Scholarship

Sean Wright and McKaylee Gilmore Memorial Endowed Scholarship


Robert R. Goodin Family Endowed Scholarship Fund

Bob and Fran Keefe Athletic Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Adam Komosa Endowed Scholarship

Rev. R. V. and Anna Belle Matthews Endowed Scholarship


Valerie Adams Non-Traditional Endowed Scholarship

B. J. and Mary Burnett Endowed Scholarship

Awakening Christian Ministry Endowed Scholarship

Thomas D. Clark Endowed Scholarship for History

Bertha Hamilton Coomer Endowed Scholarship

Elihu and Cordelia Eastridge Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Edward L. Gambill Endowed Scholarship

Wood and Marie C. Hannah Endowed Scholarship for Music

Stanley and Lue Ella Hickerson Endowed Scholarship

Jeremy Lord Endowed Scholarship

Reverend William F. and Nadine Pettus Endowed Scholarship

Kathryn Reese Sengel Endowed Scholarship

Collins, Russell, Wortham Endowed Scholarship



Charles D. and Jeanette Bennett Endowed Scholarship

Edith Carroll Endowed Scholarship

JoAnn Vanada and Reverend J. Smiley Collins

Endowed Scholarship

Hershel Denney Endowed Scholarship

W. Norris Duvall Endowed Scholarship

W. Paul and Lillian McAllister Hale Endowed Scholarship

Coach Doug Hines Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Ernest and Betty Brown Johnson Endowed Scholarship

Lowell Reeg Endowed Scholarship

Billy C. and Faye C. Spencer Endowed Scholarship

Lewis and Mary Woodward Endowed Scholarship


Adair County Teachers Endowed Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Allen Endowed Scholarship

Norman, Dora and Joey Antle Endowed Scholarship

Tom and Rowena Everett Endowed Scholarship

William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship

Sam and Allene Holmes Endowed Scholarship

for Christian Ministries

The Keefe Family Non-Traditional Endowed Scholarship

Emmett W. and Mildred P. Kottke Endowed Scholarship

Bernice Miller Endowed Scholarship

Doug and Betty Jean Moseley Endowed Scholarship

Mary Evelyn Walker and Louise Brock Endowed Scholarship


Myrl and Marcella Brashear Endowed Scholarship

William Patterson Crenshaw Endowed Scholarship

William T. Luckey Endowed Scholarship

McKenzie/Adams Endowed Scholarship

Millennium Endowed Scholarship (Class of 1950)

Delorah Jewell Moore Endowed English Scholarship

Gertrude and Donald Perry Endowed Scholarship

Walter S. Reuling Endowed Scholarship

Dr. William W. Slider Endowed Scholarship


R.V. Bennett Endowed Scholarship

The Reverend John L. Coomer Endowed Scholarship

Orville and Mamie Miller Endowed Scholarship

Richard L. and Mary Ann Wagner Endowed Scholarship

A.P. White Endowed Scholarship


Peggy Baker Endowed Scholarship

Orville and Mamie Miller Endowed Scholarship

Doug and Alberta Richardson Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Julius and Hazel B. Stephenson Endowed Scholarship


Hendrickson Endowed Scholarship


Dr. Oris Aaron Endowed Scholarship

Junius E. Bryant Endowed Scholarship

Henry C. and Elsie B. Rogers Endowed Scholarship

Terry W. and Cinda L. Swan Endowed Scholarship


William R. and Mary Deane Brantley Endowed Scholarship

The Reverend Lester B. and Mabel Spears Carter

Endowed Scholarship

Unessis (Dee) Dewitt and Cora Vaughn Dowell

Endowed Scholarship

Varna Holt Lake Cumberland Home Health Service

Endowed Scholarship

Dr. L. Rodford McDonald Endowed Scholarship

Chloe M. Niehaus Endowed Scholarship

Harold J. and Helen H. Smith Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Ralph D. and Nellie M. Winchester Endowed Scholarship


Alumni Endowed Scholarship

William R. and Mary Deane Brantley Endowed Scholarship

Mattie Hyams Endowed Scholarship

Samuel Orr Endowed Scholarship

Noma Dix Winston Endowed History Scholarship


L. Foster and Ruth S. Brewer Endowed Scholarship

Floyd and Magdalene Dudgeon Endowed Scholarship

Ronald D. and Lily Glosser Endowed Scholarship

Asa, Allie, and David Shelton Endowed Scholarship

Cyrintha Terry Endowed Scholarship


Tyler and Mary Lula Bow Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Frank L. and Elizabeth F. Duncan Endowment

Fred Gribbins Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Louise Page Newberry Endowed Scholarship

Keith and Mary Radford Endowed Scholarship


Edward and Beulah Richards Endowed Scholarship

William "Bill" Walker Endowed Scholarship


Henry Endowed Scholarship

Keith and Katherine Venable Endowed Scholarship


Clarine Elizabeth Cooper Endowed Scholarship

The Reverend Ernest S. and Mary B. Denton Endowed Scholarship

Guy M. and Lena C. Fenley Endowed Scholarship

Aleen E. Ralph Endowed Scholarship

John C. and Nora Redman Endowed Scholarship

Lee and Gertrude Reynolds Endowed Scholarship

W. Ruel and Runa Wooten Endowed Scholarship


John C. Dorsey Endowed Scholarship

Evelyn Rogers Gamble Endowed Scholarship

Jo S. Hoefelman Endowed Scholarship

John B. Horton Endowed Scholarship

Ella and Raymond A. Kessel Endowed Scholarship

R.W. and Francis R. McCandless Endowed Scholarship

L.A. and Grace Miller Endowed Scholarship

Curtis and Beatrice Powell Endowed Scholarship

LWC/Ramseyer Endowed Scholarship

W.K. Snyder Endowed Scholarship

Leo and Betty Young Endowed Scholarship

Joseph W. and Margaret Zinn Endowed Scholarship


Marshall Rowe Family Endowed Scholarship

L.D. and Marie Squires Endowed Scholarship


LWC/Havens Endowed Scholarship


Vista and Sandidge Allison Endowed Scholarship

Helen Gilpin Flatt Endowed Scholarship

S. Ray and Lorene Gilliam Endowed Scholarship

Mary Lucy Lowe Endowed Scholarship

Mary Louise Stoltz Endowed Scholarship

L.E. and Rose Woodcock Endowed Scholarship


Corella and Bertram F. Bonner Endowed Scholarship (2012)

Jackaline C. Dunlap Horizons Endowment (2015)

Mose Dunning Jr. Endowed Science Award (2008)

Brashear/Thurman Library Endowment (2007)

Mrs. Willard May Yarberry Overstreet Endowment (2003)

Athletic Endowment for Cycling and Soccer (2001)

Begley Scholars Endowment (1997)

Steele-Reese Foundation CATS Lab Endowment (1995)

Cecil Major Athletic Endowment (1989)




Lindsey Wilson College is celebrating the philanthropy of those individuals and organizations who have made a lasting difference in helping our students fulfill

their human potential. The following societies are to recognize extraordinary cumulative philanthropy in supporting the mission of Lindsey Wilson College.


1903 SOCIETY ($10,000,000 OR MORE)


($5,000,000 TO $9,999,999.99)

Dr. Cal Jr. and Margaret* Turner

U.S. Department of Education

R.V. BENNETT SOCIETY ($1,000,000 TO $4,999,999.99)

Appalachian Regional Commission

Dr. Roberta D. Cranmer Estate*

Dr. Vince Fanelli*

Dr. Vernon and Pat Hodge

Dr. Robert L. and Doris Holloway*

S. Oden and Laurie Howell

James Graham Brown Foundation

Kentucky United Methodist Conference

Louisville United Methodist Conference

Drs. Jerry W. and Kendrick McCandless

Drs. Allan M. and Bunny C. Parnell

Dr. James L. and Mary Rogers

St. Mark United Methodist Church of Louisville

Dr. Cal Turner, Sr.*

A.P. WHITE SOCIETY ($500,000 TO $999,999.99)

James C. Blair*

F. Thomas and Barbara Conway

Joyce Cooley Estate

Cralle Foundation

Ervin G. Houchens Foundation

Tommy ’73 and Marsha Caldwell ’73 Grider

James S. Harris*

J and D Farms (Joseph Pyles, Danny Pyles)

Dr. Carolyn J. Keefe*

Kosair Charities Committee, Inc.

Lon and Jessie R. Rogers Educational Trust

Dr. Pete and Dixie Mahurin

The Corella and Bertram F. Bonner Foundation, Inc.

United States Treasury

VFW Post #6097

Kenneth W. and Dr. Elizabeth Lowe ’49* Whitfield

JOHN B. BEGLEY SOCIETY ($100,000 TO $499,999.99)

Dr. Phil R. Aaron ’70*

Anonymous Donors

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield

Dan L. ’71 and Patti L. Antle

Appalachian College Association, Inc.

Lawrence and Fritz Appley*

ARA Services

Association of Independent KY

Colleges and Universities

William C. Ayer*

Bank of Columbia

Drs. Henry* and Jann Aaron-Baughman

Drs. John B. and Lucretia Begley

Dr. Truett* and Martha Beighle

Dr. Covella Biggers

Board of Higher Education and Ministry

Myrl and Marcella Clark ’49 Brashear*

Ruth Brewer*

The Turner Foundation

Dr. Thomas P. and Julialice* Carter

Loretta G. Clark

Columbia-Adair County Industrial Dev. Authority

J.W. and Frances Compton*

Frank W. Cox*

Dr. Joan Cralle Day

Don Franklin Ford-Mercury

Richard K. and Bernice Dowse*

Paul and Jackaline Baldwin Dunlap*

Norris Duvall*

E. O. Robinson Mountain Fund

James C. and Azalie Egnew

Christopher D. ’01 and Lindsay Estes

Dr. Tom D. Everett*

Dr. Neil R. and Carrie Luker ’67 Farris

Dr. R. B. Fenley*

First and Farmers National Bank

Thelma Fowler*

Mark Allen ’81 and Denise Glass ’82 Fudge

James R. and Helen Fugitte

Lewis* and Gayle Corbin Garrison

Stanley C. Gault*

General Electric Foundation

Kerry Mike ’73 and Bonnie Givens

Good Samaritan Foundation, Inc.

Dr. Robert R. ’59 and Carol A.* Goodin

John and D. D. Hendrickson

Dr. Charles V. Henry ’51*

Norma Hodge

Jo S. Hoefelman*

David* and Henrida Holloway

Gene C.* and Shirley Holloway

O. N. Hoskinson*

Elisabeth Hummel ’36*

Dr. Emily W. Hundley

David A. and Betty Jones*

Walter M. and Lois Goodman Jones*

Dr. Thomas A. Kendall*

The Kentucky United Methodist Foundation

George and Lolita Kern Education Trust

John W. and Vivian Landrum*

Laura G. Turner Charitable Foundation

Mary Ellen Lilly*

Dr. William T. and Elise Hendrickson ’88 Luckey

Margaret A. Cargill Foundation

Skipper and Hana Lou Martin

Troy A. and Jody A. Mizell

Dr. Thomas C. ’40* and Betty W. Morrison

Eleanor T. Norfleet*

Mrs. Melva Peden

David R. and Lauri S. Perry

Dr. John W. ’47 and Jeanette Pierce*

Dr. James J. ’65 and Patti Pike

Pinewood Country Club

Dr. Lenn* and Mary Ellen Pruitt

Pyles Excavating, Inc.

Danny and Sandy Pyles

Keith ’42 and Mary Stovall ’42 Radford

Ralph E. Mills Foundation, Inc.

Dr. Donald Ramseyer*

The Reverend Howard O. and Dee Reynolds

Dr. Joseph E.* and Becky Richardson

Dr. Drura and Helen Scott*

JOHN B. BEGLEY SOCIETY ($100,000 TO $499,999.99) – CONTINUED

Dr. Asa M. and Dorothy W. Shelton*

Lena F. Sleamaker

S. Russell, Sr. and Jean Olive Smith*

Raymond G. and Susan Smith

Dr. W. K. Snyder*

Joseph E. ’63 and Marilyn Dudley* Sparks

Dr. Billy L. and Jane Squires*

Keith Stearns ’56*

Steele-Reese Foundation

Dr. Sue Cravens Stivers

Dr. James F. and Jimmie Sutton*

Sysco - Louisville Food Service

Teagle Foundation, Inc.

The Agape Foundation, Inc.

The Charles E. Schell Foundation

The River Foundation

J. Steve and Judith Turner

United Methodist Higher Education Foundation

Dr. Robert H. Wade II

Mark and Cindy Weaver

John F. and Lanye K. Wigginton ’34*

William Randolph Hearst Foundation

Gaines Wilson*

Dr. M. A. and Portia Breeding ’54 Winchester

Joseph W. Zinn*


The following giving clubs are to recognize giving on

an annual basis for a particular fiscal year.

FOUNDERS’ CIRCLE ($100,000 or more)

S. Oden and Laurie Howell

Drs. Allan M. and Bunny C. Parnell

Dr. John W. ’47 and Jeanette Pierce*

CHAIRMAN’S CLUB ($50,000 TO $99,999.99)

Dr. Julia C. Goodin ’77*

Dr. Emily W. Hundley

Kentucky United Methodist Conference

Dr. Pete and Dixie Mahurin

Dr. Jerry Westerfield

TRUSTEES’ CIRCLE ($25,000 TO $49,999.99)

Carson-Myre Charitable Foundation

Kerry Mike ’73 and Bonnie Givens

Good Samaritan Foundation, Inc.

Jo Ann Hilliker

International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc.

Lon and Jessie R. Rogers Educational Trust

Drs. Jerry W. and Kendrick McCandless

Michael E. and Annette B. Reynolds

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ($10,000 TO $24,999.99)

Association of Independent KY

Colleges and Universities

Julia Baker*

Drs. John B. and Lucretia Begley

Board of Higher Education and Ministry

Sandra K. Bowman and Dawson Cunningham


Pamela Donnelly

E. O. Robinson Mountain Fund

Christopher D. ’01 and Lindsay Estes

Dr. Neil R. and Carrie Luker ’67 Farris

First and Farmers National Bank

Hagan Scholarship Foundation

John and D. D. Hendrickson

Chris Lee Innes ’05 and Jennifer Fox

John B. and Brownie Young Memorial Fund

Evlyn Komosa

Kosair Charities Committee, Inc.

Dr. Ferris* I. and Evelyn Larsen

Dr. William T. and Elise Hendrickson ’88 Luckey

Skipper and Hana Lou Martin

Memorial United Methodist Church

Betty W. Morrison

Eleanor T. Norfleet*

Dr. James J. ’65 and Patti Pike

Scholarship Management Services

J. Brian ’98 and Melanie Shirley

Stephens Pipe and Steel

Dr. Sue Cravens Stivers

Joe W. and Margaret L. Quinn* ’56 Taylor

United Methodist Higher Education Foundation

Kenneth W. and Dr. Elizabeth Lowe ’49* Whitfield

DEAN’S CIRCLE ($5,000 TO $9999.99)

Dr. L. Dean ’78 and Valerie J. Murrell ’90 Adams

Anonymous Donors

Dan L. ’71 and Patti L. Antle

Dr. Thomas P. and Julialice* Carter

Cralle Foundation

Drs. Charles and Teresa Spurling Darnell

Mark Allen ’81 and Denise Glass ’82 Fudge

Dr. Glenn P.* and Lyndia R. Glasgow

Dr. G. Edward ’46 and Martha* Henry

Norma Hodge

Dr. Vernon and Pat Hodge

John H. and Billie J. Boyd Charitable Foundation

The Kentucky United Methodist Foundation

Linda Underwood ’67 King

Dr. Daniel Allan and Linda Koger

Lincoln County Educational Fund, Inc.

Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation

Cecil and Lynne Martin

Dr. Shilpan M. Patel ’04

Paul G. Peck ’75

David R. and Lauri S. Perry

Willis ’94 and Traci Luckey ’91 Pooler

The Reverend Howard O. and Dee Reynolds

Russell County Foundation for Scholarships

Mollie Smith

Raymond G. and Susan Smith

Asa J. Swan ’96 and Hon. Allison Joy Ball

Drs. Terry ’97 and Cinda Johnston ’94 Swan

The Community Foundation of Louisville, Inc.

University of Kentucky- College of Agriculture

Drs. Werner P. and Helen Vogel*

Dr. Robert H. Wade II

Richard Lee ’64 and Marsha Brock ’64 Walker

Dr. M. A. and Portia Breeding ’54 Winchester

Woldenberg Foundation

NOMA DIX WINSTON CIRCLE ($2,500 TO $4,999.99)

Air Force Aid Society, Inc.

Anonymous Donor

Appalachian Regional Healthcare (ARH)

Army Emergency Relief

Brown-Forman Corporation

Brandon P. ’08* and Ashley Burns

Campus Kitchens Project, Inc.

Andrew C. and Jessica Cavins



College Heights Foundation

David W. and Cynthia P. Collier

Nina L. Crutcher*

Cumberland Cellular Partnership

Cumberland Cellular, Inc. d/b/a Duo County Telecom

Elizabethtown Board of Education

George Caldwell Jr. Memorial Fund

Elizabeth R. Glasgow

Dr. Robert R. ’59 and Carol A.* Goodin

Greensburg Rotary Club

GuestHouse Inc.

Dr. Raymond Bruce Harris ’08

Hugh and Della Spear Scholarship Fund

Kentucky Farm Bureau Education Foundation

George and Lolita Kern Education Trust

Dr. Gary T. ’61 and Doris McKinney ’60 Lane

Linda LeVally ’62 Early

National Merit Scholarship Corporation

Nel Morrison Charitable Trust

Michael L. ’00 and Mila Newton

Old National Wealth Management

Christopher R. and Wendy Oliver

David and Dr. Patricia A. Parrish

Dr. Clarenda M. Phillips

Pyles Excavating, Inc.

Dr. Frances P. Smothers

Southeastern States Pupil Transportation Conference

State Farm Companies Foundation

The Columbus Phipps Foundation

Kevin A. and Donna Beth Thompson

T. J. Samson Community Hospital

Trinity United Methodist Church

B.A. "Woody" and Marcia Woodward

CYRINTHA TERRY CIRCLE ($1,000 TO $2,499.99)

84 Lumber

AAS of FM Red Cross Consistory 2

Adair County Farm Bureau

Guy W. and Jeanne Triplett Adams

Sarah B. Adkins

American Red Cross

The Arnold P. Gold Foundation

Bank of Columbia

Bluegrass Cellular

Braves 2 College Scholarship Fund

Brentwood United Methodist Church

Carolyn Strange ’63 Brockman

Brown and Brown of Kentucky, Inc.

Buchanan First Presbyterian Chruch

B.J. and Hilma Burnett

Ben ’64 and Elizabeth Burr

Brady C. ’98 and Dr. Emiley W. Button

Calvert City Lions Foundation

Stephen M. Campbell

Campbellsville Automotive, LLC

Carson High School

Casey County Alumni Assoc., Inc.

Catholic Health Initiatives

Central Kentucky Community Foundation

Dr. Gerald and Sonja Chafin

John E. ’71 and Catherine Pence ’71 Chowning

Christ United Methodist Church, Bowling Green

Clarinda Foundation, Inc.

The Reverend Samuel R. ’50* and

Barbara Salley ’59 Clark

Jeanette Madison Coates ’48

Mark E. and Maggie Coleman

Columbia Baptist Church

Community Partners of Shawnee Mental Health Center, Inc.

Connelly Kaercher Law Offices

Covenant Church International

The Reverend Dale G. ’76 and Deloris Sallee ’94 Curry

Bill and Sandy Meeker ’66 Davenhall

Dr. Donald B. and Billie T.* Davis

De Kalb Lodge No. 12

Delta Sigma Theta Sorrority, Inc.

Dizzy Dean Baseball of Alabama

Dr. Roger and Judy Drake ’12

Edward Jones Financial Advisors

Kyle Morgan Edwards ’06

Ephraim McDowell Health of Danville

Esponsor Now, Inc.

First and Farmers (Cumberland)

Forcht Bank, Lexington

Charles C. and Monica L. Fourman

James R. and Helen Fugitte

G H Weems Educational Fund

Gaddie Shamrock, Inc.

C. Cleveland Gambill

Dennis and Janet George

Goldring Family Foundation

Karen A. Govender

Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health

Henry County Board of Education

Brian P. and Debbie J. Holloway

Sam B. ’52 and Joyce McKinney ’49* Holmes

Indiana State Wrestling Association

Inter County Energy Cooperative

J. P. and W. R. Jewell Foundation

Jackson Energy Cooperative

Jeffries Hardware

Dr. William B. and Dottie Julian

John and Susan Keller

Kentucky Blood Center

Kentucky Golf Coaches Association, Inc.

Kentucky State Police

Kyra W. Ketron

Callah D. Kimball

Dr. George and Yvonne Kolbenschlag

L and N Federal Credit Union

Billy G. ’63 and Donna Quigley ’63 Lacy

Larue County Farm Bureau

Dr. Curtis Lee, Jr. ’02

Laci Lee

Lighthouse Promise Inc.

Lincoln Trail WIB

Dr. Jeremy M. and Mary C. Lord

Dr. Barry and Mary Anne Loy

Drs. George M. and Sue Y. Luckey

Russell ’70 and Janice Loy ’69 Lunsford

Charles R. ’67 and Dr. Carol Cheatham ’67 Marra

Larry and Dr. Rachel Marshall

David and Cathy Rodgers ’89 Martin

Stephen R. and Elizabeth A. Grant ’75 Martin

Dr. Timothy G. and Suzy McAlpine


Mark L. McKinnon

Lynn B. ’73 and Jean Dohoney ’49* McLean

Chuck and Tamara J. Meece ’93

William G. and Becky Meyer

Troy A. and Jody A. Mizell

Jacquelyn G. Montgomery



Anthony A. ’16 and Sandra L. Moore ’12

Thomas E. ’63 and Janice Branstetter ’64 Morgan

Betty Jean Moseley

My Heart Missions, Inc.

NASP, Inc.

Mike T. Neal ’88

Owensboro Rotary Club Foundation

Owensboro Youth Scholarship, Inc.

JoAnn Panko

Dr. Susan F. Patterson ’97

Douglas and Roberta Peterson

Dr. Mohammad Pourheydarian

R. Douglas and Tammy Pyles

Keith ’42 and Mary Stovall ’42 Radford

Dr. Michael L. Ratliff

Mrs. Walter S. Reuling

Dr. Robert and Rita McAfee ’05 Reynolds

Richard T. ’61 and Gwendolyn D. Roarke

Rogers Chiropractic Clinic

Dr. William J. and Sandy Rothwell

Dr. Ricky L. Rowe

Dr. Christopher ’01 and Rebecca Peers ’00 Schmidt

Settle Memorial United Methodist Church

Joe and Jill Smith

Somerset Hardwood Lumber, Inc.

South Kentucky Rural Electric

St. Mark AME Zion Church Outreach Program

State Street United Methodist Church

William W. Straus ’70

Diane Thiery

Selden M Daniels Memorial Scholarship Fund

Trilogy Foundation

Trimble Co. 4-H Council

Thomas G. Tuttle ’66

United Citizens Bank

USA BMX Foundation, American Bicycle Association

Mike Voss

John Walker

Chris ’01 and Amy Thompson ’99 Wells

Ray and Cynthia Antle ’96 Wells

Tom and Christie Wethington ’83

William F. and Mary H. Buckler Scholarship Fund

Curt Yarberry ’64

Tucker Yarberry ’62

YMCA of Greater Louisville

WELDON SOCIETY ($200 TO $999.99)

Adair County Animal Hospital

Daniel and Ashley Adams

Adams Excavating, LLC

Anderson’s Pizzeria

Antioch Church

John W. ’68 and Melissa Saunier Arnold

Assisted Transportation Systems

McKenna R. Aubrey

Dr. Alex W. ’08 and Joie Bailey

Ballard Co. Board of Education

Houston P. and Ophelia Lucas ’00 Barnes

Jakob T. Beckley

Robert M. and Dr. Lisa D. Beihn, M.D.

Derek and Jamie N. Buchanan ’04 Benningfield

Mary Ella Cooper ’93 Bertram

Phil Allan and Martha* Bertram

Beta Omega Alpha Kappa Sorority

Bethlehem Baptist Church of Mt. Eden

The Reverend A. Wayne ’67 and Lois Bishop

Blue Heaven Technologies, LLC

Jeffrey B. and Mary M. Bolton

James W. Bottoms

Drs. Robert B. Brashear and Debra Arnett

James H. and Victoria M. Bratcher

Benjamin F. ’61 and Susan K. Breeding

Brenda H. Bridges

David W. and Sandra E. Brock

Robert F. and Tamera Brock

Fred ’72 and Dr. Betty Bruton ’60 Brown

Jerry and Ruth E. Brown

Larry ’73 and Sheila Bryant

Nancy Officer ’49 Buchanan

Dr. Bobby W. and Christine Burchette

Barney and Mary Anna Burns

Randy J. ’93 and Miranda Burns

Joe Burroughs

Robert M. Burt

Dale and Rhonda M. Burton

Drew A. ’94 and Laura K. Dickinson ’03 Burwash

Cortez ’42* and Ruth Sewell ’42 Butler

C and C Land Surveying, Inc.

The Reverend David and Kimberly Gipson ’90 Calhoun

Sarah M. Calhoun ’19

Darrell Calvert

Michael W. Campbell

Darrell W. and Lisa Cape

Emily Carnall ’12

Garmoline Carpenter

Malcolm Carraco

Lester B. ’64* and Mabel Spears ’64 Carter

Casey Fork Cumberland Presbyterian Sunday School

James and Paulette Caywood

Central Kentucky Federal Savings Bank

Century Medicines

Certa Care Pharmacy

Louella Chaney

Kathleen Chelf

Charles and Patricia Merkley ’55* Christiansen

Lowell* and Marilyn Lacy ’56 Clark

Sam and Renee Clark

Melissa Philley Clauson

Randall Clauson

Claycomb Academy, Inc.

Wanda Brown ’64 Coleman

William G. and Beth Coleman

Melissa Dawn Coleman ’06

John ’61 and Jean Riggins ’58 Collins

Community Trust Bank

Jesse W. ’06 and Barbara Cook

Garry and Virginia Coomer

Andre A. ’04 and Amy Kirchner ’00 Cooper

Jason ’98 and Jennifer Hutchison Corbin

Sherry A. Corbin

Drs. Jeffrey J. and Jodi Crane

Chris Crenshaw

Abe R. and Emily E. Cross

C. Robert ’65and Louise A. Crouch

CRS Construction, Inc.

Marcus D. and Letitia A. Cundiff

Daviess County Public Schools Foundation

David and Melody J. Davis

Randall E. and Kathryn T. Deere

Richard and Jean A. Flatt ’58 Denholtz

Distinguished Young Women of Frankfort Inc.

John W. and Helen Dixon




Larry and Margaret Dixon

Gabriel Wayne Drake

Ann T. Jeffries Dupree

Hunter and Joyce Goodin ’61 Durham*

Sabine M. Eastham

Terrence and Lina A. Edin

William R. and Kathleen Edwards

Peggy Ellis

Tabitha M. Ellis ’90

Alvin W. and Kathleen Ensz

James M. Epperson

Glenda Reynolds ’59 Estes

James W. and Elise H. Everett

Faith United Methodist Church

Norman L. and Sharon L. Feese

Benjamin S. ’05 and Charity Milby ’01 Ferguson

Fern Creek Chiropractic Center

First National Bank of Carrollton Kentucky

First United Methodist Church of Glasgow

First Virginia Avenue Missionary Baptist Church, Inc.

Richard C. ’91 and Linda ’89 Fitzpatrick

Kermit E. Flener, Sr. ’48* Ruth Alexander Flener ’49

Betty Floyd

Don Franklin-Nissan

Friendship Baptist Church

Dean and Claudia R. Froedge

Dr. Thomas M. and Sharon Fuchs

The Reverend Montie and Teresa L. Fugate

G O Minstries, Inc.

Jerry L. ’62 and Elaine Garver

Kenneth George ’64

Robert R. and Thelma L. Gibson

Gift 4 George, LLC

Dr. Charles S. and Melissa A. Richards ’85 Giles

Bettye Sue Gilpin ’81

Perry Lee ’00 and Kimberly Gilpin

David and Lainie Goddard

David P. Goguen

Neal M. ’73 and Harriet McQuaide ’82 Gold

Grand Chapter of Kentucky

Murrell and Gertie Graves

Green County Area Technology Center

Green County Primary School

Charles H. ’48* and Christine Greenman

Tommy ’73 and Marsha Caldwell ’73 Grider

Bart Maxie Hadley

Richard and Lesa Hagan

Anthony Hale dba The Gym

Deborah Rogers Hall ’01

William J. and Julie A. Hancock

Gabriel Scott ’05 and Rachel Hardy

Robbie F. ’97 and Tobie Overstreet ’99 Harmon

John A. and Debra C. Harnage

Joseph R. ’62* and Florence B. Harner

Harrison Street Missionary Baptist Church

Robert L. and Margaret A.*51 Haynes

Nita Hesford

Kenneth W. and Sharon A. Higgins

Glen C. Hitchcock ’01

Joe T. and Barbara Hodges

Dr. Gregg and Michelle Hoffman

Houchens Food Group, Inc.

Donald A. and Linda L. Howell

John Franklin ’69 and Patricia Hoxworth

Emalene Hughes

Dr. J. Mark and Connie Huntsman

Jonathan Scott Hupp

Ray ’60 and Kay Hutchison Jr.

Innovative Colours

Jesse L. Richards Memorial Scholarship

Andre Johannes

Rodney and Beth Ann Brown ’88 Johnson

Douglas J. and Cynthia L. Johnson

Greg ’65 and Mary L. Johnson

Marty and Dianne Johnson

Tamara Al Kaluau

Dr. Ronald Kaluya ’11

Arvis Ray Kearns ’86

Dennis C. ’73 and Carolyn Sue Kemmer

Summer Kemp

Kentucky Migrant Education Association

Kentucky USA Wrestling, Inc.

Donald E. ’74 and Betty Shirley ’73 Knifley

Richard and Mary L. Knight

Joseph D. Koontz

Michael D. and Ronda R. Laney

William J. and Nicole J. Larzelere

Embry M. ’56* and Judy H. Lay

Greg W. and Michelle L. Leonard

Jarett Lettner

Michael and Lisa Lewis

Lewis Transport, Inc.

The Reverend Daniel L. Lincoln

Logan County School Sch. Endowment Fund

Bettye M. Long

Dr. Todd and Marilynn Love

Dennis ’73 and Lisa Smith ’83 Loy

Harry* and Nancy Loy

John F. ’57 and Betty Murrell ’57 Loyd

Natalie R. Lund

The Reverend Jin Ming Ma ’95

Eric Ryan ’03 and Tarrah ’02 Macbeth

Landon Potter Marcum ’19

Marie R. and Ervine Turner Educational Foundation

Marion County High School

Marrowbone Methodist Church

Rita W. Marshall

Marshall F. Loy Law Office

R.Travis and Honorable Leilani Martin

Dr. S. Ross ’05 and Leigh Ann Collins ’05 Martin

Steven E. and Dorothy A. Martin

Material Handling Systems, Inc.

Bill W. ’61 and Margaret Mauney

McCracken County Community Career Endowment, Inc.

Deana H. McDonald

Paul F. McKinley ’59

Donald L. ’66 and Bobbie Smythe ’70 McKinney

Gerald C. and Olive McKinney

John L. and Venita P. McLean

Melson Roofing, Inc.

Memorial United Methodist Church United Methodist Women

Merced Bears Wrestling

Bob and Alecia Meyer

Middle Cumberland Retired Teachers Association

L. Powell and Ashley M. Miller

Susan K. Minton

John F. and Debra A. Miozza

Phillip W. and Rebecca Holloway Morris

Mary Jo Morrow ’57

Brandt D. and Michele Moser

Dr. Kelly and Betty Moss

Ann Carter Murphy


Donald D. ’69 and Fran Neat

Nemak Innovative Lightweighting

Lafawn C. Nettles ’02

The Reverend Lawrence J. Nettles

Prudy Newton

Lynn ’60 and Nina M. Nixon

The Reverend Larry Noe ’85

Russell and Kristen Oldham

Oldham County Dollars for Scholars

Dr. Jean Oostens

Mitchell A. ’14 and Lisa Osnowtiz

Emmanuel Otsin ’08

Larry D. ’67 and Marsha Parker

Dr. Jeffrey and Lisa Parsons

Brian and Janet Peake

Hannah E. Peck ’12

John D. ’81 and Susan Peck

Tula Peterson

PG and E Corporation Foundation

Dr. Greg and Bonita Phelps

A. Codell ’76 and Pat Phipps

William and Nancy Pitt

Nova J. Johnson Plummer ’57

Todd and Tami Polmanteer

Roy J. ’54* and Frances Polston

Ponzi’s Pizza and More

Stacy and Venus Popplewell ’16

Bob and Ruth M. Porter

Bob and Janet Potter

Marty and Ragan F. Preston

Dr. Lenn* and Mary Ellen Pruitt

Danny and Sandy Pyles

Mark and Jenny Ramsey

Dr. Donald E. and Patricia Sleamaker ’53 Rankin

Harriet Reisman

Dr. Michael ’67 and Alice Rice

The Reverend Robert C. and Vivian Rice

Jeffrey D. and Ellen M. Rich ’19

Eldridge and Elizabeth* Richards

Jerry L. Richardson

Jeffrey T. Richey ’85

Robert Ervin Tax

Brandon C. Roberts ’19

Kenneth F. and Tammy Roberts

Roxanne Roberts

Dr. Kerry E. Robertson

Dr. Dennis L. and Sherry Robinson

Kevin C. and Rosemarie Rockwood

The Reverend Charles Rogers

Lawrence R. and Susan M. Rogers

Rogers Trucking, Inc.

James L. Rogers,* IV

Charlie ’65 and Mary Rosenbaum

Royal Music Co., Inc.

Corey M. and Maria Bonza Ruff

Kenny and Janet Ruff

Jimmy and Joretta Russell

Russell Springs United Methodist Church

Safe and Sound Parks and Recreation, LLC

Kassondra L. Sanford

Douglas ’67 and Jane Sapp

Tommie Ann Culver Saragas ’06

Jason Saunders

Dr. Benson T. and Kristin Sexton

Dr. Tip and Diane H. Shanklin

Robert and Ruth Shaw

Timothy E. and Rosemary Shiben

Stan E. and Sharon E. Smock

Wendell R. Shirley ’56

Daryl Shoemaker

Siloam Springs High School

Terry M. and Dee Ann Slade

The Reverend Curtis W. and Corinne Slinker

SMART Scholarship Funding/United States Bowling Congress

Reverend Michael and Sherry Smith

C. Jonathan ’00 and Shelley Brown ’96 Smith

Gloria Sotelo

Michael D. and Jill A. Souder

Dennis M. Souther

Billy ’50 and Mildred Dillingham ’50 Sparks

Malcolm S. ’54* and Esther Garner ’54 Sparks

David W. and Anita S. Spoelker

Springfield Baptist Church

William Michael and Brenda C. Stanley

Susan K. Staples

Stats Towing, Inc.

Dr. Pamela A. Stephens

Steubenville Baptist Church

Elizabeth Clark Stone Estate

Stotts, Phelps, McQueary Funeral Home

Ronald W. Stout ’67

Michael R. ’91 and Dana Herron ’95 Talley

Julie Taylor

Taylor County United Methodist Men

Clyde and Lynda Tharp

Lane M. Thompson ’17

Timothy Ervin Tax Acct.

The Reverend John and Dorothy Vaught

Chad M. Veal

Lawrence and Deborah Venturi

George J.* and Camille P. Wagner

Anthony and Janice Carter Walden ’67

William L. ’41* and Maxine Walkup ’46 Walker

Rhondell K. II and Kimberly Walker

Allen Darnell ’49 and Ann Waters

Wayne County No. 105 D.A.V. Womens Auxiliary

Webster County High School

The Reverends Gene A. and Carolyn Mann Weddle ’10

David M. and Judith H. Wells

Greg A. and Donna M. Wells

Mark and Bonnie Lebold ’71 Westcott

Robert and Prudence Hutchison ’69 Westholm

John ’84 and Shelia Wood ’91 Wethington

Mason James Wethington ’16

The Reverend Gale and Nancy Wetzel

Mearlene Hendrick ’52 White

Mildred White

Ken M. ’91 and Dr. Lynda Wilkerson ’78

William Shearer Memorial Fund

Rickie and Christine Todd ’92 Williams

Donnie and Phyllis Willis

Karen Sue Pendleton ’60 Wilson

Rick and Tammy Wilson

Ricky G. and Sandra J. Wilson

Tom and Denise R. Wilson

Withers Drilling, Inc.

Dr. Jerry G. and Jeanette R. Wood

Jan K. Woody ’77

Jeanette Russell Wortham ’50

Trent and Karen Bault ’92 Wright

The Reverend J. Wilbur Yates ’51

Barney L. and Sandra Zimmerman ’69




A Plus Computers

A2B Mechanics

Drs. Henry* Baughman and Jann Aaron

Shiori Abe

Dr. Annette Abel

Dr. Holly Sue Abel

Paul W. ’83 and Cathy H. Abell

David J. and Emily C. Abner

Christopher S. Abston

Leah A. Abuyeka ’13

Lewis C. ’56 and Betty Adair

Adair County Community Voice

Adair Drug

Anouar Adam

Bill and Phyllis Adams

Caleb Austin Adams ’19

Jason Randell Adams

Jeffrey A. Adams

Judge John R. and Pamela S. Adams

Mackenzie Brook Adams ’19

Rickey W. and Susan M. Adamson

Zachary Adamson

John W. ’09 and Jacolyn M. Adcock

Mark and Amy Addison

Charles Keith Adkins

Christina R. Adkins ’19

James and Amie Adkins

Joshua D. and Cassie L. Adkins

Gary and Julie Kingrey ’83 Adkins

Kiersten Elizabeth Adkins ’19

Patrick Ryan Adkins ’19

Daniel and Linda Affolter

Kayla Danielle Agee ’19

Robert and Kimberly Van Aken

Amy Lynn Akers

Chiquita Kia Baldock ’06 Akers

Terry A.* and Luanna K. Akin

Melissa J. Martinez ’15

Robert Albertson

Raul B. and Bilha R. Alegria

David and Alicia W. Alexander ’11

Jeff Alexander

Rosa Ali

LaKeisha Alich ’19

All Natural Health Food Store

Tim and Dee Allen

Cameron Keith Allen

Cathy L. Allen

Clifford N. ’55* and

Rachel Smith ’55 Allen

Jenie L. Altman

Thomas D. Alvey ’19

America’s Junior Miss

Scholarship Foundation, Inc.

Maxwell Amoako

Amber Faith Cannon ’09 Amstutz

Jennifer A. Anderson

Judy Anderson

Robert L. and Connie L. Anderson

Tara L. Anderson ’13

Anonymous Donors ’88 and ’89

Andrew and Anna L. Antle

Christy L. Antle ’19

Cristin T. Duncan ’12 Antle

Jordan L. Antle ’03

Kayla N. Antle

Kevin L. and Carolyn Antle

Jennifer E. Antoniotti ’98 Neal

Sharon E. Archey

Kelly Ard

Michael and Julie Arend

Dwight and Cynthia D. Armstrong

Jessica D. Armstrong

Kia N. Armstrong

Martha Armstrong

Dr. Ben and Margaret Arnold

Harry "Juney" Arnold

Samantha M. Arnold ’18

Tara H. Arnold ’14

Bobby Arrington

Arrow Vintage

Danielle M. Asher ’18

Adam A. Atherton ’08

Andrew A. ’01 and

Maggie Riordan ’02 Atherton

Chase Atherton

James H. and Donna L. ’08 Atherton

Molly E. Atkinson ’10

Bernadette Attinger

Zach E. Atwell

Megan C. Aubin ’17

Timothy and Dawayna Aulick

Lorraine Ault

Jimmy C. Ausbrooks ’18

Charents Ayrapetyan

Lois Azbill

Anna Babb

Regina Back ’19

Molley E. Backscheider

Claude M. and Samantha Bacon

Kirkland Bailey

Skylar R. Bailey

Tammi Bailey ’19

Linda Baird

Amanda P. Baker

Kenneth A. Baker

Mary A. Baker ’15

Robert A. Baker ’79

Timothy L. ’89 and

Dawn Kimbler ’92 Baker

Darrell L. Ball ’11

Rebecca Lynn Ball ’12

Taylor P. Ball

Darren C. ’14 and Whitney A. Ballou

Jacqueline Barbour

Elena K. Bardin ’19

Clayton B. Barefield

Mercy Victory Barker

Robert and Alissa Keltner ’86 Barnes

Charles ’53 and Barbara Barnes

Frances E. Barnes

Rebecca D. Barnes

Bradley R. Barnett ’16

Hailey Barnett

George and Creola Barnette

Marre Barnette

The Reverend Philip T. and

Peggy Barnum

Destinee N. Barrera ’19

Ciarra Barrett

Lawrence W. Barrett ’63

Richard Barrett

Sheila L. Barrett

Stephanie R. Barrett ’12

Rebecca Barrick

Ricky Barrick

Edward Bates ’19

Kennedy Bates

Baylen J. Bauer

Haley B. Baugh

Richard and Tara Baugh

Ricky and Kay Baugh

Karla Ann Beach

Betty Jo Beard

William J. and Shirley D. Beard

Dylan A. ’17 and

Mariah A. Stearns ’17 Beasley

Melvin and Darlene Beasley

Darrell and Donna Beckley

Tanya D. Beckman

James O. and Patty Beeler

Elida Francisca Beeman

Yejin Been

David ’87 and Rhonda Melson ’04 Begley

Sahare Beka

Barbara Leann Belcher ’18

Jackson Bell

Tamika M. Benefield

Chris L. and Amy M. Bennett

Barry M. ’85 and Marsha Bennett

Dianna R. Bennett ’17

Joseph Drake Bennett

Lori Y. Bennett

Jo Ann E. Bensley

Katheryn A. Benson ’18

Linda Berry

Martha Henry ’48 Berry

Briana O. Bertram ’17

George ’56 and

Janice Garrison ’56 Bertram

Kathy Best

Jeff Biehle

Melissa S. Biggs

Dr. Brad J. Bilbro ’11

Donna Bilbro

Sydney J. Bird ’13

Todd Bird and Casey Leek

Thea Jessica Birgerud

Louise S. Birkofer

Mark W. Bischof ’19

Megan Bishop

Tootie Bishop

Amber D. Bivens ’19

Maddie P. Bivens ’19

Anne Marie Bixenman

Dennis A. Bjorge

Kelly M. Black ’19

Ryan L. Black

Sara Black

Zachary T. Black

Christian D. Blady

Gregory E. Blair ’96

James A. Blair

Mark H. ’10 and

Suzanne M. Babak ’03 Blakeman

Sydney R. Bland ’19

Guadalupe Blas, III ’19

Elizabeth Sharon Antle Bledsoe ’62

Tyler W. Bless

William M. and Nancy K. Bless

Courtney P. Blevens


Desiree M. Blevins ’19

Kim Blevins

Zackery T. ’17 and

Lauren Smith ’16 Blevins

Abigail Blomstedt

Grace M. Blomstedt ’19

Harry Blomstedt

J. Blomstedt

Ray and Janet Blomstedt

John Carl and Debra Blomstedt

Mayme Blomstedt

Pat Blomstedt

Beverly Bloyd

Ben W. and Alison O. Boeving

Mike and Cheryl L. Whitehead ’04 Boger

Ann Bohuslavsky

Douglas Bohuslavsky

Laverne Bohuslavsky

Elizabeth N. Boisvert ’09

Thomas D. Boisvert, II and

Lori E. Boisvert

Darla Boitnott

Amy Boldin

Collin Boldin

Teresa Bolduc

Isaiah J. Boles

Jeanette Boles

Jill Schmidt ’05 Bolken

C. J. Bonifer

Alex and Susan Bonner

William R. Boon, III and Paula L. Boon

Seth and Ellen Boortz

Jacquelynn T. Boortz

Vallorie Borchardt

Julia Borders

Dr. Michael J. Bosela

Stephen R. and Nancy B. Botts ’87

Dylan G. Boures ’19

Irene Boures

Jaydee R. Boursaw

Richard and Lavera M. Boward

Bobby L. ’80 and Euline Bowe

Jack Bowman

Wes and Jordan Cruze ’15 Bowman

Tiphany Boyd ’19

Deborah S. Brackett

Diamond R. Bradford ’18

Don Bradford

Elton A. and Donna M. Bradley

Harold R. ’92 and

Deborah A. ’93 Bradshaw

Judy G. Bradshaw

Will Bradshaw

Crystal Brady

Darrel ’75 and

Rebekah Moseley ’78 Bragg

Laurance ’66 and Cheryl Branch

Brooklyn K. Branham ’19

June Branham

Kristen L. Branham

Allie Jo Branscome

Vance and Jennifer Brantley

Jamie H. Bratcher ’19

Brett and Brittany Braun

Laura Braun

Joshua and Jana Haberek ’07 Bray

Rebecca Bennett Brecht ’64

Cynthia L. Bretz ’15

Debra S. Brewer

Olivia Brewington

Kim Marshall ’86 Brian

Madonna Brian

Airada D. Bricker ’19

David Bricker

Angela Briggs

Karen Briggs

William Briggs

Safia Bright

Kyle D. Brittain

Frances Alexandra Brockman

W. Danny Brockman

Nick and Dr. Andrea Drake ’07 Brooks

Khamari I. Brooks

Reeda Maxey Brooks

Ashley Nicole Brown ’17

Frankie Mae Brown

Jackie Brown and Jean Celsor

James C. and Sally E. Brown

John Robert Brown ’13

Judson R. Brown ’17

Dr. Kimberly E. Brown ’06

Jeffrey and Martina G. Brown ’87

Nota N. Brown ’18

Raynel R. Brown

Robin Brown

Sara Maria Aros ’01 Brown

Sherry Brown

David P. and Virginia Brown Munden

James W. ’65 and Nancy M. Brown

Dean R. and Jamie Ann Brownley

Robert D. and Janet Lay ’80 Bruce

Brian W. ’08 and Amanda Bryant

Caitlyn Brook Bryant

Christina K. Bryant

Elishia N. Bryant

Holly L. Bryant

Isaiah N. Bryant ’18

James D. Bryant

Judy Bryant

Junius E. Bryant ’53

Kimberly Godsey Bryant ’09

Madison B. Bryant

Avery Buckman

Rebecca J. Bugg

Courtney N. Buis ’19

Larry R. and Sandra Bumpus

Aaron Bailey Bunch

Carrie Lynn Bunch

Doug Bunch

Rebekah E. Bunch

David L. and Kay M. Bunning

James L. Bunning

Jim Bunning Foundation

Johnathon M. Burbridge ’18

Amanda Burgess

Anna Burke

Gerald L. Burke

Jennifer Burke

Julie Burke

Leigh Ann Burke

Mary Ann Burke

Tony Burke

Jennifer L. Burkett ’19

Daniel Cristian ’08 and

Anca Verona ’10 Burlacu

Dr. Alta M. Burnett

Stevie L. and Robin A. Burns

Justin and Pam Burris

Jacob A. Burroughs ’19

Mary Burroughs

Arninta H. Burt

Billy R. and Carolyn A. Burton

Donnie A. and Sharon Burton

Eddie D. Burton

Gregory L. Burton

Jordan A. Burton

Katlyn D. Burton

Krista Lynn Burton ’10

LouVenie Burton

Taylor Michelle Burton ’19

Angela L. Butler

Bobby Butler

Justin T. Butler

Kaylie B. Butler

Letitia V. Butler

Tara N. Butler

Butler Rentals

Anthony P. and Debra R. Byrd

Collie and Rose Mary Byrd ’08

Madeline Claire Cain

Alexander R. Caldwell

Cindy Caldwell

Michael Caldwell ’70

William R. Caldwell

Caleb Irvin Photo, LLC

Abigail G. Calhoun ’16

Kiersten N. Callahan

Dr. Patrice C. McCarter

Gilbert David Callis

Paul and M. Jill Pierce ’92 Callison

Lindsay Cameron

Heather M. Camp ’17

Forrest H. Campbell ’17

Stephen J. ’73 and Rita J. Campbell ’77

Amy J. Cannon

James Cody Canterbury

Joe L. Cantrell, III

Kitana M. Cantrell ’18

Derek W. ’13 and Allie Cape

Danny C. and Margie Hunter Capps

Scott Del and Bridget A. Carlisle

Gordon and

Melissa Ann Pridemore ’90 Carlton

Molly L. Carnall

Murray L. and Luann Carnall

Rachel McKenzie Carr ’13

Samuel Carr

Steven and Tammy Carr

Donald R. Carroll, Jr.

Laura Carroll

Dr. Richard W. Carroll

Dr. John Mark and Cynthia S. Carter

Dr. Fred ’70 and Lucretia Carter

Freddy and Alberta Carter

John R. ’69 and Vonda Grant ’68 Carter

Johnny R. and Rita Carter

Nichole E. Carver

Walter F. and Carol J. Carwile

Felix Carlos Casa deValle ’16

Laura A. Case ’17

Donell Cash ’58

Justin M. ’10 and

Sarah M. Fouch ’13 Cason



Yvonne Castanon ’19

Steven and Deborah Thomas ’77 Caswell

Brittany Caudill ’19

Carlyn L. Causey ’19

Janet Causey

Leigh Causey

Donna L. Cavagnetto ’18

Amanda Cecil ’12

Emily N. Cecil

Allison G. Chafin ’13

Stephen T. Chafin ’17

The Reverend Richard H. Chamberlin

Terry L. Chambers ’16

Bill and Jill Chandler

Rodney and Audra M. K. Chang

Darlene Chapman

Jackie L. and

Kirsty Marie Marr ’06 Chapman

Melodi Chasteen

William L. ’14 and

Whitney A. McDowell ’14 Chaudoin

Jesse D. Chavez

Gary and S. F. Cheek

Ramona Chinn

C. David and Ann D. Chittenden

David R. Choate

Kaleb Chattin Chowning

Phillip C. Christmas

Hilary Church ’19

Alec P. and Lynn Ciminello

City of Columbia

City Supply Company

Christopher A. Clan

James Clardy

Amber D. Clark ’15

Andrew T. Clark

Andrew and Kaitie Luckey Clark

Breanna K. Clark

Dr. Cindy L. Clark

Cori Clark

Griffin T. Clark ’13

John W. and Beth H. Clark

Joseph and Judith Clark

Michael B. and Kim Clark

Chris and Morgan M. Clark

Shyane J. Clark

Jeremy Lee Cloyd ’15

Clyde Thornton Trust

Cochran-Rousey Realty Company

Sierra Biehle Coe ’12

Crystal Beth Coffee

Andrew B. Coffey

Audrey P. Coffey

Derek S. and Lisa Bennett ’90 Coffey

Carol Wedler Coffman ’62

Benjamin Cole

Charles L. and Deborah D. Cole

Taylor V. Cole

Ashton Rein Collins

David and Patricia Collins

Tammy J. Eiland Collins

Tyler M. Collishaw

Columbia United Methodist Church

Columbia/Adair County Chamber of Commerce

Brian P. and Allysan S. Comstock

Dr. Brette Conliffe

Dale Connor

Jonathan Conover

Kajsa Conradsen

Gerald B. Contreras

Bryan K. and Angela M. Cook

Miranda P. Cook

Ronald L. and Elaine Cook

Christopher A. Coombs

The Reverend John C. ’65 and

Janice Coomer

Kenneth R.* and Linda F. Coomer

Loy P. ’68 and Rita Coomer

Steven J. ’75 and

Lou Anne Breeding ’84 Coomer

Richie W. ’63 and Sue Breeding ’67 Coomer

James H. ’65* and

Trudy Laughinghouse ’66 Coomer

Sara F. Scott ’56 Coop

Chance and Tara Cooper

James A. and Bonita Cooper

Lana D. Cooper

Eric and Melissa Phillips ’77 Cooper

Savannah F. Cooper

Camryn Paige Coots

Mark A. and Kelly M. Coots

Nicole E. Mingus ’02 Corbett

Ty and Andrea Thompson ’98 Corbin

Greg and Carla Michelle Corbin ’95

Sara L. Corbin

Caitlin T. Corder ’19

Donovan and Stacey R. Corder

Kelsie S. Cornelius

D. Pete ’01 and Adele Cornett

Melissa Costa

George Couch ’63

Trevor S. Cowan

George and Linda Cox

Terry G. and Judy M. Cox

Kay Cox

Hannah Tucker ’00 Coyt

Barry S. and Cathy W. Craddock

James and Linda Craddock

Kaitlyn Craddock

Brandon W. Crawford

Kimberly M. Crawford

Deairus Crawley

Crescent Hill United Methodist Church

Jasmine Cressel

Brandon L. Crews

Cookie Crews

Kerry Cripe

Dana Cristina

George A. Critz

Charles J. and Nancy H. Cron

Rex A. and Vicki Crosby

Amanda K. Cross

Elijah Luke Cross

Daron Trey Crump

Adam C. ’01 and Janie Cruse

Thomas Culver

Steven Cummins

Krystal Womack ’10 Cundiff

Payton M. Cundiff

Preston M. Cundiff

Savanna Cunningham

Katie M. Curry

Larry O. and Dorothy J. Curry

Phyllis Pendleton ’91 Curry

Teanna S. Curry

Diamon Curtain

Ann H. Curtis

Betty Jean and Ralph* Dailey

Monte L. and Rosemary Dailey

Todd Carter and Stephanie K. Dailey

Mary Dailey

Lucas D. ’10 and

Amanda Sepulveda ’10 Dalton

Christopher Damron ’19

Kesha S. Daniels

Steven S. and Sandra L. Danielson

Macey D. Darnell

Anthony B. ’06 and

Shanna Grant ’00 Darnell

Stephan Dasse

Ryan T. Davenport

The Reverend William R. ’67 and

Bonnie Davenport

Laura A. Egnew ’03 Davidson

Ian M. ’10 and Sarah Beth Gillis ’13 Davis

Jenny Lynn Davis ’17

Karalyn Grace Davis ’17

Larry Davis

Laura C. Davis

Mickey W. and Sheila Davis

Nicole Davis ’19

Sherry Davis

Terry Davis

Brittany N. Dean ’17

Craig Dean

Jean K. Dean

Joseph and Shirley Dean

Karla R. Deaton ’88

Scott A. ’87 and Angela M. DeBurger

Farrell and Glenda Decker

Lauren Elizabeth Decker

Roy S. and Mildred Decker

Troy and Kimberly Decker

Austin Cole Deffenbaugh

Arianna Shaynae Dehaven

Alexia Christina DeHaven-Boyd ’19

Claudia De-Hay

Stephanie and Roberto DeLeon

Rosa B. Delgado-Torres ’17

Megan A. Delk

Jerry and Beatrice Demaray

Chuck DeMasters

Tanner J. DeMien

Richard Carl Dempsey

Fredens Deneus

John and Fran Denham

Jay and Sandra Denney

Mollie Denney Koontz

Chris Dennis

David and Edna Dennis

Justin Dennis

Keely S. Dennis

Sapna J. Dennis Bay ’19

Cameryn B. Denton

Mike and Angela Denton

Kenneth Deputy

Billy and Carol Devine

David K. and Leigh Dews

Billy and Brenda Dial

Sierra Dibastiani

Makenzie R. Dick



Rodney and Lori Dick

Katherine D. Dickerson ’15

Mary E. Diel

Marilyn Dillingham

Tessa N. Dillon

Dr. Virginia A. Dilworth

Mackenzie K. Hartley

Courtney P. Dishman

George and Lisa M. Dishman

Camille Distefano

Bethany M. Dixon

Kelly Dodd

Kohl B. Dodd ’19

Fred and Pat Dorman

Dr. Andrew J. and Deborah M. Dorr

Jacqueline N. Dotson ’19

Jared Anthony Dougherty

Edwin and Karen Downs

Vonna Downs

Kayla Lorraine Drake

Wilbur and Betty Drake

David and Margaret Driskill

Taylor N. Dugger

Cheryl Dukes

Garry L. and Sherry Dukes

William D. ’07 and Alexandria Dukes

Benjamen Duncan

Patrick and Justine Duncan

W. Lance and Naomi Duncan

Barry L. ’05 and Leslie Tucker ’04 Dunn

Christy Dunn

Anthony and Peggy Dupree

Collin Dupree

Larry Dupree

Cynthia Durbin

Alexander H. Durham ’17

Jenny B. Durham ’19

Kate E. Durham ’18

Robert H. Durham ’89

Alex Durham

Durham and Zornes

Amber M. Dustin ’19

Connie R. Duvall

Katy Dyche

Josh and Laura M. Smith ’10 Dyer

Larry Eads

Nelda A. Eads

Ammishaddai Damon Easterling

Ron Eastes

Dallas and Joyce Eaton

Justin K. and Rebecca Slone-Eaves

Joshua and Lori A. Riddle ’02 Eberenz

Olivia G. Edlin

Melaine Lynn Edmonds ’16

Cecil K. and Melissa K. Edmonson

Trevor L. Edmonson ’19

Carol M. Edwards

James W. and Ann Waddle Edwards

Wayne D. ’67 and Beverly B. Edwards

Al Ross and Donna Lee Eferstein

Robert Eisenmenger

Halie Jo Eldridge

Matthew Eldridge

Elite Wellness, LLC

Connie D. Elkins

Diana A. Elkins ’17

Randy Elliott

Roger P. Elliott

Cassidy S. Ellis

Charles E. and Carolyn S. Ellis

Hazel Ellis

Kelvin K. and Lucia G. Ellis

Ricky Ellis ’15

John and Sara Ellison

Staci Elmore

The Reverend Troy A. ’10 and

Shellie Thrasher ’02 Elmore

Cara E. Embry ’19

Anita Emerson

David K. Emerson

Olivia M. Emerson

Shelby Q. Emerson

Jeffery M. and Emily R. Emmert ’12

Jan Lucas Engels

Hannah E. England

Roger D. England ’89

Tyrah Englemon

Amy English

Randall T. English ’19

Wayne and Juanita Enlow

James P. and Cindy A. Enwright

Hannah E. Epperson

W.H. and Hope Epperson

Lydia R. Epperson

Tammy E. Epperson

Tommy and Kelly Epperson

April L. Ervin

Georgiana Mary Ervin

Kendra Esenbock

Steve and Vickie Estes

Jessica Estill

Jesse L. ’66 and Reba Eubanks Jr.

Carla Evans

Tamara Evans

Taylor L. Evans ’17

Vanessa Evridge ’17

Mamadou Fall ’08

Sheena N. Falter

Michael L. and Christine R. Fann

Beverly D. Farley ’13

Erica Farris

Travis L. Faulkner

Michael K. Faulstich

Gary A. and Elizabeth J. Fausnaugh

Anthony Featherston

Kelsey Bates Featherston

Pamela M. Felker

Raykwon Fenton

Dr. Mark E. ’67 and Rebecca Fentress

Seth T. Fenwick

Mike and Connie E. Brockman ’99 Ferguson

Darian Ferguson

Shirley G. Ferguson

Rozalia Fertil

Donald R. and Diana L. Feuerbach

Deanna Lynn Middleton ’06

Kekoa Fields

Linda Fields

Patrick B. Fields ’10

Jessica I. Finzel ’17

Allison R. Firquin

Courtney Ann Fisher

Elizabeth Fisher

Eyvette Fisher

Flame4Ensics Consulting and

Investigations LLC

Dan and Virginia Ponser ’63 Flanagan

Dale and Gail Lynn Flatt ’98

Ashley N. Fletcher ’16

Heather K. and Shannon L. Fletcher

Tucker Fletcher

Joseph W. Flowers

Robert W. Flowers ’70

Kari Fogle

Brian E. and Sara R. Hargis ’04 Foos

Anna F. Ford

Cynthia E. Ford

Diane M. Ford

Dr. Leigh Ann Ford

Chris and Myra Tompkins ’98 Ford

Ronald Ford

Jim H. and Emily E. Forrester

Franklin and Gaye Foster

Kendra M. Foster ’19

Kimberly C. Foster

Amber Nichole Foukes ’19

Peter N. ’65 and

Dimple Sell ’66 Fournaris

Vince and Ginger Fowler

Angela L. Fox and Jerry L. McCain

Donald and Angela Fox

Hailey Elizabeth Fox

William H. and Pat B. Fralick

Anne Frank

Maria Grace Frank

Lisa Franke

Gary L. Franklin ’94

Chatia Frazier

Murray J. and Melissa M. Frazier

Dean Froedge

Harold and Elizabeth Frost

Joshua D. Frost ’09

Glenn R. and Sally J. Hill ’90 Frostholm

Nickole L. Frump

Arthur Fry

Emily Fryman

Andrew T. Fuchs ’16

Ashley G. Fudge ’18

Benton O. and

Ashton Jo Pyles ’11 Fudge

Grayton Fudge

Matthew A. Fudge ’17

Nickolas R. and Natalie Fudge

Bethany M. Fugate ’08

Bill Fulkerson

Tim and Elizabeth Fulkerson

Joshua ’09 and Jennifer Dudley ’06 Furkin

Tim Futrell

Tina M. Futrell and Nick Davisson

Haley BreAnn Gabbard ’05

Rebecca Denton ’60 Gabehart

Hannah G. Gadd

The Reverend Ron ’61 and

Marjorie Gaddie

Traci L. Gaddie ’12

Missy Gaines

Rodney E. Gale ’65

Anthony J. Galyon

Elisa L. Gambill ’17

Peter O. Gante ’62

Joaquin and Barbara Garcia




Shane and Melissa G. ’03 Garmon

William R. and Linda F. Garrett

Derrick and Janice Garrison

James and Paula K. Smythe ’94 Garrison

David Garvin

J. Daniel and Mrs. Frances Gary

Sandra Gascon

Sue Gass

Lynette Gatewood

Mason Tanner Gentry

David and Deidra Gerwe

Alexis I. Gibson

Brandon Thomas Gibson

Joshua A. ’09 and

Miriam Vanarsdale ’13 Gibson

Kenneth L. and Maureen Gibson

Deborah and Robert Gilbert

Brian and Aleshia Gilbreth

Randell L. and Bobby Jean Gilbreth

Jerry and Angela Giles

Rachel B. Wesley ’17 Gilkison

Andrea E. Gillenwater

Aaryn Gillespie

Shanna Gilliam

Ruth Gimpel

Keith and Lorena L. Polley ’18

Lisa M. Ginoza

Senator David L. and Lynn* Givens

Danny and Ginger Glass

Glendale Sports Massage, LLC

Sam and Beverly Glenn

Amanda Beth Glodjo ’09

Kahala J. Glover ’19

Noel B. and Barbara Godby

Jenna L. Goff ’19

Janet L. Goffinet

Clarence and Mary L. Goins

Marissa Michelle Goins

Bill R. and Julia R. Goldsmith

Darrell Goode

Aaron T. ’16 and

Rebekah L. Sanders ’16 Goode

Tyrus Goode

Tevie S. ’07 and Allysa L. Pruitt ’08 Gooden

April N. Goodie

Brently K. and Hannah M. Goodin

Terry L. and Shelia G. Dudley

Tanner Joseph Goodman

Schaye N. Gordley

Betty Jane Gorin-Smith

Ryan A. and Victoria A. Gorman

Allen and Linda Goulder

Arvella J. Graham ’18

Paige Graham

Richard and Beth Grant

Georgina Granville

Donna C. Graves ’78

Elisa Gray

Sharon A. Gray

Macy Jo Greco

John Greenfield

Doug and Sarah Greer

Lisa Greer

Denise Gregory

Gary H. Gregory

Linda J. Gregory ’14

Ovis and Shirley Grider

Sulayne Ann Mayse ’87 Grider

William L.’88 and Lee Grider

Bryon and Geri Griffith

Megan R. Griffith ’17

Alicia L. Grimmett ’19

Timothy C. Gripshover, III

Timothy C. and Jessica S. Gripshover

David and Carla J. Groce ’08

Susan Gross

Emily Grubbs

Michael and ZiZi Grubbs

Sharon Grubbs

Eric and Tammy Grubbs

Caroline E. Gruhn ’18

Steven Espinoza Guerrero

James Eugene 51’ and Peggy Guffey

Dr. Edwin W. Gunberg

Mariah Lynn Gunsburg

Lisa Gupton

Sarah Gutierrez

Austin L. Gutknecht

Todd and Tracey Gutknecht

Charlene C. Guynn

H and R Block

Tracy Habeeb

Donald L. and Joan B. Habig

Glenna R. Hackworth ’17

Phillip W. ’62* Alice Upchurch ’63 Hadley

Carvin W. ’90 and Donna K. McClellan ’89

Hadley ’90

Claudis and Jeanine Hadley

Frankie and Rejeena Brock ’95 Hadley

Douglas Hager

Carrie Reynolds ’82 Hahn

Emily C. Haimes

Kimberly K. Hains ’18

Latrell Haithcock

Carolyn L. Hale

Keith A. and Melissa D. Hale

Jessica R. Haliday

Levi Haliday

Michael D. and Lisa M. Haliday

William N. and Judy Haliday

Anita G. Hall

Daisy Ann Hall ’19

Danny and Vicki Hall

Deana Hall ’05

Doyle W. and Doris Hall

Earl Kent and Jennifer M. Hall

Haley N. Hall

J’Nayah M. Hall

Joseph E. and Tomoko A. Hall

Kevin L. Hallmon ’19

Alicia and Joseph D. Hamilton

Roger and Anna Young Hamilton

Michael Hamlett

Jordan D. Hamlette

Kimberly Hamlin

Brittany I. Hammer ’19

Brittany Ann Hammersley

Kaleigh Hammitt

Megan N. Hammock

Dustin J. Hammond

Angela Parker Hampton

Drew T. ’15 and Paige Lewis ’16 Hampton

Hancock Tire Center

Ronnie and Danette Hancock

Steve Hancock

Jeanne Hann

C. Philip Hanna

Michael S. Hannah ’18

Erica E. Lindeau ’17

Evan Hanson

Greg and Shannon Harbin

Kimberly I. Harden

Abigail S. Biddle ’18 Hardesty

Deborah S. Hardin

Janell Lynn Hardy ’19

Charlotte E. Hare

Dennis R. and Carol Hargrove

Edgar E. and Mary Louise Hargrove

Harlin Young and Company, Ltd.

Ashley R. Harmon

Brooke Harmon

Dana D. Harmon

Sheila T. Whitlow ’93 Harned

Olivia MerriLee Harner

Kerri L. Harp

Tracy Harper

Bailey A. Harris

Barbara Harris

Chad Harris

Emily J. Harris

Heather R. Harris

Kalli J. Harris

Shirley M. Harris ’69

Walter R. Harris ’19

William B. and Eunice G. Harrison

L.T. Harrod

Robert Harrod

Felicia Harry

Madison Hart

Bethany R. Harting ’19

Landon E. ’16 and Christina Harting

Barry and Brenda Hartman

D. Lamar and Marci J. Hartness

James and Barbara Hartwell

Dana Harvey

Kailyn E. Haste

Carah D. Hatcher

Eric Hatcher

Keith Hatcher

Mike and Wanda Hatcher

Lacey-Mercedes A. Hatchett

Winston and Debby Hatcliff

Regina Michelle Haugen ’05

Mary L. Hauke

Bobby and Margo Hawkins

Johnny Hawkins

Rebecca Hawkins

Samantha Leigh Hawkins

Glenda Dianne Hay ’63

Marquita M. Haydon

Billy and April Hayes

Stacia C. Haygan

Colby Hays

Thomas D. and Cherrie D. Hays

Kristin Hayslip

James Wilson Headrick

Helen Michelle Lewis, Inc.

Pat Helland

Kimberley A. Harvey Helm ’85

Brook E. Helm-Saettel

Sydney Helphinstine


Callie L. Helton ’17

Jennifer K. Helton

Mason D. Helton

Savanna Helton ’17

Thomas Helton

Katie Henning

Ethan P. Hennis

Wesley Martin Hennis

Charles and Cynthia Henry

James R. Henry

Jeffery and Kay Hensley

Kenneth M. and Judith B. Henson

Shelby K. Herchenrader

Carla E. Rivas Hernandez

William J. Herrmann

Patricia Hersey

William H. Heselbarth

William and Kristin Hibbard

Colin M. Hickerson

Lisa Hickerson

Austin Slade Hickman

Eva Diaz ’77 Hidalgo

Anne S. Higashi

Bill W. and Nancy C. Higginbotham

Robin Highbaugh

Jaaron R. Hignite

Daniel and Jordyn Hildebrand

Dean Hiler

Abby Hill

Melissa B. Hill

Larry F. and E. Carol Hinton

Estel M. Hobbs

William B. and Erin L. Hodges

Adam J. Hoehler

Andrew Hoehler

Kristen G. Hoehler

Troy A. and Tonja L. Hofmann

Bonnie E. Holder

Clarence Holder

Samuel David Lewis Holder

Kaitlynn E. Holland

Timothy A. Hollins

Essence A. Holmes

Robert J. and Amy Leanne Holsinger ’07

Jessica R. Robertson ’09 Holt

Robert and Charlotte Hood

Daniel T. Hook

Maria Ruth Hook ’17

Pamela J. Hoots ’75

Stephen D. and Tina R. Hopkins

Wayne A. and Deborah K. Horn

Susan Whitaker Rea

Kelly A. Hoskins

Rachel E. Hostetler ’19

Hot Prints

Angela Hourigan

Connor Howard

Doris Howard

Hannah Howard

David E. and Kathyrn H. Howell

Dr. George F. Hromyak, Jr.

Sydney P. Hubbard

Jim E. and Vicki Hudson

Christine B. Huff

Dr. Marlene B. Huff

Megan J. Huff

Tammy M. Huff ’90

Andrew M. Hughes

Christopher and Melanie Hughes

Jerry and Carrell Hughes

The Reverend Larry W. ’65 and

Ruth Ann Hughes

Norman E. Hughes

Rickara Charnelle Hughes

Roland and Joan Hughes

William H. and Martha Hughes

William and Clara Humphress

Autumn P. Hunt

Gregory A. and Judy O. Hunter

Jared P. ’17 and Courtney D. Hunter

Matthew G. Hunter

Mitchell and Kathy Hunter

Ashton Hupman

Faith D. Hurley

Oreatha L. Hurt ’19

Robert J. and Glenda J. Hurt

Nidal and Miriam Hussein

Earl and Faye Hutchinson

LeeAnn Noelle Hutchinson ’19

David and Angela S. Walker Hutchison ’14

Linda Hutchison

David Boris Ibrahimkadic


Intelligent Data Services, Inc.

Shahid ’13 and Kara L. Feese ’10 Iqbal

Jodi L. MacKenzie Irvin

Caleb Russell ’12 and

Lucinda Conover ’13 Irvin

Josh and Lacey R. Irvine

J.C. Kirby and Son

Funeral Chapel and Crematory

J. Shelby, Inc.

J.O.Y. Ministries

Dawn R. Jackson

Erica Jackson

Helena Jackson

Ralph and Linda Cole ’72 Jackson

Marc Allan Jackson

Dr. Matthew K.’07 and

Valerie Cooper Jackson

Dr. Robert ’50* and Ruth Jackson

Rose Mary S. Jackson

Sarah Beth Morris Jackson

Tanner Jackson

Sharon S. Jaggers

William E. James

Linas Janenas

Yeimi Jethziry Jarillo

Ed Jarosz

Rose M. Jarosz

Don Jarrett

Christina L. Jeffery ’17

Hilda Willis ’55 Jenkins

Dr. Kacey L. Jenkins

Alexis Jennings

Julie R. Jennings ’15

Timothy N. Jennings

Greg and Leeann Jessee

Darlene Jessie

Debbie Jessie

Annette M. Jewell

Steven R. and

Kristy L. Davis ’04 Jewell

John M. Jilbert

Yumaika Estrada Jimenez

Minhee Jo

David L. and Rhonda D. Jochim

John P. Kelly and Associates

Julian C. Johns ’19

Dr. Andrew T. Johnson

Dr. Angie R. Johnson

Nick and April Johnson

Austin S. Johnson ’19

Carley Don Johnson

Chad Johnson

Chasity L. Johnson ’14

Derek G. Johnson ’10

Jeffery Scott Johnson

John R. and Kim E. Johnson

Josh and Cayce L. Johnson

Katie Smith ’05 Johnson

Kelly Johnson

Kori D. Johnson

Krista M. Johnson

Macey E. Johnson ’19

Matthew and Maureen Johnson

Mike Johnson

Missy Johnson

Richard A. Johnson

Scott and Jill Johnson

Sharonda Johnson

Tabatha L. Johnson

Trenton C. Johnson

Douglas S. and Mary C. Johnston

William R. and Vickie R. Johnston

Maria Joksimovic

Amanda Jones

Bryson A. Jones ’19

Carol Jones

Shane and Jessi G. Jones

Mark A. Jones

Stacy Jones

Leslie Joseph

Karim Jouini

Julia R. Judd

Sarah Ashley Judd

Tyler A. Junkins

Glenn C. and Gail A. Kakuda

Jana Kalamaras

Dr. John D. ’06 and

Loletuth Flener ’07 Kalz

Bradley and

Cheryl Jean Baker ’08 Karnes

Darrell B. Karnes

Jeff and Kimberly J. Coomer ’92 Karnes

Hanayo Kawasumi

Savannah Kearney

Joyce Kearns

Douglas R. Keaton

Thomas and Rebecca Keck

Brian and Aimee Keith

Mary A. Keith

Shanda Marie Keller

William and Deborah Keller

Edgar Lloyd Kelley, Jr.

Jonathan R. and Emily F. Kelley

Sean M. Kelly

Emily M. Kelsay

Josiah S. Kelsey

Greg and Annette Aaron ’78 Keltner

George H. ’52 and Jane ’63 Keltner



Mary Keltner

Jeanine M. Langford ’19

Sharon K. Keltner

Christopher P. Langos

The Reverend Travis ’64 and

Byron and Michelle Shirley ’99 Larimore

Patsy Keltner

Abby N. Larzelere

Helen Walker ’48 Kemp

Brad and Jill Larzelere

Anthony H. Kennedy

Michelle Larzelere

J. and K. Kennedy

Cameron J. Lasley

David Kenner

Anthony C. Latessa

Samuel and Tracy A. Kern

Barbara G. Lawless ’74

David L. and Wanda L. Kerr

Andrew and Elizabeth Lawrence

Jeralyn D. Kessler ’19

Janell Lawrence

Haley Kidd

Jeremy and Ashley D. Lawson

Chris Kiger

Sara J. Lawson

Samuel C. Kiger ’19

Wanda and Nathan Lawson

Wayne and Marie Kiger

Rachel L. Lawton

Troy and Rita Kimball

Vickie Q. Lay ’92

Crystal J. Kimbler ’18

Dwight and Arnest Leandro

Rhonda K. Kimbler

Joe Lee

Christina Kimbrough

John David Lee, II

Delores Kimbrough

Mark A. and Kelly B. Lee

Daniel Kimmel

John and Melissa Leeper

Keiko Kimura

Braxten T. Leff ’18

Alan King

Dr. Hilda Humphress Legg ’72

Kristi L. King

Larry and Kay Cox ’68 Legg

Margit R. King

Jan Leischner

Stacy King

Ryan K. and Amanda A. Lemond

Destiny T. Kinnett

Sam L. Lemons

Courtney M. Kinney ’16

Gail Lentz

Evan and Miranda Kinslow

Michael D. ’67 and Shelia A. Leonard

Scot G. Kirby

Melissa Lepore

Clyde and Diana Farris ’67 Kirtley

Cristin Lynn Lesher ’16

Michael A. Kits

Danny and Debra Leslie

John Kleber

Matthew D. Leslie

Phillip B. and Randi L. Kleckler

Michael and Christal Leslie

Sean A. Kluemper

Jennifer M. Lester

Janet C. Knauff

Johnny W. and Donna M. Lett

Gerard and Barbara J. Knights

Lauren R. Lett

Kenneth H. and Michelle A. Knights

John and Tanya Levine

Jordan L. Knipp ’19

Tess R. Levine

The Reverend Willard and

Joseph F. Lewis

Julie Lee Knipp

Robin Lewis

Joan G. Knopp ’90

John Za Bawi Lian ’13

Michelle K. Koontz

Emelie A. Liljered

Dr. Jim and Pat Koper

David and Susanne Lim

Derek J. and Judy Kotter

Jeffrey N. and Holly C. Lindquist

Kellie J. Krantz

Lisle Corporation

Scott Krantz

Christopher and Donna Michelle Little

Mariah H. Knauff

Carrolyn Livers

Scott and Tiffany Kreisher

Celine Livers

The Reverend Jeffrey B. ’63 and

Dewayne Livers

Ann M. Kress

Clint and Dorinda Cherry ’10 Livesay

Bethany N. Kreutzer

James P. and Lois M. Lloyd

Kroger of Cincinnati

Lauren Lloyd

Sarah M. Kuchar ’19

Porter E. Lobb

Steve Kukahiko

Zoe Z. Lockard ’18

Glenn Kulmer

Ryan C. Locker ’14

Audrey Grace Kurtz

Anthony and Pam Logsdon

Rick and Melinda Kurtz

Hettie L. Logue

Rick C. and Melinda Kurtz

Kelly Lohman

Christopher and William Lagermann

Natalie Lohman

John S. and Nancy H. Lakes

Kelly A. Lomonaco

Charles E. Lampe

Cari J. Long

Colette Hensley Lane

Ryan A. Long

Jason C. Lane

Emma G. Looney ’19

Arthur W. and Janey R. Laney

David C. ’65 and Ruth T. Loose

Shakaris Laney

Jeremiah Lord

Tasha R. Lang

Angelo Loskota

Richard Lovett

Bobby and Lila Loy

Mike and Tonya Loy

Amanda Jane Lucas ’05

David E. and Carolyn S. Lucas

Gerald W. Lucas

Anthony Paul Lucchesi

James M. and Amelia C. Luckett

Joanne Elise Luckey

Garrett J. Luttrell ’11

Kaitlyn A. Lyczkowski

Larry W. Lydian

Joseph Lynch

Pierrefritz Lys

Freer Romie Mace, IV ’16

Carissa Macella

Derrick and Ashley Mack

Stephen and Jo Mader

Evan Luke Joseph Mahanna

Kayla Maiden

Leighton ’98 and

Amanda Gagel ’97 Main

Felisha Mains

Lawrence L. Malala

Sherri A. and Junior Malone

Kelly Cooper ’07 Mann

Kachet Candice Manners

Jerry Manning

Michael and Melissa Manning

Nicholas T. Marcano ’19

Bobby Marcum

Tonia R. Marcum ’10

Zachary Tyler ’15 and

Katherine Koper ’15 Marcum

Rita Marksberry

Morgan E. Markwell

Victoria E. Marrs ’17

Benjamin T. ’10 and Julie Martin

Dwayne C. and Debbie Martin

Edward A. Martin

Justin Wayne Martin ’11

Kelly C. and Erin Martin

Lori K. Martin

Mary Martin ’19

McKenzie B. Martin ’15

Raymond A. Martin

Shaun and Robin Martin

Teresa L. Martin

Jessie Lynn Mason ’17

William and Patricia Massey

Steven T. Matheny

Cassie Bridget Matlock

Gordon and Mary Jane Matlock

Mark and Michele Matlock

Emily A. Matney

Mizuki Matsui

Mitchell Y. Matsumoto

Brad and Pauletta Matthews

Thomas O. Matthews ’51

Emma Caroline Mattingly ’17

Margaret S. Mattingly

Ryan P. Mattingly

Matthew Christian Mayes

Robert L. Mayes ’68

Collis G. ’64 and Rebecca Mayfield

Kiara F. Mayhorn

Randall and Sally Mays



Amber L. Maze

Aiden Miller

Jessie P. and Kerri L. Maze

Beverly Jane Miller

Monty L. and Judy Maze

Douglas T. Miller

Malundu Mbaya

Holli Miller ’19

Lucas Wade McCain

Janey Miller

Douglas W. and Marcella McCammish

Karl and Jennifer L. Miller

Hannah Elizabeth McCandless ’17

Kaylee Miller

Vickie McChesney

Keith and Leigh-Ann Miller

Joshua McClanahan

Larry and Norma Miller

Susan Kimberly McClanahan

Patricia E. Miller

Carrie A. McClellan

Rachael C. Miller ’19

Mirian H. ’15 and Marcia McClendon

Rachel Miller

Anthony McCollum

Rebecca M. Miller

Kristine McCollum

Sherry J. Miller ’16

McKenzie P. McCollum

Tyler J. Miller

Madison T. McCormack

Melissa M. Mills

Dennis E. and Mary H. McCormick

Neysa R. Mills ’18

Dr. Tyler F. McCubbins ’09

Jacklyn M. Mineer

William S. McCune

Cherise M. Mingus ’09

Markeita P. McDaniel

Tonda Minton

Letha Jade Lynn McElroy ’17

Lucas G. Miozza ’19

Kathryn L. McFadden ’19

Quinton Feliciano Miranda

Mickey and Sharon McFall

Artimeshia E. Mitchell

Zachary M. McFall

Heather Mitchell

Darryl L. McGaha ’75

Jerrold L. and Judith Mitchell

Alison N. McGaughey ’15

Kris Ann Schuhmann Mitchell ’05

Anna R. McGaughey

Larry C. and Donnelle S. Mitchell

Ashley M. McGaughey ’09

Ronda L. Mitchell

Erica J. McGaughey ’12

Bailey A. Mize ’17

Ronnie W. and Tanya K. McGaughey

Mark Modesti

Amanda Lee McGeorge ’18

Mary V. Moffett

Chelsea N. Boger McGowan ’10

Tiffany Molesi

Steven M. McGowan ’19

Charles and Georgia Montgomery

Linda McGowen

Rebecca Montgomery

Marriah Brooke McGraw

Ryan C. Montgomery

Jason and Whitney McGuffin

Dr. David W. and Delorah Jewell* Moore

David C. ’68 and Phyllis H. McGuire

Ethan Tyler ’13 and Amanda Moore

Tara Shea McGuire

Hannah J. Moore ’12

Cynthia M. McIntosh

Jon ’63 and Nancy L. Moore

Amber T. McIntyre

J. Todd and Gayle E. Moore

Amy McIntyre

Larry and Cathy Moore

Joe Bishop McKinley, II ’16

Marlene Moore

Kent McKinnon

Robin R. Moore

Susan Reed McLean

Stanley and Jane Moore

Logan W. McMahan ’19

W. Joe and Mary Angela ’04 Moore

Jahlia Simone McNealy

Daniel Moraida

Shinika McQuarter

Terista Morales

Rollin ’61 and

Andrew Morgan ’19

Stella Chuppe ’62 McQueary

Bethany B. Morgan

Brittany N. McQueen ’17

Marty M. Morgan

Jeanna McQueen

Neville Christopher Morgan

Johnathan Mcune

Ayaka Morishima

Billi Jo McVay

Dr. Trudy D. Morlino

Nelson Medeiros

Rhonda Morris

Madison F. Meece

Dustin and Taylor D. Smith ’12 Morrison

Claude Melancon

Mortgage Connection

Dino and Penny Melgoza

Breanna M. Moser

Nicholas L. Melvin ’18

Goabaone Ernest Mosheleketi

Emaleigh MacRhae Mendez ’19

Treva Ann Mosher ’17

Andy Mers

Dr. Buelon R. and Sue Moss

Steven and Darlene Michel

Dr. Kenneth Wayne ’53 and Connie Moss

Audrey Michels

Kevin L. and Debra Mudd

Kia W. Milam ’19

Walter and Janice Mullannix

Rainer Matheus Milani De Jesus

Terrence D. ’63 and Sharon A. Mullikin

Ed Milby

Jennifer E. Burdine ’11 Mullins

Greg A. and Jennifer M. Milby

Susan Mullins

Dawn Miles*

Jerry and Faye Muncie

Gretchen E. Miles

Munfordville and Mt. Beulah U.M. Women

Cameron D. Murphy

Deena Murphy

Wesley S. Murphy ’16

Glenn and

Lisa Michelle Hatton ’93 Murray

Randal K. ’90 and

Jamie McQueary ’87 Murrell

William and Rita Murrell

Danny Muse

Sheila Musick

Julius L. Myatt ’73

Jakina Latoya Myers

Larry E. Myers

Sherilynn Louise Myers

William Ballou Myers

Heather Nakasone

Lucy Namulemo ’16

Ed and Carolyn Nance

Nanwood Market

Jim Napier

Alexis Nation

Christian Naylor

Alice Neal

Gordon Taft Neal III

Kaylee D. Neal ’19

Melissa Neary

Richard and Lisa Neat

Rikki M. Neat ’19

Jeff and Rita F. Neat

Edward L. and Tammy S. Neeley

Jack Neeley

Sydney N. Neely

Dr. Gera Silva Nelson

Scott Nelson

Sherry F. New

New Harmony Baptist Church, Inc.

Kya Newberry

Jimmy and Lisa M. Newell ’11 Hare

Daniel Newman ’18

Dylan Newton ’14

Lucy W. Nganga ’08

Dioulde Niane

Melissa Niard

Pernilla L. Nicklasson ’01

Andrew Nicola

Renata Niderla

Richard Nisbet

Daniel and Kathy Helm ’82 Nissley

Jennifer L. Vice Nitz ’17

Angela A. Noble

Raejean Noble

Kristin Minton-Noblett

Emma K. Noe ’19

Charles Gregory ’68 and Jessica Norbert

North Century Pharmacy, Inc.

Janet T. Novielli

Paul N. ’09 and Elizabeth Novielli

Whitney Jo Oaks ’19

Janice F. Oberhausen and

Pamela K. Smith

Qunicy M. Obremski

Matt O’Bryant

Sandra L. Oda

Kacey M. Ogburn

Mark S. Ogburn

Ogden Memorial United Meth. Church

Karen A. Oldham

Austin C. Olinde




Ashley M. Oliver ’19

Chance R. and Abby E. Oliver

Elizabeth A. Oliver

Gary Oliver

Greg L. Oliver

Jonathan Oliver

Dean W. Olson

Esther A. Olson

Lavonia C. Olson

Scott Olson

Jack and Jennifer O’Nan

Timothy D. Ooten ’13

Laura E. Ortiz

Edward L. and Nola A. Osborne

Wayne and Judith Wells ’58 Ostrander

David D. Overbay

Haley M. Overbay ’18

Melanie L. Overbee ’16

John R. Overby ’13

Farrah Overman

Warren Cole Overman

Betty Wright Overstreet ’57

Joshua B. Overstreet

Crystal Leigh Overton

Brandon L. Owen

Josh and Andrea N. Owens ’09

Megan Renee Owens

Adam and Nicole Chelini Ozment

Can Oztamur

John R. and Pamela B. Padgett

Regina M. Padilla ’16

Clemens Paetzold ’19

Kiara Pankins

Larry and Miriam R. Paris

Ed and Betty Pariso

Rich and Cindy Parker

Ruth Marie Parker

Theresa Parker

Tiffany Parker

Leandra Parks

David A. and Gloria Parrish

A.J. and Kanisha P. Frye ’14 Parrish

Ione Laughinghouse Parry ’64

Linda A. Parsley

John R. and Karen E. Partin

Terry and Rita Partin

Khyati M. Patel ’12

Megha I. Patel

Mona Ishvarbhai Patel

Steven W. Patrick

Danny and Barbara Patterson

Lin D. Patterson ’97

Joshua Neil ’14 and

Lois Jean Lanham ’15 Patton

Jaxson K. Paulin

Michael G. Payne ’88

Ruth Y. Payne

Donald G. and Rosemary N. Peace

Darlene A. Peake

Emily Kathleen Peck

Dr. Carol Bertram Peddicord

Cody Peden ’19

Darrell M. and Bette L. Pelston

Curtis Pelston ’16

Lisa Ann Pelton

Dee Pencer

Sheila N. Pendleton

Cheyton B. Pendley

Mickey and Stella M. Pennington

Paula and Jason Pennington

Samuel C. Perdue

Alan and Ranie Perkins

Corbett R. Perkins

Richard Perniciaro

Denise Perry

Frank D. and Sharon L. Perry

Trudy Perry

Tracey J. Perry

Anthony D. Perugini ’10

Charles R. and Anita C. Peters

Emma Peterson

Joel D. and Wendy ’13 Peterson

Katherine Elizabeth Peterson

Brittany Paige Pettell

Gray and Milda Pettit

Janet L. Petty

Bettie J. Phearson and Elizabeth L. Fulkerson

Laura Phelan

Alaina S. Phelps ’18

Erbie R. and Virginia R. Phelps

Jessica Elizabeth Phillips ’19

John A. and Leda W. Phillips

Leana Phillips

Requita Phillips

Sherry A. Phillips

Kalyn A. Phipps ’18

Frank and Debra L. Piacenti

Maurice W. and Tessa S. Pickett

Annie J. Pierce

Jada L. Pierce

Tara R. Pierce

Amelia B. Pike ’99

Chelsea R. Pike ’15

John D. ’91 and Jeana Collins Pike ’94

Bill and Sandy G. Pilgrim

Austin and Maricela Ping

Eric B. Pinson ’00

Nick and Millie Pitakis

Larry Pitchford ’60

Suzy C. Pitman ’16

Erika Plancarte

Yvonne Ploeg ’19

Raymond and Rebecca Poirier

Pollard Counseling Services

Michael S. and Terecia K. Polley

Noah D. Polston ’19

Mack Gregory Poole, Jr. and

Allison Jo Poole

Weston ’11 and

Kelsey Markham ’11 Pope

Eric A. Seiberling and

The Rev. Dr. Kimberly R. Pope-Seiberling

Dollee Jade Porter

Nikki Porter

Peggy Portman

Brenna D. Posey

Marchelle D. Posey

Nacole A. Potts ’99

Brandi Danielle Powell

Karen Powell

Carlton Powers

Charles L. and Betty L. Prebble

Keaton L. Prebble

Lindsey G. and Carol S. Prebble

Chaundel Presley

Amalie M. Preston ’88

Lizabeth K. Preston ’18

Tammy Preston

Chris and Chelsea W. Prewitt

Callie E. Price

Chad Anthony Price

Darrian Price

Dennis and Lynette Price

Mandy L. Price ’17

Seth T. Price

Kyle and Amanda E. Johnson ’10 Prince

Printing Creations

Johnnie O. Prock ’53

Keianna Proctor

Keith B. Proctor

Marylile Proctor

Danny and Paula Propes

W. R. and Deborah Watson Provence

Richard V. and Louise L. Prucha

Jessie S. Pruitt

McKenzie Lee Pruitt

Yuray Puac-Perez

Jaron Don Puckett, I

Whitley Paige Puckett

Luis Fernando Puig

Dean Pyles

Gabrielle Chandler Pyles ’19

Lonnie and Jewell Pyles

Mason L. Pyles

Preston Pyles

Thomas R. and Cherry Pyron

Charles M. Quinn

Chris and Ellen Quinn

Kaycee Danielle Rader

Marilyn Goodin Radford ’92

Ryan A. Radke

Bill and Betty Raine

Jim and Jan Ramage

Annabelle Kay Ramirez

Renan S. Ramos

Austin Ramsey

Christopher ’01 and

Marisa Price ’02 Ramsey

Dr. Sonja A. Rasmussen

Meagan F. Ray ’12

Thomas L. Ray, III

Javier R. Miranda

Owen J. and Paula R. Raymer

Stacy Raymond

Allison G. Rea

Jonathan W. ’04 and

Carrie A. Cassis ’10 Redford

John P. and Jennifer D. Redman

David and Vickie Reese

Brooklyn V. Reeves

Jessica A. Reeves

Gary W. Reichard and Oswaldo F. Pena

Ann E. Reinfried

Brett Reliford

Michael G. Resch ’01

Andrew K. Revanales

Rex’s Cycle Shop

Amber Nicole Rexroat

Pamela Reyes

Israel A. Reyna ’19

Phyllis K. Reynolds

Sheila K. Reynolds

Emily D. Rice

Jeffery D. and Ellen M. Rich


Mahala Grace Rich

Gay E. Richards

Brianna Star Richardson

Madison B. Richardson

Mary L. Richardson

Benjamin Riegger

Mary A. Ritchey ’19

Christina Kennetta Rittenberry

Kelsey Rittenberry

John L. Rivel, Jr. ’61

River of Glory Church

David and Penny L. Rizenbergs ’09

Tessa Roark

Charles A. and Brenda A. Roberts

Rebecca Roberts

Randall W and Vivian Stephens ’63 Robertson

Billie L. Robinson ’06

Christopher R. ’13 and Shannon Robinson

Jean B. Robinson

Joy Robinson

Sarah E. Robinson

Savannah Lee Robinson

Susan D. Robinson

Ken Rodger

Billy G. ’71 and Joyce Rodgers

Zachery T. ’17 and

Lynnsey K. Rodgers ’17 Oakes

David C. and Susan F. Roe

Corey A. Rogers

Hannah G. Rogers

Hunter J. Rogers

Dr. Ronald ’67 and Gayle Rogers

Ryan Rogers

Timothy C. Rolf

Russell and Betty Romine

Joseph and Mildred Rooney

Ashleigh N. Rose

Kendall A. Ross ’18

Blake R. Roth

Heath R. and Holly Brooke Routt

Della M. Rowe

Ben A. Roy

Louis and Judy Roy

Josh and Marissa L. Roy ’15

Dustin Ruff

Angel Russell

Kaylee Ann Russell ’19

Michele Russell ’12

Jaycie Lynn Russum

Hunter Sadler

William Andrew ’09 and

Hannah Allen ’12 Sadler

Tonia Saettel

Major Nicholas T. ’67 and Camille Sahm

Barbara H. Sain

Larry D. Sales ’89

Erica Casey Sallee ’19

Jimmy W. and Elizabeth Saltsman

Salyer Boat Cleaning and Canvas, Inc.

Jamie Salyers ’11

Justin Michael Samples

Alex R. Sanchez

Christian Roberto Sanchez

Adrian Diana Sanders

Amy May Sanders

Doug Sanders

Sean Michael Sanders

Shelby Sanders

Steve A. Sanders ’89

Donald W. and Mary L. Sandidge

Dr. Gregory R. Sandman

Sandusky Sales

Stephen K. and Lisa Rains ’86 Sanford

Sano Meat Processing

Tony Saragas

Dillan A. Saunders

John H. Sauter

Barry and Lisa Saylor

Donald W. ’64 and Catherine E. Shallon

Drs. Daniel L. and

Emilie Nicole Schnopp-Wyatt

Brent A. Schuler

Gabriel David Schumacher

Vickey J. Scopesi

Bailey Nichole Scott ’15

Connie S. Scott

Hayley E. Scott

Heather Scott

Jacob A. Scott ’19

Jim Scott

Justus C. Scott

Travis P. ’61* and Pamela Scott

Samatha L. Scott

Shirley C. Scott Ttee

Dr. Michael David Seale

Bernie D. and Mary A. Sears

Yvonne M. Sears

Lindsey J. Seiberling ’18

Bailey N. Seitz ’19

Amber M. Self ’17

Felicia Lynn Self

The Reverend Kenneth and Enid Self

Norma Self

Nik Senic

Charles and Dr. Melinda Squires ’94 Senters

Dylan M. Serrano

Zachary K. Settle

LTC Edward C. and Shirley P. Seufert

Peggy J. Sewell

William Kendall Sewell ’13

Bradley R. and Suzanne N. Sexton

Chyiann O. Sexton

Dwight and Pamela Sexton

Morgan E. Sexton ’19

Joshua L. Shaffer

Hannah Ruth Shannon

Scott and Kim Shannon

Hazel McCoy ’49 Sharp

Diana L. Shaw ’18

Elsie L. Shaw

Sydney P. Shearer

Stephen L. and Connie M. Sheets

Dr. Willard A. Sheets

Jennie Shelpman

Scott Sheperson

Kelli Shepherd

Morris D. ’53 and

Wilma L. Farris ’53 Shepherd

W. David and Tami Sherwood

Chasity Ann Shirley

Karen Shope

Courtney F. Shortridge ’17

Jimmy D. and Carolyn S. Shoultz

Sarah L. Shrewsberry

Melissa Sieuer

Andrew and

Chelci M. Barnett ’16 Simmons

Donald D. and Carolyn P. Simmons

Landon R. Simmons

Lanny and Janice Simmons

Leslie Denise Simmons

Maxwell S. ’50* and

Adolfina Vesseur ’51 Simpson

Savanah R. Simpson ’19

Edward T. and Sheila Sinclair

Loren D. Singleton

Alan and Theresa Sipes

Alexandria Lea Sizemore

ZaKiya A. Sizemore

Taylor M. Slade

Kimberly Slaughter

Noah D. Slepicka

Cleophas and Joy L. Slone

Jacqueline M. Slone

Clyde Smallwood

Darrell and Camie M. Smallwood, Jr.

Darren J. Smallwood

Derrick N. Smallwood

Nola J. Smallwood

Ashley M. Smith

Ben Smith

Brenda A. Smith

Clay Smith

Dakota Smith

Derek L. Smith

Greg R. and Fran C. Smith

Hannah Smith

Huston K. Smith

James T. and Treva W. Smith

Javaughn Smith

Jenna M. Smith

Jonathan M. Smith ’13

Judy M. Smith

Katherine I. Smith

Kenneth and Robin D. ’02 Smith

Dr. Laura A. Bailey Smith

Lawrence A. and Joanne S. Smith

Leslie Smith

Lonnie and Amanda Smith

Michael A. Smith ’86

Trent and Mitza McClure ’88 Smith

Morgan E. Smith

Pamela Kaye Smith

Randall and Angie Smith

Rebekah Smith

Renae Fletcher Smith ’89

Russell and Kathleen Smith

Shayla M. Smith

Jason T. and Stephanie Smith

Timothy W. Smith

Travis Whitney ’05 and

Dr. Allison L. Smith

Zac Smith

Harlee R. Smock ’19

Julie Givens Smyrichinsky

Snooty Fox Salon

Chelsy A. Solomon ’17

Bryan S. and Teresa A. Sorgius

Michael Austin ’13 and

Dr. Amy G. Souers

South Central Dental Society

Natasha D. Southwood

Tiffany L. Spangler

Charles and Helen Hancock ’55 Sparks

Merrylen W. Sparks




Austin C. Sparrow ’19

James and Shirley Spears

Nancy L. Spears

Brittany Speer

Holly Ann Speer

Charles David and Jocelyn Biehle-Speiser

Aaron Spencer

Deamon Spencer

Hayley L. Spivey

Dane and Kristen Spoelker

Doug and Chelsea Spoelker

Hanna Spoelker

Travis Keith Spradlin

Charles L. ’65 and Barbara C. Springer

David and Stacy R. Cobb ’05 Springston

James and Sara Arnold ’73 Sproles

Tera Sprowles

The Reverend Kenneth D. ’74 and

Becky Brown ’74 Spurrier

Cassie M. Squires ’19

Erika A. Squires

Mitchell Payton Squires

Margaret Fisher Srack ’’64

Laura F. Stacy

Shelia Marie Stacy ’16

Katelin Stafford

Patricia Nichole and James E. Stallard

Halley D. Stamm ’19

Sami Stanfield

Darren Stanforth

George R. and Cathy E. Stanley

Michael and Maggie Stanley

Allison Staples

Dr. Amy L. Staples

Eric Staples

Ruth Staples

Rebecca Stargel

Chris and Tori Starks

Penelope S. Starr

Stateline Steel, LLC

Rebekah J. Woody ’08 Staten

Karsen Seth Steele

Betty JoAnn Steinhilber

David W. ’16 and Sidney Stephens

Grant M. Stephens

Kay Stephens

Leah M. Stephens ’19

Marlene Stephens

Rhonda Stephens

Wes and Jodie L. Stephens ’08

Marshall Stevens

Chelsie M. Stevenson

Darrell T. and Brenda J. Stevenson

Debra S. Stevenson

Tiffany R. Stevenson ’14

Cameron W. Stewart

Charles L. Stewart ’85

Frank and Frances Stewart

Wally Stewart ’69

Micah Joel Stewart-Wilcox ’19

Rodney and Ronda Stewart-Wilcox

Lyle Stiles

Patrick M. and Shannon C. Stoehr

Gina Stokes

Kyion L. Stone

Stotts Construction Co., Inc.

Donna J. Stotts

Kallie P. Stotts

Kalob M. Stotts

Cynthia Stratton

William C. and Lisa A. Stratton

Timothy Straub

Margie A. Straut

Corinne Streble

Darrcy Adams Streetman

Lauren E. Streets

Tanner D. ’14 and

Alexandria Lynn Russell ’16 Strein

Cory D. and Sara W. Stringfield

Justin W. Sturgeon

Patricia E. Sublett ’65

Bernard R. and

Connie Givens ’62 Suchocki

Laurie Ann Sullivan

Luann Summers

Richard F. ’00 and

Holly DuBrowa ’00 Sutherland

Sanna Svensson

Karen S. Swank

Cassandra Swanson

David and Lynn Swecker

Stefan D. ’11 and Chelsea M. ’11 Swecker

Marty and Karen Swift

Isabel P. Symoens

Carolyn Szabo

Bill W. and Judy A. Tabor

Dana M. Tackett ’19

Madison B. Tackett ’19

Christian M. Talley ’13

Glen and Sue Talley

Joseph Lee ’98 and Lesley Talley

Lauren E. Talley

Erik Tarlton

Stefanie A. Tarter

Johnnie A. and

Tamera S. Sexton ’99 Tarter

Tastefully Yours, Inc.

Shelby L. Taulbee ’19

Antwan L. Taylor ’19

Billy D. Taylor

Fred and Sheila Taylor

Lisa G. Taylor

Martie Brianna Wynn ’17

Max and Laveda Bennett ’46 Taylor

Tommy and Susan D. Taylor

Dr. Thomas M. Taylor

Anya Terry ’19

Mark C. ’18 and Carla Tessari

The Appliance Store, Inc.

The Clarinda Wrestling Club

The Clorox Company

The Little House

The White Orchid Florist and Gifts

Alberta Thomas

Amelia E. Thomas ’15

Eunice W. Thomas ’50

John Robert Thomas

Anna Kate Radford Thomas

Tamika Y. Thomas ’19

Allyson Thompson

Angela F. Thompson

Brianna Thompson

Caitlyn M. Thompson

Clifton* and Linda Thompson

Jared Andrew Thompson

Lane M. Thompson ’17

Lauren R. Thompson ’15

Macy Lynne Thompson ’19

Margaret J. Thompson ’19

Dr. Nathan F. Thompson

Shanale N. and Ambrose D. Thompson

Sylva Alicia Thoresen

Marlena Thornsbeary ’16

Kylee Dominique Thornton

Rondall and Amy Thornton

Adrianna Shellie Thrasher ’19

Preslee B. Thrasher ’18

Cameron T. Thurman

John Thurman and Hilary Winter

Tim Thurman

Joanna Caroline Tidei

Clint and Elizabeth Tilford

Cory and Sheri Tilford

Gary and Carole Tilford

James M. and Linda C. Tiller

Brian Timson

Jim and Angela Tino

Rebekah Tivitt

Tim and Amy Tobitt

Alex and Donna L. Tooman

Laura L. Wesson ’11 Torres

Towne Barber Shop

Coni Tramontana

Katelyn Marie Traughber

Jerry and Dorothy Traylor

Kandice A. Trejo ’17

Kori Trice

Trifecta Print, Inc

Kelly A. Trosper ’85

Don A. Trowell

Barbara J. Trumpis

Glynn P. and Lesia H. Tucker

Kevin O. Tucker ’05

Thomas R. and Phyllis A. Tucker

Michael E. and Kimberly D. Tuggle

Donnetta S. Tungate

Charles Turner

Eugene and Donna G. Turner

Greg and Jennifer Turner

Greta Turner

Dr. Janet P. Turner

Jerry Turner

Matthew L. and Debra S. Turner

Trever S. Turner

Virginia S. Turner ’18

William J. and Kim E. Tweedy

Cassandra E. Untiedt ’19

John Lee’14 and

Dariann N. Smith ’15 Updike

Jessica N. Usrey ’15

Andrea Vanarsdale

Heather N. VanArsdale ’19

Trilby T. Vance

Samantha N. Vanderhoff

Jeremy D. Vanderpool ’18

Leiah Vanhook

Megan D. VanHook

Virginia L. Vanover

Doe G. Vassar ’18

Christy Vaughan ’08

Johnnie A. Vaughan ’94

Macayla J. Vaughan ’15

Eddie and Datha Vaughn

Paul Payton Veraldi


Beth Ann Vial

Natalie E. Vickous ’13

Susan L. Vickous

Noelle M. Vidak

Courtney B. Vincent ’19

Haley Brooke Vittitow ’19

Tyler and Lacy Brook Roberson ’14 Vowell

William J. and Judy Gail Vowels

Richard L. ’61 and Mary Ann Wagner

Dr. Erin Marie Wais-Hennen

Donald J. and Carolyn F. Waldner

Dawn Waldrop

Bonnie S. Walker

Larry ’71 and Cindy Alley ’83 Walker

Rhondell K. Walker, II ’19

Tabitha L. Walker ’17

Cagen L. Wallace

Morris and Edith C. Wallace

Shelia Renee Wallen ’06

Kristina N. Waller ’19

Patrick and Angela Wallis

Kenneth W. and Rhonda L. Walls


Lena A. Wann

Christopher and Jacqueline Wantlin

Anquinette W. Ward

Cameron C. Ward

Joshua Allen Ward, Jr.

William A. ’57 and

Virginia Matthews ’57 Ward

William and Pamela Ward

Brent Warf

Steven L. ’09 and Linda K. Warner

Durand L. Warren ’13

Gidget Warren

Kelly Denise Warren

Troy Z. Warren ’19

Joe I Washington

Loudon Ford ’04 and

Amanda Baker ’03 Waterstrat

Dianna M. Watkins

Alexa C. Watson

Ashley M. Watson ’19

Caleb Andrew Watson

Drake Watson

Tristan A. Watson

Sharon Wayne

Sharon Denise Weaver

Dr. George ’54 and Elizabeth ’57 Webb

James and Brenda Webb

Kandace Webster

Clara Mae Wehrbein

Harold W. and Sandra K. Weiand ’98

Brian Weisbrodt

Thomas P. and Tina M. Weisman

Courtney Scholtz Weisshaupt

Donnie and Darlene Wells

Greg M. Wells

Matthew Gregory Wells

Janice R. Wendell

Ronald R. and Lena M. Wesson

Lynda C. Stanley ’04 Westfall

Luke Edward Westmoreland ’19

Christopher Weston ’11

Anna M. Wethington

Casey Wethington ’10

Gerry and Karen Wethington

Gregory S. Wethington

Patricia S. Wethington

William C. and Betty Lou Wethington

William C. ’93 and

Leah N. ’93 Wethington

Dr. Richard A. and Dianne Wham

Carol J. Wheat

Hali Wheat ’16

John A. Wheat

Stevie and Sarah Wheat

Jessica R. Wheeler ’08

Chris and Janice M. Whelan

Les and Laura A. Whelan

Mary Whelan

Ronnie Whelan

Sam Whelan

Scott and Daphne Whelan

Ashley White

Barry K. and Sheila White

Clifford R. and Stacy A. White

Emma White

Joey and Elizabeth White

Jordan B. White

Raven Soleil White

Rita F. White ’14

Tanesha White

Roy E.* and Wanda W. White

Bobi J. Whitinger ’18

Jerry L. ’65* Barbara B. Whitley

Ryan M. ’14 and

Jessica Wethington ’13 Whitlock

Dr. Justin A. ’06 and Galen Whitney

Matthew S. and Molly L. Whitson

Dewey and Ann Widener

Julie Widener

Amanda M. Widner ’19

The Reverend David G. ’67 and

Win Wilde

Shannon Wiles

Brandon Tyler Wiley

Brent P. Will ’17

Alexus J. Williams

Amanda D. Williams

Benjamin T. ’05 and

Marla Rogers ’06 Williams

Betty Williams

Brittney Williams ’17

Bryce Vaughn Williams

Carey B. Williams ’19

Charles and Sandra Williams

Craig A. ’64* and

Brenda Collins ’87 Williams

Dominique Williams

Gary Lee ’00 and

Nora K. Ohrnberg ’05 Williams

Jennifer Koahou-Williams

Kaitlyn B. Williams

Kanise Williams

Larry and Barbara J. Williams

Sarah W. Williams

Sydney D. Williams

Waverly Williams

Erin P. Willinger

Alayna Grace Willis

Bradley Steven ’05 and Jessica Willis

Harold B. ’84 and

Shelia Smith ’84 Willis

James Michael Willis ’09

Joseph Clark ’11 and Traci Willis

Marquetta Willis

Mindy Willis

Tammy L. Willis

Tessa M. Pyles Willis ’18

William L. ’62 and Sue C. Willis

Andy and Ami Jo Rogers ’91 Wilson

Bruce and Patsy Wilson

Cassey V. Wilson

Christina O. Wilson

Cordie L. Wilson

Delton Wilson

Forrest and Ella Lee Wilson

Jessica Wilson ’15

Lataunoia S. Wilson ’19

Lleslie L. Wilson ’00

Mark and Ratoya Wilson

Pat and Shelly Wilson

Ronald Lee and Chaplain Brenda Wilson

Rick and Sandy Corbin ’85 Wilson

Stacey Wilson

Alison Winger ’19

Chester R. and Sharon E. Wirrig

Harold and Dianna Wise

Mark L. and Mary Wise

Max and Heather Wise

William B. and Jennifer Wiseman

Josh and Diana M. Milby ’10 Withers

Mary M. Witten

Jacob Wolf

Sydnie S. Wolf

Marybeth Long-Wolff

Daniel G. and Margaret L. Wood

Michael A. Woodward

Cameron Kyle Wright

Chris M. ’12 and Sara Judd ’16 Wright

Juanita K. Wright

Drs. Daniel L. and

Emilie N. Schnopp-Wyatt

Michele L. Wyatt

Eula Wyche

Eric S. Wyrick

Merv W. ’62 and Joyce Yadon

Yuta Yamamoto ’19

Katrina Yates

Constance Yeargin

Devon Wayne York

Kathy P. York

Charles W. Young, III

Charlotte Ann Young

Eli Kirk Young ’17

Isaac Pierce Young

Kayla A. Young

Lisa P. Young

The Reverend Meryl and

Ruth Ann Young

Preston Young ’19

Meryl and Ruth Ann Young

LaTasha R. Youngblood ’19

Katie Sue Yount

Alexandria M. Yuhas ’17

Sumiko Nicole Yuki

J. D. and Ellen Zornes

Meredith Zornes

Cheryl Ann Zuckschwerdt ’64 Ellsbury

Anna Zwiebel

Lewis Robert and Lee Ann Zwiebel



The Frances Smothers Society is a donor recognition society created to recognize those individuals and organizations who faithfully support Lindsey Wilson

College year after year without regard to the size of the gift. The Frances Smothers Society recognizes individual donors who have made consecutive gifts at

least five consecutive years. This information is based on giving records since 1984.

Dr. Annette Abel (11)

Lewis C. ’56 and Betty Adair (8)

Adair County Community Voice (13)

Guy W. and Jeanne Triplett Adams (26)

Judge John R. and Pamela S. Adams (10)

Dr. L. Dean ’78 and

Valerie J. Murrell ’90 Adams (23)

American Red Cross (5)

Anderson’s Pizzeria (6)

Dan L. ’71 and Patti L. Antle (27)

Army Emergency Relief (9)

John W. ’68 and

Melissa Saunier Arnold (21)

Association of Independent KY

Colleges and Universities (27)

Dr. Alex W. ’08 and Joie Bailey (6)

Kenneth A. Baker (10)

Robert A. Baker ’79 (11)

Bank of Columbia (6)

Charles ’53 and Barbara Barnes (18)

Houston P. and

Ophelia Lucas ’00 Barnes (24)

The Reverend Philip T. and

Peggy Barnum (9)

David ’87 and

Rhonda Melson ’04 Begley (25)

Drs. John B. and Lucretia Begley (35)

Derek and

Jamie N. Buchanan ’04 Benningfield (8)

Martha Henry ’48 Berry (14)

Mary Ella Cooper ’93 Bertram (32)

Phil Allan and Martha* Bertram (9)

Dr. Brad J. Bilbro ’11 (5)

Sydney J. Bird ’13 (6)

The Reverend A. Wayne ’67 and

Lois Bishop (5)

James A. Blair (10)

Mark H. ’10 and

Suzanne M. Babak ’03 Blakeman (10)

Elizabeth Sharon Antle Bledsoe ’62 (5)

Board of Higher Education and Ministry (29)

Mike and

Cheryl L. Whitehead ’04 Boger (11)

Elizabeth N. Boisvert ’09 (11)

Dr. Michael J. Bosela (9)

James W. Bottoms (10)

Darrel ’75 and

Rebekah Moseley ’78 Bragg (5)

Laurance ’66 and Cheryl Branch (10)

Drs. Robert B. Brashear and

Debra Arnett (24)

Benjamin F. ’61 and Susan K. Breeding (13)

David W. and Sandra E. Brock (6)

Robert F. and Tamera Brock (9)

Carolyn Strange ’63 Brockman (11)

W. Danny Brockman (10)

James C. and Sally E. Brown (5)

John Robert Brown ’13 (7)

Dr. Kimberly E. Brown ’06 (12)

Sara Maria Aros ’01 Brown (5)

James D. Bryant (10)

Junius E. Bryant ’53 (35)

Nancy Officer ’49 Buchanan (9)

Dr. Alta M. Burnett (6)

B.J. and Hilma Burnett (33)

Barney and Mary Anna Burns (9)

Randy J. ’93 and Miranda Burns (12)

Ben ’64 and Elizabeth Burr (21)

Eddie D. Burton (10)

Drew A. ’94 and

Laura K. Dickinson ’03 Burwash (21)

Cortez ’42* and Ruth Sewell ’42 Butler (7)

Brady C. ’98 and Dr. Emiley W. Button (14)

The Reverend David and

Kimberly Gipson ’90 Calhoun (7)

Dr. Patrice C. McCarter (11)

Paul and M. Jill Pierce ’92 Callison (10)

Campbellsville Automotive, LLC (9)

Derek W. ’13 and Allie Cape (5)

Gordon and

Melissa Ann Pridemore ’90 Carlton (9)

Emily Carnall ’12 (8)

Garmoline Carpenter (34)

Rachel McKenzie Carr ’13 (5)

Malcolm Carraco (8)

Dr. Richard W. Carroll (5)

Johnny R. and Rita Carter (10)

Dr. Thomas P. and Julialice* Carter (35)

Felix Carlos Casa deValle ’16 (6)

Casey County Alumni Assoc., Inc. (5)

Steven and Deborah Thomas ’77 Caswell (9)

James and Paulette Caywood (21)

Allison G. Chafin ’13 (7)

Dr. Gerald and Sonja Chafin (11)

Jackie L. and

Kirsty Marie Marr ’06 Chapman (10)

John E. ’71 and

Catherine Pence ’71 Chowning (18)

Charles and

Patricia Merkley ’55* Christiansen (7)

Lowell* and Marilyn Lacy ’56 Clark (12)

The Reverend Samuel R. ’50* and

Barbara Salley ’59 Clark (20)

Melissa Philley Clauson (17)

Randall Clauson (5)

Jeanette Madison Coates ’48 (5)

Sierra Biehle Coe ’12 (5)

Mark E. and Maggie Coleman (6)

David W. and Cynthia P. Collier (6)

Columbia United Methodist Church (8)

Garry and Virginia Coomer (24)

The Reverend John C. ’65 and

Janice Coomer (20)

Kenneth R.* and Linda F. Coomer (5)

Richie W. ’63 and

Sue Breeding ’67 Coomer (35)

Andre A. ’04 and

Amy Kirchner ’00 Cooper (10)

Sherry A. Corbin (10)

D. Pete ’01 and Adele Cornett (6)

Drs. Jeffrey J. and Jodi Crane (19)

Cumberland Cellular Partnership (7)

Cumberland Cellular, Inc. d/b/a

Duo County Telecom (7)

Ann H. Curtis (5)

Betty Jean and Ralph* Dailey (13)

Drs. Charles and Teresa Spurling Darnell (35)

The Reverend William R. ’67 and

Bonnie Davenport (16)

Dr. Donald B. and Billie T.* Davis (6)

David and Melody J. Davis (20)

Scott A. ’87 and Angela M. DeBurger (16)

Richard and Jean A. Flatt ’58 Denholtz (10)

Pamela Donnelly (5)

Anonymous Donors (34)

Dr. Roger and Judy Drake ’12 (15)

William D. ’07 and Alexandria Dukes (6)

Hunter and Joyce Goodin ’61 Durham* (27)

Robert H. Durham ’89 (6)

E. O. Robinson Mountain Fund (6)

Sabine M. Eastham (5)

Joshua and Lori A. Riddle ’02 Eberenz (12)

Carol M. Edwards (5)

William R. and Kathleen Edwards (19)

Al Ross and Donna Lee Eferstein (21)

Tabitha M. Ellis ’90 (8)

Alvin W. and Kathleen Ensz (13)

Mamadou Fall ’08 (11)

Dr. Neil R. and Carrie Luker ’67 Farris (12)

Benjamin S. ’05 and

Charity Milby ’01 Ferguson (19)

First and Farmers National Bank (34)

Kermit E. Flener, Sr. ’48* and

Ruth Alexander Flener ’49 (5)

Brian E. and Sara R. Hargis ’04 Foos (8)

Cynthia E. Ford (18)

Diane M. Ford (9)

Chris and Myra Tompkins ’98 Ford (21)

Ronald Ford (10)

Peter N. ’65 and

Dimple Sell ’66 Fournaris (8)

Anne Frank (5)

Dean and Claudia R. Froedge (16)

Dr. Thomas M. and Sharon Fuchs (6)

Mark Allen ’81 and

Denise Glass ’82 Fudge (33)



The Reverend Montie and

Teresa L. Fugate (16)

Joshua ’09 and

Jennifer Dudley ’06 Furkin (12)

Rebecca Denton ’60 Gabehart (34)

The Reverend Ron ’61 and

Marjorie Gaddie (20)

Rodney E. Gale ’65 (14)

Peter O. Gante ’62 (35)

James and

Paula K. Smythe ’94 Garrison (11)

Dennis and Janet George (14)

Kenneth George ’64 (7)

Robert R. and Thelma L. Gibson (11)

Dr. Charles S. and

Melissa A. Richards ’85 Giles (6)

Dr. Glenn P. and Lyndia R. Glasgow (7)

David P. Goguen (11)

Neal M. ’73 and

Harriet McQuaide ’82 Gold (27)

Tevie S. ’07 and

Allysa L. Pruitt ’08 Gooden (12)

Dr. Robert R. ’59 and

Carol A.* Goodin (34)

Terry L. and Shelia G. Dudley (10)

Karen A. Govender (17)

Grand Chapter of Kentucky (7)

Donna C. Graves ’78 (22)

James Eugene 51’ and Peggy Guffey (9)

Richard and Lesa Hagan (26)

Deborah Rogers Hall ’01 (22)

Michael Hamlett (18)

Hancock Tire Center (18)

C. Philip Hanna (25)

Joseph R. ’62* and Florence B. Harner (18)

Dr. Raymond Bruce Harris ’08 (12)

Regina Michelle Haugen ’05 (11)

Kimberley A. Harvey Helm ’85 (14)

John and D. D. Hendrickson (16)

Dr. G. Edward ’46 and Martha* Henry (17)

Nita Hesford (9)

Kenneth W. and Sharon A. Higgins (5)

Joe T. and Barbara Hodges (17)

Sam B. ’52 and

Joyce McKinney ’49* Holmes (12)

Robert J. and Amy Leanne Holsinger ’07 (5)

S. Oden and Laurie Howell (6)

John Franklin ’69 and Patricia Hoxworth (18)

Dr. George F. Hromyak, Jr. (6)

Emalene Hughes (6)

The Reverend Larry W. ’65 and

Ruth Ann Hughes (7)

Dr. J. Mark and Connie Huntsman (5)

Jodi L. MacKenzie Irvin (9)

J. P. and W. R. Jewell Foundation (19)

Jeffries Hardware (21)

Hilda Willis ’55 Jenkins (30)

John B. and

Brownie Young Memorial Fund (9)

Andre Johannes (16)

Douglas J. and Cynthia L. Johnson (5)

Greg ’65 and Mary L. Johnson (10)

Mark A. Jones (9)

Julia R. Judd (5)

Dr. William B. and Dottie Julian (23)

Dr. Ronald Kaluya ’11 (6)

Arvis Ray Kearns ’86 (8)

George H. ’52 and Jane ’63 Keltner (7)

The Reverend Travis ’64 and

Patsy Keltner (5)

Dennis C. ’73 and

Carolyn Sue Kemmer (24)

Helen Walker ’48 Kemp (10)

Kentucky Blood Center (8)

Kentucky United Methodist Conference (35)

The Kentucky

United Methodist Foundation (26)

Kyra W. Ketron (11)

Linda Underwood ’67 King (10)

Margit R. King (5)

John Kleber (5)

Donald E. ’74 and

Betty Shirley ’73 Knifley (7)

Dr. Daniel Allan and Linda Koger (9)

Dr. George and Yvonne Kolbenschlag (33)

Evlyn Komosa (24)

Kroger of Cincinnati (5)

Billy G. ’63 and

Donna Quigley ’63 Lacy (16)

Dr. Gary T. ’61 and

Doris McKinney ’60 Lane (15)

Embry M. ’56* and Judy H. Lay (35)

Vickie Q. Lay ’92 (12)

Dr. Curtis Lee, Jr. ’02 (18)

Dr. Hilda Humphress Legg ’72 (11)

Linda LeVally ’62 Early (15)

The Reverend Daniel L. Lincoln (9)

Lincoln County Educational Fund, Inc. (13)

Clint and Dorinda Cherry ’10 Livesay (22)

Porter E. Lobb (10)

Lon and Jessie R. Rogers

Educational Trust (31)

Bettye M. Long (21)

Dr. Jeremy M. and Mary C. Lord (10)

Dr. Barry and Mary Anne Loy (9)

Harry* and Nancy Loy (7)

John F. ’57 and Betty Murrell ’57 Loyd (10)

David E. and Carolyn S. Lucas (9)

Gerald W. Lucas (9)

Joanne Elise Luckey (5)

Dr. William T. and

Elise Hendrickson ’88 Luckey (28)

Drs. George M. and Sue Y. Luckey (11)

Garrett J. Luttrell ’11 (9)

Dr. Pete and Dixie Mahurin (25)

Leighton ’98 and

Amanda Gagel ’97 Main (14)

Tonia R. Marcum ’10 (8)

Charles R. ’67 and

Dr. Carol Cheatham ’67 Marra (29)

Larry and Dr. Rachel Marshall (9)

Rita W. Marshall (9)

Cecil and Lynne Martin (10)

Stephen R. and

Elizabeth A. Grant ’75 Martin (18)

Thomas O. Matthews ’51 (9)

Bill W. ’61 and Margaret Mauney (7)

Collis G. ’64 and Rebecca Mayfield (23)

Dr. Timothy G. and Suzy McAlpine (21)

Drs. Jerry W. and Kendrick McCandless (8)

Dr. Tyler F. McCubbins ’09 (11)

Ronnie W. and Tanya K. McGaughey (10)

Paul F. McKinley ’59 (12)

Mark L. McKinnon (9)

Lynn B. ’73 and

Jean Dohoney ’49* McLean (28)

Rollin ’61 and

Stella Chuppe ’62 McQueary (6)

Middle Cumberland Retired

Teachers Association (14)

L. Powell and Ashley M. Miller (8)

Beverly Jane Miller (10)

Susan K. Minton (18)

Kris Ann Schuhmann Mitchell ’05 (8)

Troy A. and Jody A. Mizell (5)

Jacquelyn G. Montgomery (7)

Anthony A. ’16 and

Sandra L. Moore ’12 (16)

Dr. David W. and

Delorah Jewell* Moore (21)

Jon ’63 and Nancy L. Moore (24)

W. Joe and Mary Angela ’04 Moore (20)

Thomas E. ’63 and

Janice Branstetter ’64 Morgan (10)

Betty Jean Moseley (30)

Dr. Buelon R. and Sue Moss (11)

Dr. Kelly and Betty Moss (17)

Jerry and Faye Muncie (5)

Munfordville and

Mt. Beulah U.M. Women (16)

Glenn and

Lisa Michelle Hatton ’93 Murray (9)

William and Rita Murrell (5)

Lucy Namulemo ’16 (5)

Gordon Taft Neal III (11)

Donald D. ’69 and Fran Neat (5)

Jeff and Rita F. Neat (10)

Nel Morrison Charitable Trust (18)

Lafawn C. Nettles ’02 (5)

The Reverend Lawrence J. Nettles (11)

Michael L. ’00 and Mila Newton (25)

The Reverend Larry Noe ’85 (15)

Charles Gregory ’68 and Jessica Norbert (8)

Eleanor T. Norfleet* (15)

Christopher R. and Wendy Oliver (10)

Wayne and Judith Wells ’58 Ostrander (11)



Betty Wright Overstreet ’57 (14)

Joshua B. Overstreet (10)

JoAnn Panko (21)

Larry D. ’67 and Marsha Parker (9)

Drs. Allan M. and Bunny C. Parnell (23)

Dr. Jeffrey and Lisa Parsons (12)

Khyati M. Patel ’12 (8)

Dr. Shilpan M. Patel ’04 (10)

Dr. Susan F. Patterson ’97 (14)

Brian and Janet Peake (12)

Hannah E. Peck ’12 (8)

John D. ’81 and Susan Peck (12)

Paul G. Peck ’75 (17)

Lisa Ann Pelton (10)

Sheila N. Pendleton (21)

Trudy Perry (18)

Douglas and Roberta Peterson (7)

Tula Peterson (15)

PG and E Corporation Foundation (6)

Dr. Greg and Bonita Phelps (20)

Dr. Clarenda M. Phillips (5)

A. Codell ’76 and Pat Phipps (18)

Roy J. ’54* and Frances Polston (6)

Willis ’94 and

Traci Luckey ’91 Pooler (26)

Stacy and Venus Popplewell ’16 (14)

Nacole A. Potts ’99 (11)

Dr. Mohammad Pourheydarian (26)

Chad Anthony Price (10)

Johnnie O. Prock ’53 (17)

Dr. Lenn* and Mary Ellen Pruitt (7)

Danny and Sandy Pyles (16)

Pyles Excavating, Inc. (7)

Keith ’42 and

Mary Stovall ’42 Radford (35)

Marilyn Goodin Radford ’92 (25)

Dr. Michael L. Ratliff (29)

Mrs. Walter S. Reuling (15)

The Reverend Howard O. and

Dee Reynolds (35)

Dr. Robert and

Rita McAfee ’05 Reynolds (32)

Dr. Michael ’67 and Alice Rice (12)

Eldridge and Elizabeth Richards (19)

Kenneth F. and Tammy Roberts (7)

Dr. Kerry E. Robertson (21)

Billie L. Robinson ’06 (13)

The Reverend Charles Rogers (16)

Rogers Chiropractic Clinic (17)

Charlie ’65 and Mary Rosenbaum (12)

Dr. William J. and Sandy Rothwell (5)

Dr. Ricky L. Rowe (35)

Corey M. and Maria Bonza Ruff (10)

Michele Russell ’12 (6)

Russell Springs

United Methodist Church (17)

William Andrew ’09 and

Hannah Allen ’12 Sadler (11)

Steve A. Sanders ’89 (18)

Stephen K. and Lisa Rains ’86 Sanford (13)

Tommie Ann Culver Saragas ’06 (14)

Dr. Christopher ’01 and

Rebecca Peers ’00 Schmidt (23)

Drs. Daniel L. and

Emilie Nicole Schnopp-Wyatt (9)

Scholarship Management Services (12)

Bailey Nichole Scott ’15 (5)

Charles and

Dr. Melinda Squires ’94 Senters (20)

Settle Memorial United Methodist Church (5)

Dr. Benson T. Sexton (14)

Morris D. ’53 and

Wilma L. Farris ’53 Shepherd (23)

Stan E. and Sharon E. Smock (9)

J. Brian ’98 and Melanie Shirley (7)

Wendell R. Shirley ’56 (14)

The Reverend Curtis W. and

Corinne Slinker (29)

SMART Scholarship Funding/

United States Bowling Congress (7)

Huston K. Smith (9)

Joe and Jill Smith (14)

Mollie Smith (9)

Randall and Angie Smith (10)

Raymond G. and Susan Smith (8)

Kenneth and Robin D. ’02 Smith (25)

Russell and Kathleen Smith (8)

Timothy W. Smith (27)

Travis Whitney ’05 and

Dr. Allison L. Smith (10)

Dr. Frances P. Smothers (35)

Gloria Sotelo (10)

Billy ’50 and

Mildred Dillingham ’50 Sparks (14)

Malcolm S. ’54* and

Esther Garner ’54 Sparks (13)

Deamon Spencer (10)

Chris and Tori Starks (17)

Betty JoAnn Steinhilber (6)

Wally Stewart ’69 (9)

Dr. Sue Cravens Stivers (27)

William W. Straus ’70 (13)

Alexandria Lynn Russell ’16 (5)

Asa J. Swan ’96 and

Hon. Allison Joy Ball (11)

Drs. Terry ’97 and

Cinda Johnston ’94 Swan (34)

Michael R. ’91 and

Dana Herron ’95 Talley (25)

Billy D. Taylor (10)

Taylor County United Methodist Men (35)

The Community Foundation

of Louisville, Inc. (11)

Anna Kate Radford Thomas (6)

Jared Andrew Thompson (5)

Kevin A. and

Donna Beth Thompson (27)

Clyde Thornton Trust (18)

Thomas G. Tuttle ’66 (17)

United Citizens Bank (15)

United Methodist

Higher Education Foundation (17)

USA BMX Foundation,

American Bicycle Association (7)

Trilby T. Vance (6)

Christy Vaughan ’08 (12)

Macayla J. Vaughan ’15 (5)

Natalie E. Vickous ’13 (5)

Drs. Werner P. and Helen Vogel* (5)

Richard L. ’61 and

Mary Ann Wagner (17)

William L. ’41* and

Maxine Walkup ’46 Walker (9)

William A. ’57 and

Virginia Matthews ’57 Ward (21)

The Reverends Gene A. and

Carolyn Mann Weddle ’10 (15)

David M. and Judith H. Wells (5)

Chris ’01 and Amy Thompson ’99 Wells (21)

Donnie and Darlene Wells (17)

Ray and Cynthia Antle ’96 Wells (29)

Dr. Jerry Westerfield (5)

Robert and

Prudence Hutchison ’69 Westholm (11)

John ’84 and

Shelia Wood ’91 Wethington (31)

Tom and Christie Wethington ’83 (16)

The Reverend Gale and Nancy Wetzel (8)

Barry K. and Sheila White (21)

Mearlene Hendrick ’52 White (18)

Kenneth W. and

Dr. Elizabeth Lowe ’49* Whitfield (35)

Ryan M. ’14 and

Jessica Wethington ’13 Whitlock (5)

Dr. Justin A. ’06 and Galen Whitney (10)

The Reverend David G. ’67 and

Win Wilde (14)

William Shearer Memorial Fund (6)

Craig A. ’64* and

Brenda Collins ’87 Williams (11)

Rickie and

Christine Todd ’92 Williams (27)

Donnie and Phyllis Willis (16)

Harold B. ’84 and

Shelia Smith ’84 Willis (6)

William L. ’62 and Sue C. Willis (17)

Dr. M. A. and

Portia Breeding ’54 Winchester (16)

Chester R. and Sharon E. Wirrig (5)

Jan K. Woody ’77 (22)

Jeanette Russell Wortham ’50 (29)

Trent and Karen Bault ’92 Wright (21)

Drs. Daniel L. and

Emilie N. Schnopp-Wyatt (9)

The Reverend J. Wilbur Yates ’51 (12)


Seven new members were inducted into the

Lindsey Wilson College Golden Alumni Society

at the John B. Begley Chapel in May. The

new members are from the Class of 1969, who

celebrated their 50-year reunion during the

2019 spring commencement weekend. From

left, Blue Raider Bob; John R. Carter Sr. from

Jamestown, Ky.; John Hoxworth from Terre

Haute, Ind.; Hodges A. Moss from Forest

Springs, Ky.; Michael Smith from Louisville,

Ky., Prudence Westholm from Elizabethtown,

Ky.; Joan Wheat from Russell Springs, Ky.;

Rita Yates from Springfield, Ky.; and LWC Director

of Alumni Relations Hannah Peck.


Alumni who have not celebrated their 10th class reunion and made gifts of $100 or more during the 2018-2019 fiscal year.

John W. ’09 and Jacolyn M. Adcock

Patrick Ryan Adkins ’19

Tara H. Arnold ’14

Molly E. Atkinson ’10

Darrell L. Ball ’11

Dr. Brad J. Bilbro ’11

Sydney J. Bird ’13

Mark H. ’10 and

Suzanne M. Babak ’03 Blakeman

Elizabeth N. Boisvert ’09

John Robert Brown ’13

Kimberly Godsey Bryant ’09

Courtney N. Buis ’19

Daniel Cristian ’08 and

Anca Verona ’10 Burlacu

Krista Lynn Burton ’10

Abigail G. Calhoun ’16

Sarah M. Calhoun ’19

Derek W. ’13 and Allie Cape

Emily Carnall ’12

Rachel McKenzie Carr ’13

Felix Carlos Casa deValle ’16

Justin M. ’10 and

Sarah M. Fouch ’13 Cason

Amanda Cecil ’12

Allison G. Chafin ’13

Griffin T. Clark ’13

Jeremy Lee Cloyd ’15

Sierra Biehle Coe ’12

Krystal Womack ’10 Cundiff

Lucas D. ’10 and

Amanda Sepulveda ’10 Dalton

Brittany N. Dean ’17

Katherine D. Dickerson ’15

Josh and Laura M. Smith ’10 Dyer

The Reverend Troy A. ’10 and

Shellie Thrasher ’02 Elmore

Cara E. Embry ’19

Taylor L. Evans ’17

James W. ’17 and Elise H. Everett

Kendra M. Foster ’19

Joshua D. Frost ’09

Andrew T. Fuchs ’16

Benton O. and

Ashton Jo Pyles ’11 Fudge

Matthew A. Fudge ’17

Joshua ’09 and

Jennifer Dudley ’06 Furkin

Aaron T. ’16 and

Rebekah L. Sanders ’16 Goode

Julie R. Jennings ’15

Dr. Ronald Kaluya ’11

Crystal J. Kimbler ’18

Jordan L. Knipp ’19

John Za Bawi Lian ’13

Clint and Dorinda Cherry ’10 Livesay

Emma G. Looney ’19

Garrett J. Luttrell ’11

Landon Potter Marcum ’19

Tonia R. Marcum ’10

McKenzie B. Martin ’15

Jessie Lynn Mason ’17

Hannah Elizabeth McCandless ’17

Mirian H. ’15 and Marcia McClendon

Dr. Tyler F. McCubbins ’09

Alison N. McGaughey ’15

Ashley M. McGaughey ’09

Joe Bishop McKinley, II ’16

Logan W. McMahan ’19

Kia W. Milam ’19

Karl and Jennifer L. Miller

Cherise M. Mingus ’09

Bailey A. Mize ’17

Anthony A. ’16 and Sandra L. Moore ’12

Hannah J. Moore ’12

Jennifer E. Burdine ’11 Mullins

Wesley S. Murphy ’16

Jimmy and Lisa M. Newell ’11 Hare

Mitchell A. ’14 and Lisa Osnowtiz

Haley M. Overbay ’18

Josh and Andrea N. Owens ’09

Khyati M. Patel ’12

Joshua Neil ’14 and

Lois Jean Lanham ’15 Patton

Hannah E. Peck ’12

Anthony D. Perugini ’10

Chelsea R. Pike ’15

Christopher Weston ’11 and

Kelsey Markham ’11 Pope

Stacy and Venus Popplewell ’16

Kyle and Amanda E. Johnson ’10 Prince

Gabrielle Chandler Pyles ’19

Christopher ’01 and Marisa Price ’02 Ramsey

Jonathan W. ’04 and

Carrie A. Cassis ’10 Redford

Jeffrey D. and Ellen M. Rich ’19

Brandon C. Roberts ’19

Zachery T. ’17 and

Lynnsey K. Rodgers’17 Oakes

William Andrew ’09 and

Hannah Allen ’12 Sadler

Jamie Salyers ’11

Bailey Nichole Scott ’15

Lindsey J. Seiberling ’18

Morgan E. Sexton ’19

John Lee’14 and

Dariann N. Smith ’15 Updike

Chelsy A. Solomon ’17

Michael Austin ’13 and Dr. Amy G. Souers

Shelia Marie Stacy ’16

Micah Joel Stewart-Wilcox ’19

Tanner D. ’14 and

Alexandria Lynn Russell ’16 Strein

Stefan D. ’11 and Chelsea M. ’11 Swecker

Mark C. Tessari ’18

Lane M. Thompson ’17

Lauren R. Thompson ’15

Macayla J. Vaughan ’15

Natalie E. Vickous ’13

The Reverends Gene A. and

Carolyn Mann Weddle ’10

Mason James Wethington ’16

Rita F. White ’14

Ryan M. ’14 and

Jessica Wethington ’13 Whitlock

Brent P. Will ’17

Tessa M. Pyles Willis ’18

Josh and Diana M. Milby ’10 Withers



Top Five Alumni Class Donations

Top Five Alumni Number of Gifts

Top Five Alumni Participation

Class Year

Amount Donated

Class Year

# of gifts

Class year


1947 $139,600

1977 $63,005

1973 $28,145

1999 $21,930

1967 $20,540

2019 204

2001 99

1991 84

1982 75

2000 74

2019 40.85%

2017 12.74%

1961 12.16%

1965 9.68%

1975 9.59%



Class Agent:


Class Agent:

Thomas C. Morrison, Jr.*


Class Agent:

William Walker*


Class Agent: Keith Radford

Cortez Butler*

Ruth S. Butler

Keith Radford

Mary Radford


Class Agent:


Class Agent:


Class Agent:


Class Agent:

G. Edward Henry

Laveda Taylor

Maxine Walker


Class Agent:

John W. Pierce*


Class Agent:

Martha Henry Berry

Jeanette M. Coates

Kermit E. Flener*

Charles H. Greenman*

Helen W. Kemp

J. B. Sparks*


Class Agent:

Nancy O. Buchanan

Ruth A. Flener

Joyce McKinney Holmes*

Jean D. McLean*

Hazel M. Sharp

Darnell Waters

Elizabeth L. Whitfield*


Class Agent:

Samuel R. Clark*

Robert G. Jackson*

Maxwell S. Simpson*

Billy Sparks

Mildred D. Sparks

Eunice W. Thomas

Jeanette R. Wortham


Class Agent:

James Eugene Guffey

Margaret A. Haynes*

Thomas O. Matthews

Adolfina V. Simpson

J. Wilbur Yates


Class Agent:

Sam B. Holmes

George H. Keltner

Mearlene R. White

Wanda W. White


Class Agent:

Charles M. Barnes

Junius E. Bryant

Kenneth Wayne Moss

Johnnie O. Prock

Patricia S. Rankin

Morris D. Shepherd

Wilma L. Shepherd


Class Agent:

Roy J. Polston*

Esther Sparks

Malcolm S. Sparks*

George Webb

Portia Winchester


Class Agent:

Clifford N. Allen*

Rachel S. Allen

Patricia M. Christiansen*

Hilda W. Jenkins

Helen H. Sparks


Class Agent:

Lewis C. Adair

George Bertram

Janice G. Bertram

Marilyn L. Clark

Sara F. Coop

Embry M. Lay*

Wendell R. Shirley

Margaret L. Taylor*


Class Agent:

Betty M. Loyd

John F. Loyd

Mary Jo Morrow

Betty W. Overstreet

Nova J. Plummer

Virginia Ward

William A. Ward

Elizabeth Webb


Class Agent:

Clarence L. Bertram*

Donell Cash

Glenda Cash*

Jean Collins

Jean A. Denholtz

Judith Ostrander


Class Agent:

Barbara Clark

Glenda Estes

Robert R. Goodin

Paul F. McKinley


Class Agent:

Betty A. Brown

Rebecca Gabehart

Ray Hutchison, Jr.

Doris M. Lane

Lynn Nixon

Larry Pitchford

Karen Sue Wilson



Class Agent:

Benjamin F. Breeding

John Collins

Joyce Durham*

Ron Gaddie

Gary T. Lane

Bill W. Mauney

Rollin McQueary

John L. Rivel, Jr.

Richard T. Roarke

Travis P. Scott*

Richard L. Wagner


Class Agent:

Elizabeth S. Bledsoe

Carol W. Coffman

Peter O. Gante

Jerry L. Garver

Phillip W. Hadley*

Joseph R. Harner*

Linda Levally Early

Stella McQueary

Connie G. Suchocki

William L. Willis

Merv W. Yadon

V. Tucker Yarberry


Class Agent:

Lawrence W. Barrett

Carolyn S. Brockman

Richie W. Coomer

George Couch

Virginia P. Flanagan

Alice U. Hadley

Glenda Dianne Hay

Jane Keltner

Jeffrey B. Kress

Billy G. Lacy

Donna J. Lacy

Jon Moore

Thomas E. Morgan

Terrence D. Mullikin

Vivian S. Robertson


Class Agent:

Rebecca B. Brecht

Ben C. Burr

Lester B. Carter*

Mabel A. Carter

Wanda B. Coleman

Kenneth George

Travis J. Keltner

Collis G. Mayfield

Janice B. Morgan

Ione L. Parry

Donald W. Schallon

Margaret F. Srack

Marsha Walker

Richard L. Walker

Craig Williams*

Curt Yarberry

Cheryl Ann Zuckschwerdt-Ellsbury


Class Agent:

James W. Brown, II

James Coomer*

John C. Coomer

C. Robert Crouch

Peter N. Fournaris

Rodney E. Gale

Larry W. Hughes

Greg Johnson

David C. Loose

James J. Pike

Charlie Rosenbaum

Charles L. Springer

Patricia E. Sublett

Jerry L. Whitley*


Class Agent:

Laurance W. Branch

Trudy L. Coomer

Sandra M. Davenhall

William Davenhall

Jesse L. Eubanks

Dimple Fournaris

Donald L. McKinney

Thomas G. Tuttle


Class Agent:

Allen Wayne Bishop

Sue B. Coomer

William R. Davenport

Wayne D. Edwards

Carrie L. Farris

Mark E. Fentress

Linda U. King

Diana K. Kirtley

Michael D. Leonard

Carol C. Marra

Charles Marra

Larry D. Parker

Michael Rice

Ronald P. Rogers

Nicholas T. Sahm

Douglas Sapp

Ronald W. Stout

Janice C. Walden

David G. Wilde


Class Agent:

John W. Arnold

Vonda Carter

Loy P. Coomer

Kay C. Legg

Robert L. Mayes

David C. McGuire

Gerald C. McKinney

Charles Gregory Norbert


Class Agent:

John R. Carter

Shirley M. Harris

J. Frank Hoxworth

Janice Lunsford

Donald D. Neat

Michael J. Smith

Wallace H. Stewart

Prudence H. Westholm

Sandra Zimmerman


Class Agent:

Michael Caldwell

Fred P. Carter

Robert W. Flowers

Russell Lunsford

Bobbie McKinney

William W. Straus


Class Agent:

Dan L. Antle

Catherine Chowning

John E. Chowning

Patricia Heselbarth

William H. Heselbarth

Stephen D. Hopkins

Billy G. Rodgers

Larry Walker

Bonnie C. Westcott


Class Agent:

Fred Brown

David K. Emerson

Linda C. Jackson

Hilda G. Legg

Jimmy Woody


Class Agent:

Larry R. Bryant

Stephen J. Campbell

Kerry Mike Givens

Neal Gold

Marsha Grider

Tommy Grider

Dennis C. Kemmer

Betty Knifley

Dennis Loy

Lynn B. McLean

Julius L. Myatt

Sara A. Sproles

Pamela A. Stephens


Class Agent:


Donald E. Knifley

Barbara G. Lawless

Becky Spurrier

Kenneth D. Spurrier





Class Agent:

Darrel C. Bragg

Steven J. Coomer

Pamela J. Hoots

Elizabeth A. Martin

Darryl L. McGaha

Paul G. Peck

Deborah W. Provence


Class Agent:

Dale G. Curry

Joseph W. Flowers

Codell Phipps


Class Agent: Jan Keneipp Woody

Rita Campbell

Deborah T. Caswell

Melissa Cooper

Julia C. Goodin*

Eva Diaz Hidalgo

Jan Keneipp Woody


Class Agent:

L. Dean Adams

Luanna K. Akin

Rebekah E. Bragg

Donna C. Graves

Annette A. Keltner

Lynda M. Wilkerson


Class Agent:

Robert A. Baker


Class Agent:

Anna L. Antle

Bobby L. Bowe

Janet L. Bruce


Class Agent:

Mark Fudge

Bettye Sue Gilpin

John D. Peck


Class Agent:

Denise G. Fudge

Harriet B. Gold

Carrie R. Hahn

Kathy H. Nissley


Class Agent:

Paul W. Abell

Julie Adkins

Susan W. Hornek

Lisa Loy

Cynthia Walker

Tom Wethington


Class Agent:

Lou Coomer

John B. Wethington

Harold B. Willis

Sheila S. Willis


Class Agent:

Barry M. Bennett

Melissa A. Giles

Kimberley A. Helm

Larry Noe

Jeffrey T. Richey

Charles L. Stewart

Kelly A. Trosper-McDaniel

Sandy Wilson


Class Agent:

Alissa K. Barnes

Kim Brian

Arvis R. Kearns

Lisa D. Sanford

Michael A. Smith


Class Agent:

David W. Begley

Nancy B. Botts

Martina G. Brown

Scott A. DeBurger

Sulayne A. Grider

Jamie L. Murrell

Brenda C. Williams


Class Agent:

Karla R. Deaton

Melinda S. Franklin

William Grider

Beth A. Johnson

Elise H. Luckey

Michael T. Neal

Michael G. Payne

Amalie M. Preston

Mitza A. Smith


Class Agent:

Timothy L. Baker

Robert H. Durham

Roger D. England

Linda Fitzpatrick

Dan L. Franklin

Donna Hadley

Cathy R. Martin

Larry D. Sales

Stephen A. Sanders

Renae F. Smith


Class Agent:

Valerie J. Adams

Kimberly D. Calhoun

Melissa A. Carlton

Lisa Bennett Coffey

Tabitha M. Ellis

Sally J. Frostholm

Carvin W. Hadley

Tammy M. Huff

Joan G. Knopp

Randall K. Murrell


Class Agent:

Phyllis P. Curry

Richard C. Fitzpatrick

Jeff Karnes

Martha B. Martin*

John D. Pike

Traci M. Pooler

Michael R. Talley

Shelia G. Wethington

Ken M. Wilkerson

Ami Jo Rogers Wilson


Class Agent:

Pamela Baker

Harold R. Bradshaw

Marcia J. Callison

Danette Hancock

Thomas D. Hays

Kimberly J. Karnes

Vickie Q. Lay

Marilyn G. Radford

Christine K. Williams

Karen B. Wright


Class Agent:

Mary E. Bertram

Deborah Bradshaw

Randy J. Burns

Sheila T. Harned

Christopher P. Langos

Tamara J. Meece

Lisa M. Murray

Leah Wethington

William C. Wethington


Class Agent:

Drew A. Burwash

Deloris Curry

Gary L. Franklin

Paula K. Garrison

Jeana Pike

Willis Pooler

Melinda J. Senters

Cinda Swan

Johnnie A. Vaughan



Class Agent:

Carla M. Corbin

Murray J. Frazier

Rejeena F. Hadley

Jin Ming Ma

Donna J. Stotts

Dana Talley


Class Agent: Cynthia Wells

Gregory E. Blair

Shelley M. Smith

Asa J. Swan

Cynthia E. Wells


Class Agent:

Robbie F. Harmon

Amanda G. Main

Lin D. Patterson

Susan F. Patterson

Terry W. Swan


Class Agent:

Jennifer E. Antoniotti-Neal

Brady C. Button

Andrea P. Corbin

Jason E. Corbin

Gail L. Flatt

Myra G. Ford

Leighton Main

Joseph L. Talley

Sandra K. Weiand


Class Agent:

Connie E. Ferguson

Michelle Y. Larimore

Tobie R. Harmon

Amelia B. Pike

Nacole A. Potts

J. Brian Shirley

Tammy Sexton Tarter

Amy Thompson-Wells


Class Agent:

Ophelia S. Barnes

Amy M. Cooper

Hannah M. Coyt

Shanna M. Darnell

Perry L. Gilpin

Michael L. Newton

Eric B. Pinson

Rebecca L. Schmidt

Charles Smith

Holly Sutherland

Richard F. Sutherland III

Gary L. Williams

Lleslie L. Wilson


Class Agent: Jeffery F. Rowland

Andrew A. Atherton

Sara M. Brown

Doyle P. Cornett

Adam C. Cruse

Christopher D. Estes

Charity F. Ferguson

Deborah R. Hall

Glen C. Hitchcock

Jeffery S. Johnson

Pernilla L. Nicklasson

Christopher P. Ramsey

Michael G. Resch

Christopher Schmidt

Chris Wells


Class Agent: Lori Riddle Eberenz

Maggie Atherton

Nicole E. Corbett

Lori A. Eberenz

Shellie Elmore

Curtis Lee

Tarrah Macbeth

Lafawn C. Nettles

Robin D. Smith


Class Agent: Eric Ryan Macbeth

Jordan C. Antle

Suzanne M. Blakeman

Laura K. Burwash

Laura A. Davidson

Melissa G. Garmon

Dana D. Harmon

Eric R. Macbeth

Amanda Waterstrat


Class Agent: Natalie Ciresi Chaudoin

Rhonda Begley

Jamie N. Benningfield

Cheryl L. Boger

Andre Cooper

Leslie Dunn

Sara R. Foos

Kristy L. Jewell

Mary A. Moore

Shilpan M. Patel

Benson T. Sexton

Loudon F. Waterstrat

Lynda C. Westfall


Class Agent: Barry Lee Dunn

Jill M. Bolken

Barry L. Dunn

Benjamin Ferguson

Haley BreAnn Gabbard

Deana Hall

Gabriel S. Hardy

Regina M. Haugen

Chris L. Innes

Amanda J. Lucas

Leigh Martin

Stephen R. Martin

Kris S. Mitchell

Rita G. Reynolds

Travis W. Smith

Katie S. Johnson

Stacy R. Springston

Kevin O. Tucker

Benjamin T. Williams

Nora Williams

Bradley S. Willis


Class Agent: Justin Adam Whitney

Chiquita K. Akers

Kimberly E. Brown

Kirsty M. Chapman

Melissa D. Coleman-Hall

Jesse W. Cook

Anthony Darnell

Kyle M. Edwards

Deanna L. Fields

Jennifer D. Furkin

John D. Kalz

Billie L. Robinson

Tommie A. Saragas

Shelia R. Wallen

Justin A. Whitney

Marla Williams


Class Agent: Dustin C. Beard

Jana Bray

Andrea B. Brooks

William D. Dukes

Tevie S. Gooden

Amy L. Holsinger

Matthew K. Jackson

Loletuth Kalz

Kelly Mann


Class Agent: Sheena L. London

Adam A. Atherton

Donna L. Atherton

Alex W. Bailey

Brian W. Bryant

Daniel C. Burlacu

Brandon P. Burns*

Rose M. Byrd

Mamadou Fall

Bethany M Fugate

Allysa Gooden

Carla J. Groce

Raymond B. Harris

Cheryl J. Karnes

Lucy W. Nganga

Janet T. Novielli

Emmanuel Otsin

Rebekah J. Staten

Jodie L. Stephens

Christy Vaughan

Jessica R. Wheeler





Class Agent:

John W. Adcock, Jr.

Amber F. Amstutz

Elizabeth N. Boisvert

Kimberly A. Bryant

Joshua D. Frost

Joshua Furkin

Joshua A. Gibson

Amanda B. Glodjo

Jessica R. Holt

Tyler F. McCubbins

Ashley M. McGaughey

Cherise M. Mingus

Paul N. Novielli

Andrea N. Owens

Penny L. Rizenbergs

William A. Sadler

Steven L. Warner

James M. Willis


Class Agent:

Molly E. Atkinson

Mark B. Blakeman

Anca Burlacu

Krista L. Burton

Justin M. Cason

Krystal M. Cundiff

Amanda Dalton

Lucas S. Dalton

Laura M. Dyer

Troy A. Elmore

Patrick B. Fields

Kara L. Iqbal

Derek Glen Johnson

Dorinda L. Livesay

Tonia R. Marcum

Benjamin T. Martin

Chelsea N. McGowan

Anthony D. Perugini

Amanda E. Prince

Carrie A. Redford

Mary C. Weddle

Casey M. Wethington

Diana M. Withers


Class Agent:

Alicia W. Alexander

Darrell L. Ball

Brad J. Bilbro

Ashton Jo Fudge

Ronald Kaluya

Garrett J. Luttrell

Justin W. Martin

Jennifer E. Mullins

Lisa Michelle Newell-Hare

Christopher W. Pope

Kelsey Pope

Marisa Ramsey

Jamie Salyers

Chelsea M. Swecker

Stefan D. Swecker

Laura L. Torres

Joseph C. Willis


Class Agent:

Cristin T. Antle

Rebecca Ball

Stephanie R. Barrett

Emily Carnall

Amanda Cecil

Sierra B. Coe

Judy A. Drake

Emily R. Emmert

Traci L. Gaddie

Erica J. McGaughey

Hannah J. Moore

Sandra Moore

Taylor D. Morrison

Khyati M. Patel

Hannah E. Peck

Megan Perugini

Meagan F. Ray

Michele L. Russell

Hannah Sadler

Christopher Wright


Class Agent:

Leah A. Abuyeka

Tara Anderson

Sydney J. Bird

John R. Brown

Derek W. Cape

Rachel M. Carr

Sarah Cason

Allison G. Chafin

Griffin T. Clark

Sarah B. Davis

Beverly D. Farley

Miriam Gibson

Shahid Iqbal

Luci C. Irvin

John Za Bawi Lian

Ethan T. Moore

Timothy D. Ooten

John R. Overby

Johnathan Redford

Christopher R. Robinson

William K. Sewell

Jonathan M. Smith

Michael A. Souers

Christian M. Talley

Natalie E. Vickous

Durand L. Warren

Jessica M. Whitlock


Class Agent:

Tara H. Arnold

Darren C. Ballou

William L. Chaudoin

Linda J. Gregory

Angela S. Walker Hutchison

Chasity L. Johnson

Ryan C. Locker

Michael D. Newton

Mitchell A. Osnowitz

Kanisha P. Parrish

Joshua N. Patton

Tiffany R. Stevenson

Tanner D. Strein

John Updike

Lacy B. Vowell

Rita F. White


Class Agent:

Melissa J. Albertson

Mary A. Baker

Jordan C. Bowman

Cynthia L. Bretz

Amber D. Clark

Jeremy Lee Cloyd

Katherine D. Dickerson

Ricky Ellis

Drew T. Hampton

Julie R. Jennings

Katherine Marcum

Zachary T. Marcum

McKenzie B. Martin

Miran H. McClendon

Alison N. McGaughey

Chelsea R. Pike

Marissa L. Roy

Bailey N. Scott

Dariann N. Smith-Updike

Amelia E. Thomas

Lauren R. Thompson

Jessica N. Usrey

Macayla J. Vaughan

Jessica Wilson


Class Agent:

Bradley R. Barnett

Lauren Blevins

Abigail Gipson Calhoun

Felix C. Casa del Valle

Terry L. Chambers

Melanie L. Edmonds

Ashley N. Fletcher

Andrew T. Fuchs

Rebekah L. Goode

Landon E. Harting

Courtney M. Kinney

Cristin L. Lesher

Freer R. Mace

Joe B. McKinley

Sherry Miller

Anthony A. Moore

Wesley S. Murphy

Lucy Namulemo


Melanie L. Overbee

Regina M. Padilla

Curtis D. Pelston

Venus M. Popplewell

Chelci M. Simmons

Shelia M. Stacy

David W. Stephens

Alexandria R. Strein

Marlena Thornsbeary

Mason J. Wethington

Hali Wheat

Sara J. Wright


Class Agent:

Megan C. Aubin

Dylan A. Beasley

Mariah A. Beasley

Dianna R. Bennett

Briana O. Bertram

Zackery T. Blevins

Ashley N. Brown

Judson R. Brown

Heather M. Camp

Forrest H. Campbell

Laura A. Case

Stephen T. Chafin

Jenny L. Davis

Karalyn G. Davis

Brittany N. Dean

Rosa B. Delgado-Torres

Alexander H. Durham

Diana Elkins

Taylor L. Evans

James W. Everett

Vanessa Evridge

Jessica I. Finzel

Matthew A. Fudge

Elisa L. Gambill

Megan R. Griffith

Glenna R. Hackworth

Erica E. Hanner

Callie L. Helton

Savanna Helton

Maria R. Hook

Jared P. Hunter

Christina L. Jeffery

Victoria E. Marrs

Jessie L. Mason

Emma C. Mattingly

Hannah E. McCandless

Letha J. McElroy Orberson

Brittany N. McQueen

Bailey A. Mize

Treva A. Mosher

Jennifer L. Nitz

Mandy L. Price

Lynnsey K. Rodgers-Oakes

Zachery T. Oakes

Amber M. Self

Courtney F. Shortridge

Chelsy A. Solomon

Martie B. Taylor

Lane M. Thompson

Kandice A. Trejo

Tabitha Walker

Brent P. Will

Brittney Williams

Eli K. Young

Alexandria M. Yuhas


Class Agent:

Samantha M. Arnold

Danielle M. Asher

Barbara L. Belcher

Katheryn A. Benson

Abigail S. Biddle

Diamond Bradford

Nota N. Brown

Isaiah N. Bryant

Johnathon M. Burbridge

Kitana M. Cantrell

Donna L. Cavagnetto

Kate E. Durham

Ashley G. Fudge

Rachel B. Gilkison

Lorena L. Ginn

Arvella J. Graham

Caroline E. Gruhn

Kimberly K. Hains

Michael S. Hannah

Crystal J. Kimbler

Braxten T. Leff

Zoe Z. Lockard

Amanda L. McGeorge

Nicholas L. Melvin

Daniel Newman

Haley M. Overbay

Alaina S. Phelps

Kalyn A. Phipps

Lizabeth K. Preston

Kendall A. Ross

Lindsey J. Seiberling

Diana L. Shaw

Mark C. Tessari

Preslee B. Thrasher

Virginia S. Turner

Jeremy D. Vanderpool

Doe Vassar

Bobi Jo Whitinger

Tessa M. Willis


Class Agent:

Caleb A. Adams

Mackenzie B. Adams

Christina R. Adkins

Kiersten E. Adkins

Patrick R. Adkins

Kayla D. Agee

LaKeisha Alich

Thomas D. Alvey

Christy L. Antle

Regina Back

Tammi Bailey

Elena K. Bardin

Destinee N. Barrera

Edward Bates

Mark W. Bischof

Amber D. Bivens

Maddie P. Bivens

Kelly M. Black

Sydney R. Bland

Guadalupe Blas

Desiree M Blevins

Grace M. Blomstedt

Dylan G. Boures

Tiphany Boyd

Brooklyn K. Branham

Jamie H. Bratcher

Airada D. Bricker

Courtney Buis

Jennifer L. Burkett

Jacob A. Burroughs

Taylor M. Burton

Sarah M. Calhoun

Yvonne Castanon

Brittany Caudill

Hilary Church

Caitlin T. Corder

Christopher Damron

Nicole Davis

Alexia DeHaven-Boyd

Sapna J. Dennis-Bay

Kohl Dodd

Jacqueline N. Dotson

Jenny B. Durham

Amber M. Dustin

Trevor L. Edmonson

Cara E. Embry

Randall T. English

Kendra M. Foster

Amber N. Foukes

Kahala J. Glover

Jenna L. Goff

Alicia L. Grimmett

Daisy A. Hall

Kevin L. Hallmon

Brittany I. Hammer

Janell L. Hardy

Walter R. Harris

Bethany R. Harting

Rachel E. Hostetler

Oreatha L. Hurt

LeeAnn N. Hutchinson

Julian C. Johns

Austin S. Johnson

Macey E. Johnson

Bryson A. Jones

Jeralyn D. Kessler

Samuel C. Kiger

Jordan LeeAnn Knipp

Sarah M. Kuchar

Jeanine M. Langford

Emma G. Looney




Nicholas T. Marcano


Landon P. Marcum

Mary Martin

In Honor of Jared Allen

Kathryn L. McFadden

Marty M. Morgan

Steven M. McGowan

Logan W. McMahan

In Honor of Dan and Patti Antle

Emaleigh M. Mendez

Guy W. and Jeanne Triplett Adams

Kia W. Milam

Holli Miller

In Honor of McKenna Aubrey

Rachael C. Miller

Lawrence R. and Susan M. Rogers

Lucas G. Miozza

Andrew Morgan

In Honor of Jakob Beckley

Kaylee D. Neal

David C. and Phyllis H. McGuire

Rikki M. Neat

Denise Perry

Emma K. Noe

Whitney Jo Oaks

In Honor of Grace Blomstedt

Ashley M. Oliver

John Carl and Debra Blomstedt

Clemens Paetzold

Cody Peden

In Honor of Bonner Scholars

Jessica E. Phillips


Yvonne Ploeg

Noah D. Polston

In Honor of Jamie Bratcher

Gabrielle C. Pyles

James H. and Victoria M. Bratcher

Israel A. Reyna

Ellen M. Rich

In Honor of Keslie Leigha Brown

Mary A. Ritchey

Roland and Joan Hughes

Brandon C. Roberts

In Honor of Jacob Burroughs

Kaylee A. Russell

Joe Burroughs

Erica C. Sallee

Jacob A. Scott

In Honor of Debbie Thomas Caswell

Bailey N. Seitz

Anna Kate Radford Thomas

Morgan E. Sexton

Savanah R. Simpson

In Honor of the Class of 1965

Harlee R. Smock

Greg and Mary L. Johnson

Cassie M. Squires

Halley D Stamm

In Honor of Bill and Helen Dixon

Leah M. Stephens

Barry and Brenda Hartman

Micah Joel Stewart-Wilcox

Dana M. Tackett

In Honor of Cara Embry

Madison B. Tackett

Bob and Alecia Meyer

Shelby L. Taulbee

Antwan L. Taylor

In Honor of Bishop Leonard Fairley

Anya Terry

John and Fran Denham

Tamika Y. Thomas

In Honor of Marsha Hixson

Macy L. Thompson

Ty Burwash

Margaret J. Thompson

Adrianna S. Thrasher

In Honor of Drew Hobbs

Cassandra E. Untiedt

Estel M. Hobbs

Heather N. VanArsdale

Courtney B. Vincent

In Honor of Barbara Hodges

Haley B. Vittitow

Charles and Dr. Melinda Squires Senters

Rhondell K. Walker

Kristina N. Waller

In Honor of Breah Davis Johnson

Troy Z. Warren

Terry Davis

Ashley M. Watson

Luke E. Westmoreland

In Honor of Macey Johnson

Amanda M. Widner

Rodney and Beth Ann Brown Johnson

Carey B. Williams

Lataunia S. Wilson

In Honor of Holt D. Keeling

Alison Winger

Amanda Burgess

Yuta Yamamoto

Preston Young

In Honor of Isaac Keller

LaTasha R. Youngblood

John and Susan Keller

In Honor of Sam Kiger

Chris Kiger

Wayne Kiger

In Honor of Jordan Knipp

The Reverend Willard and Julie Lee Knipp

In Honor of Joanne E. Luckey

Guy W. and Jeanne Triplett Adams

In Honor of Kaitlin Luckey

Guy W. and Jeanne Triplett Adams

In Honor of Lindsey Wilson College

Faculty and Staff

Gary L. Franklin

In Honor of Lindsey Wilson College

Theatre Department

Dr. Jerry Westerfield

In Honor of Landon Marcum

Brian and Aimee Keith

Bob and Alecia Meyer

In Honor of Lucas Miozza

John F. and Debra A. Miozza

In Honor of Betty Jean Moseley

Darrel and Rebekah Moseley Bragg

James C. and Sally E. Brown

Dr. Michael and Alice Rice

In Honor of Drs. Allan and Bunny Parnell

Guy W. and Jeanne Triplett Adams

In Honor of Aaron Peck

John D. and Susan Peck

In Honor of John Pyron

Thomas R. and Cherry Pyron

In Honor of Ellen Rich

Jeffery D. and Ellen M. Rich

In Honor of Skyler E. Smith

Trent and Mitza McClure '88 Smith

In Honor of Chelsea Luckey-Spoelker

Guy W. and Jeanne Triplett Adams

In Honor of Andrew Turner

William Michael and Brenda C. Stanley

In Honor of Erica Turner

Trey Burwash

In Honor of Heather Vanarsdale

Joseph and Mildred Rooney

Kenneth W. and Rhonda L. Walls

Ray and Cynthia Antle Wells

In Honor of Rhondell K. Walker

Rhondell K. II and Kimberly Walker


In Honor of Christin Williams

The Reverend Larry W. and

Ruth Ann Hughes

In Honor of Kenneth Whitfield

Emalene Hughes


In Memory of Brenda Sue Absher

John W. and Beth H. Clark

Dr. Andrew J. and Deborah M. Dorr

Donald L. and Joan B. Habig

Evan Hanson

Marquita M. Haydon

Dr. Gary T. and Doris McKinney Lane

J. Todd and Gayle E. Moore

Kevin L. and Debra Mudd

Dr. Sonja A. Rasmussen

Yvonne M. Sears

Katherine I. Smith

In Memory of Johnny Begley

Guy W. and Jeanne Triplett Adams

In Memory of Martha Collins Bell

David and Patricia Collins

In Memory of Kyle Beverly

Deborah Rogers Hall

In Memory of Alice Bondurant

Larry and Dr. Rachel Marshall

In Memory of Louise Brock

Guy W. and Jeanne Triplett Adams

In Memory of Kate Browning

Jane Ann Coffey

Paul Coffey

Sherri Coffey

Jacob Foster

Kimberly C. Foster

Ryan Foster

Tony Foster

Aaron Huddleston

Arlo Huddleston

Emily Huddleston

Josh Huddleston

Meredith Huddleston

Olivia Huddleston

Carter M. Lee

Presley Wyatt

In Memory of Brandon Burns

Adams Excavating, LLC

Daniel and Ashley Adams

Robert Albertson

Anonymous Donors

John W. and Melissa Saunier Arnold

Assisted Transportation Systems

Brian W. and Amanda Bryant

Ashley Burns

Barney and Mary Anna Burns

Randy J. and Miranda Burns

Stevie L. and Robin A. Burns

Drew A. and

Laura K. Dickinson Burwash

Bobby Butler

C and C Land Surveying, Inc.

Casey Fork Cumberland

Presbyterian Sunday School

Certa Care Pharmacy

Bryan K. and Angela M. Cook

Barry S. and Cathy W. Craddock

Craig Dean

Jay and Sandra Denney

Alexander H. Durham

Connie R. Duvall

Kendra Esenbock

Shirley G. Ferguson

Mark Allen and Denise Glass Fudge

Joshua and Jennifer Dudley Furkin

Shane and Melissa G. Garmon

D. Lamar and Marci J. Hartness

Bobby and Lila Loy

Dennis and Lisa Smith Loy

Dr. William T. and

Elise Hendrickson Luckey

Garrett J. Luttrell

Andy Mers

Danny Muse

Julius L. Myatt

Michael L. and Mila Newton

Willis and Traci Luckey Pooler

Corey A. Rogers

Rogers Chiropractic Clinic

Bradley R. and Suzanne N. Sexton

Stotts Construction Co., Inc.

Trifecta Print, Inc

Stevie and Sarah Wheat

Joey and Elizabeth White

Josh and Diana M. Milby Withers

In Memory of Caleb Capps

Danny C. and Margie Hunter Capps

The Clorox Company

In Memory of Patricia Merkley Christiansen

Charles Christiansen

In Memory of Reverend Samuel R. Clark

Betty Jean Moseley

Kevin A. and Donna Beth Thompson

Jeanette Russell Wortham

In Memory of Margaret Clayton

Juanita K. Wright

In Memory of Ella Coffey

Jane Ann Coffey

Paul Coffey

Sherri Coffey

Jacob Foster

Kimberly C. Foster

Ryan Foster

Tony Foster

Aaron Huddleston

Arlo Huddleston

Emily Huddleston

Josh Huddleston

Meredith Huddleston

Olivia Huddleston

Carter M. Lee

Presley Wyatt

In Memory of Roger D. Coffey

Jane Ann Coffey

Paul Coffey

Sherri Coffey

Jacob Foster

Kimberly C. Foster

Ryan Foster

Tony Foster

Aaron Huddleston

Arlo Huddleston

Emily Huddleston

Josh Huddleston

Meredith Huddleston

Olivia Huddleston

Carter M. Lee

Presley Wyatt

In Memory of Marion F. Dubin Collins

David and Patricia Collins

In Memory of Bertha Hamilton Coomer

Dr. Kenneth Wayne and Connie Moss

In Memory of William P. Crenshaw

William R. and Kathleen Edwards

In Memory of C.A. Cruse

Jane Ann Coffey

Paul Coffey

Sherri Coffey

Jacob Foster

Kimberly C. Foster

Ryan Foster

Tony Foster

Aaron Huddleston

Arlo Huddleston

Emily Huddleston

Josh Huddleston

Meredith Huddleston

Olivia Huddleston

Carter M. Lee

Presley Wyatt

In Memory of Susan B. Cruse

Jane Ann Coffey

Paul Coffey

Sherri Coffey

Jacob Foster

Kimberly C. Foster

Ryan Foster

Tony Foster

Aaron Huddleston

Arlo Huddleston

Emily Huddleston

Josh Huddleston

Meredith Huddleston

Olivia Huddleston

Carter M. Lee

Presley Wyatt




In Memory of Jack Eastridge

William and Clara Humphress

Dr. Hilda Humphress Legg

In Memory of Samantha Ellis

Michael D. and Jill A. Souder

In Memory of Helen Flatt

Richard and Jean A. Flatt Denholtz

In Memory of Kermit Flener

Ruth A. Flener

In Memory of William Franklin

Felicia Harry

In Memory of Marie Dorsey Garrett

B.A. "Woody" and Marcia Woodward

In Memory of Frances T. Glasgow

Elizabeth R. Glasgow

Dr. Glenn P. and Lyndia R. Glasgow

In Memory of Carol Goodin

Richard Lee and Marsha Brock Walker

In Memory of Dr. Julia Goodin

Leslie Smith

In Memory of Coach Don Green

Russell and Janice Loy Lunsford

Charlie and Mary Rosenbaum

In Memory of Charles H. Greenman

Christine Greenman

In Memory of Joseph Harner

Kevin A. and Donna Beth Thompson

In Memory of Margaret A. Haynes

Robert L. Haynes

In Memory of Paul Dean Heightchew

Katie Sue Yount

In Memory of Martha B. Henry

Dr. G. Edward Henry

In Memory of Dr. V.P. and

Mary Allen Henry

Martha Henry Berry

In Memory of Dr. Carolyn Keefe

Guy W. and Jeanne Triplett Adams

In Memory of Dr. Adam Komosa

Evlyn Komosa

In Memory of Reverend R. V. and

Anna Belle Matthews

William A. and Virginia Matthews Ward

In Memory of Delorah Jewell Moore

J. P. and W. R. Jewell Foundation

Dr. David W. Moore

In Memory of Thomas C. Morrison, Jr.

Bessie W. Morrison

In Memory of Reverend Douglas Moseley

Darrel and Rebekah Moseley Bragg

James C. and Sally E. Brown

Dr. Michael and Alice Rice

In Memory of Katie Murrell

Jerry L. and Elaine Garver

In Memory of Dr. J. Howard Olds

John W. and Helen Dixon

Robert R. and Thelma L. Gibson

In Memory of Bonnie K. Payton

Janet L. Petty

In Memory of Rollin and Pina Pyles

Richard Lee and Marsha Brock Walker

In Memory of Earlene Ingram Queen

George and Janice Garrison Bertram

In Memory of Dr. Water S. Reuling

Mrs. Walter S. Reuling

In Memory of Libbie Rogers

Deborah Rogers Hall

In Memory of Jack J. Scott

The Reverend Jin Ming Ma

In Memory of William Shearer

William Shearer Memorial Fund

In Memory of Nancy Sinclair

Guy W. and Jeanne Triplett Adams

Ty and Andrea Thompson Corbin

Jimmy and Lisa M. Newell Hare

Edward T. and Sheila Sinclair

Mollie Smith

Chris and Amy Thompson Wells

Donnie and Darlene Wells

In Memory of Harold and Helen Smith

Prudy Newton

In Memory of J. B. Sparks

Merrylen W. Sparks

In Memory of Dr. Julius M. Stephenson

Greg R. and Fran C. Smith

South Central Dental Society

In Memory of Douglas Thiery

Diane Thiery

In Memory of Shelly Thrasher

Derek and Jamie N. Buchanan Benningfield

Kris Ann Schuhmann Mitchell

In Memory of Ed Waggener

Adair County Chamber of Commerce

Anonymous Donors

Lorraine Ault

Drs. Henry* Baughman and Jann Aaron

Kim Marshall Brian

Larry and Sheila Bryant

Robert M. Burt

Bill and Jill Chandler

John E. and Catherine Pence Chowning

City of Columbia

George A. Critz

Phyllis Pendleton Curry

Ann H. Curtis

Ann T. Jeffries Dupree

Dallas and Joyce Eaton

Richard C. and Linda Fitzpatrick

Mark Allen and Denise Glass Fudge

Phillip W.* Alice Upchurch Hadley

Hilda Willis Jenkins

Mary Keltner

Dr. George and Yvonne Kolbenschlag

Christopher and William Lagermann

David and Cathy Rodgers Martin

Jacquelyn G. Montgomery

Danny and Paula Propes

Charles A. and Brenda A. Roberts

Donald W. and Mary L. Sandidge

Dr. Sue Cravens Stivers

Shirley C. Scott Ttee

John Walker

Bruce and Patsy Wilson

Ricky G. and Sandra J. Wilson

J. D. and Ellen Zornes

In Memory of Trae Wells

John W. and Melissa Saunier Arnold

Deborah Rogers Hall

In Memory of Dr. Elizabeth L. Whitfield

Emalene Hughes

Kenneth Whitfield

In Memory of Jerry L. Whitley

Barbara B. Whitley

LWC Board of Trustees

Mr. Dan Antle ’71 - Columbia, Ky.

Mr. Jakob Beckley - Pleasureville, Ky.

Dr. B.J. Burnett - Lexington, Ky.

Mr. F. Thomas Conway - Louisvillle, Ky.

Mr. Chris Estes ’03 - Nicholasville, Ky.

Ms. Carrie Luker Farris ’68 - Louisville, Ky.

Mr. James R. Fugitte - Elizabethtown, Ky.

Mr. C. Cleveland Gambill - Lexington, Ky.

Dr. Robert Goodin ’59 - Louisville, Ky.

Dr. John Hatton - Louisville, Ky.

Mr. S. Oden Howell Jr., Vice Chair - Louisville, Ky.

Mrs. Linda Underwood King ’67 - Louisville, Ky.

Dr. Todd B. Love - Bowling Green, Ky.

Dr. Pete Mahurin - Bowling Green, Ky.

Mrs. Amanda G. Main ’97 - Louisville, Ky.

Dr. Carol Marra ’67 - Louisville, Ky.

Mr. Cecil Martin - Bowling Green, Ky.

Mr. Skipper Martin - Louisville, Ky.

Dr. Jerry McCandless - Campbellsburg, Ky.

Dr. Kendrick McCandless - Campbellsburg, Ky.

Mr. Troy Mizell - Franklin, Tenn.

Dr. Allan Parnell, Chair - Louisville, Ky.

Mr. David Perry - Salt Lake City, Utah

Dr. Clarenda M. Phillips - Corpus Christi, Texas

Dr. James J. Pike ’65 - Bonita Springs, Fla.

Mr. Danny Pyles - Columbia, Ky.

Mr. Danny Rigney ’89 - Danville, Ky.

Dr. James L. Rogers III - Fort Pierce, Fla.

Mr. Jerry Brian Shirley ’99 - Glasgow, Ky.

Mr. Raymond Smith - Louisville, Ky.

Dr. Tim Smith - Columbia, Ky.

Mr. Joseph E. Sparks - Breeding, Ky.

Dr. Sue Stivers - Columbia, Ky.

Dr. Cal Turner Jr. - Nashville, Tenn.

Trustee Emeriti

Dr. Thomas P. Carter - Danville, Ky.

LWC National Alumni Association

Board Members


President: Jerald Bryant ’94 – Columbia, Ky.

President-Elect: Allysa Gooden ’08 – Columbia, Ky.

Immediate Past-President: Rev. Kenneth Jessee ’81 – Radcliff, Ky.

Secretary: Lafawn Nettles ’02 – Burkesville, Ky.

Members at Large

Charles Barnes ’53 – Columbia, Ky.

Rebekah Bragg ’78 – Bowling Green, Ky.

Ben Burr ’64 – Bardstown, Ky.

Emily Carnall ’12 – Columbia, Ky.

Jesse W. Cook ’06 – Columbia, Ky.

Sarah Dean ’15 – Columbia, Ky.

Carrie Farris ’67 – Versailles, Ky.

Gary Franklin ’94 – Hindman, Ky.

Denise Fudge ’82 – Columbia, Ky.

Kenneth George ’64 – Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich.

Dr. Robert Goodin ’59 – Louisville, Ky.

Bonnie Greenawalt ’53 – Columbia, Ky.

Robbie F. Harmon ’97 – Columbia, Ky.

Robert Hoffman ’65 – Palm Desert, Calif.

Jasmine Humphress ’13 – Knifley, Ky.

Dr. Britt Jackson ’07 – Columbia, Ky.

Greg Johnson ’65 – Summerville, S. Car.

Linda King ’67 – Louisville, Ky.

Gary Lane ’61 – Danville, Ky.

McKenzie Martin ’15 – Columbia, Ky.

Hannah Peck ’12 – Columbia, Ky.

Drew Sadler ’09 – Nashville, Tenn.

Bailey Scott ’15 – Richmond, Ky.

Travis Smith ’05 – Russell Springs, Ky.

Jeannie Squires ’72 – Greensburg, Ky.

Mariah Stearns Beasley ’17 – Bardstown, Ky.

Amy Thompson-Wells ’99 – Columbia, Ky.

PrudenceWestholm ’69 – Elizabethtown, Ky.

Jan Woody ’77 – Columbia, Ky.

Ex-Officio Members

Dr. John B. Begley - Cape Coral, Fl. (Chancellor)

Dr. William T. Luckey Jr. - Columbia, Ky. (President)


We apologize if we omitted your name or if your name is listed incorrectly. If your name is not listed, it probably was because:

• Your gift was not made during the 2018-19 fiscal year. The names published in the 2018-2019 President’s Annual Report are those of

individuals and organizations whose gifts were received between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019.

• You are unsure whether you made a gift during the 2018-19 fiscal year. If you believe you made a gift to Lindsey Wilson during the

2018-19 fiscal year, check your financial records or call our Development Office.

• We made a mistake. Although we take great care in compiling our President’s Annual Report, there is always the possibility of error.

If you have any questions, or would like your name to appear differently in the 2019-2020 President’s Annual Report, contact the

Development Office, 210 Lindsey Wilson Street, Columbia, Kentucky 42728; 1-800-264-0138; 270-384-8516; or info@lindsey.edu.

The mission of Lindsey Wilson College

is to serve the educational needs of students by providing a

living-learning environment within an atmosphere of

active caring and Christian concern where

every student, every day,

learns and grows and feels like a real human being.

210 Lindsey Wilson Street

Columbia, Kentucky 42728





Every Student, Every Day

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