Home Safety Electrical Tips for the Summer

Emergency Electrician Perth is sharing some tips, which will help you to have safe summers and avoid electrical accidents.

Emergency Electrician Perth is sharing some tips, which will help you to have safe summers and avoid electrical accidents.


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Home Safety Electrical Tips for the


In the summertime, the electricity consumption increases. The temperature is hot, and ac is

required to cool off the place. Summer is a time to hang around the pool and indulge in

barbeque. However, safety must be a priority.

Emergency Electrician Perth is sharing some tips, which will help you to have safe summers and

avoid electrical accidents.

Keep All Electronics Away From Water

In the summertime, we all want to hang around the pool. You might want to have a great time

with family and friends by throwing a pool party. However, don’t forget about safety measures.

Don’t put your new speaker right by the poolside. Keep all your electronic devices at least ten

feet away from the water source. There are risks like faulty wiring; therefore, be careful when

you are putting electronic devices near a water source. Never touch electrical toys and

appliances with wet hands. All your electrical connections to the pool should be fully grounded.

For pool power outlets, use ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) protection.

Use Outdoor-Rated Extension Cords

When relaxing by the pool, you want to hear music or want to charge your phone or want to

grill something for you, use the right extension cord. Use the extension cord that is rated for

outdoor use. Outdoor rated extension cords can handle a little bit of moisture without any


Inspect Your Extension Cords From Time To Time

It is best to inspect your extension cord for damage. Make it a habit to check your extension

cord every time before using it. If you are planning to use a damaged extension cord outside, it

is a major risk to safety. Never use any cracked extension cord.

Portable Generators

Portable generators are great for summers; it is important to take special care of portable

electric generators. If they are improperly installed, they can cause a major accident. Never

connect your generators directly to the household wiring as it can be dangerous. Many times

power from generators backfeed and electrocute anyone coming in contact with the power

lines. Always trust response electricians to install your generator. After the installation of the

generator, there are some other tips that you should keep in mind:

Always keep the generator dry.

The generator should be properly grounded

Do not overload the generator

Use GFCI to prevent electrocutions and shock injuries

Never operate the generator in an enclosed space. The high levels of carbon monoxide

produced by the generator can be dangerous when space is fully enclosed.

Downed Power lines

Downed power lines carry a strong electric current. If you see a downed power line, you should

move away from it. The right way to move away is to shuffle away with small steps; ensure that

your feet are touching the ground at all times. Moving away like this minimizes the risk of a

strong shock.

Final Words

The above electrical safety tips by Response electrical will help you to enjoy your summer

without any electrical accidents. Also, in case of an emergency, know where your circuit

breakers are located and call an electrician immediately.

Source Link: https://bit.ly/30DeZVA

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