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Materie unter extremen Bedingungen Poster: Do., 13:00–15:30 D-P362<br />

Multiphoton Ionisation and Excitation of Atoms and Fullerenes<br />

Markus Braune 1 , Sanja Korica 1 , Axel Reinköster 1 , Daniel Rolles 2 , Jens<br />

Viefhaus 1 , Uwe Becker 1<br />

1 Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Faradayweg 4-6, 14195 Berlin, Germany<br />

– 2 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, MS 4R0230,<br />

Berkeley, CA 94720, USA<br />

At the new VUV-FEL light-source at DESY/Hamburg we performed experiments at<br />

the monochromator beamline PG1 with a two chamber setup. In the front part of the<br />

combined apparatus a spherical multi-detector vacuum chamber with a set of time-offlight<br />

analysers at various angles with respect to the polarisation axis of the FEL was<br />

adjusted to the focus of the beamline. With this setup we performed angle resolved<br />

photoelectron spectroscopy measurements on various rare gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe)<br />

as well as on the small molecules N2 and H2. In the rear part - about one meter behind<br />

the focal point - C60 molecules are evaporated in an oven assembly. Ions generated<br />

by the FEL radiation were detected with an ion time of flight spectrometer. In both<br />

parts data were acquired simultaneously by recording analogue signals of micro channel<br />

plate detectors by means of a multi-channel digitizer card system and oscilloscope,<br />

respectively, recording traces which have time duration of a full FEL pulse train.<br />

An analysis of our recorded data shows clear indications for two-photon processes in<br />

both cases. For the photoelectron spectroscopy part we restrict the presentation of<br />

our results to experiments on neon only as it showed the strongest signals. Here, twophoton<br />

processes can be identified by analysis of either the dependency of the signal<br />

strength on the radiation intensity or the angular distribution of the signal. The former<br />

should reveal a non-linear behaviour, the latter gives rise to angular patterns different<br />

from a distribution of a dipole transition with momentum transfer of ∆l = 1 being<br />

governed by the well-known β-distribution (a 2nd order Legendre polynomial and the<br />

β-parameter). The observation of C60 ions can also gives hints about two-photon processes,<br />

since one would expect just intact C q+<br />

60 ions (q = 1–3) for photon energies of 38<br />

eV under single photon absorption conditions, whereas other traces of fragments, like<br />

, require higher energies.<br />

C q+<br />

58<br />

or Cq+<br />

56<br />

This work was supported by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und <strong>Forschung</strong> (BMBF)<br />

under promotion code no. 05 KS4EB1/3.

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