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Nanostrukturen und Grenzflächen Poster: Do., 13:00–15:30 D-P307<br />

Combinatorial studies on metal / polymer gradient nanocomposites<br />

Stephan V. Roth 1 , Harald Walter 2 , Ralf Domnick 3 , Olaf Leupold 1 , Christian<br />

Schroer 4 , Marion Kuhlmann 1 , Bruno Lengeler 5 , Rainer Gehrke 1 , Peter<br />

Müller-Buschbaum 6<br />

1 HASYLAB at DESY, Notkestr. 85, D-22603 Hamburg, Germany – 2 CSEM SA,<br />

Badenerstrasse 569, CH-8048 Zürich, Switzerland – 3 identif GmbH, Ulrich-Schalk-Str.<br />

3, D-91056 Erlangen, Germany – 4 Inst. f. Strukturphysik, TU Dresdesn, D-01062<br />

Dresden, Germany – 5 II. Physik. Inst., Physikzentrum Melaten, RWTH Aachen, D-<br />

52074 Aachen, Germany – 6 Physik-Department E13, TU München, James-Franck-Str.<br />

1, D- 85748 Garching, Germany<br />

Nanostructuring of thin noble metal films is of utmost importance for many technological<br />

and biophysical areas, e.g. anti-counterfeiting and DNA scanning [1]. Usually<br />

a multilayer geometry is chosen consisting of noble metal layer / polymer / substrate.<br />

The optical properties of such multilayer systems depend crucially on the structure<br />

and morphology of the noble metal layer. They are determined by key parameters<br />

like deposition method or metal-polymer interaction affecting the self-assembly of the<br />

metal atoms. We advanced two-fold: Firstly, as polymer layer we chose a blend of<br />

deuterated polystyrene (dPS) and polyisoprene (PI) being already phase separated in<br />

thin film geometry. As metals, we chose Au and Cu which have different sticking coefficients<br />

on the two components of this blend. Secondly we installed a one-dimensional<br />

(1D) gradient in mass thickness of the noble metal layer during evaporation to allow<br />

for a combinatorial investigation of the nanostructure of the metal layer as a function<br />

of mass thickness.<br />

Microbeam grazing incidence small-angle x-ray scattering (µ GISAXS) is excellently<br />

suited for combinatorial investigations with high statistical significance [2,3]. The experiments<br />

were conducted at the beamline BW4 of HASYLAB using the novel µ focus<br />

option of BW4. A moderate micro-focus beam size of 32x17 µm 2 (HxV) can be installed<br />

making use of Beryllium compound refractive lenses (Be CRLs). For the experiments<br />

a step size adapted to the microbeam size was used (∆y=40 µm). Along the gradient,<br />

the Cu mass thickness clearly changes. We present the results on two gradients,<br />

namely Au and Cu on dPS/PI-blend, and explain the results in terms of replication of<br />

the polymer blend nano-structure as a function of mass thickness.<br />

[1] G. Bauer, et al., Nanotechnology 14, (2003) 1289<br />

[2] S.V. Roth et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, (2003) 1935<br />

[3] S.V. Roth et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, (2006) 021910

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