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Nanostrukturen und Grenzflächen Poster: Do., 13:00–15:30 D-P294<br />

Electronic Structure of Free and Supported Transition Metal Clusters<br />

Tobias Lau 1 , Vicente Zamudio-Bayer 1 , Leif Glaser 2 , Theresa Schadow 1 ,<br />

Marlene Vogel 1 , Jochen Rittmann 1 , Wilfried Wurth 2 , Bernd von<br />

Issendorff 3 , Thomas Möller 1<br />

1 TU Berlin, IAPF, PN 3-1, Hardenbergstraße 36, 10623 Berlin – 2 Universität Hamburg,<br />

Institut für Experimentalphysik, Luruper Chaussee 149, 22761 Hamburg – 3 Albert-<br />

Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Fakultät für Physik, Stefan-Meier Straße 21, 79104<br />

Freiburg<br />

Electron localization and correlation are important factors determining the electronic<br />

structure of 3d transition metals. In free 3d transition metal atoms, Coulomb interaction<br />

of the 2p core hole with the localized 3d electrons leads to multiplet splitting of the<br />

L2,3 absorption lines. In bulk transition metals, valence electrons are partially delocalized.<br />

In addition, multiplet splitting might be masked by line broadening. The issue of<br />

electron localization/delocalization and correlation in the transition from single atoms<br />

to bulk metals can ideally be addressed in the investigation of size-selected transition<br />

metal clusters. So far, however, the 3d multiplet structure in L2,3 X-ray absorption of<br />

deposited small metals clusters has not been observed neither on metal nor on HOPG<br />

substrates. We report here on the first study of the multiplet structure of small, mass<br />

selected chromium and cobalt clusters deposited on thin potassium films as well as on<br />

Cu(100). Potassium films were chosen as substrates, since 3d transition metal impurity<br />

atoms on alkali metal films show highly localized atomic configurations. A preliminary<br />

analysis of the experimental data suggests that the same atomic-like components might<br />

also be visible in small clusters.<br />

In addition to investigations on mass selcted, deposited clusters, first results on X-ray<br />

absorption spectroscopy on free transition metal clusters will be presented.

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