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Nanostrukturen und Grenzflächen Poster: Do., 13:00–15:30 D-P285<br />

Structural research on weakly bonded clusters with synchrotron radiation<br />

Uwe Hergenhahn 1 , Silko Barth 1 , Volker Ulrich 1 , Sanjeev Joshi 1<br />

1 Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM Association, Boltzmannstr. 2,<br />

85748 Garching<br />

Results of structural research on a beam of free clusters are reported.<br />

We have carried out scans of the partial ion yield from H2O clusters along the O<br />

K-edge. Since recently the NEXAFS spectrum of liquid water along the O K-edge<br />

was reported [1] and interpreted with far reaching conclusions on the local structure,<br />

it should be of great interest to compare to clusters. Results for the fragments from<br />

clusters show features of both hexagonal, four-fold coordinated and broken-bond, threefold<br />

coordinated structures in the interpretation of [1].<br />

In NeAr heteroclusters, we can demonstrate a process of electronic relaxation by<br />

autoionization, which allows the identification of nearest neighbor relationships in noncovalently<br />

bonded systems from the kinetic energy of the autoionization electron. This<br />

process was predicted in theoretical work and termed ICD (Interatomic Coulombic<br />

Decay) [2]. Transitions of this type should exist in all or most van der Waals and<br />

hydrogen bridge bonded systems.<br />

[1] P. Wernet et al., Science 304 (2004) 995.<br />

[2] L.S. Cederbaum et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (1997) 4778; J. Zobeley et al., J.<br />

Chem. Phys. 115 (2001) 5076.<br />

Fig. 1: Electron spectra from<br />

a coexpansion of Ne and Ar.<br />

When the beam is cooled sufficiently<br />

to allow formation of<br />

heteroclusters, a signal from<br />

autoionization of Ne 2s hole<br />

states into Ne 2p −1 Ar 3p −1<br />

can be detected (left, bottom<br />


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