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Magnetismus Poster: Do., 13:00–15:30 D-P254<br />

Magnetic short-range order in CaBaCo3AlO7 and CaBaCo3ZnO7<br />

Yvonne Sanders 1 , Werner Schweika 1 , Martin Valldor 2 , Thomas Brückel 1<br />

1 Institut für Festkörperforschung, <strong>Forschung</strong>szentrum Jülich GmbH, D-52425 Jülich,<br />

Germany – 2 IPKM, TU-Braunschweig, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany<br />

The new cobaltates CaBaCo3AlO7 and CaBaCo3ZnO7 have a common structure, in<br />

which Co-ions form kagomé layers leading to high geometrical frustration among the<br />

strongly antiferromagnetically coupled Co-spins. The different ions Al and Zn in both<br />

compounds choose different sites; Zn prefers sites within the kagomé layers, while Al<br />

occupies sites in between the kagomé layers.<br />

We have performed neutron scattering experiments with polarization analysis to separate<br />

the diffuse magnetic scattering, which shows an asymmetric peak, indicating lowdimensional<br />

spin correlations. Despite the strong antiferromagnetic coupling between<br />

the Co-ions, evidenced from the large negative Curie-Weiss constant, both materials<br />

do not exhibit magnetic long-range order down to T=1.2K. The diffuse scattering is<br />

similar to predictions for the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagomé lattice,<br />

which is supposed to select a ground state of staggered chirality, the so-called<br />

√ 3x √ 3 structure. For CaBaCo3ZnO7 the non-magnetic Zn-ions cause spin dilution in<br />

the kagomé layers, resulting in spin disorder among the Co-spins. The non-magnetic<br />

Al-ions on the interlayer sites cause a magnetic decoupling of the kagomé layers and<br />

prohibit 3D spin order to take place.<br />

[1] M. Valldor, Solid State Sciences 6, 251 (2004); M. Valldor, J. Phys.: Condens.<br />

Matter 16, 9209 (2004).

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