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Magnetismus Poster: Do., 13:00–15:30 D-P229<br />

Magnetic excitations in a Dy/Y superlattice investigated with<br />

inelastic neutron scattering<br />

Alexander Grünwald 1,2 , Helena Tartakovskaya 3 , Andrew Wildes 1 , Wolfgang<br />

Schmidt 4,1 , Peter Link 5 , Roger Ward 6 , Andreas Schreyer 2<br />

1 Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France – 2 GKSS-<strong>Forschung</strong>szentrum, Geesthacht,<br />

Germany – 3 Institute of Magnetism, Kiev, Ukraine – 4 <strong>Forschung</strong>szentrum Jülich, Germany<br />

– 5 TU München, Germany – 6 University of Oxford, United Kingdom<br />

Modern thin film growth techniques allow enormous flexibility in the choice of sample<br />

composition, making these materials of particular interest for the investigation of spin<br />

dynamics in structures of reduced dimensionality. While techniques as Brillouin light<br />

scattering and ferromagnetic resonance experiments are li<strong>mit</strong>ed to specific regions in<br />

reciprocal space, inelastic neutron scattering provides, in principle, access to the whole<br />

Brillouin zone. We have shown that this technique can be used on multilayer samples<br />

[1]. These measurements are difficult, however, due to the small sample mass in superlattice<br />

structures. Rare earth elements are the best candidates for studying spin<br />

wave excitations in multilayer structures, since they exhibit the largest magnetic moment,<br />

and have the largest cross section for magnetic neutron scattering. Besides the<br />

novelty of measuring spin waves in artificially modulated structures, the experiments<br />

also provide new information on RKKY exchange coupling and its propagation across<br />

non-magnetic spacer layers.<br />

A new theory has been developed to describe the nature of the spin waves in a Dy/Y<br />

multilayer. The theory predicts discrete energy levels for spin waves propagating along<br />

the surface normal, with the number of discrete energy levels being derived from the<br />

number of magnetic atomic planes in a bi-layer. In the li<strong>mit</strong> of an infinite number<br />

of atomic planes the dispersion of bulk Dy [2] is recovered. The new calculations<br />

show significant dependence of the energy eigenvalues on interdiffusion and interfacial<br />

roughness.<br />

To compare with new calculations on spin wave excitation eigenvalues, we present inelastic<br />

neutron scattering measurements of low energy magnetic excitations in a Dy/Y<br />

superlattice. The experimental data of constant-q scans show in some regions of reciprocal<br />

space double/multi-peak features, as predicted by the theory. Although measured<br />

with high resolution, these peaks are broad in width, which might be due to interdiffusion<br />

and roughness. However, these data give supporting evidence for the new theory<br />

of spin wave excitations in constrained magnetic multilayer structures.<br />

[1] A. Schreyer et al., J. Appl. Phys., 87 (2000) 5443<br />

[2] R.M. Nicklow et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 26 (1971) 140

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