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Biologische Systeme und Medizin Poster: Mi., 14:00–16:30 M-P213<br />

Computational studies of radiation damage in protein crystals<br />

Melanie Zehnder 1 , Ivan Vartaniants 1 , Edgar Weckert 1<br />

1 HASYLAB at DESY, Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg<br />

Radiation damage li<strong>mit</strong>s the achievable resolution and data quality received from protein<br />

crystals in X-ray structure analysis. For a better quantitative understanding the<br />

damage produced by inelastic interaction of photons in the crystal is studied. Inelastic<br />

scattering of photons and the produced electrons are investigated by a Monte - Carlo<br />

approach.<br />

Two types of inelastic interactions are possible, photoelectric effect and Compton<br />

scattering. For small energies up to 30 keV the photoelectric effect is dominant. For<br />

higher X-ray energies Compton scattering becomes dominant. The photo electron<br />

carries nearly all the energy of the incoming photon, which is absorbed in the crystal.<br />

In most cases a low energetic Auger electron is created afterwards. For Compton<br />

scattering an outer shell interaction takes place and most of the energy is carried out<br />

from the crystal by the high-energetic photon. Typically the Compton electron has a<br />

much lower energy comparing to that of the photo electron. Electrons produce a higher<br />

damage comparing to photons due to a higher inelastic cross section. The Monte Carlo<br />

approach simulates the very early stages of the damage (first few picoseconds). In the<br />

simulation programme the ionization and excitation of ions are simulated, but no bond<br />

braking or recombination is studied.<br />

Different energies (from the keV range up to 100 keV) and crystal sizes (from the<br />

nanometer scale up to hundred micrometer scale) were studied by this approach. The<br />

investigations were done to explore the best ratio between diffracted intensity and<br />

damage produced for the given chemical composition. It is evaluated from the number<br />

of ions produced by the incoming photon and the subsequent cascade. This value can<br />

be calculated either per inelastic photon or per elastic photon. The simulation gives<br />

also information on the spatial distribution, the number of excited atoms in the crystal<br />

and the time of interaction.

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