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Deutsche Tagung f ¨ur Forschung mit ... - SNI-Portal

Deutsche Tagung f ¨ur Forschung mit ... - SNI-Portal


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Biologische Systeme und Medizin Poster: Mi., 14:00–16:30 M-P205<br />

Residual Stresses in the Exoskeleton of a Homarus americanus Lobster<br />

Haroldo Pinto 1 , Helge Fabritius 1 , Dierk Raabe 1 , Anke Pyzalla 1<br />

1 Max-Planck Institute for Iron Research, Max-Planck Str.1, 40237 Düsseldorf, Ger-<br />

many<br />

Artificial tissues are being increasingly used in the replacement of damaged structural<br />

parts of the body. These artificial structures do not only require appropriated mechanical<br />

properties, but also biocompatibility and hemostatic properties. Therefore,<br />

the emulation of natural scaffolds represents an interesting possibility to combine good<br />

mechanical properties with biocompatibility.<br />

Natural extracellular skeletons often consist of ordered fibrous composites, which are<br />

hierarchically arranged in twisted plywoods structures. Generally, composite materials<br />

contain significant residual stresses due to differences in the physical properties<br />

of matrix and reinforcement. Also biological composites are, therefore, expected to<br />

have residual stresses, which are supposedly correlated to their formation process and<br />

function.<br />

The aim of these investigations is a first time characterization of the residual stress<br />

state in biocomposites, particularly in the cuticle of a lobster Homarus americanus,<br />

which is a hierarchically organized natural material. The structure of the exoskeleton<br />

and its residual stress state are revealed by electron microscopy and synchrotron X-ray<br />

diffraction studies.

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