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Mikroskopie und Tomographie Poster: Mi., 14:00–16:30 M-P110<br />

Influence of Noise and Partial Coherence on Resolution in Coherent Diffractive<br />

Imaging Experiments<br />

Andreas Schropp 1 , Christian Schroer 2 , Ivan Vartaniants 1 , Edgar<br />

Weckert 1 , Christian Mocuta 3 , Hartmut Metzger 3<br />

1 HASYLAB at DESY, Notkestr. 85, D-22603 Hamburg, Germany – 2 Institut für<br />

Strukturphysik, TU Dresden, D-01062 Dresden, Germany – 3 ESRF, BP 220, F-38043<br />

Grenoble Cedex, France<br />

Coherent X-ray diffraction imaging (CXDI) [1] is a suitable method to determine the<br />

structure of small, non-periodic objects up to a resolution on nanometer length scale.<br />

It can be considered as a microscopic technique providing information on physical<br />

properties of materials in a variety of scientific fields, e.g. whole-cell imaging [2] and<br />

mesoporous structures. The method, also named lensless imaging, is simply based on<br />

measuring of the Fraunhofer X-ray diffraction pattern of an object. Instead of using<br />

lenses or other optical components for image formation the structure of the object is<br />

reconstructed with the help of numerical algorithms which are able to recover the phase<br />

information in the diffraction pattern. From this view the numerical reconstruction is<br />

simply acting as a lens in an optical system. The achievable resolution of this method<br />

of structure determination depends in principle only on the used wavelength and the<br />

largest recorded diffraction angle. Nevertheless, the latter requirement is li<strong>mit</strong>ed by<br />

the specific experimental arrangement, i.e. distance between sample and detector,<br />

detector size, signal to noise ratio, and especially by the total incoming coherent photon<br />

flux. As a result of a strong decrease of the diffracted photon intensity towards larger<br />

diffraction angles, i.e. I(q) ∼ q −3 , the amount of photons at large q-values determines<br />

the resolution. A systematic series of numerical simulations was carried out aiming<br />

to investigate the li<strong>mit</strong>ations in resolution due to a restricted number of incoming<br />

photons.<br />

In further simulations we considered additionally a second important factor which is<br />

the influence of partial coherent illumination. In this case, the visibility of the interference<br />

fringes is reduced which leads to a certain degree of smearing in the diffraction<br />

pattern. This effect is not taken into account by the numerical algorithms (Hybrid-<br />

Input-Output Method [3]) that are usually used and thus, it can essentially affect the<br />

result of a reconstruction using a partially blurred data set.<br />

The results of these numerical simulations together with a comparison to the results<br />

of a CXD-experiment carried out at ID01 (ESRF) [4] will be presented on a poster.<br />

[1] J. Miao et al, Nature, 400, 342 (1999)<br />

[2] D. Shapiro et al., PNAS, 102, 15343 (2005)<br />

[3] J.R. Fienup, Appl. Opt. 21, 2758 (1982)<br />

[4] A. Schropp et al., Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy<br />

(XRM2005), (2006) to be published

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