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Methoden und Instrumentierung Poster: Mi., 14:00–16:30 M-P6<br />

Wafer contamination analysis and speciation as well as reference-free<br />

nanolayer characterization employing X-ray spectrometry<br />

Burkhard Beckhoff 1 , Rolf Fliegauf 1 , Michael Kolbe 1 , Matthias Müller 1 ,<br />

Beatrix Pollakowski 1 , Jan Weser 1 , Gerhard Ulm 1<br />

1 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Abbestraße 2-12, 10587 Berlin, Germany<br />

Monochromatized synchrotron radiation has been used for the non-destructive investigation<br />

of wafer surface contamination and nanolayered materials by X-ray spectrometry<br />

in different beam geometries: varying the incident angle from close to zero degrees, i.e.<br />

total-reflection geometry (T), over grazing incidence (GI) to conventional X-ray fluorescence<br />

(XRF). In TXRF geometry only the surface is analyzed, whereas GIXRF and<br />

XRF provide information from subsurface layers respectively the bulk of a sample.<br />

The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt operates XRF equipment at a plane grating<br />

monochromator beamline for undulator radiation in its laboratory at BESSY II.<br />

The absolute lower levels of detection for TXRF of light elements range between 100 fg<br />

and 1 pg with respect to a measuring time of 1000 s. For the explicit purpose of the<br />

semiconductor industry, PTB can handle 25 mm through 300 mm silicon wafers in its<br />

XRF and TXRF instrumentation [1] ensuring reference-free quantitation by calibrated<br />

components [2].<br />

Near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) investigations in conjunction<br />

with TXRF are able to contribute to the speciation of low Z and organic compounds.<br />

TXRF-NEXAFS experiments [1,3] of contaminants have been performed at the K<br />

absorption edges of light elements and the L absorption edges of transition metals.<br />

Reference-free quantification in X-ray fluorescence analysis requires the accurate knowledge<br />

of all experimental values both in the excitation and detection channels as well as<br />

of the fundamental parameters involved. The experimental data are accessible through<br />

calibrated devices such as photodiodes, diaphragms and energy-dispersive detectors.<br />

Besides the instruments’ contributions, the relative uncertainties of the XRF analytical<br />

results are also affected by the tabulated fundamental parameters of the elements,<br />

some of which only have estimated uncertainties. The layer thickness obtained for<br />

transition metals as well as silicon dioxide layers by reference-free XRF has been compared<br />

to the thicknesses determined by X-ray reflectometry. Both methods showed<br />

the same results within the frame of their respective uncertainties [4]. For the speciation<br />

of nanolayer compositions, grazing incidence XRF (GIXRF or GIXF) allows for<br />

different penetration depths by varying the incident angle. At a given incident angle,<br />

GIXRF can be combined with NEXAFS revealing the depth profile of the chemical<br />

layer structure.<br />

[1] B. Beckhoff et.al, ECS Proc. 2003-3 (2003) 120<br />

[2] F. Scholze et al., Microchim. Acta (2006) online<br />

[3] G. Pepponi et al., Spectrochim. Acta B 58 (2003) 2245<br />

[4] M. Kolbe et al., Spectrochim. Acta B 60 (2005) 505

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