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Which percent of your project timeline is dedicated for software

testing phase?


Who is responsible for testing activities in your organization?


Less than 30 %


Test Specialist




Less than 20 %


More than 30 %

Business Analyst

Project Manager




Less than 10 %



More Test specialists than Developers




Analysis of Current Situation

Future Prediction


Almost 24% of survey respondents indicate that

the time allocated for software testing is more

than 30 % of their total project timeline.

The latencies in analysis, design and development

stages are compensated by reducing the time

allocated for testing. This results in customer

dissatisfaction and large number of defects found

in production.

The most efficient way of allocating more time for

testing is applying early testing principle. With this

principle in place, test cases will be documented

as the requirements are baselined and defects

will be found early at the requirements definition

phase. This prevents high costs due to large

number of regression cycles and unexpected

failures in production.

In which phase of the project, testers start to involve for the test

activities in your organization?

Analysis of Current Situation

Azerbaijan Market perceives software testing still

as a support function that may be carried out

at the end of a software development project.

This approach is still accepted by most of the

companies due to the popularity of the waterfall

methodology and short term cost cutting

initiatives. AZESQR survey results shows that

mostly developers and some percentage business

analysts, project managers even customers are

dominating more than half of the testing efforts.

Future Prediction

We expect software testing efforts will be carried

out by software testers whose only responsibility

is testing in upcoming 5 years. Evaluation of those

dedicated teams that will control and supervise

testing efforts will take years. We also expect the

growth of test outsourcing that also will be feeding

in-house test teams’ recruitments in long run.


What is the test engineer / developer ratio in your organization?

51% 39% 34% 34%

UAT Integration Phase Development Phase Analysis Phase








No Test Specialists

Analysis of Current Situation

Future Prediction

Analysis of Current Situation

Future Prediction

51% of survey respondents indicate that testing

activities starts only at UAT phase of the projects.

This situation predicts that most of the test

activities are being done by customer or together

with customer at the final stage of the projects.

For customer satisfaction and facing less defects

on UAT and on production the most efficient way

is applying early testing principle. With the help

of early testing, test cases will be documented as

the requirements are baselined and defects will

be found early at the requirements definition

phase. This prevents unexpected failures in

production and customer dissatisfaction.

About 24% of the respondents say that they

do not allocate any tester for their projects,

test efforts mostly carried out by developers,

business analysts or most probably end user. This

ratio gives clue that these organizations do not

consider testing as an item during the budget

planning and do not allocate any budget for test


Companies pay attention on the investment

metrics by focusing to the return. Recently

wrong KPI practices seems the root cause of

current situation. In time, increasing the total

cost of ownership (TCO) in IT projects will force

organizations to set proper and quality related

KPIs. As a result of this process, testing efforts

and testers will gain more importance.

8 Azerbaijan Software Quality Report 2015-2016 | www.azertestingboard.org

Azerbaijan Software Quality Report 2015-2016 | www.azertestingboard.org


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