Spring 2020 Brochure

from bridgehousetheatre More from this publisher

aylesford school PresenTsPhiliP Pullman’s Grimms Talesa mosT delicious selecTion of favouriTe fairy Tales,re-Told and re-worked by aylesford schoolbeware, These Gleefully dark and much-lovedTales won’T be quiTe whaT you eXPecT…fri 24 Jan 7:30Pm / saT 25 Jan 1:30Pm and 7:30PmTickeT cosTs: adulT £8.00 concession £6.00boX office: 01926 776438 www.bridGehouseTheaTre.co.uk

31 st January & 1 st February 2020 7.00pm.Bridge House Theatre,Warwick.Box Offce 01926 776438Jazz@ The Bridge

aylesford school PresenTs

PhiliP Pullman’s Grimms Tales

a mosT delicious selecTion of favouriTe fairy Tales,

re-Told and re-worked by aylesford school

beware, These Gleefully dark and much-loved

Tales won’T be quiTe whaT you eXPecT…

fri 24 Jan 7:30Pm / saT 25 Jan 1:30Pm and 7:30Pm

TickeT cosTs: adulT £8.00 concession £6.00

boX office: 01926 776438 www.bridGehouseTheaTre.co.uk

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