AzizArt Jan2020

History of art(west and middle east)- contemporary art ,art ,contemporary art ,art-history of art ,Iranian art ,Iranian contemporary art ,famous Iranian artist ,Middle east art ,European art History of art(west and middle east)- contemporary art ,art ,contemporary art ,art-history of art ,Iranian art ,Iranian contemporary art ,famous Iranian artist ,Middle east art ,European art



Etel Adnanborn 24 February 1925 in Beirut,Lebanonis a Lebanese-Americanpoet, essayist, and visual artist. In2003, Adnan was named "arguablythe most celebrated andaccomplished Arab Americanauthor writing today" by theacademic journal MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the UnitedStates.Besides her literary output, Adnancontinues to produce visual worksin a variety of media, such as oilpaintings, films and tapestries,which have been exhibited atgalleries across the world.She lives in Paris and Sausalito,California.LifeEtel Adnan was born in 1925 inBeirut, Lebanon. Adnan's motherwas a Christian Greek from Smyrnaand her father was Muslim Syrianand a petty officer.Though she grewup speaking Greek and Turkish in aprimarily Arabic-speaking society,she was educated at Frenchconvent schools and Frenchbecame the language in which herearly work was first written. Shealso studied English in her youth,and most of her later work hasbeen first written in this language.At 24, Adnan traveled to Pariswhere she received a degree inphilosophy from the University ofParis.She then traveled to theUnited States where she continuedgraduate studies at the Universityof California, Berkeley and atHarvard University.From 1952 to1978, she taught philosophy of artat the Dominican University ofCalifornia in San Rafael. She hasalso lectured at many universitiesthroughout the United States.Adnan returned from the US toLebanon and worked as a journalistand cultural editor for Al-Safa(newspaper0, a French-languagenewspaper in Beirut. In addition,she also helped build the culturalsection of the newspaper,occasionally contributing cartoonsand illustrations. Her tenure at Al-Safa was most notable for herfront-page editorials, commentingon the important political issues ofthe day.In her later years, Adnan began toopenly identify as lesbian.


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