AzizArt Jan2020

History of art(west and middle east)- contemporary art ,art ,contemporary art ,art-history of art ,Iranian art ,Iranian contemporary art ,famous Iranian artist ,Middle east art ,European art History of art(west and middle east)- contemporary art ,art ,contemporary art ,art-history of art ,Iranian art ,Iranian contemporary art ,famous Iranian artist ,Middle east art ,European art


he strikes and then holds variousposes — crossing his arms over hischest or swinging one arm out toone side or pointing directly at thelens, for example — and with eachnew gesture, he states "I ammaking art."In a 1972 tribute tofellow artist Sol LeWitt, Baldessarisang lines from LeWitt's thirty-fivestatements on conceptual artto the tune of popular songs.Other films include Teaching aPlant the Alphabet and theInventory videos, also from 1972.ExhibitionsBaldessari has been in over 200solo shows and 1,000 groupshows in his six-decade career.He had his first gallery soloexhibition at the Molly BarnesGallery in Los Angeles in 1968.Hisfirst retrospective exhibition inthe U.S. in 1981 was mounted bythe New Museum ofContemporary Art in New York,and traveled to the ContemporaryArts Center, Cincinnati, the CAM,Houston, the Van Abbemuseum,Eindhoven, and the MuseumFolkwang, Essen.His work has since been exhibitedin:Documenta V (1972) and VII (1982)the Whitney Biennial (1983)the Carnegie International (1985–86)the 47th Venice Biennial (1997)Solo presentations of his work atmuseums have included exhibitionsat:the Albertina, Vienna (1999)Sprengel Museum, Hannover(1999–2000)Museo d'Arte ModernaContemporanea di Trento eRovereto, Trento (2000–2001)Museum Moderner Kunst StiftungLudwig Wien, the Kunsthaus Graz,and Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin(2004)Museo Jumex, Mexico City (2017)Retrospectives of his work wasshown at MOCA, Los Angeles,which traveled to SFMOMA, theHirshhorn Museum and SculptureGarden, the Whitney Museum andthe Musée d'Art Contemporain,Montreal in 1990-92; atCornerhouse, Manchester, andtraveled to London, Stuttgart,Ljubljana, Oslo, and Lisbon in 1995-96 entitled

"This Not That"; and Pure Beautyopened at the Tate Modern,London, in 2009 and travelled toMACBA, Barcelona; LACMA, LosAngeles; and The MetropolitanMuseum of Art, New York, through2011.There was an "Artist's Choice:John Baldessari" at the Museumof Modern Art in 1994, and theartist was invited to curate theexhibition "Ways of Seeing: JohnBaldessari Explores the Collection"at the Hirshhorn Museum andSculpture Garden in 2006, and hecreated the exhibition design for"Magritte and Contemporary Art:The Treachery of Images"at the Los Angeles CountyMuseum of Art.For the 2017/2018 season at theVienna State Opera he designedthe large-scale image (176 m²)"Graduation" for the ongoing series"Safety Curtain", conceived bymuseum in progress.CollectionsBaldessari's works are part of majorpublic and private collections,including the Museum of ModernArt, the Guggenheim Museum, theLos Angeles County Museum of Art,the Hirshhorn Museum andSculpture Garden and the BroadCollection.Position in the art marketBaldessari set a personal auctionrecord when his acrylic-on-canvaspiece Quality Material (1966–1968)was sold for $4,408,000 atChristie's New York in 2007.In 1972, Ileana Sonnabend agreedto represent him worldwide. In1999, after twenty-six years withthe Sonnabend Gallery, Baldessariwent to Marian Goodman.He hasalso been represented by MargoLeavin (1984-2013),[8] and SprüthMagers (since 1998)

he strikes and then holds various

poses — crossing his arms over his

chest or swinging one arm out to

one side or pointing directly at the

lens, for example — and with each

new gesture, he states "I am

making art."In a 1972 tribute to

fellow artist Sol LeWitt, Baldessari

sang lines from LeWitt's thirty-five

statements on conceptual art

to the tune of popular songs.

Other films include Teaching a

Plant the Alphabet and the

Inventory videos, also from 1972.


Baldessari has been in over 200

solo shows and 1,000 group

shows in his six-decade career.

He had his first gallery solo

exhibition at the Molly Barnes

Gallery in Los Angeles in 1968.His

first retrospective exhibition in

the U.S. in 1981 was mounted by

the New Museum of

Contemporary Art in New York

,and traveled to the Contemporary

Arts Center, Cincinnati, the CAM,

Houston, the Van Abbemuseum,

Eindhoven, and the Museum

Folkwang, Essen.

His work has since been exhibited


Documenta V (1972) and VII (1982)

the Whitney Biennial (1983)

the Carnegie International (1985–


the 47th Venice Biennial (1997)

Solo presentations of his work at

museums have included exhibitions


the Albertina, Vienna (1999)

Sprengel Museum, Hannover


Museo d'Arte Moderna

Contemporanea di Trento e

Rovereto, Trento (2000–2001)

Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung

Ludwig Wien, the Kunsthaus Graz,

and Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin


Museo Jumex, Mexico City (2017)

Retrospectives of his work was

shown at MOCA, Los Angeles,

which traveled to SFMOMA, the

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture

Garden, the Whitney Museum and

the Musée d'Art Contemporain,

Montreal in 1990-92; at

Cornerhouse, Manchester, and

traveled to London, Stuttgart,

Ljubljana, Oslo, and Lisbon in 1995-

96 entitled

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