Cityscape Christmas 2019

Bring on the party, Cityscapers! Addington Cup Week kicks off the season we love to love, and we are sooo ready. We bring you all the deets on the biggest week in Christchurch’s social calendar. Important information like what the judges are looking for in The Crossing Fashion Starts Here Best Dressed Competition and stuff about the racing as well, like pointers on how to pick a winner. And thanks to Callam Mitchell and his team at Team Event, Addington Cup Week is just the start of party season. We talk to the promoter putting the icing on Christchurch’s cake this summer. Ladi6 is just one of the fantastic artists he is bringing to town, and we check in with her as well (that’s her gorgeous self on the cover). The days are counting down to Christmas and with that comes the fun and the challenge of finding the perfect gift for all those on your ‘Nice’ list. We live to serve here at Cityscape, and so we have served up a curated Christmas gift guide brimming with ideas fresh and failsafe. Nailing that pressy list is the best reason possible for heading to the central city and exploring its retail hotspots, followed by a drink and some nibbles, of course. We shine our spotlight on what’s new in the inner city, from retail meccas to the hottest hospo hangouts. And if 2020 is looking like the year to put a ring on it, check out our feature on the amazingly creative community of jewellers we have in this city. As always, we also bring you what’s hot in cuisine, events, home and couture. Bring on the party, Cityscapers! Addington Cup Week kicks off the season we love to love, and we are sooo ready. We bring you all the deets on the biggest week in Christchurch’s social calendar. Important information like what the judges are looking for in The Crossing Fashion Starts Here Best Dressed Competition and stuff about the racing as well, like pointers on how to pick a winner. And thanks to Callam Mitchell and his team at Team Event, Addington Cup Week is just the start of party season. We talk to the promoter putting the icing on Christchurch’s cake this summer. Ladi6 is just one of the fantastic artists he is bringing to town, and we check in with her as well (that’s her gorgeous self on the cover). The days are counting down to Christmas and with that comes the fun and the challenge of finding the perfect gift for all those on your ‘Nice’ list. We live to serve here at Cityscape, and so we have served up a curated Christmas gift guide brimming with ideas fresh and failsafe. Nailing that pressy list is the best reason possible for heading to the central city and exploring its retail hotspots, followed by a drink and some nibbles, of course. We shine our spotlight on what’s new in the inner city, from retail meccas to the hottest hospo hangouts. And if 2020 is looking like the year to put a ring on it, check out our feature on the amazingly creative community of jewellers we have in this city. As always, we also bring you what’s hot in cuisine, events, home and couture.


WELLBEINGDR LIBBYTHE GOOD LIFETemptations abound during party seasonbut it is possible to stay healthy withoutmissing out on the fun and festivities.‘It’s a good idea tohave a glass ofwater in betweenalcoholic drinks’With the silly season upon usand the numerous eventsthis can bring, it’s easy toconsume far more alcohol andpoorer quality foods than we mightusually. While alcohol can fit into ahealthy lifestyle and enjoying itoccasionally may be nourishing foryour soul, regular overconsumptioncan have significantconsequences on health andwellbeing. With all the work parties,family gatherings and social eventsspanning these months, manypeople share with me that by theend of the festive season they arefeeling far from their best. It isentirely possible to maintaingreat health and energy acrossthis time without compromisingyour social life or missing out onthe fun and festivities. Here aresome tips to help:Stay hydrated During thesewarmer months, it’s important tostay well hydrated. Even milddehydration can lead to symptomssuch as headaches and fatigue, andit’s very common for thirst to beconfused with hunger. In fact, manypeople cannot wait for thatafter-work drink because they areboth thirsty and hungry. To test thisout for yourself, when you firstarrive home or to a gathering, havea large glass of still or sparklingwater and a handful of nuts andsee if you still want the wine.Alcohol has a dehydrating effect soit’s also a good idea to have a glassof water in between alcoholicdrinks, if you choose to drink them.Or, instead of alcohol, you could trykombucha or a delicious mocktailmade from sparkling water, mintleaves and fresh lemon juice.A little preparation can makea big difference If your socialcalendar is packed with events,take a little time in advance toconsider which events you want toenjoy whatever food and drinksyou feel like at the time, and whichevents you might choose not todrink alcohol at, for example. Forevents that don’t have a sit-downmeal and are likely to involve lots ofcanapés and fried foods, make sureyou aren’t starving when you arriveat the event. Consider eating a lightmeal at home before you go, or ifyou’re heading to the eventstraight from work, prepare somenourishing snacks that you canhave beforehand if you want tominimise the poorer qualityoptions being passed around. Ifattending an event is rare for you,of course relax and enjoyeverything on offer; but if they arefrequent, pick and choose the oneswhere you do this.It’s not all or nothing I can’t tellyou how many times I’ve heardpeople say “I’ve ruined it” afterdrinking too much or overindulgingin poor quality foods onoffer at an event. But it’s this kindof thinking that tends to lead themto continue eating and drinking in away that doesn’t serve their health.If you tell yourself you’ve ruined it,it’s likely that you’ll perceive youhave to “start over” tomorrow, ornext week … or next year, and in themeantime you’ll likely keep makingpoor quality choices. But the truthis, it’s not all or nothing. Eachmoment is a new opportunity tomake different choices, and youhaven’t ruined anything.drlibby.com78 CITYSCAPE.CO.NZ Christmas 19

WELLBEINGWELLNESSPERFECT PICK-ME-UPS When the party season starts to takeits toll, Kiki Health has just what your body needs.We all love party season, butsometimes our body finds theweeks of festive drinks, late nightsand rich foods all a bit much. KikiHealth has the solution to help giveyour body a much-needed boostwith a range of 100 percent raw,natural, organic and GMO-freesuperfoods, vitamins and minerals,so you don’t have to skip an eventand suffer from FOMO. Tokick-start your mornings withenergy, digestive support, vitaminsand minerals, try a teaspoon ofdelicious citrus Kiki HealthAlkaline Infusion powder mixedwith water or a smoothie,particularly if you’re eating a lot ofacidic food. If your body needssome help with recovery andstress, a few sprays of Kiki HealthMagnesium Oil will help replenishthis precious mineral and reducetiredness, anxiety, muscle achesand headaches – perfect for a nextday pick-me-up. Overdone thecanapés, bubbly, chips andcocktails? Food your body isn’tused to can cause stomach upsets,gas and digestive pain, so try ateaspoon of Kiki Health ActivatedCharcoal powder in water as soonas you get home. It’s completelyflavourless, and has been used forhundreds of years for treatingpoisoning by absorbing toxicparticles and gases in the body’sdigestive tract and flushing themthrough your system – leaving youfeeling brand new and ready tostart the party again! CITYSCAPE.CO.NZ Christmas 19




Temptations abound during party season

but it is possible to stay healthy without

missing out on the fun and festivities.

‘It’s a good idea to

have a glass of

water in between

alcoholic drinks’


ith the silly season upon us

and the numerous events

this can bring, it’s easy to

consume far more alcohol and

poorer quality foods than we might

usually. While alcohol can fit into a

healthy lifestyle and enjoying it

occasionally may be nourishing for

your soul, regular overconsumption

can have significant

consequences on health and

wellbeing. With all the work parties,

family gatherings and social events

spanning these months, many

people share with me that by the

end of the festive season they are

feeling far from their best. It is

entirely possible to maintain

great health and energy across

this time without compromising

your social life or missing out on

the fun and festivities. Here are

some tips to help:

Stay hydrated During these

warmer months, it’s important to

stay well hydrated. Even mild

dehydration can lead to symptoms

such as headaches and fatigue, and

it’s very common for thirst to be

confused with hunger. In fact, many

people cannot wait for that

after-work drink because they are

both thirsty and hungry. To test this

out for yourself, when you first

arrive home or to a gathering, have

a large glass of still or sparkling

water and a handful of nuts and

see if you still want the wine.

Alcohol has a dehydrating effect so

it’s also a good idea to have a glass

of water in between alcoholic

drinks, if you choose to drink them.

Or, instead of alcohol, you could try

kombucha or a delicious mocktail

made from sparkling water, mint

leaves and fresh lemon juice.

A little preparation can make

a big difference If your social

calendar is packed with events,

take a little time in advance to

consider which events you want to

enjoy whatever food and drinks

you feel like at the time, and which

events you might choose not to

drink alcohol at, for example. For

events that don’t have a sit-down

meal and are likely to involve lots of

canapés and fried foods, make sure

you aren’t starving when you arrive

at the event. Consider eating a light

meal at home before you go, or if

you’re heading to the event

straight from work, prepare some

nourishing snacks that you can

have beforehand if you want to

minimise the poorer quality

options being passed around. If

attending an event is rare for you,

of course relax and enjoy

everything on offer; but if they are

frequent, pick and choose the ones

where you do this.

It’s not all or nothing I can’t tell

you how many times I’ve heard

people say “I’ve ruined it” after

drinking too much or overindulging

in poor quality foods on

offer at an event. But it’s this kind

of thinking that tends to lead them

to continue eating and drinking in a

way that doesn’t serve their health.

If you tell yourself you’ve ruined it,

it’s likely that you’ll perceive you

have to “start over” tomorrow, or

next week … or next year, and in the

meantime you’ll likely keep making

poor quality choices. But the truth

is, it’s not all or nothing. Each

moment is a new opportunity to

make different choices, and you

haven’t ruined anything.

78 CITYSCAPE.CO.NZ Christmas 19

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