Cityscape Christmas 2019

Bring on the party, Cityscapers! Addington Cup Week kicks off the season we love to love, and we are sooo ready. We bring you all the deets on the biggest week in Christchurch’s social calendar. Important information like what the judges are looking for in The Crossing Fashion Starts Here Best Dressed Competition and stuff about the racing as well, like pointers on how to pick a winner. And thanks to Callam Mitchell and his team at Team Event, Addington Cup Week is just the start of party season. We talk to the promoter putting the icing on Christchurch’s cake this summer. Ladi6 is just one of the fantastic artists he is bringing to town, and we check in with her as well (that’s her gorgeous self on the cover). The days are counting down to Christmas and with that comes the fun and the challenge of finding the perfect gift for all those on your ‘Nice’ list. We live to serve here at Cityscape, and so we have served up a curated Christmas gift guide brimming with ideas fresh and failsafe. Nailing that pressy list is the best reason possible for heading to the central city and exploring its retail hotspots, followed by a drink and some nibbles, of course. We shine our spotlight on what’s new in the inner city, from retail meccas to the hottest hospo hangouts. And if 2020 is looking like the year to put a ring on it, check out our feature on the amazingly creative community of jewellers we have in this city. As always, we also bring you what’s hot in cuisine, events, home and couture. Bring on the party, Cityscapers! Addington Cup Week kicks off the season we love to love, and we are sooo ready. We bring you all the deets on the biggest week in Christchurch’s social calendar. Important information like what the judges are looking for in The Crossing Fashion Starts Here Best Dressed Competition and stuff about the racing as well, like pointers on how to pick a winner. And thanks to Callam Mitchell and his team at Team Event, Addington Cup Week is just the start of party season. We talk to the promoter putting the icing on Christchurch’s cake this summer. Ladi6 is just one of the fantastic artists he is bringing to town, and we check in with her as well (that’s her gorgeous self on the cover). The days are counting down to Christmas and with that comes the fun and the challenge of finding the perfect gift for all those on your ‘Nice’ list. We live to serve here at Cityscape, and so we have served up a curated Christmas gift guide brimming with ideas fresh and failsafe. Nailing that pressy list is the best reason possible for heading to the central city and exploring its retail hotspots, followed by a drink and some nibbles, of course. We shine our spotlight on what’s new in the inner city, from retail meccas to the hottest hospo hangouts. And if 2020 is looking like the year to put a ring on it, check out our feature on the amazingly creative community of jewellers we have in this city. As always, we also bring you what’s hot in cuisine, events, home and couture.


BRIGHT SHINY THINGSTHE FILINGKABINETTHow would you describe yourjewellery style? Our style iscontemporary leaning towards artjewellery. Important for us areuniqueness and good design. Weuse traditional materials such asgold and silver along with a varietyof other precious and non-preciousmaterials. Where do you findinspiration? Inspiration comesfrom many sources, whether it befrom specific investigations of anidea or something we haveobserved during our day-to-daytravels. Lynn often finds inspirationin the botanical world and in Elfi’slatest solo show she questionedthe definition of preciousness andexplored the hidden beauty ofbone. For Jeremy, the designprocess often starts with materialslike native stones but he is alsoinspired by the simplicity ofScandinavian aesthetic. What areyou working on at the moment?We have a travelling exhibition ofwork, which is currently on displayat Gallery Thirty Three in Wanaka.This is work that the three of ushave made in reponse to ourvarious interpretations of its title,SCALE. Commissions or your owncreations – do you have apreference? Both have their placein our practice. We love using ourcreativity to develop our owndesigns but it is also satisfying tocreate a unique piece of jewelleryfor clients. Throughout the year weare constantly producing new workto add to our collections. Apartfrom your own, whose jewellerydo you love? Within New Zealandwe love Craig McIntosh’s stonework but also Warwick Freemanand Jane Dodd, plus the excitingwork of a variety of internationaljewellery artists. How did youcome to be a jeweller? We have allhad thorough training at variousinstitutions and other workshopsaround the world. Elfi trained inGermany at the JewelleryAkademy in Pforzheim, Jeremytrained in Dunedin and withjeweller Jens Hansen in Nelson, andLynn in Whanganui and as apartner in Fluxus, in Dunedin.What’s the best thing about thejob? We love the fact that wespend our days being creative andmaking jewellery, plus we enjoy theatmosphere in the workshop. Thethree of us have a great sharedsense of humour. Any pieces youare particularly proud of? Anywork that makes it to the point ofbeing displayed in the gallery or anexhibition has gone through aprocess of design, creation andcritique. Whenever someone fallsin love with a piece of our work andwe see it walk out of the gallery, weare always proud. What was thelast piece you made that youcouldn’t bear to part with? Theparting with a piece is not alwaysthe problem, what is particularlysatisfying is when the designprocess has been well resolved orthe client’s brief has been met.There are often pieces that we havea special connection to, whether itbe because of the materials used orjust the end design being unique– these are difficult to let go of.How does it feel when you areout and you see someone wearingyour work? It is always a bigcompliment to see our work beingworn. It feels like the jewellery isdoing its job. Who would you loveto see wearing one of yourpieces? It would be awesome tosee a big collector such asMadeleine Albright (former USdiplomat) wear one of our pieces.Apparently she has a greatunderstanding of contemporaryjewellery and has been collectingfor years. When you are notmaking beautiful jewellery, whatdo you love to do? Walking thefourth member of the workshop,Ruby, our 10-year-old BerneseMountain;;jeremyleeming.com68 CITYSCAPE.CO.NZ Christmas 19

VIA SOLLERTIA JEWELLERSHow would you describe yourjewellery style? My personal styleis simple and versatile, everydaypieces you can wear to anyoccasion. I’m on a real gold vibe atthe moment; it is so warm andadaptable. My daily go-tos are adiamond necklace with a fine goldchain, diamond stud earrings and agold bangle. My jewellery designstyle could be described asmodern, contemporary, bespokecreations. Where do you find yourinspiration? When we purchasestones I am already thinking aboutdesigns that will show them off inthe best way. I also love thecollaboration with clients, whenthey come in with their ideas I usethat to steer my vision towardssomething really special.Commissions or your owncreations – do you have apreference? Every piece we createis a collaboration between us andour clients. I love working this wayas it gives every piece a unique andspecial story that will always beattached to it. Apart from yourown, whose jewellery do youlove? I hold a lot of admiration forNaveya & Sloane, it is simple andmodern – I also love their brandingand how they market themselves.While I was in France, I visitedCartier and De Beers – who bothhave amazing collections! What’sthe best thing about your job?That it doesn’t feel like a job at all! Iam able to have a creative outletwhile meeting amazing people. I’velaughed and cried (happy tears)with clients, I love being able tobring people joy by designing theirdream piece. Tell us about the firstpiece you designed. I had abeautiful Burmese ruby and trilliantcut diamond to create a pendantfor a necklace. I designed it aroundthe stones into a simple, butamazing piece. Any pieces you areparticularly proud of? It was moreabout the couple than the piece.Together we created the ring of herdreams, it was really stunning andwe made sure to accommodate allhis requests including budget. Itwas a privilege to be a part of itand I was so glad we could achievethe perfect ring that had a massivewow factor and ticked all theboxes. They also came in as acouple after he had bought the ring(but not proposed) so I had topretend I had never met himbefore! What was the last pieceyou made that you couldn’t bearto part with? Not a piece but a 1.5carat oval diamond that was sobeautiful and well proportioned. Ihad mixed emotions the day it sold.How does it feel when you are outand you see someone wearingyour work? It’s more when I see aclient I have created a piece with.They often spot me out and thankme again, and then introduce meto whoever they’re with like we’reold friends (which we are!). What’sone thing people should knowabout working with a jeweller?That you don’t necessarily have tocompromise, we can fine tune apiece to fit all your criteria. I’ll neversay what you should or shouldn’thave, but work with you to get thatspecial piece. Also, it’s a lot of fun!So don’t feel daunted orintimidated when you walk throughthe door. Some tips formaintaining and storing jewellery.To make it last a lifetime, take it offfor the gym, housework, gardening,etc. Also, get it checked regularly; ifyou’re worried just bring it in. It’lltake us a couple of minutes tocheck but could save you fromlooking down one day and realisinga stone is missing! When you arenot making beautiful jewellery,what do you love to do? I’ve beenpractising yoga for five years andI’m about to start teaching parttime. I also love spending time withfriends, whether it’s a drink atPoplar Social Club or one of ourcity’s stunning hill CITYSCAPE.CO.NZ Christmas 19


How would you describe your

jewellery style? My personal style

is simple and versatile, everyday

pieces you can wear to any

occasion. I’m on a real gold vibe at

the moment; it is so warm and

adaptable. My daily go-tos are a

diamond necklace with a fine gold

chain, diamond stud earrings and a

gold bangle. My jewellery design

style could be described as

modern, contemporary, bespoke

creations. Where do you find your

inspiration? When we purchase

stones I am already thinking about

designs that will show them off in

the best way. I also love the

collaboration with clients, when

they come in with their ideas I use

that to steer my vision towards

something really special.

Commissions or your own

creations – do you have a

preference? Every piece we create

is a collaboration between us and

our clients. I love working this way

as it gives every piece a unique and

special story that will always be

attached to it. Apart from your

own, whose jewellery do you

love? I hold a lot of admiration for

Naveya & Sloane, it is simple and

modern – I also love their branding

and how they market themselves.

While I was in France, I visited

Cartier and De Beers – who both

have amazing collections! What’s

the best thing about your job?

That it doesn’t feel like a job at all! I

am able to have a creative outlet

while meeting amazing people. I’ve

laughed and cried (happy tears)

with clients, I love being able to

bring people joy by designing their

dream piece. Tell us about the first

piece you designed. I had a

beautiful Burmese ruby and trilliant

cut diamond to create a pendant

for a necklace. I designed it around

the stones into a simple, but

amazing piece. Any pieces you are

particularly proud of? It was more

about the couple than the piece.

Together we created the ring of her

dreams, it was really stunning and

we made sure to accommodate all

his requests including budget. It

was a privilege to be a part of it

and I was so glad we could achieve

the perfect ring that had a massive

wow factor and ticked all the

boxes. They also came in as a

couple after he had bought the ring

(but not proposed) so I had to

pretend I had never met him

before! What was the last piece

you made that you couldn’t bear

to part with? Not a piece but a 1.5

carat oval diamond that was so

beautiful and well proportioned. I

had mixed emotions the day it sold.

How does it feel when you are out

and you see someone wearing

your work? It’s more when I see a

client I have created a piece with.

They often spot me out and thank

me again, and then introduce me

to whoever they’re with like we’re

old friends (which we are!). What’s

one thing people should know

about working with a jeweller?

That you don’t necessarily have to

compromise, we can fine tune a

piece to fit all your criteria. I’ll never

say what you should or shouldn’t

have, but work with you to get that

special piece. Also, it’s a lot of fun!

So don’t feel daunted or

intimidated when you walk through

the door. Some tips for

maintaining and storing jewellery.

To make it last a lifetime, take it off

for the gym, housework, gardening,

etc. Also, get it checked regularly; if

you’re worried just bring it in. It’ll

take us a couple of minutes to

check but could save you from

looking down one day and realising

a stone is missing! When you are

not making beautiful jewellery,

what do you love to do? I’ve been

practising yoga for five years and

I’m about to start teaching part

time. I also love spending time with

friends, whether it’s a drink at

Poplar Social Club or one of our

city’s stunning hill walks.

69 CITYSCAPE.CO.NZ Christmas 19

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