Eagles Eye 2019 including the 2018/2019 Annual Report

The 30th Anniversary edition of Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy's Eagles Eye and 2018-2019 Annual Report The 30th Anniversary edition of Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy's Eagles Eye and 2018-2019 Annual Report


CULTIVATING COMMUNITY THROUGH ALUMNI ENGAGEMENT As we celebrate the 2019-2020 school year, and 30th Anniversary of our school, the Alumni Board is dedicating itself to providing opportunities for our Alumni community to connect with presence and purpose. We experienced major growth in alumni engagement this past year by increasing our focus on events and programs that not only connect alumni to each other but bring them a new and vibrant connection with CHCA and its current students. One of the newest programs we launched this past year was our Alumni/Armleder pen pal program, where members of our alumni community were able to connect with current 5th and 6th grade students at our Armleder Campus on a relational level while the students got to practice their writing skills! We capped it off with a pen pal pizza party on campus. Students and alumni were able to meet their respective pen pals and step into their classrooms with a foundation of friendship. It proved to be a highly impactful program for all involved. While we plan on continuing programs such as this, we are also excited to advance our Alumni networking focus through regular happy hour events in more geographically diverse locations. Our primary goal as a board is to cultivate a Kingdom culture that loves, serves, invests in, and connects our community. This goes far beyond the doors of CHCA in a way that provides a launching pad for each individual to advance the Kingdom no matter in what season God has placed them. We want to be that firm foundation on which you can look back and know that we will not only pray God’s best for you, but serve as a resource that will connect you and help to set you up for success. We believe in the power of the CHCA community and the roots from which we all stem. We find that it is much stronger to create a vision for where you want to go when you are firm in the foundation from where you came. Strong roots make for solid growth and offer us the opportunity to water and/or shade others in their own growing seasons. Let this community be your water and let your branches be the shade of others as they plant their roots. If we can help you succeed in your business by connecting you with other like-minded alumni, we feel that we will have stewarded our position well. Let us be a resource for you! If you would like to keep up with our community and stay in the loop with the kinds of events and programs we are planning, please follow our Instagram page and join our Facebook group (@chcaalumni). If there is any way we can support you in any stage of life, or if you are interested in getting more involved in what we’re doing around here, do not hesitate to reach out to us at alumni@chca-oh.org. We’re here to love and serve you and we would love to have you join the team! SARAH (ESLICK) ROBINSON '09 CHCA Alumni Coordinator ALUMNI BOARD MEMBERS ZACH BOHANNON '02 ERIC LOFTUS '04 ROBBIE WILSON '04 CHRISTINA (KARAM) PAINTER '07 REAGAN SMITH '07 28 SARAH (ESLICK) ROBINSON '09 NATALIE (MARKS) BOWMAN '09 ALICIA KOCK '10 MAYA (TRAYNHAM-RICHARDSON) MCCOLLUM '11 NICK MARSH '14



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