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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 09 Numbers and Time 56 / 600Finally, if you’re curious how to say e.g. the train is leaving in 5 minutes, a smalldisappointment: it requires some word forms (that, is cases) I haven’t introducedyet. We still don’t know how to say three apples, actually – it will be explained in 30Three Beers: Less than 5 Things – but I can give you a preview for minutes and hours:Vlak odlazi za... The train is leaving in...jednu minutu 1 minute jedan sat 1 hourdvije minute 2 minutes dva sata 2 hourstri minute 3 minutes tri sata 3 hourspet minuta 5 minutes pet sati 5 hoursdeset minuta 10 minutes pola sata half an hourPlease don’t draw too many generalizations from these examples, as you’ll see laterthat the word sat hour behaves a bit specially. Relative references to future time willbe explained in 49 For 7 Hours: Definite Periods, but you have to cover the ground inbetween first. And I’ll introduce an important feature dividing the words minute andhour right in the next chapter.________® In Serbia and often in Bosnia, a slightly different word tačno is used. Instead ofvlak, voz is common in these countries.• ExerciseComplete the following sentences:Ana se vraća __(a) ________(b). Ana is coming back at four o’clock.Autobus ____(c) Zadar odlazi sutra __(d) ________(e). The bus to Zadar is leavingtomorrow at one o’clock.Vlak dolazi __(f) ________(g) i ________________(h). The train arrives at 7:12.__________(i) ____(j) __________(k). It’s almost noon.Check answers here.

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 10 Gender 57 / 60010 GenderIn many languages, including Croatian, each noun is assigned a gender. This is aslightly misleading term – it simply means what forms of other words you must usewhenever you refer to a noun.For example, in English, when referring to a noun, you must use either he, she or it,depending on the noun, but there’s no difference for most other words.In German, you must use not only different pronouns, but also different articles (der,die, das) and you have to adapt adjectives (kleiner, kleine, kleines) in somesituations.In Spanish, you have to use different pronouns, different articles (el, la) and differentforms of adjectives (rojo, roja).Since there are three different forms of pronouns in English, and three differentforms of articles in German, we can say that English and German have three genders(in singular, there’s no difference in plural). There are two different forms of articlesand adjectives in Spanish, therefore Spanish has two genders.There are four genders in Croatian, but the difference between two of them is verysmall (and there’s no difference in plural). The gender in Croatian is similar to genderin Spanish: it’s usually assigned according to the last letter of a noun. For instance,kuća house is ‘feminine’ (since it ends in -a) in the same way as Spanish casa!If you are familiar only with genders in English, this might be a bit surprising.Consider genders simply the way nouns are grouped. Houses are not feminine in realworld. The gender that kuća house and sestra sister belong to is called ‘feminine’simply because a lot of words for really feminine beings (e.g. for woman, sister,daughter) happen to belong to it.It’s straightforward to tell gender of a noun for almost all nouns in Croatian. Therules are:noun ends in gender some exceptionsfeminine (f) tata m Dad-ae.g. riba fish Luka m (name)-o or -eneuter (n) auto m car ®e.g. pivo beer Marko m (name)masculine (m) kost f boneconsonante.g. stol table ® noć f nightBut there are four genders, right? Well, for masculine nouns there’s an additionaldivision. It will be important a bit later.(In case you’re surprised that one gender is called neuter – that’s a fairly standard

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 09 Numbers and Time 56 / 600

Finally, if you’re curious how to say e.g. the train is leaving in 5 minutes, a small

disappointment: it requires some word forms (that, is cases) I haven’t introduced

yet. We still don’t know how to say three apples, actually – it will be explained in 30

Three Beers: Less than 5 Things – but I can give you a preview for minutes and hours:

Vlak odlazi za... The train is leaving in...

jednu minutu 1 minute jedan sat 1 hour

dvije minute 2 minutes dva sata 2 hours

tri minute 3 minutes tri sata 3 hours

pet minuta 5 minutes pet sati 5 hours

deset minuta 10 minutes pola sata half an hour

Please don’t draw too many generalizations from these examples, as you’ll see later

that the word sat hour behaves a bit specially. Relative references to future time will

be explained in 49 For 7 Hours: Definite Periods, but you have to cover the ground in

between first. And I’ll introduce an important feature dividing the words minute and

hour right in the next chapter.


® In Serbia and often in Bosnia, a slightly different word tačno is used. Instead of

vlak, voz is common in these countries.

• Exercise

Complete the following sentences:

Ana se vraća __(a) ________(b). Ana is coming back at four o’clock.

Autobus ____(c) Zadar odlazi sutra __(d) ________(e). The bus to Zadar is leaving

tomorrow at one o’clock.

Vlak dolazi __(f) ________(g) i ________________(h). The train arrives at 7:12.

__________(i) ____(j) __________(k). It’s almost noon.

Check answers here.

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