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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / A9 Bosnian, Serbian and Montenegrin 533 / 600

people in Croatia would guess the forms mrzeti and vredeti. Different verbs have to

be learned: the verb brijati (brije) shave has the same form in both ‘pronunciations’,

while grijati (grije) heat doesn’t. The verb sjediti shows the expected je vs. e in the

1st syllable, besides the unexpected i vs. e in the second one (the same holds for

vrijediti). Therefore, Ekavian forms of these verbs turn out to be more complicated.

However, the verb vidjeti and similar ones, including razumjeti, are much simpler in

Ekavian: their past forms are always regular, and verbs like razumjeti are plain verbs

in Ekavian, all forms regularly derived from the inf:

verb Ijekavian Ekavian

want htjeti (hoće +, htio, htjela) hteti (hoće +)

see vidjeti (vidi, vidio, vidjela) videti (vidi)

understand razumjeti (razumije,...) razumeti

may smjeti (smije, smio, smijela) smeti

The Ekavian verbs razumeti and smeti have a specific ending in pres-3pl: -eju, which

is different from Ijekavian or Ikavian.

Sequences -je- in endings of verbal adjectives are not subject to these differences.

In all ‘pronunciations’, words voljen loved, primljen received etc. have the same


The same applies to verbal nouns in -je; the difference in sjećanje vs. sećanje (both

meaning memory) is only in the 1st syllable; the final -je, which forms the gerund, is

not affected.

There are more words with non-trivial correspondences:

word Ijekavian Ekavian

part dio (dijel-) deo (del-)

last year lani lane

lazy lijen lenj

When -je comes after a vowel which is not i (e.g. dvoje two people, jaje egg) the

forms are the same in Ekavian, Ijekavian and Ikavian. Of course, the same applies to

verbal forms such as pije he/she drinks nije he/she/it is not etc. Ekavian forms have

to be learned if you want to know them.

I will list Serbian words in both Ijekavian and Ekavian forms in this chapter.

Other partially regular differences

A major difference is loss of h in native words in Serbian (both Ekavian and

Ijekavian; however, it was restored at the beginning of words in standard Serbian). It

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