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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / A7 Stress (u/c) 522 / 600

"A" "B" "C"

N riba žena voda

DL ribi ženi vodi

G ribē ženē vodē


ribu ženu vodu

u-ribu u- ženu u-vodu

V ribo ženo vodo

NA-pl ribe žene vode

We see one thing all nouns have in common: the vocative case has the "automatic"

falling stress – no vowels are underlined. Another thing that's not obvious from the

usual spelling – the case ending in G is a long e.

The nouns in the group "B" are boring: the stress stays on the same syllable and is

same in all forms (except in the vocative, but that's a special form anyway).

The group "A" gets interesting when an unstressed preposition (e.g. u) is placed

before the noun: the stress "spreads" to it, i.e. moves one syllable to the left, but

gets the rising intonation.

This stress shift we still see in such nouns is called Neoštokavian stress shift. It's the

origin of the rising intonation in the Standard Croatian: whenever (well... almost

whenever) there was another syllable before the stressed syllable with the falling

intonation, the stress moved left, and changed the intonation. It also happened

centuries ago to nouns like žena. There are still regions in Croatia where that noun

keeps the older stress, žena (we are sure that stress is older because such nouns in

Russian have the stress at the "old" position as well).

This is why a rising stress cannot appear on the last syllable – there have to be one

syllable after it, one that had the original (falling) stress. We can simply show what

has happened and what still happens:

Neoštokavian stress shift

centuries ago žena → žena

we see today po + ribu → po-ribu

Such stresses are called 'new' (this is relative: they are centuries old), hence the neoin


This shift happens only to falling stresses. They were transformed almost always

when they were not on the first syllable – this is the reason for the classic rule #1.

Now, we examine the nouns in the group "C". They are completely unlike "A" or "B"

nouns: their stress varies according to noun case. In the accusative case, if there's

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