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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / A5 Word Order 517 / 600

Ana sutra ide na posao. Ana is going to work tomorrow.

Danas idem u kino. I'm going to cinema today.

The default order of nouns with adjectives is possessive adjective - adjective - noun:

tvoja plava košulja your blue shirt

moja ljubav my love

In poetry and songs, the order can be changed:

tvoja košulja plava

ljubav moja

In the vocative case, the default order of nouns and adjectives is reversed:

ljubavi moja! o my love!

The default order or nouns with genitive attribute is noun - noun in G; it's very rarely

tweaked in poetry and songs:

kraj filma end of the movie

With counting, the most common order is possessive adjective - number - adjective -


moje dvije crvene jabuke my two red apples

Mandatory order: enclitics

All second-position words come always in predefined order, in one block:

Order of second-position words


bih², bi², bismo², biste² (conditional verb)

sam², si², smo², ste², su² (all except je²)

ću², ćeš², će², ćemo², ćete²

mi², ti²,... (pronouns in DL)

me², te²,... (pronouns in A and G)


je² (usually left out if se² is present)

Before second-position words, there's one or more words in the "first position".

Words like i¨, ni¨ and a¨ (which all translate as and), prepositions (e.g. u¨, na¨, pod¨,

etc.) and the negative particle ne¨ don't "count", and cannot fill the first position on

their own:

Gladan sam. I'm hungry.

I ja sam gladan. I'm hungry too.

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