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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / A3 Verbs 504 / 600A3 VerbsThe dictionary form of verbs is infinitive. For a great majority of verbs, past formscan be simply derived from the infinitive. Another very important form is the 3rdpers. present singular (pres-3), the form to derive all other present forms from(except for three irregular verbs).Based on their endings in infinitive and pres-3, verb are divided into verb classes.Various textbooks use different divisions. The division presented here is useful forsomeone learning Croatian as a foreign language.Present tense formsAll forms of the present tense have always the same endings (except for threeirregular verbs) – only the pres-3pl depends on the vowel pres-3 ends in:pres-1 -a-m -i-m -e-mpres-2 -a-š -i-š -e-špres-3 -a -i -epres-1pl -a-mo -i-mo -e-mopres-2pl -a-te -i-te -e-tepres-3pl -aju -e -uTwo verbs have (fully regular) present forms only:(bude) perf. be, get, become(veli) sayWhile (bude) is one of most important verbs in Croatian, the verb (veli) is often usedonly in certain regions.Aorist formsThe aorist tense is not frequently used. It's a past tense, sometimes used for eventsthat are about to happen right now. Usually it's formed for perfective verbs, but itcan be used with imperfective verbs as well. Its forms are:aor-1 -h -o-haor-23 - -eaor-1pl -smo -o-smoaor-2pl -ste -o-steaor-3pl -še -o-še

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / A3 Verbs 505 / 600The endings with a vowel (-o-h, etc.) are used only with verbs that have infinitivesending in -sti or -ći. For all other verbs, the aorist forms are simply formed from theinfinitive by discarding -ti and adding aorist endings:infnaučiti perf. learnuzeti perf. takepojesti perf. eataor-1naučihuzehpojedohFor more information about forming the aorist tense for verbs in -sti or -ći, checkWith possible sound shifts in infinitive and present below.Simple verb classesThese are the easiest verb classes:inf pres-3 past-ma -a-ti -a -a-oi -i-ti -i -i-on -nu-ti -n-e -nu-oova/uje -ova-ti -uj-e -ova-oTwo out of four classes are completely determined by their infinitive form: all verbswith infinitives in -nuti belong to the n-verbs, and all verbs with infinitives in -ovatibelong to ova/uje-verbs.Unfortunately, it doesn't hold for verbs ending in -ati or -iti: they are not all a-verbsor i-verbs.A great majority of verbs belong to these four verb classes. Past forms are simplyobtained from the infinitive. Unprefixed a-verbs are more or less all imperfective, asalmost all ova/uje-verbs. Virtually all n-verbs are perfective, except for the followingverbs:brinuti worryčeznuti yearnginuti perish, dietonuti sinktrnuti numbtrunuti rotvenuti witherThe a-verbs are the default class of verbs: all new verbs that are adapted intoCroatian (mostly colloquially) are adapted as a-verbs:četati chat (over Internet)printati print (from a PC)

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / A3 Verbs 504 / 600

A3 Verbs

The dictionary form of verbs is infinitive. For a great majority of verbs, past forms

can be simply derived from the infinitive. Another very important form is the 3rd

pers. present singular (pres-3), the form to derive all other present forms from

(except for three irregular verbs).

Based on their endings in infinitive and pres-3, verb are divided into verb classes.

Various textbooks use different divisions. The division presented here is useful for

someone learning Croatian as a foreign language.

Present tense forms

All forms of the present tense have always the same endings (except for three

irregular verbs) – only the pres-3pl depends on the vowel pres-3 ends in:

pres-1 -a-m -i-m -e-m

pres-2 -a-š -i-š -e-š

pres-3 -a -i -e

pres-1pl -a-mo -i-mo -e-mo

pres-2pl -a-te -i-te -e-te

pres-3pl -aju -e -u

Two verbs have (fully regular) present forms only:

(bude) perf. be, get, become

(veli) say

While (bude) is one of most important verbs in Croatian, the verb (veli) is often used

only in certain regions.

Aorist forms

The aorist tense is not frequently used. It's a past tense, sometimes used for events

that are about to happen right now. Usually it's formed for perfective verbs, but it

can be used with imperfective verbs as well. Its forms are:

aor-1 -h -o-h

aor-23 - -e

aor-1pl -smo -o-smo

aor-2pl -ste -o-ste

aor-3pl -še -o-še

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