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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 89 Customs and Tradions 490 / 600(the rest is coming soon)________® In Serbia, and parts of Bosnia where there’s a majority of Serbs, religious holidaysare celebrated on different dates, according to the tradition of the SerbianOrthodox Church.In Bosnia, esp. in parts with a large Muslim population, additional holidays, usuallyknown as Bajram are celebrated according to Muslim traditions.Carnival traditions are uncommon in Bosnia and Serbia.

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 90 Number-like Words 491 / 60090 Number-like WordsThere are several types of compound words derived from numbers.The first type are derived adjectives of form number + measure. English exampleswould be 10-inch or four-year. In Croatian, they are spelled without a hyphen – inthe standard spelling, at least – and the second part must be a (relational) adjective.The first part is derived from the ‘compounding forms’ of numbers:‘Compounding’ number forms1- jedno- 10- deseto-2- dvo- 11- jedanaesto-3- tro- 12- dvanaesto-4- četvero- 20- dvadeseto-5- peto- 100- sto-6- šesto- 200- dvjesto-7- sedmo- 1000- tisućumany8- osmo-9- deveto- više-For example:trodnevni three-dayčetverogodišnji four-yearčetrdesetogodišnji forty-yearThe linking vowel (-o- in most forms) appended to create the compound form is lostin rare cases when an adjective begins with a vowel; it’s not lost if the vowel is apart of the original number:desetinčni 10-inch stoinčni 100-inchDespite being spelled as one word, they often pronounced with two places of stress,one on the number, another on the adjective. (You will occasionally see suchadjectives in a non-standard spelling, as two words, or even with a hyphen, e.g.deset-inčni and deset inčni)They are used as any other adjective:Sutra počinje trodnevni festival. N A three-day festival begins tomorrow. počinjatiBili smo na dvotjednom odmoru DL . We were on two-week vacation.(Observe also placing of the indefinite subject after the verb.)With forms derived from numbers based on 10 (10, 20, 50, etc.) you’ll sometimessee forms without the vowel -o-, that is pedesetgodišnji besides usualpedesetogodišnji. You will also see non-standard forms derived from numbers 5, 6and 7, like ones for 4, that is:

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 89 Customs and Tradions 490 / 600

(the rest is coming soon)


® In Serbia, and parts of Bosnia where there’s a majority of Serbs, religious holidays

are celebrated on different dates, according to the tradition of the Serbian

Orthodox Church.

In Bosnia, esp. in parts with a large Muslim population, additional holidays, usually

known as Bajram are celebrated according to Muslim traditions.

Carnival traditions are uncommon in Bosnia and Serbia.

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