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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 82 Visible and Unreadable: Potenal Adjecves 460 / 600lijepiti glue, stick → ljepljiv stickyAs in English, negated versions of some potential adjectives are more common thennon-negated. The negation is done by simply appending ne- to the front. Commonnegated potential adjectives are:nerazumljiv incomprehensibleneshvatljiv inexplicableneuništiv indestructiblenevidljiv invisibleThe verb piti (pije) drink doesn’t have a regular potential adjective, but a specificadjective is used:pitak (pitk-) drinkable, potableAlso, a frequent negative potential adj. has an unexpected form:nezaboravan (nezaboravn-) unforgettableSome potential adjectives stand for active ability, especially when someone likes todo something, or often does something; this happens mostly for verbs related totalking. For example:paziti take care → pažljiv carefulpričati tell (stories) → pričljiv talkativešaliti se² joke → šaljiv funny, humorousšutjeti / šutiti be silent → šutljiv silentFew more adjectives have (apparently) non-potential meaning:dirati touch → dirljiv touching, emotionalhraniti feed → hranjiv nutritiousosjetiti inch. feel → osjetljiv sensitivesmrdjeti / smrditi stink → smrdljiv foul-smellingstrpiti se² perf. be patient → strpljiv patientzanimati («) be interesting → zanimljiv interestingUnlike passive adjectives, most potential adjectives are comparable (and always usethe -iji suffix). The stress moves to the suffix (ljiv):pažljiv careful → pažljiviji more carefulvidljiv visible → vidljiviji more visibleHowever, you should remember that not all verbs have potential adjectives, even ifit would make sense.Similar in form to potential adjectives – but not in meaning – are adjectives derivedby adding -av. There are only a couple of them derived from verbs in frequent use:brbljati chit-chat → brbljav chattyprljati soil, pollute → prljav dirty

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 82 Visible and Unreadable: Potenal Adjecves 461 / 600This suffix is used to derive adjectives from certain nouns:dlaka body hair, animal hair → dlakav hairyhrđa rust → hrđav rusty ®krv f blood → krvav bloodymišić muscle → mišićav muscularThese adjectives never have a case-base with the -a- dropped, while adjectiveswhich end in -av for other reasons sometimes have, e.g. mrtav (mrtv-) dead.________® In Serbia and Bosnia, words for rust and rusty don’t have the initial h: they haveforms rđa and rđav.

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 82 Visible and Unreadable: Potenal Adjecves 460 / 600

lijepiti glue, stick → ljepljiv sticky

As in English, negated versions of some potential adjectives are more common then

non-negated. The negation is done by simply appending ne- to the front. Common

negated potential adjectives are:

nerazumljiv incomprehensible

neshvatljiv inexplicable

neuništiv indestructible

nevidljiv invisible

The verb piti (pije) drink doesn’t have a regular potential adjective, but a specific

adjective is used:

pitak (pitk-) drinkable, potable

Also, a frequent negative potential adj. has an unexpected form:

nezaboravan (nezaboravn-) unforgettable

Some potential adjectives stand for active ability, especially when someone likes to

do something, or often does something; this happens mostly for verbs related to

talking. For example:

paziti take care → pažljiv careful

pričati tell (stories) → pričljiv talkative

šaliti se² joke → šaljiv funny, humorous

šutjeti / šutiti be silent → šutljiv silent

Few more adjectives have (apparently) non-potential meaning:

dirati touch → dirljiv touching, emotional

hraniti feed → hranjiv nutritious

osjetiti inch. feel → osjetljiv sensitive

smrdjeti / smrditi stink → smrdljiv foul-smelling

strpiti se² perf. be patient → strpljiv patient

zanimati («) be interesting → zanimljiv interesting

Unlike passive adjectives, most potential adjectives are comparable (and always use

the -iji suffix). The stress moves to the suffix (ljiv):

pažljiv careful → pažljiviji more careful

vidljiv visible → vidljiviji more visible

However, you should remember that not all verbs have potential adjectives, even if

it would make sense.

Similar in form to potential adjectives – but not in meaning – are adjectives derived

by adding -av. There are only a couple of them derived from verbs in frequent use:

brbljati chit-chat → brbljav chatty

prljati soil, pollute → prljav dirty

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