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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 76 Inner, Outer, Step by Step: More on Space and Time 429 / 600

sad(a) now → sadašnji

tad(a) then → tadašnji

nekad(a) a time ago → nekadašnji

prije before → prijašnji

English has few adjectives that correspond to Croatian ones: sadašnji translates as

current, present, and nekadašnji as former. For example:

To N su jučerašnje novine N . This is yesterday’s newspaper.

The adjectives derived from adverbs for last evening and last year do not follow this


sinoć last evening → sinoćni (also sinoćnji)

lani last year ® → lanjski

One preposition introduced long ago, normally meaning from with G, has a special

meaning with a specific noun strana side:

s¨/sa¨ ... strane on... the side

For example:

Kuće N su s lijeve strane G ulice G . Houses are on the left side of the street.

The same can be expressed with na¨ ... strani, i.e. using a DL expression (which I

personally prefer).

On its own, without any additional words, sa strane usually means aside, apart; in

the same meaning, you can sometimes hear na strani and po strani:

Stajao je sa strane. He was standing aside.

Then, there are couple of interesting prepositions yet unexplained. These two are

quite simple:

niz¨ + A down, along

uz¨ + A up, close to

The basic meaning of them is direction of movement. The preposition niz¨ means

the ‘normal’ direction, i.e. the same direction as the river flows, as hair grows etc.:

Bacila je sve A niz rijeku A . She threw everything down the river.

With steps, ramps, etc. it implies the downward direction:

Trčao sam niz stepenice A . I ran down the stairs.

The preposition niz¨ is used also with paths that have no obvious direction, like

avenues, river banks, roads, trails, simply to indicate movement along something

which is path-like:

Trčao sam niz ulicu A . I ran down the street.

The preposition uz¨ means the opposite direction from niz¨, but also a location close

to, this has been covered in 55 More Prepositions.

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