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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 66 Smoking is Dangerous: Verbal Nouns 390 / 600• ExamplesHere’s an example of a makeshift ad for a servis za čišćenje cleaning service on alight post in Zagreb:

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 67 Only, Except, Too: Inclusion and Exclusion 391 / 60067 Only, Except, Too: Inclusion and ExclusionThere’s a set of often used words in Croatian that are used for restriction, inclusionand exclusion. Two basic words are:samo only osim except ®The word samo is quite easy to use: just insert it before any part of the sentence toexpress meaning only:Pojest ću samo salatu A . I’ll eat only the salad.Otišli smo samo u kino A . We went only to the cinema. ®otići past-mplPoslao sam razglednicu A samo mami DL . I sent a picture postcard only to my mum.Samo Ana N je ovdje. Only Ana is here.As you can see, the word samo doesn’t affect the words following it.The word osim is similar; it’s mostly used with ‘total pronouns’ (don’t forget thatthey change through cases!):svi... osim... everyone... except...sve... osim... everything... except...nitko... osim... nobody... except...ništa... osim... nothing... except...There’s one important difference between samo and osim: when osim is usedbefore nouns (or adjectives + nouns), it affects them if they are in A or N andchanges them into the genitive case. (That’s why osim is frequently listed as apreposition used with G; actually, it’s a word that doesn’t fit into any category.) Toillustrate this:Pojest ću sve A osim salate G . (A → G) I’ll eat (up) everything except the salad.Poslao sam razglednicu A svima DL osim mami DL . I sent a picture postcard to everyoneexcept my mum.Check how the noun in the sentence about postcards stays in the DL case. Thechange also happens in the nominative case:Svi N su ovdje osim Ane G . (N → G) Everyone’s here except for Ana.Of course, osim can be used with ‘total adverbs’ as well:svugdje... osim... everywhere... except...uvijek... osim... always... except...nigdje... osim... nowhere... except...nikad(a)... osim... never... except...etc.Another word, umjesto, is used in a very similar way to osim. It means instead of:Otišli smo u kino A umjesto u restoran A . We went to the cinema otići past-mpl

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 67 Only, Except, Too: Inclusion and Exclusion 391 / 600

67 Only, Except, Too: Inclusion and Exclusion

There’s a set of often used words in Croatian that are used for restriction, inclusion

and exclusion. Two basic words are:

samo only osim except ®

The word samo is quite easy to use: just insert it before any part of the sentence to

express meaning only:

Pojest ću samo salatu A . I’ll eat only the salad.

Otišli smo samo u kino A . We went only to the cinema. ®

otići past-mpl

Poslao sam razglednicu A samo mami DL . I sent a picture postcard only to my mum.

Samo Ana N je ovdje. Only Ana is here.

As you can see, the word samo doesn’t affect the words following it.

The word osim is similar; it’s mostly used with ‘total pronouns’ (don’t forget that

they change through cases!):

svi... osim... everyone... except...

sve... osim... everything... except...

nitko... osim... nobody... except...

ništa... osim... nothing... except...

There’s one important difference between samo and osim: when osim is used

before nouns (or adjectives + nouns), it affects them if they are in A or N and

changes them into the genitive case. (That’s why osim is frequently listed as a

preposition used with G; actually, it’s a word that doesn’t fit into any category.) To

illustrate this:

Pojest ću sve A osim salate G . (A → G) I’ll eat (up) everything except the salad.

Poslao sam razglednicu A svima DL osim mami DL . I sent a picture postcard to everyone

except my mum.

Check how the noun in the sentence about postcards stays in the DL case. The

change also happens in the nominative case:

Svi N su ovdje osim Ane G . (N → G) Everyone’s here except for Ana.

Of course, osim can be used with ‘total adverbs’ as well:

svugdje... osim... everywhere... except...

uvijek... osim... always... except...

nigdje... osim... nowhere... except...

nikad(a)... osim... never... except...


Another word, umjesto, is used in a very similar way to osim. It means instead of:

Otišli smo u kino A umjesto u restoran A . We went to the cinema otići past-mpl

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