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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 65 Carry, Bring, Drive: Transport Verbs 380 / 600The difference between the od- and do- pairs derived from nositi is exactly thesame as with similar verbs derived from ići (i.e. odlaziti vs. dolaziti):do- come + bringod- go + takeThe verb pair derived with pre- covers also the meaning transfer (interestingly,English transfer is ultimately from the Latin verb trāns-ferō, which is the exacttranslation of pre-nositi):Komarci N prenose bolesti A . Mosquitoes transfer diseases.The verb pair derived with pod- has a bit unexpected meaning; it usuallycorresponds to English tolerate or can + stand (someone/something):Ana N ne podnosi komarce A . Ana can’t stand mosquitoes.Furthermore, there are a couple of unexpected things: first, the verb odnositi («)when used with se² – only the impf. verb – has the following meanings:odnositi («) se²+ na¨ + A relate, refer to A, be about A+ prema + DL behave towards DL, treat DLFor example:Loše se odnosio prema meni DL . He behaved badly towards me.This verb, with na¨ + A, is often used where English uses apply and similar verbs:Popust N se odnosi na sve majice A . The discount ‘relates to’ all T-shirts. (= applies to)Next, the prefix po- creates two verbs that don’t form a pair:ponositi («) se² (I) be proud (of I)ponijeti (ponese, ponio, ponijela) perf. take* (with someone)The perf. verb ponijeti (etc.) is used when someone takes something with him orher:Ana N je ponijela laptop A . Ana took the laptop with her.Basically the same meaning can be expressed also with the pair uzimati ~ uzeti(uzme), but it has additional meanings (take something from someone), whileponijeti (etc.) does not.There’s one more verb pair in this family I haven’t listed, derived with do-pri-: itmeans contribute.Colloqually, in Zagreb, Rijeka and the surrounding regions – roughly western andnorthwestern Croatia – you will sometimes hear another (colloquial) form ofinfinitive for perf. verbs from this family: odnesti and so on.The perf. verbs in this family have two forms of passive adjectives (I have omitted

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 65 Carry, Bring, Drive: Transport Verbs 381 / 600present and past forms):donijeti (...) perf. bring → donijet / donesenodnijeti (...) perf. carry away → odnijet / odnesenetc.Beside these two standard forms for each verb, you’ll often see and hear one moreform: donešen, odnešen, etc. Each form prevails in speech in various regions.There are two more verbs families that are quite similar to the previous family. Theyare derived from the following verbs:voditi lead voziti driveThe verbs have more regular forms than ones derived from nositi, but the perf.verbs look very similar:dovoditi («) ~ dovesti (dovede, doveo) bring (someone)dovoziti («) ~ dovesti (doveze, dovezao, dovezla) bring (by driving)Although voditi on its own means lead in all its meanings – in a game, a race, andsomeone, showing the way – in the derived verbs it’s always taking, bringing...another person (including animals, pets especially):Ana N je dovela svog brata A . Ivana brought her brother.Ivana N je dovela svog psa A . Ivana brought her dog.dovesti past-fdovesti past-fCompare this with the use of the corresponding verb derived from nositi:Ivana N je donijela svoju gitaru A . Ivana brought her guitar.donijeti past-fStrictly speaking, verbs derived from voditi are used if one lead/brought was movingon their own; verbs derived from nositi imply carrying. If she had brought a hrčak(hrčk-) hamster, verbs derived from nositi would be used, since the hamster likelydidn’t walk beside her all the way, but was carried:Ivana N je donijela svog hrčka A . Ivana brought her hamster.donijeti past-fAn interesting exception are babies and little children: for them, verbs derived fromvoditi are always used, even if they are too young to walk!®Like the verb pair derived from nositi, the perf. verb derived with od- is often used inas the perf. counterpart of the base verb:Ana N je odvela Gorana A u školu A . Ana took Goran to school.odvesti past-fAna N je odnijela knjige A u školu A . Ana took books to school.odnijeti past-fAs with nositi, with the prefix po-, there are no verb pairs: only perf. verbs are usedin the meaning take. Their meaning is subtle: the subject is going somewhereanyway (and it’s often not expressed where), and he or she is taking something orsomeone (again, who moves on their own) with them:Ana N je povela psa A . Ana took the dog with her.povesti past-f

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 65 Carry, Bring, Drive: Transport Verbs 381 / 600

present and past forms):

donijeti (...) perf. bring → donijet / donesen

odnijeti (...) perf. carry away → odnijet / odnesen


Beside these two standard forms for each verb, you’ll often see and hear one more

form: donešen, odnešen, etc. Each form prevails in speech in various regions.

There are two more verbs families that are quite similar to the previous family. They

are derived from the following verbs:

voditi lead voziti drive

The verbs have more regular forms than ones derived from nositi, but the perf.

verbs look very similar:

dovoditi («) ~ dovesti (dovede, doveo) bring (someone)

dovoziti («) ~ dovesti (doveze, dovezao, dovezla) bring (by driving)

Although voditi on its own means lead in all its meanings – in a game, a race, and

someone, showing the way – in the derived verbs it’s always taking, bringing...

another person (including animals, pets especially):

Ana N je dovela svog brata A . Ivana brought her brother.

Ivana N je dovela svog psa A . Ivana brought her dog.

dovesti past-f

dovesti past-f

Compare this with the use of the corresponding verb derived from nositi:

Ivana N je donijela svoju gitaru A . Ivana brought her guitar.

donijeti past-f

Strictly speaking, verbs derived from voditi are used if one lead/brought was moving

on their own; verbs derived from nositi imply carrying. If she had brought a hrčak

(hrčk-) hamster, verbs derived from nositi would be used, since the hamster likely

didn’t walk beside her all the way, but was carried:

Ivana N je donijela svog hrčka A . Ivana brought her hamster.

donijeti past-f

An interesting exception are babies and little children: for them, verbs derived from

voditi are always used, even if they are too young to walk!®

Like the verb pair derived from nositi, the perf. verb derived with od- is often used in

as the perf. counterpart of the base verb:

Ana N je odvela Gorana A u školu A . Ana took Goran to school.

odvesti past-f

Ana N je odnijela knjige A u školu A . Ana took books to school.

odnijeti past-f

As with nositi, with the prefix po-, there are no verb pairs: only perf. verbs are used

in the meaning take. Their meaning is subtle: the subject is going somewhere

anyway (and it’s often not expressed where), and he or she is taking something or

someone (again, who moves on their own) with them:

Ana N je povela psa A . Ana took the dog with her.

povesti past-f

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