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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 64 The Door Opens: Fun with se² 377 / 600

sometimes behave as English open. A common verb with this property is svirati play

(music) (the English verb play is used in the same way):

Svirala je neka dosadna pjesma N . A boring song was playing.

Another verb is pisati (piše) write. For instance, if you would like to say that

something "is written" in a book, you should not use the se²:

Ovdje piše da… It’s written here that…

U knjizi DL piše istina N . The truth is written in the book.

The English verb write has to be used as passive, it’s unlike open. Note that istina

truth is the subject of the second sentence, while the first one has a content clause

as its subject. Therefore, the first is in neuter in past, and the second one is


Ovdje je pisalo da... It was written here that…

U knjizi DL je pisala istina N . The truth was written in the book.

Yet another very common verb with this property is trebati need/should; it’s used

without se² with infinitives and content sentences (and impersonal meaning):

Trebalo je reći da... It should have been said that...

If you want to express how something is customary done, you have to use se² with

these verbs too:

Njegovo ime N se ne piše tako. His name is not written like that.

• Examples

This pop song, Tvoje lice se promijenilo Your face has changed, performed by

Yammat, contains a mediopassive in its title and refrain:

Ljubav N je nestala za dan A Love has disappeared in a day

Vidjela sam

I saw

Ja N znam I know

Tvoje lice N

Your face

se promijenilo has changed




I čitav svijet N za koji A znam And the whole world I know about

Kao san N

Like a dream

Je nestao Has disappeared

Tvoje lice N

Your face

me A promijenilo has changed me


(I. Babić & N. Borgudan)

You can listen to it on YouTube.

One verse has mediopassive se², meaning that the face has changed, while another


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