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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 48 Wholes, Parts, Heaps and Pairs 279 / 600

Molim Vas pola . ‘ ’ (i.e. )


It’s possible to use parts with nouns in genitive plural, meaning a part of some plural

quantity, possibly the total quantity; then partial quantities get verbs in plural


Pola jabuka G je bilo zrelo N . Half of apples were ripe.

Pola ljudi G su bili žene N . Half of the people were women.

The use of plural in such sentences prevails with people and animals, while singular

is common with other things (apples, stones...).

The generic dio (dijel-) m part can be used with both singular and plural nouns (in

genitive, of course):

Imam dio A jabuke G . I have a part of an apple.


Imam dio A jabuka G . I have ‘a part’ of apples. (i.e. a part of some set of apples) m

This is unlike English, where part cannot be used with plural nouns!

The quantity in Croatian has always gender of the quantity-word (neuter for

adverbs). For instance, since dio (dijel-) is masculine, the whole quantity is masculine


Dio N jabuke G je bio na stolu DL . A part of the apple was on the table.

Dio N ljudi G je plesao. Some people were dancing.

There are two very useful words:

komad piece ® kriška slice

The word komad is very often used, in a similar way as English piece ®. You can have

a piece of something, but all countable, material stuff (e.g. screws) is very often

expressed in pieces:

Jedem komad A kruha G . I’m eating a piece of bread. ®


(You will maybe occasionally hear the word also stressed as komad.)

The word kriška slice usually gets -i in G-pl, so you would ask:

Molim Vas A deset kriški G šunke G . Ten slices of ham, please.


(Besides the word kriška for slice, you’ll often hear and read colloquial words šnita

and feta: the former prevails inland, while the latter dominates on the Croatian


There are two more useful generic quantity nouns:

manjina minority većina majority, most

These nouns can be used either as measures or on its own:

Većina N ljudi G je gledala utakmicu A . Most people watched the match.

Većina N je gledala utakmicu A . Most watched the match.



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