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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 43 And, Or, But: Basic Conjuncons 254 / 600u valima DL tuge G in waves of sorrowNormally, the plural of val wave would be valovi, but short plural forms aresometimes used in poetry.The verses above, and the following verses use several perfective verbs; one ofthem is used in the present tense, but in an if construction, i.e. referring to possiblethings in the future (such constructions will be explained later, in 70 If I Were:Conditional Sentences). The pairs are:gubiti ~ iz- («) loseutapati («) ~ utopiti («) drownnastajati (nastaje) ~ nastati (nastane) emerge, come aboutThe last pair is a member of an important ‘verb family’ which will be explained in 52Stand, Become, Exist, Cease. The verb ugasnuti (ugasne) perf. go out, die out is veryrare, it’s even missing from some dictionaries.The following verses use the same pattern. The part ni ptice ni ljudi uses ni... ni...introduced in this chapter. Furthermore, the phase is in N, which means neither birdsnor people will be able to see. (In my English translation, it’s not clear if nobody cansee birds or what.)Ako te A izgubim If I lose you2jednoga dana G one dayUgasnuti će sunce N The sun will die outi nastat će tama N and darkness will come aboutDa ne vidi nitko N So that nobody can seeni ptice N , ni ljudi N neither birds, nor peopleKad odem zauvijek When I leave for goodkad zauvijek odem when I leave for goodnajdraže moje... oh my dearest...otićiotićiNote the two lines where just words are in different positions, with a slight emphasison zauvijek in the second line (which I could maybe translate as really for good).The following verses contain nikada više ljubavi nove which is actually the negativeexistential nikada više neće biti nove ljubavi. The verb is left out, and the order ofnoun and adjective is reversed to make the line sound better and have the samerhythm as the other lines:Nikada više Never againljubavi nove G a new lovefnajdraže moje oh my dearestTama N će odnijet Darkness will take awaysve želje A i snove A all wishes and dreams(Dea Volarić)The verb odnijeti (..) perf. take away will be introduced in 65 Carry, Bring, Drive:

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 43 And, Or, But: Basic Conjuncons 255 / 600Transport Verbs (its forms are quite irregular, so I won’t list them here).Note the song is not completely in Standard Croatian: -i missing from someinfinitives, and and there is an -i in an infinitive before the future tense auxiliary,both non-standard.You can listen to it on YouTube (check this cover). Note that the song uses mostlythe western stress – Novi fosili were from Zagreb (e.g. izgubim and not izgubim, thestress stays on the verb in ne vidi). The word zauvijek is once pronounced aszauvijek, another time as zauvijek, most likely to conform to the rhythm.• ExerciseFill in the sentences below (don’t care about commas):Ana hoda ____(a) Goran vozi bicikl. Ana is walking and Goran is driving his bicycle.Hladno je ____(b) pada kiša. It’s cold and raining.Ana ________(c) film ____(d) ________(e) ________(f) ____________(g). Ana iswatching a movie, and I’m bored.In the following sentence, use the verb znati know to express knowledge of alanguage:____(h) __________(i) ____(j) španjolski ____(k) __________(l). I speak neitherSpanish nor Russian.Check answers here.

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 43 And, Or, But: Basic Conjuncons 255 / 600

Transport Verbs (its forms are quite irregular, so I won’t list them here).

Note the song is not completely in Standard Croatian: -i missing from some

infinitives, and and there is an -i in an infinitive before the future tense auxiliary,

both non-standard.

You can listen to it on YouTube (check this cover). Note that the song uses mostly

the western stress – Novi fosili were from Zagreb (e.g. izgubim and not izgubim, the

stress stays on the verb in ne vidi). The word zauvijek is once pronounced as

zauvijek, another time as zauvijek, most likely to conform to the rhythm.

• Exercise

Fill in the sentences below (don’t care about commas):

Ana hoda ____(a) Goran vozi bicikl. Ana is walking and Goran is driving his bicycle.

Hladno je ____(b) pada kiša. It’s cold and raining.

Ana ________(c) film ____(d) ________(e) ________(f) ____________(g). Ana is

watching a movie, and I’m bored.

In the following sentence, use the verb znati know to express knowledge of a


____(h) __________(i) ____(j) španjolski ____(k) __________(l). I speak neither

Spanish nor Russian.

Check answers here.

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