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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 42 Come In, Come Out, Go 248 / 600obično brige N usually has worries onPređe je A u par koraka G Crosses it in a couple of stepsprijeći | 3fThe third verse contains a relative clause; they will be explained in 62 The Friend ISaw: Relative Clauses. The last verse contains the noun korak step, which one of afew nouns which shift stress in G-pl.The following verses contain a negative existential expression; jedne večeri is agenitive temporal expression. The form moro is a shortened form of morao, past-mof morati must, have to; the second verse has the shortened infinitive proć pass,which is colloquial, but it rhymes with noć night:G G A jedne večeri nekoga nema And one evening someone is not therefA moro bi proćAnd he should have passedI lampa N gori, i gori u magli DL And the lamp is burning, burning in the fogI već je noć NAnd it’s night alreadyfThe use of a¨ for and will be explained in the following chapters. For now, youshould just remember that both a¨ and i¨ correspond to English and.The following verses are similar; the verb veli has only present tense forms; it will beexplained in 59 Knowing and Telling: Content and Noun Clauses:I nema ga G sutra And he’s not there tomorrow3m/nNi prekosutra ne Neither the day after tomorrowI vele da bolestan N leži And they say he’s lying sickI nema ga G mjesec A And he’s not there for a month3m/ni nema ga G dva neither for two3m/nI zima N je već, i sniježi And it’s already winter, and it’s snowingThis is an example of the verb sniježiti snow being actually used; as said before, it’srare in speech.The following verses contain the impf. verb prolaziti pass; note also use of maj forthe month of May. There are many negative existential expressions, some of themshortened to just the verb nema, which is hard to translate to English:A prolaze kao i dosada ljudi N And people are passing like beforeI maj N već mirišeAnd May already smells sweetA njega G nema, i nema, i nema And here’s not there, and again, and againI nema ga G višeAnd he’s gone3m/nYou can listen to various performances on YouTube.

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 42 Come In, Come Out, Go 249 / 600• ExerciseComplete the following sentences:________________(a) ______(b) rijeku. We have crossed the river.Ana ______(c) __________(d) ______(e) ureda. Ana left the office.Ušao ____(f) ____(g) ________(h). I went into the house.Check answers here.

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 42 Come In, Come Out, Go 249 / 600

• Exercise

Complete the following sentences:

________________(a) ______(b) rijeku. We have crossed the river.

Ana ______(c) __________(d) ______(e) ureda. Ana left the office.

Ušao ____(f) ____(g) ________(h). I went into the house.

Check answers here.

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