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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 41 Somewhere, Nobody, Everything... 240 / 600svugdje everywhereThe adjectives is:svaki every, eachThe adjective svaki is quite often used. For instance:Svaka soba N ima dva kreveta 24 . Each room has two beds.Držim čašu A u svakoj ruci DL . I’m holding a glass in each hand.držatiFinally, there’s a rather interesting adjective sav (sv- +) all. It has a bit specificendings in singular – as if it ends in a Croatian-specific consonant; it also hasobligatory final vowels in endings for masc./neut. singular (normally optional formost adjectives):gender N A DL G Ifeminine sva svu svoj sve svomneuter sve = Nm. (not p/a) = N svemu svega svimsavm. (p/a) = GAs with other adjectives or pronouns having specific forms, the forms for fem.gender are just plain forms, listed just for completeness sake. Also, like most otheradjectives with special uses, it never has the optional -i in masc. N.The adjective can be used as any other adjective, mostly in plural, due to itsmeaning:Zovem sve moje prijatelje A . I’m calling all my friends.zvatiHowever, the main use of this adjective is as a pronoun, and specific forms havespecific uses. Neuter singular forms (NA sve, DL svemu...) mean everything:Vidio sam sve A . (A) I saw everything.Dosta mi DL je° svega G . (G) I had enough of everything.1The second sentence is a frequent Croatian phrase (type it into Google).Masculine plural forms (N svi, A sve...) are used in generic sense everybody:Svi N su kod Ane G . Everybody is at Ana’s place.You have to be careful that svi is plural, so when used as the subject, verbs come inplural too, unlike English:Svi N spavaju. Everybody is sleeping.Bear in mind that adjectives – sav (sv-) is essentially an adjective – get an additional-a in DLI-pl when used on their own, as nouns or pronouns. Therefore:

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 41 Somewhere, Nobody, Everything... 241 / 600Hvala svima DL . Thanks to everyone.Razgovarao sam sa svima I . I talked to everyone.The first phrase, hvala svima, is the preferred way to thank a group of people.Of course, when sav (sv-) is used as an adjective, it gets ordinary endings in DLI-pl:Hvala svim mojim prijateljima DL . Thanks to all my friends.Sometimes, feminine plural forms (N sve, A sve...) are used if you refer to womenonly. You will sometimes hear (and read) forms with regular endings (svo, etc.) –however, only when it’s used as an adjective – such forms are not standard, butfrequent in some regions, especially outside Croatia.You will from time to time hear additional version of masc. A-pl: svih (like personalpronouns, oni → njih). It’s widespread in parts of Croatia, but it’s not standard.Of course, you can use svi drugi everybody else, etc.There are more adjectives that are used as pronouns in this way: masc. pl. forpeople, neut. sing. for things.The words svi, nitko are similar to total adverbs (e.g. nikad). As will other suchwords, you can loosen them a bit with the help of the adverb skoro almost:Nemam skoro ništa A . I have almost nothing.Skoro svi N spavaju. Almost everyone is sleeping.• ExamplesHladno pivo (Cold beer) is a very popular punk-rock band from Zagreb. Theycombine love songs with social commentary. This song, Nije sve tako sivoEverything isn’t so gray, is a song about a guy just dumped by his girlfriend via a textmessage (or SMS):Zar nakon svega GAre you really after everythingJoj DL nisi ni poziva G vrijedan NA zbog nje G si prešona 091 ANot worth a single call to herAnd because of her you’ve switchedto 091Nije sve N tako sivo NEverything isn’t so grayKad imaš s nekim IWhen you have someoneOtić na pivo ATo go for a beer(Mile Kekin)You can listen to it on YouTube.The song is not in the Standard Croatian, but fairly close to it.The word zar enhances a question. The predicative:prijeći past-m

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 41 Somewhere, Nobody, Everything... 240 / 600

svugdje everywhere

The adjectives is:

svaki every, each

The adjective svaki is quite often used. For instance:

Svaka soba N ima dva kreveta 24 . Each room has two beds.

Držim čašu A u svakoj ruci DL . I’m holding a glass in each hand.


Finally, there’s a rather interesting adjective sav (sv- +) all. It has a bit specific

endings in singular – as if it ends in a Croatian-specific consonant; it also has

obligatory final vowels in endings for masc./neut. singular (normally optional for

most adjectives):

gender N A DL G I

feminine sva svu svoj sve svom

neuter sve = N

m. (not p/a) = N svemu svega svim


m. (p/a) = G

As with other adjectives or pronouns having specific forms, the forms for fem.

gender are just plain forms, listed just for completeness sake. Also, like most other

adjectives with special uses, it never has the optional -i in masc. N.

The adjective can be used as any other adjective, mostly in plural, due to its


Zovem sve moje prijatelje A . I’m calling all my friends.


However, the main use of this adjective is as a pronoun, and specific forms have

specific uses. Neuter singular forms (NA sve, DL svemu...) mean everything:

Vidio sam sve A . (A) I saw everything.

Dosta mi DL je° svega G . (G) I had enough of everything.


The second sentence is a frequent Croatian phrase (type it into Google).

Masculine plural forms (N svi, A sve...) are used in generic sense everybody:

Svi N su kod Ane G . Everybody is at Ana’s place.

You have to be careful that svi is plural, so when used as the subject, verbs come in

plural too, unlike English:

Svi N spavaju. Everybody is sleeping.

Bear in mind that adjectives – sav (sv-) is essentially an adjective – get an additional

-a in DLI-pl when used on their own, as nouns or pronouns. Therefore:

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