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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 36 Dave/Locave and Instrumental Plural 208 / 60036 Dative/Locative and Instrumental PluralWe know now how to form the nominative plural of nouns, and how to form theaccusative in plural, but we still don’t know how to make the dative/locative plural(DL-pl) or the plural of the case we introduced in the previous chapter, theinstrumental case.Both cases are quite simple to form, and they are always equal in plural. Nouns getthe following endings:noun type (N)nouns in -a (≈ fem.)neuter nouns (≈ in -o, -e)masc. nouns not in -afem. not in -a (e.g. noć)DLI-pl-a → -ama-o, -e → -imaN-pl + maN-pl + maAs you can see, all nouns end in either -ama or -ima in DLI-pl. There are noadditional sound changes in this case: if you know how to make N-pl, you know howto make these two cases as well!For example:Putujemo rođacima DL . We’re traveling to our relatives.putovatiPtice N sjede na granama DL . Birds are sitting on branches.Stojim pred vratima I . I’m standing in front the door.stajati(Recall that the noun vrata door exists in plural only.) In the following example you’llsee how DL = I in plural:Pišem poruku A prijateljima DL . I’m writing a message to my friends.pisatiU kinu DL sam s prijateljima I . I’m in the movie theater with my friends. ®Of course, we must be able to put adjectives into DLI-pl as well. It’s simpler than youprobably would expect:gender adj. DLI-pl examplefem.velikim ribamabig fishesneut. -imvelikim jezerimabig lakesmasc.velikim stolovimabig tablesWhat about pronouns? We have already seen DL case of personal pronouns, both insingular and in plural, and instrumental case in singular. The instrumental case in

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 36 Dave/Locave and Instrumental Plural 209 / 600plural is identical to the DL-pl forms, but only stressed forms are used – there are nounstressed forms of instrumental. Pronouns tko who and što what have singularforms only anyway.Something quite special happens with adjectives used as nouns or pronouns. Forexample, the ‘noun’ mladi m pl. (adj.) is actually an adjective, short for mladi ljudiyoung people or the young. Look what happens when it’s used in DLI-pl:Na mladim ljudima DL svijet N ostaje. The world is left to the young people. ostajatiNa mladima DL svijet N ostaje. (the same meaning)ostajatiThe verb ostajati (ostaje) means remain. As you can see, if an adjective is used as anoun, it gets an additional -a in DLI-pl, essentially giving it the same ending as anymasc. or neuter noun. This happens only in the DLI-pl.The second, shorter sentence is a common proverb in Croatian, corresponding toEnglish the young shall inherit the earth.An exception to this rule are ordinal numbers in plural that refer to decades. Theotherwise obligatory -a in DLI-pl is optional for them and often left out:Beatlesi N su bili popularni N u šezdesetim DL . The Beatles were popular in the sixties.U 80-im DL sam bio u vrtiću DL . I was in the kindergarten in 80’s.(Note how the English name Beatles gets a Croatian case ending for N-pl.)The following preposition is used with instrumental when you have more than onething, or a collective noun:među amongFor example:Ptica N se skriva među lišćem I . The bird is hiding ‘among’ the leaves.Tražim pismo A među papirima I . I looking for the letter among the papers.The noun lišće is a collective noun, so we used instrumental singular (collectivenouns have no plural), but the noun papir paper is a regular noun so we used DLI-pl.The preposition među can be used with A as well, then it stands for a destination.This is maybe the right place to list prepositions using instrumental or accusative:prepositions using I or Anad¨ abovepred¨među amongin front ofpod¨ under(za¨)behindWith these prepositions, you have to use I for locations, and A for destinations:Idem pred publiku A . (A = dest.) ‘I’m going in front of the audience.’ići

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 36 Dave/Locave and Instrumental Plural 209 / 600

plural is identical to the DL-pl forms, but only stressed forms are used – there are no

unstressed forms of instrumental. Pronouns tko who and što what have singular

forms only anyway.

Something quite special happens with adjectives used as nouns or pronouns. For

example, the ‘noun’ mladi m pl. (adj.) is actually an adjective, short for mladi ljudi

young people or the young. Look what happens when it’s used in DLI-pl:

Na mladim ljudima DL svijet N ostaje. The world is left to the young people. ostajati

Na mladima DL svijet N ostaje. (the same meaning)


The verb ostajati (ostaje) means remain. As you can see, if an adjective is used as a

noun, it gets an additional -a in DLI-pl, essentially giving it the same ending as any

masc. or neuter noun. This happens only in the DLI-pl.

The second, shorter sentence is a common proverb in Croatian, corresponding to

English the young shall inherit the earth.

An exception to this rule are ordinal numbers in plural that refer to decades. The

otherwise obligatory -a in DLI-pl is optional for them and often left out:

Beatlesi N su bili popularni N u šezdesetim DL . The Beatles were popular in the sixties.

U 80-im DL sam bio u vrtiću DL . I was in the kindergarten in 80’s.

(Note how the English name Beatles gets a Croatian case ending for N-pl.)

The following preposition is used with instrumental when you have more than one

thing, or a collective noun:

među among

For example:

Ptica N se skriva među lišćem I . The bird is hiding ‘among’ the leaves.

Tražim pismo A među papirima I . I looking for the letter among the papers.

The noun lišće is a collective noun, so we used instrumental singular (collective

nouns have no plural), but the noun papir paper is a regular noun so we used DLI-pl.

The preposition među can be used with A as well, then it stands for a destination.

This is maybe the right place to list prepositions using instrumental or accusative:

prepositions using I or A

nad¨ above


među among

in front of

pod¨ under



With these prepositions, you have to use I for locations, and A for destinations:

Idem pred publiku A . (A = dest.) ‘I’m going in front of the audience.’


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