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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 31 First, Second: Ordinals 180 / 600

Peti N kolovoza G je bio vruć N . (formal) The fifth of August was hot.

Again, the expression above is actually about peti dan the fifth day – therefore, the

past form is in masculine.

If you want to talk about decades (i.e. the seventies) you can simply use ordinal

adjectives in feminine plural (since you’re really talking about godine years, and it’s

feminine plural).

Sedamdesete N su bile davno. The seventies were long ago.

If a decade is the subject, as above, the verb goes into plural, and past forms and

adjectives are feminine, as expected. Decades are often written as a combination of

a number and a case ending, connected by a hyphen:

70-e N su bile davno. The 70’s were long ago.

Another very frequent use of ordinal numbers is talking about levels in a building.

Croatian uses the same scheme as British English – the floor above the ground level

is the first floor:





drugi kat the second floor ®

prvi kat the first floor

prizemlje the ground floor

podrum basement

The word kat ® means only storey, level in a bulding, not surface you walk on (the

other meaning of English floor). For surfaces, the word pod is used.

If you use only na katu (or direction na kat), the first floor is assumed:

Kupaonica N je na katu DL . The bathroom is on the first floor. ®

For prizemlje and podrum, you should use the preposition u¨; for all levels above,

the preposition na¨ is used:

Kutija N je u podrumu DL . The box is in the basement.

Ured N je na drugom katu DL . The office is on the second floor. ®

Igračke N su na tavanu DL . The toys are in the attic.

For attic, there are two terms: potkrovlje is more formal.

The adjective prvi is often used in spatial arrangements, when English usually uses

front instead:

prvi red front row (lit. ‘first row’)

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