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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 24 Past Tense 140 / 600sam², where the auxiliary verb goes to the second position, and the past formcan, in principle, be anywhere:Goran N je jednog hladnog zimskog dana G čuo... On a cold winter day, Goranheard...(Expressions like jednog hladnog zimskog dana will be explained later.) Whenyou see an auxiliary verb, the matching past form (or an adjective) can besometimes far away!You have to be careful with the impersonal use of verbs. That’s whenever Englishuses “dummy” it, but also in impressions. From now on, I will mark all impersonalverbs in the present tense with a small circle (°):Hladno je°. It’s cold.Hladno mi DL je°. I’m cold. (lit. ‘It’s cold to me.’)1Drago nam DL je°. We’re glad. (lit. ‘It’s dear to us.’)1plDosta mu DL je°. He had enough.3m/nAll such sentences in the past tense always use neuter singular past forms:Bilo je hladno. It was cold.Bilo mi DL je hladno. I was cold. (lit. ‘It was cold to me.’)1Bilo nam DL je drago. We were glad. (lit. ‘It was dear to us.’)1plBilo mu DL je dosta. He has had enough.3m/nNow you see why I have marked impersonal verbs in present tense with a °: itreminds you that you have to use the neuter singular in the past tense – a form thatends in -o. Of course, this is just a reminder I’ve invented for this work, nobody elseuses it. Please don’t use it when you write Croatian words and sentences!I repeat: impersonal sentences have no subjects. There have no nouns orpronouns in the nominative case. The last sentence translates literally as ‘it wasenough to him’. They are always in neuter singular in the past tense. As there’s nosubject, the past form defaults to its neutral, kind of genderless form.The following sentences at the first glance look impersonal too, but they aren’t:Ponoć N je. It’s midnight. (lit. ‘Midnight is.’)fJutro N je. It’s morning. (lit. ‘Morning is.’)While English sentences are impersonal, Croatian ones aren’t: in these sentences,subjects are ponoć f midnight and jutro morning, so in the past tense, past formswill get gender of subjects:Bila je ponoć N . It was midnight. (lit. ‘Midnight was.’)fBilo je jutro N . It was morning. (lit. ‘Morning was.’)Another likely unexpected behavior is for sentences of the form ovo je..., to je... +noun. In such sentences, the subject isn’t to, but the noun, so the past tense adjusts

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 24 Past Tense 141 / 600to its gender:To N je mačka N . It’s a cat.→ To N je bila mačka N . It was a cat.To N je problem N . That’s a problem.→ To N je bio problem N . That was a problem.To negate sentences in the past tense, just use the negative forms of present tenseof biti (that is, nisam, nisi, nije, etc.):Ana N nije bila gladna N . Ana wasn’t hungry.Nisam spavao. I wasn’t sleeping. (I = male)Nije nam DL bilo dosadno. We weren’t bored.As usual, forms nisam and so on are not restricted to the second position and arecommonly found right before the past form.A special case is the negative existential construction. While it uses impersonalnema in the present tense, in the past tense, impersonal nije bilo is used:Nema° piva G . There’s no beer.→ Nije bilo piva G . There was no beer.Nema° ih G . They aren’t here/there.→ Nije ih G bilo. They weren’t here/there.There are useful adverbs of time often used with verbs in the past tense:davno a long time agojučer yesterday ®malo prije moments agonedavno recentlynekad(a) some time agoranije earlierThe adverb nedavno means that some action or state happened at a recent period;the adverb odnedavno means start something started at a recent moment (andmight still be ongoing).For example:Ivan N je jučer bio u kinu DL . Ivan was at the cinema yesterday. ®Sadly, some verbs are irregular even in the past tense; this includes all verbs havinginfinitives ending in -ći and most with inf. in -sti. Therefore, when such verbs arelisted, they will have past-m forms listed as well after their pres-3:jesti (jede, jeo) eatplesti (plete, pleo) knit(I will list the past-m and not e.g. past-f simply due to tradition of listing verb forms,and because you will find past-m’s listed in printed and online dictionaries.) Thepast-f is listed if it cannot be regularly obtained from the past-m; luckily, all otherpast forms can always be deduced from the past-f. That’s how most verbs in -ći arelisted:1pl3pl3pl

Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 24 Past Tense 141 / 600

to its gender:

To N je mačka N . It’s a cat.

→ To N je bila mačka N . It was a cat.

To N je problem N . That’s a problem.

→ To N je bio problem N . That was a problem.

To negate sentences in the past tense, just use the negative forms of present tense

of biti (that is, nisam, nisi, nije, etc.):

Ana N nije bila gladna N . Ana wasn’t hungry.

Nisam spavao. I wasn’t sleeping. (I = male)

Nije nam DL bilo dosadno. We weren’t bored.

As usual, forms nisam and so on are not restricted to the second position and are

commonly found right before the past form.

A special case is the negative existential construction. While it uses impersonal

nema in the present tense, in the past tense, impersonal nije bilo is used:

Nema° piva G . There’s no beer.

→ Nije bilo piva G . There was no beer.

Nema° ih G . They aren’t here/there.

→ Nije ih G bilo. They weren’t here/there.

There are useful adverbs of time often used with verbs in the past tense:

davno a long time ago

jučer yesterday ®

malo prije moments ago

nedavno recently

nekad(a) some time ago

ranije earlier

The adverb nedavno means that some action or state happened at a recent period;

the adverb odnedavno means start something started at a recent moment (and

might still be ongoing).

For example:

Ivan N je jučer bio u kinu DL . Ivan was at the cinema yesterday. ®

Sadly, some verbs are irregular even in the past tense; this includes all verbs having

infinitives ending in -ći and most with inf. in -sti. Therefore, when such verbs are

listed, they will have past-m forms listed as well after their pres-3:

jesti (jede, jeo) eat

plesti (plete, pleo) knit

(I will list the past-m and not e.g. past-f simply due to tradition of listing verb forms,

and because you will find past-m’s listed in printed and online dictionaries.) The

past-f is listed if it cannot be regularly obtained from the past-m; luckily, all other

past forms can always be deduced from the past-f. That’s how most verbs in -ći are





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