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Easy Croaan (rev. 47b) / 21 Origins 122 / 600

with kod¨ + G:

Ana N odlazi od zubara G . Ana is leaving the dentist’s office.

To ask where from something or someone goes/comes, just start a question with

one of these two words:

odakle / otkud(a) where... from

As usual, nothing else except this word is needed, no change of word order:

Odakle si? Where are you from?

— Iz Rijeke G . From Rijeka.

Odakle dolazi ta buka N ? Where is that noise coming from?

— S plaže G . From the beach.

This table nicely summarizes three types of destinations, locations and origins, and

the various question-words:

u¨ + A

u sobu A

to the room

na¨ + A

na plažu A

to the beach


zubaru DL

to dentist’s


where... to?

u¨ + DL

u sobi DL

in the room

na¨ + DL

na plaži DL

at the beach

kod¨ + G

kod zubara G

at dentist’s


where... ?

iz¨ + G

iz sobe G

from the room

s¨ / sa¨ + G

s plaže G

from the beach

od¨ + G

od zubara G

from dentist’s



where... from?

You will hear quite often kod¨ + G used colloquially ® for destinations as well

instead of just DL:

Ana N ide kod zubara G . (colloq.) Ana going to the dentist’s.


There’s an often used adverb of space standing for a specific origin:

odavde from here

It’s always used to express that meaning, you cannot say "od ovdje".

Prepositions od¨ and do¨ are frequently used to indicate start and end points. They

are also used to indicate when something starts and when ends, that is, origin and

end in time:

Radim od osam do četiri. I work from 8 to 4.

With time adverbs, there are the following very often used combinations for time

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