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Drug Use

America Vs. Europe

The following chart and maps show an unfortunate reality: America, when compared

to European nations, is in the top five countries for almost every national

measure of drug abuse. And while some European countries show up in the top five

more often than others, none do as consistently as the U.S. This offers an opportunity

to understand what works and what doesn’t for different societies and potentially

find ways to fix our own.


The U.S. has a reputation of harsh law enforcement practices

and criminal penalties when it comes to drug use,

possession, or sale. Unsurprisingly, it ranks high on the list

of total drug-related arrests – placing at No. 2 overall. However,

it pales in comparison to Spain – ironically, a country

in which drug possession is no longer a criminal offense.

This shows the massive challenge Spain faces as a port of

call for smugglers of all types of drugs from all around the

world – even Canadians have been arrested while trying to

bring illicit substances into Spain.



When it comes to previous-year cocaine use, the U.S. is tied

for first place with Spain, a nation having a drug crisis of its

own. Spain and Portugal offer an interesting contrast: Both

decriminalized possession of all drugs, “soft” and “hard,” in

the last decade, concentrating on civil fines and treatment

for users while reserving jail time for dealers.

While Portugal has been a success story and a model for

other countries, including Spain and Italy, Spain’s success

has been decidedly mixed. A number of differences between

the two countries – such as Spain’s decentralized government,

which allows regions to set their own drug policies,

and its long coastline facing drug smuggling routes from

North Africa – show there is no one-size-fits-all solution to

drug abuse.


As seen on the maps above, the U.S. may have a much larger

problem with many drugs than most European countries

– but encouragingly, a significant portion of people are getting

help for their addictions as well. Compared to countries

which have also shown significant problems with drug use

among the public, such as Spain and Estonia, Americans

appear to be more active in seeking out and/or receiving

treatment: 75% higher than the runner-up, Malta. Unfortunately,

the number of people who are treated for drug abuse

and addiction is still dwarfed by the staggering number of

people who are using drugs to begin with.


When it comes to yearly deaths by drug overdose, the U.S.

is in the company of Estonia, a Baltic nation where the

dangerously powerful opioid fentanyl is smuggled in from

Russia. However, it should be pointed out that these statistics

rely on death certificates issued by doctors, and studies

have shown that there can be substantial variations in what

doctors report on death certificates, both on a cultural and

individual level.


The U.S. is near the middle of the pack when it comes to the

number of substance abuse treatment centers per capita.

However, keep in mind that this statistic does not take into

account the number of patients per center, which can vary

from country to country and is not available for many countries.

Ireland, infamous for its stereotype of alcoholism,

does have many alcohol drinkers as seen on earlier maps,

but likewise has many rehab centers to help them – about

39% more than the runner-up. Slovakia also ranks high

on this list due to the nation’s numerous publicly funded

opioid substitution therapy centers.


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