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Back To School Tips

Many of us have been busy these past few weeks getting

our kids ready for the school year. If your child is one

of the 6.5 million kids in the U.S. being treated for a

chronic medical condition such as asthma or diabetes,

your preparation involves more than new backpacks

and glue sticks.

Keep tabs on the supply:

If the medication will be stored at school,

check often to ensure there is an adequate

supply so there are no missed doses. Make

sure the medication stays in its original

container and label.



Know how your child will receive

the medication:

Will he or she be expected to report

to a certain place at a certain time,

or will she be called to do so? What

is the policy for field trips?

If your child uses an epi pen.

it’s important to make sure they have one

for home and one for school. Ask your doctor

to indicate on the actual prescription

that the two injectors are for home and for

school, so that in case of a life-threatening

anaphylactic reaction, the school can be


Know your school’s rules:

Who is allowed to administer

medication, and who fills in if the

person is absent? Is your child

allowed to carry the medicine

and take it without supervision?

Provide clear instructions:

Prepare a typed list of all medications with

warnings and storage requirements. Also

include an action plan school staff can

refer to in an emergency. Make sure your

child, teachers and the appropriate school

administrator have current copies.

Juvenile diabetes

Your school nurse should be familiar

with both type 1 and type 2

diabetes. Your child’s school should

have a refrigerator to store insulin

vials or pens, if needed, as well as

staff trained in diabetes care.

Get vaccinated.

Flu vaccines are recommended for everyone

six months and older, and vaccinations

can reduce illness and keep the

flu from catching—especially in environments

like schools where germs can

spread quickly.

Keep your child informed:

A.M. game plan:

Your child should be aware of the

School mornings can be hectic, so

basics of his condition – signs of

try to integrate the morning dose

an allergic reaction, a flare-up or

into the morning routine. Also

side effects of the medication. Your

have a back-up plan in place if that

child should know proper dosages

morning dose is missed and your


and be aware of when and how

child needs to take it at school.

often he is supposed to take it.


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