Christmas Ideas(Poor and Rich)

Christmas Themed Magazine( depicting how poor and rich celebrates Christmas)

Christmas Themed Magazine( depicting how poor and rich celebrates Christmas)


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“Wealthy Christmas”

“When Christmas is No Merry”

Perfect is Christmas Ideas

December 2019

Perfect Christmas Ideas




3-When Christmas in no Merry”

-Jane Velez

4-Wealthy Christmas

-Rubie Grace Bermejo

5-7- MA106 Gallery



Perfect Christmas Ideas December 2019

“When Christmas is no Merry”

-Jane B. Velez (contributor)

It was a beautiful Saturday morning. I woke up at 5

am, take a shower, ate my breakfast and off to enjoy

the weekend. This day I am planning to visit Norman(11

years old) and his friends. I knew them ever

since because I used to see them in the street selling

bottles and sleep in the street. This time, I will pay

them a surprise visit, I am going to treat them meal as

my Christmas presents.

know them, and I know

I their some of their stories…

Before long, dawn breaks

and their day begin.

Their clothes are soggy

and dirty, smothered with

mud, ash and dirt; the

stinks from each of them

is enough to make your

stomach churn, or else felt

pity. As I visited them, I saw how difficult their life can

be. Norman shared with me their life from dawn to

evening and how this life become their routine.

hunger sets in and gets the best of them;

Their bodies are frail, sickly and malnourished. Their

eyes blank and distant and after a few drags on

the glue-bottle their minds utterly intoxicated. Most

of them do not have parents, and most of them have

stories so dark they delivered them to the hands of

the streets. Stories that they never want to revisit but

which forever are unable to forget.

took them to a famous fast food chain, I let them

When they hurry to nearby junction where the traffic

jams consistently bring the cars to a slow stop. These

boys spread out and meander from a car to a car begging

for money. Hardly anyone gives them any; most

people despise them and call them names or hurriedly

close their windows and lock their doors at the


mere sight of them. Norman said” Years ago, earning amous christmas Qoutes from famous writers:

money this way is much easier to do, unlike today”.

Now, we are forced to steal or starve or find scraps of Want to keep Christ in Christmas? Feed the hungry,

food in the garbage dumps. Their small earning from clothe the naked, forgive the guilty, welcome the

selling bottles is not enough for their daily needs. unwanted, care for the ill, love your enemies, and do

Sometimes, they went to Aling Edna, the woman unto others as you would have done unto you.”


who provides them with glue. She made a career teve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections

on selling home-made glue to the street children; a on Life and the Human Experience

potent, thick toxic substance that helps numb their One can never have enough socks,” said Dumbledore.

“Another Christmas has come and gone and

heartaches and disguise their hunger. Their cruel unlikely

existence often forces these children to disguise I didn’t get a single pair. People will insist on giving

their hunger by sniffling glue or petrol. Norman said me books.”


this is much cheaper than food, plus it makes you forget

(the hardships in life).

.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

December 2019

Perfect Christmas Ideas



eat fried chicken and spaghetti, French Fries, and

Ice Cream twirl. My heart

was melting seeing these

children. For them, Christmas

is just an ordinary day.

Some say Christmas is for

children—but not for these

street kids. The gap between

the rich and poor children is

heavily noticed during the

holiday season. While children

of well-off families enjoy

grief from Noche Buena

overindulgence, street children suffer from hunger

or food shortage. For Filipinos, Christmas is a season

for family reunions and gatherings. Parents have their

children in tow and are confronted with a heavy plate

of pasta, ham, morcon, fruit salad. Street children are

forced to beg for alms while singing Christmas carols

or scavenge for food just to bring home something

for the family to share on Christmas Eve. Some are

young criminals—with a gang boss, Ouch!

Wealthy Christmas ”

- Rubie Grace L. Bermejo(contributor)


In reality, rich people are just as appreciative of the

hristmas can be an expensive time of the year – all fact that you have chosen a gift for them as anyone

those gifts, travelling, gathering

and foods.

4While most families are looking

at ways to grab a bargain

or save money over Christmas,

the super-rich want to splash

out with no expense spared.

Many rich families spend

Christmas in a lavish way.

Its either they’re chartering a

super yacht, commandeering a

whole castle, or enjoying their

own slice of splendid isolation

on a private island, travelling

luxuriously with the whole family or drinking the else.

most expensive wine in the world.


My Ideas of a Perfect Christmas”

ypical Filipino affluent family are spending Christmas

outside the country and enjoying all scenery My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or

“ and attractions, it’s either white Christmas in the US modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to

or Germany or a traditional Filipino celebration. think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to

Some of the families would spend Christmas by doing

shopping spree for themselves, going into an ob Hope

do that?”


elite party, exchanging expensive gifts with friends Christmas can be celebrated in the school room

and taking all the ways to spend money in any way with pine trees, tinsel and reindeers, but there


must be no mention of the man whose birthday is

We all harbour the secret hope of getting away being celebrated. One wonders how a teacher would

from it all at some point during the festive season

— but, for the lucky few for whom money is no onald Reagan

answer if a student asked why it was called Christmas.”


object, it is a very real possibility. Sitting very prettily Christmas waves a magic wand over this world,

in the stream of islands just a hundred miles west of and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”

Barbados, Mystique Island is the very definition of total



Norman Vincent Peale

ut with its glitz, glamour and luxury during the Blessed is the season which engages the whole

season, we must not forget that Christmas is not world in a conspiracy of love.”

only for rich people! Christmas is for everyone,


Hamilton Wright Mabie

t’s a mistake to think that just because someone is The reality of loving God is loving him like he’s

rich there is nothing they could possible want or appreciate.

You can think well, they’re rich, if they want rather than a Santa Claus who merely gave you some

a Superhero who actually saved you from stuff

something they’ll just go and buy it.



Criss Jami, Killosophy

Perfect Christmas Ideas December 2019

Amante, Previe, S.

MM-Public Service Management

Pagatpatan, Butuan City

Balite, Oliver Joy P.

MM-Public Service Management

Cupin Compound, Butuan City

Bayotas, Jose Antonio Sean B.

MM-Public Service Management

Filinvest Homes, Butuan City

Bermejo, Rubie Grace L.

MM-Public Service Management

Sta. Josefa, Agusan del Sur

Betonio, Roger C.

MM-Public Service Management

Santiago, Agusan del Norte

Canda, Catherine R.

MM-Public Service Management

Libertad, Butuan City

Canton, Christy E.

MM-Public Service Management

Cabadbaran City

Casanos, Lady Joy S.


Gingoog City

December 2019

Perfect Christmas Ideas


Cavan, Jeanie P.


Fili, Batugan City, Ads

Ciano, Ephrelyn C.

MM-Public Service Management

Curilan, Heherson S.

MM-Public Service Management

Bading, Butuan City

Dacanay, Virgilyn S.

MM-Public Service Management

Golden Subd. Butuan City

Dagante, Jean F.

MM-Business Management

Magallanes, Agusan del Norte

Dultra, Raquel C.

MM-Public Service Management

San Francisco, Agusan del Sur

Estorba, Ailyn T.

MM-Public Service Management

Cabadbaran City

Lestones, Gretchen S.

MM-Public Service Management

Carmen, Agusan del Norte


Perfect Christmas Ideas December 2019

Medroso, Tristan Foz S.

MM-Public Service Management

Montilla Blvd., Butuan City

Montino, Annie Grace D.

MM-Public Service Management

Ampayon, Butuan City

Paglinawan, Aizyl Lyn R.

MM-Public Service Management

Villa Kananga, Butuan City

Romero, Jeanette C.

MM-Public Service Management

Malvar Street, Butuan City

Velez, Jane B.

MM-Public Service Management

San Vicente, Butuan City

Yamba, Jenelyn G.

MM-Public Service Management

Villa Kananga, Butuan City

December 2019

Perfect Christmas Ideas



Perfect Christmas Ideas December 2019

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