The Inked Volume 4

Harvest Academy Newsletter - The Inked - Volume 4

Harvest Academy Newsletter - The Inked - Volume 4


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Volume 4, Issue 1

Special Points

of Interest

• CEO and HALC President Speeches

• H-Angels 4 with Trash Hero Perlis

• H-Explore 4 - Trip to Perak

• Students’ Work

• Business Studies Project at Carnival

• STEM Education

CEO Words

Dear viewers, before a term starts, we will set a direction to it, which the whole school

work on together. We have self-confidence, self-challenge and focus.

At the end of 2018, the direction was Self-Confidence. Being confident is crucial to land a

job, to be persuasive in a presentation and more, but all this comes with numerous stages

before we put on the real show. For your information, there's a talent time slot in every

assembly and students will be presenting informative knowledge from a personal hobby

to environmental issues. This weekly assembly serves as the start to build confident

learner to speak up one's idea.

The second direction was Self-Challenge. Attending school day in and day out for one full

academic year is not just about academic. Students' personal growth in the 5 years is

extremely crucial. The spirit of self-challenge is to encourage students to take on the

journey to the uncharted route and explore new knowledge by their own. This process is

certainly not an easy one but the experience and determination we can learn along the

way is something so valuable that students will remember for life. For instance, Harvest

Academy Leadership Council (HALC) committee was not convinced by themselves that

they could organise events for local primary students, but with their perseverance and

teamwork, they have completed their first event this first. They deserve a round of

applause. There's one event coming next organise by HALC next year. Let's stay tuned.

CEO Words

A few months back, our school were invited to participate in the state-wide Chinese

debate. We were late informed by the organiser and our preparation time was very

limited compared to other schools. Knowing that other contestants are experienced and

well prepared than us, few of our students take on the challenge and participated in the

debate competition. They were the second-runner up and we have to recognise their

eagerness to strive.

After self-challenge, this third direction for this term is simple and right to the point,

which is focus. The ability to focus allows us to perform tasks at high quality and within

the time frame, the ability to focus will also allow us to deep rest. Students have many

things in mind, subjects mattered, sports, time with friends, events etc. If we can

multitask there's definitely a plus, however, there are tasks that we have to focus at that

present moment only we can learn. So, students, like Ms Maggie always said, when it's

time to work, WORK, and when it's time to play, we PLAY.

Dear all, character education is an important aspect at Harvest Academy. I am proud to

say that all Harvestians are a kind and courteous learner. In this digital era, the internet

speed got faster and the world gets smaller. There are times when we go online, we can

see our negative news and hate speeches. These videos, not only adults will see, but our

students here will also learn what happened. That is absolutely not a good example, and

I thank all our teachers and pupils keeping Harvest Academy a healthy learning

environment where we can go explore hand-in-hand.

Punctuality is an important value of Harvest Academy. The interesting fact is that Harvest

Academy is a school without school bells and clocks. Working towards excellence is

important but at the same time, having sufficient rest is a must. When it comes to Y10 and

Y11, students are eager to complete the homework to the best extent they could have and

there are times they slept at late hours. Dear students, remember to keep a healthy daily

routine for those 2 years while you are working hard towards your goals.

Thank you.

HALC President

Good day ladies and gentlemen! I am Lee Jia Jun, the president of HALC (Harvest

Academy Leadership Council) for the year 2019. At Harvest Academy, each student is

encouraged to be more proactive and the students’ overall progress in academic and

social-related activities are well monitored. From the first day I arrived at this academy, I

knew I wanted to become more involved. From serving in the school events to organizing

major events. Thus, I consistently spend time in leadership roles and try to make this

school a conducive environment for each student to be moulded and shaped as future


HALC has actively been involved in team-building activity organised and supported by

both the advisor and students. We usually have a thorough event and camping plans prior

to conducting a qualified activity or project. Our committee’s secretary has been trained

to make meeting minutes whereas our treasure has been trained to create a trial balance

and income statement. Besides that, we have our technical team to manage HALC’s

Facebook page, whereby the latest updates of Harvest Academy via video production and

editing is posted.

As the student council president, it is my goal to strive continually and make

improvements in the school for every student at Harvest Academy. Carrying the motto,

no unfair advantages, the student council works side-by-side with the student body and

the administration to ensure student events throughout the year are successful.

My record exemplifies passionate and self-driven advocacy on behalf of all of us. I care

about your interest and voice. Do share your ideas or plans to us and HALC will make them


Thank you.



What is Harvest Academy?

Harvest Academy is the first and only international learning centre in Perlis. Our

centre is a home-grown learning centre that provides primary and secondary

school education.

What is the language of instructions at Harvest?

English is the primary language of instructions at Harvest Academy.

What is the learning environment like at Harvest?

We incorporate interactive, computer-aided teaching and learning. The students

will involve in practical projects and group work.

Does Harvest provide boarding to the student?

Yes, we do provide boarding accommodations for students who require a place to


What qualifications do I earn when I graduate

from Harvest Academy?

The qualification granted by Harvest Academy is an International General

Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) which is recognized worldwide.

Do Harvest students have to wear a uniform?

They will be given a Harvest pink polo shirt. Students only require to wear the

pink polo during Monday for their assembly and any events that require them to

wear it. On other days, they are always expected to dress in a manner that is

respectful to their fellow students, their teachers, and the culture of our cities.

How do I apply to Harvest Academy?

You can contact 04-9704884 for an appointment. The next process will be

assessment & interview; the subjects assessed are English and Mathematics. The

successful applicant will receive a letter of acceptance alongside the invoice, then

proceed with the enrolment process.

2019 TERM 3


Harvest Academy recognises that focus is one of the keys to improving student

achievement therefore it has been highlighted as the Term 3 direction. To that end,

various means and self-help strategies have been structured aimed at increasing focus

among students. Thus, much work hard and emphasis have been placed to create an

atmosphere that is welcoming, warm, and productive within the school.

Furthermore, the school administrators and teachers work hard to ensure that all

students feel happy, respected and valued to create a conducive environment where

students can focus and achieve their respective goals. Harvest Academy has set a

distinguished mark for itself by training students to set practical and achievable goals.

Additionally, useful tips and advice are provided to students so that they may remain

focused to attain their set goals.

Take a look around us, what have we done to our environment? We created plastic and

now we are drowning in plastic waste and its harmful impact on humans, animals,

waterways, oceans and the environment.

Overall, the worldwide reliance on disposable plastic packaging is overwhelming on our

planet. Whereby, plastic pollution is an environmental and social justice issue.

Therefore, now is the time that we awaken to the plight of mother earth. Let us save our

planet, say No to plastic!





No Plastic Straw Campaign served as the

first project of Harvest Academy

Leadership Council (HALC). It’s a

student-led council with leadership as the

main focus.

Contribution to social good is one of the

council‘s objectives and this No Plastic

Straw Campaign is a pioneer activity

done in town which encourages

restaurants and beverage seller to

provide straws to only the one needed.


Increasing numbers of students across the country lack

the skills of self-regulation, impulse control and focus

negatively affecting their behaviour, ability to learn and

overall well-being. These critical life skills, essential to

success at home, in school and throughout life, can be

learned when taught in a developmentally appropriate,

engaging way. Sharing yoga and mindfulness

techniques, specifically designed for the time and space

crunched classroom, is a convenient, engaging and

effective way to promote these skills while cultivating a

positive, peaceful productive classroom climate.

Mr Tan and the volunteers from The Art of Living were

present to Harvest Academy on 16th October 2019 to

conduct a yoga session. All activities were done

standing beside or sitting at desks, while hands and

bodies remain off the floor, away from dirt, germs and

chemicals. The workshop was easy for teachers and

students to use, and helps to create a more harmonious,

learning-friendly school day. The student's

participation shown that the personal development

and all-round wellness programs offered was

exceptional. Additionally, the positive vibes and wise

words from Mr Tan had brought a positive impact on


participants in this workshop have understood how

stress and trauma affect learning and behaviour. Apart

from that, they have learnt on classroom-friendly yoga

and mindfulness techniques to support learning

readiness and the development of social and emotional

learning competencies and resilience.



It is a great pleasure to introduce new activity for ECA 2019. Sewing activity is

completely under Ms Saliza’s supervision with some help from other teachers every

week. Throughout this activity, students have learnt sewing based on many styles, such

as taking the measurement, sketching the dress pattern, learning on how to use a

high-speed sewing machine and so forth.

Surprisingly, through sewing and dressmaking, students learnt to be patient because

they encountered many trial and error situations. However, students had a lot of fun

making their own clothes. Their happiness and sense of satisfaction were clearly

expressed on their faces during the last day of their dressmaking session when students

tried their masterpiece. The students were required to make a tunic (mini-dress). A tunic

can be described as a long, loose-fitting shirt or sweater that fully covers the hips and

bottom. This versatile garment can be worn in a variety of ways by individuals of all

body shapes and genders.

4 phases of

tunic making


Taking the measurement

and sketching the dress


(1 ECA class)


Checking on the dress

pattern and cutting the

dress pattern.

(1 ECA class)


Learning on how to use a

high-speed sewing machine

and sewing the dress.

(2 ECA classes)


Finishing the neckline lining

on the dress.

(1 ECA class)

Visit to Taman

Rimba Herba Perlis

Field trips are an exciting time of the school year for students. While they offer a fun

break from the norm, they also provide many educational and health benefits when

those field trips involve nature. Studies show that children should be introduced to

nature in their early years. Exposure to nature benefits students mentally, physically,

and socially by giving students experiential learning and broadening their horizons.

Therefore, at Harvest Academy, we are focused on ensuring students enjoy a balanced

life by appreciating both urbanization and the natural environment. The visit to Taman

Rimba Perlis by us Harvestians was carried out on 30th April 2019. It was to show

students first-hand how things grow, the importance of green spaces and how they can

connect to the wider environment.

The purpose of this Harvestian visit was to take what each

individual student has studied in the classroom and enhance

that knowledge by giving them the opportunity to do or see

these principles in action. Additionally, this field trip serves

to reinforce students’ classroom learning because the

experience appeals to students in their own learning styles

and helps them to work better in small groups as they were

required to complete a mission as a group. Finally, the two

winner groups got to enjoy the foot spa with herbal oils.


Open Door Visit

As part of its adopted policy of transparency, McDonald’s Kangar welcomed and toured

the young and dynamic students from Harvest Academy into its kitchen, giving them a

unique opportunity to see for themselves how their favourite McDonald’s meals are


The students’ tour in the kitchen is part of the company’s on-going Open Door Program

that allows customers to discover McDonald’s restaurant’s processes and the high level of

quality it adheres to, from food sourcing to impeccable kitchen standards. McDonald’s is

the first fast-food chain restaurant in Malaysia to introduce such a programme and has

never been more proud to welcome students into their kitchens, where they can see for

themselves exactly what goes on behind the scenes.

Generally, the students were very excited to be given the opportunity to tour around

McDonald’s kitchen and learn about the restaurant’s sanitation, hygiene and food safety

procedures followed on a daily basis. We Harvestians were delighted to know that such

food practices are implemented in the fast-food industry even till today.



One of the most beautiful aspects of cross country running is that it’s not just you

against the competition and yourself, but also Mother Nature. Over a variety of

surfaces—from dirt and grass to mud and asphalt to gravel and everything in-between.

Harvest Academy had previously organized their annual cross-country race, whereby

students were required to run along an open-air route on the 27th of February 2019.

Students who took part in the activity were extremely excited and they showed great

teamwork and sportsmanship. The starting point of the race was at Taman Bukit Kaya

(Recycle station) and the checkpoint was at the entrance of Taman Awam Bukit Lagi.

Students who have finished their course gathered once again at the finishing point in

Taman Bukit Kaya (second row of the house after the recycle station). The winners who

held the earliest record was Nyan Wei Xiong from Venus house in 27min 34 sec followed

by Lee Kai Zhe from Jupiter house with the record 28 min 03 sec and the third place by

Lee Jia Mu from Mars house with 30 min 59 sec record. Students were both competitive

and united as a team, as they represented their respective houses, Mars, Jupiter and

Venus. Venus house took the glory by winning this event with an overall 54 points,

followed by Mars with 31 points and Jupiter with 27 points.

“A well-planned cross-country course will do everything possible to disrupt your stride,

your pace, and your focus,” says Pete Magill, author, coach, and five-time USA Masters

Cross Country Runner of the Year. “So the trick is to stop worrying about stride or pace.

Find an effort level that you’re confident you can maintain, then make that your guide.”

You can learn what that effort should be—and teach your body to maintain it—with cross

country training tailored to the demands of racing.

HARVEST festival celebration

teacher’s day

In different countries, the day chosen to mark

Teachers Day has particular significance for

the teaching profession there. It may come as

a surprise that Teachers Day — the day set

aside to commemorate and honour the

special work of teachers — is celebrated

throughout the world on different days.

So, why is May 16 designated as Teachers Day in Malaysia?

Quite simply, because this is the date the Razak Report

was formally endorsed by the Federal Legislative

Assembly of the Federation of Malaya in 1956, a year

before independence.

Teachers Day -a day to honour and remember the

teachers who guide students in their education during

their youthful days. Thus, Year 10 students at Harvest

Academy had organized the Teachers Day in order to show

the appreciation and honour the teachers for their deeds.

The event was celebrated at Dewan Serbaguna Orang

Ramai Taman Bukit Kaya on 19th June 2019.

Students have composed a short message to the teachers

prior to the celebration. Students have represented each

class in ‘Let’s Make a Comedy’ slot to entertain the

teachers with their creative performance. Apart from that,

students have organised some games where teachers

collaborated with students to take part in those games.

HARVEST festival celebration


Hari Merdeka or Malaysia's Independence Day is

celebrated every year on August 31. Harvestians also

don’t miss a chance to celebrate a very important day

for our Nation. “Sayangi Malaysiaku: Malaysia Bersih

is the theme of the 2019 Independence Day. Align

with the 2019 Independence Day theme, Harvestians

produced wind chimes by using recycled material!

Apart from that, students also perform

Merdeka choir song. The objective of this

activity is to bring a sense of fulfilment and

responsibility towards our country, Malaysia.

It allows students to work in groups and be

creative with their performance.

It was one of the most meaningful days for

Harvestian as the activities conducted bring

good memory to the students.




The Amazon rainforest has long been recognized as a repository of

ecological services not only for local tribes and communities, but also

for the rest of the world. It is also the only rainforest that we have left in

terms of size and diversity. The proliferation of fires in the Amazon

rainforest drew international attention in August, especially when

French President Emmanuel Macron called for urgent action.

Consequently, the number of fires decreased by 35% in September, but

experts say this is merely a slowdown in a crisis with global

repercussions. Generally, the main factors that led to such widespread

fires in the first place were the decreased enforcement of forest law,

illegal deforestation for agriculture and invasion of indigenous


What happens in the Amazon rainforest has global implications, which

is why some countries have taken a keen interest in preserving it.

Additionally, several countries have spent money to preserve the

rainforest and continue pressuring the government in Brazil, to limited


As of now, some countries and companies are threatening the boycott

of Brazilian goods in light of the government’s handling of the recent

fires. These actions are expected to result in the Brazilian government

enforcing laws to safeguard the Amazon rainforest.



In order to cultivate love of theenvironment H-Angel has

carried PLOGGING CHALLENGE #21: CLEAN UP at seaside of

Pantai Kurong Tegar, Kuala Perlis on 25th September 2019.

For this year's H-Angel, Harvest Academy work together with

Trash Hero Perlis inPLOGGING CHALLENGE #21.

Trash Hero is a non-profit organization that has one big and

great mission: Keeping Our World Clean for Future

Generations. TrashHero Perlis hold the same objectives to

make Perlis a greener and cleaner state in Malaysia and

increased awareness to people about littering. Total of

120.6kg sea debris was collected and Trash Hero team sorted

out the trash collectedand provided details as follows:

1. Artificial polymer materials = 83.75kg

2. Rubber = 9.6 kg

3. Cloth/textiles = 8.8 kg

4. Paper/cardboard = 1.2 kg

5. Glass/ceramics = 17.25 kg



In continuation with the ploggigng,

students have participated in Ecobricks

Workshop which has been held in Harvest

Academy on 2nd October 2019. All the

students have participated with 2 Trash

Heroes. This activity is aimed to expose

students with a possible solution to solve

the plastic waste problem.

One of the fundamental principles of eco

bricking is of circular, cradle-to-cradle,

design. Ecobricks leverage the resilient

properties of plastic to create reusable

building blocks. When we build with

ecobricks we plan for the end of the

application and for next life of every


An ecobrick is a plastic bottle packed to a

set density with used, clean and dry plastic

to achieve a building block that can be

used over and over again. Ecobricks can

also be packed with other

non-biological-recyclables that are toxic to

the environment (i.e. Styrofoam, wires,

small batteries, etc.). Ecobricks are used to

make modular furniture, garden spaces,

walls and even full-scale buildings.

Ecobricks are an exciting way that

individuals, communities, and companies

can start their immediate transition from

plastic towards ever greener harmony with

the Earth’s cycles.


H-explore 4

Through H-Explore activity, students were

exposed to the ‘hardship’ of life. They were outside

of their comfort zone. They developed themselves

to adapt to different environments. During

H-Explore, students will have nothing to seek for

external assistance but friends.

From this, they had a chance to strengthen the

bond between other students and promote

teamwork among the Harvestians. This 3-day

event (23/7/2019- 25/7/2019) was carried at Ipoh.

Students have participated in various challenging

tasks along with the visit to different places.


Perak Tong

Students took photos around Perak Tong that

shows architectural elements together with their

interest in nature.


Apart from the visit to animated studios, students

had a chance to communicate with the strangers.

They also took part in ‘stack attack’ and ‘flip your

lid’ activity to earn points for their houses.



H-explore 4

Lost World of Tambun

was the best place for the students to enjoy water

sports and they had a chance to watch animals’

show as well. Students had enjoyed theme sports

and fire shows since it was the first experience for


Another activity that out students to the biggest

challenge was Triple-X challenge. This activity

involves team spirit and students have tried their

best to overcome the water fear and earned points

to their houses.



H-explore 4

Gua Tempurung

visit would be another exciting

exploration since students had the

chance to visit a cave with different

calcium formations and marble there

exist in differing temperatures and

water levels. Students had enjoyed its

breathtaking gallery of stalagmites,

stalactites and other amazing rock

formations that are superb

speleological wonders.

Orang Utan Islang

Students had visited Orang Utan

Island at Semanggol. Students were

briefed on the orangutan and also

stopped and watched the orangutans

behaviour. Students enjoyed some

tasks that earned points to their



MALAYSIA'S ORANGUTAN. its missions are: To increase awareness on the plight of the

orangutan; To promote research on conservation biology and veterinary medicine; and

To ensure the sustainability of Orang Utan Island through innovative revenue

generation channels.

HARVEST festival celebration

Chinese New Year


The name of 2019 is the Female Earth Pig. Brown is

connected to Earth. Therefore, 2019 is also called

Brown Earth Pig Year.

Harvestians had celebrated Chinese New Year

festival on 1st February 2019. This celebration is

supposed to be the start of a new period in

Chinese lives and everyone follows these

traditional customs. On this celebration, whole

Harvestians gathered and enjoyed the reunion

meals. Many delicious dishes made up the meal

and students were glad to receive ‘Ang Pows. In

conjunction with that, students had participated

in the Chinese New Year Carnival in order to share

the celebration with the public. The festival

indeed brought joy and prosperity to everyone.

Eid Mubarak


HARVEST festival celebration

Eid Mubarak or Hari Raya literally means ‘celebration day’, and Hari Raya Aidilfitri is the day

that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of dawn-to-sunset fasting.

Harvestians had celebrated Eid Mubarak Festival on 12th June 2019 at Harvest Academy. The

celebration is merely to expose the students to Malay tradition and for them to understand

what it meant for those who observed this custom. Students have participated in the

celebrations by putting on the traditional costumes and feasting on the different meals

brought by the teachers that were usually eaten during the festival. After the Raya Feast,

students took part in poster colouring on the theme ‘Raya Celebration’ together with ‘Sampul

Raya’ designing and colouring. At the end of the celebration, ‘Kahoot’ activity was conducted

on the topic ‘Iklan Raya’. Through that activity, students learnt on moral values, Malay culture

in celebrating Raya and also listening in Bahasa Malaysia.

HARVEST festival celebration



The clay lamps which you see lighting up homes and

businesses during Deepavali are the reason it is also

known as “the Festival of Lights.” The abstract

meaning of the festival is a symbolic display of the

triumph of light (good) over darkness (evil).

Harvestians had celebrated Deepavali festival on

23rd October 2019 in order to get students exposed

to Indian traditions and highlights the significance

of lights for Deepavali celebration.

Students took part in Kolam making activity

and creating Diyas with play dough.

Students were introduced to various

concepts of shapes, colours and symmetry

while forming the Rangoli Kolam that is

practised in Indian culture. Students showed

their creativity in creating Diyas with the

play dough and used it as extra decoration to

the Kolam.

Eid Mubarak


HARVEST festival celebration

Eid Mubarak or Hari Raya literally means ‘celebration day’, and Hari Raya Aidilfitri is the day

that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of dawn-to-sunset fasting.

Harvestians had celebrated Eid Mubarak Festival on 12th June 2019 at Harvest Academy. The

celebration is merely to expose the students to Malay tradition and for them to understand

what it meant for those who observed this custom. Students have participated in the

celebrations by putting on the traditional costumes and feasting on the different meals

brought by the teachers that were usually eaten during the festival. After the Raya Feast,

students took part in poster colouring on the theme ‘Raya Celebration’ together with ‘Sampul

Raya’ designing and colouring. At the end of the celebration, ‘Kahoot’ activity was conducted

on the topic ‘Iklan Raya’. Through that activity, students learnt on moral values, Malay culture

in celebrating Raya and also listening in Bahasa Malaysia.



Zach King is best-known for his videos

that appear as though he is doing

magic. He typically posts challenges

and video tutorials to his YouTube

channel. King has 21.9 million

followers on Instagram and 2.3 million

subscribers on YouTube. By following

him you could learn many magic treats

and technology hacks!


It’s only fitting that the King tops our

list with 52.6 million followers.

Undoubtedly the best player in the

league, Lebron’s Instagram shows his

charitable family man side. Don’t get it

twisted, though, one look at Lebron

flexing in the gym will remind you that

he is most definitely NOT like you and

me. Following him could give you the

inspiration to stay fit and healthy.


The businesswoman and influencer

combined her entrepreneurial

background with a lifelong passion for

makeup to create her own beauty

business, Huda Beauty, in 2013. Since

then, her makeup line has become one

of the fastest-growing beauty brands in

the world Huda Beauty has 39.7 M

followers on Instagram. She is such an

inspiration especially for girls.



The Rock was a professional wrestler.

Then he moved into acting, producing

and writing. He has played the leading

role in numerous films. However, his

most successful box office role is as

Luke Hobbs in The Fast and the

Furious. He is such an inspiration to

everyone as every content he posts on

his Instagram tells a story. The content

resonates with your life!


Model and fashion designer Alexa

Chung is Instagram famous for her

elegant yet charming style. After her

modelling career, she collaborated with

many brands like Mulberry and

Madewell to create her own collection,

making a name for herself in the fashion

world. Today, she shares artistic yet fun

photos with her 3.4 million Instagram

followers. Alexa Chung’s Instagram is

go-to-feed for everything pretty.


Starting in 2011, an Instagram phenomenon

called "Follow Me" took over the social

platform: all the images depicted someone

holding the photographer’s hand, pulling them

towards some incredible vista. This began with

Murad Osmann -- a Russian photographer with

4.1 million followers. It will give you ideas on

how to capture a photo, especially when you

have a vacation abroad.



Poem by Loh Li Hao

Poem by Loh Li Hao

I wonder of the universe

I hear the black hole

I see the light of the star

I want to fly

I pretend to be a bird

I feel my wings spread

I touch the sky

I worry about the earth

I cry for the earth

I understand the earth is our home

I say we must protect it

I dream of the green earth

I try to help

I hope to be a bird to fly around Planet A because

there is no Planet B





Drawing by Ong Weng Kang



Essay by Ng Hui Ming

Fast Food Leads to Obesity

Do you know that fast food will cause obesity? If you are a fast food

lover you should consider again because there is a high chance for you to get

diseases such as heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes, and so on. Fast

food can be defined as any food that contributes little or no nutrient value

to the diet

Everyone knows that the taste of fast food is scrumptious and that

makes everyone couldn’t resist to eat it at least once in a while. However, fast

food contains a large amount of sugar, fats and carbohydrates. It also can

be described as food with low nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and

fibre. This means that you are taking a large amount of unhealthy calories

which leads to weight gain.

Apart from that, fast food is one of the main causes of health

problems. Fast food contains high calories than our body need in our daily

life. Foods with high calories are not good for our body. That is why when

you consume these kinds of food, it will lead to chronic diseases such as

obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure etc.

As a conclusion, you should eat less fast food to prevent health issues.

Even though fast food is affordable, convenient and easily accessible.

However, if more people understood the impact of fast food on their health

they might race down their McDonald and opt for healthier food options.



Essay by Year 9 Students

Train Journey

There’s nothing better than the emotions and feelings that one can

receive from setting out an adventure. Journeys help us to forget about our

everyday issues. During long journeys, people usually feel bored. But there

are also some ways that can make a long journey become more interesting.

Five years ago, I went to Hua Hin with my family. We chose to take the

train and the tickets were booked days ahead of the trip. Our bags were

packed and all the other necessary arrangements were made for the trip. It

was a night journey. We reached the railway station on time, settled

ourselves and the train started within a few minutes.

I sat with my cousin sister and we planned to have a lot of fun on the

way. We started playing cards for two to three hours straight. Since we are

the only passengers in our compartment, there was no fuss about turning

off the lights.

Aſter a few rounds of the game, my mother called us for dinner. The

dinner served on the train was delicious. Aſter having my dinner, I sat by the

window. Since it was night there was nothing much to see outside however,

I enjoyed sitting in the corner hearing the noise of the running train. It was

a different experience for me.

All in all, my first train journey was super exciting and interesting. I

loved every bit of it. The company of my cousin made it all the more fun

since we cracked jokes and laughed all the way.



Essay by Year 10 Students

Promo Email


Good Day!

Running, working out, or aerobics class? All you need a pair of sports

shoes. Today I am here to promote a brand-new shoe — Adidas 7.0!

This Adidas 7.0 is very comfortable and very light. When you are

wearing it. It feels like you are flying in the sky! It’s is the latest design in

fashion and you will be rocking in action when you are wearing it!

We have blueblack, white and silver colour with an Adidas logo on it

These shoes are in limited edition and there is only 777 pairs all around

the world

For the shoes pre-order, please fill in the form and pay the deposit

online in the link


To get more information please surf



Wishing you a fabulous day with the great Adidias 7.0 shoes!


At Harvest Academy, we strongly believe that

“Reading does not only improves grades but also

nurtures minds”. With that said, reading has

recently been made a compulsory subject in our

school. This idea might seem hare-brained at first

glance. But we believe that it will transform

students not only as individuals but enables a

flourishing matured mind to be formed.

How does reading as a subject work?

During Readaholic lessons, teachers explain how to

get more out of reading fiction, how to read

non-fiction more efficiently, how to read critically,

and how to choose books. However, the key is that

lessons will simply be class time set aside solely for

reading, for an hour a day. Better still, rather than

tell, teachers can show and share the sheer fun of




This activity was created by students to enhance their understanding of Mathematics.


Your shoes can tell your age!

1. take your shoe size (no half sizes, round up)

2. multiply it by 5

3. add 50

4. multiply by 20

5. add 1015

6. substract the year you were born

the first digit(s) are your shoes size and

the last 2 digits are your age!




Wide range of healthcare

products are used to treat

diseases or medical

conditions affecting humans.

Technologies are used to

improve the quality of

healthcare delivered through

diagnosis, less invasive

treatment options and

reductions in hospital stays

and rehabilitation times.

InsuJet, a needle-free device is specifically

designed for people with diabetes whom require

insulin, and is now available in Australia. InsuJet

uses jet technology to deliver insulin, without a

needle. This device is for patients who need to take

daily insulin injection. InsuJet creates a high-speed

insulin jet crosses the skin into subcutaneous.

Insulin is the hormone that lower glucose levels in

the bloodstream and promote the storage of

glucose in fat, muscle, liver and other body tissues.

needle injection





VANTABLACKis currently known as the

blackest black material you can find on the

earth. VANTA is an acronym of vertically

aligned carbon nanotube arrays. Its carbon

nanotube surface—a nano-scale forest of

billionsof tiny carbon trees—absorbs up to

99.964% of light striking it. To witness such

a dark material in person is beyond striking:

It literally looks like a hole in reality itself,

something so dark it feels like part of your

soul is being sucked out through your




What are the uses of this nanotube carbon?

1. Preventing stray light from entering telescopes, and improving the performance of

infrared cameras both on Earth and in space.

2. Increasing the absorption of heat in materials used in concentrated solar power

technology, as well as military applications such as thermal camouflage. Its emissivity

and scalability support a wide range of applications.

3. Arts and exclusive car paint.



Vertebrates are animals with a backbone. Several groups of vertebrates inhabit planet

Earth. Let’s take a tour of the five main vertebrate groups alive today as presented by

our Harvestians. Vertebrates comprise of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and


Similarly, there are invertebrates on our planet, and these are animals without

backbones. There are many different groups of invertebrates. However, a few of them

have been drawn out by students. These groups are Molluscs, Annelids and

Arthropods (Insects, Arachnids, Crustaceans and Myriapods).



The 10 most interesting facts of


The first computer mouse was

made with wood in 1964 by

Doug Engelbart.

ENIAC was the first electronic

computer which was weighed

around 27 tons and it’s taken

up space around 1800sf.

In 1979, the first of the hard

disk/drive was made to store

the user’s data and it could

hold only data under 5MB.

Bill Gates, the founder of

Microsoft was a college drop

out. Bill Gates house was

designed Using a Macintosh


Do you know what CAPTCHA

is? It is the abbreviation for

‘Completely Automated

Public Turing test to tell

Computers and Humans




The 10 most interesting facts of


In 1936, Russians were the

first who made a computer

that can be used in water.

YouTube was founded by 3

former employees of PayPal.

Lenovo stands for ‘new

legend’. ‘Le’ for legend, and

‘novo’ stands for new.

The password for the

computer controls of nuclear

tipped missiles of the U.S was

00000000 for eight years.

HP, Microsoft and Apple have

one very interesting thing in

common – they were all

started in a garage.




At Harvest we take pride by

encouraging students to be versatile

and well rounded, instead of being

solely focused on reading and

studying. Thus, during the Chinese

New Year festival held in UTC on 1st

until 3rd March 2019, both Year 10

and Year 11 Business Studies

students joined together to set up the

Harvest Food Corner. The event was

led by Lee Jia Chien with Lee Jia Mu,

Lee Li Xian, Lee Pei Joe, Ooi Yu Sheng,

Lee Jia Jun and Nyan Wei Xiong.

The objective of this activity is to create a

unique and innovative menu that will

differentiate students’ food from the rest of

the competitors by applying what they

have learned in their studies to activities

beyond the classroom. Our Harvestians

came out with different kinds of products to

be sold such as chicken nuggets, corn

fritters, ‘lok lok’, herbal tea and grass jelly

beverages. Applying the pricing strategies

of promotional pricing by combining

several products at a cheaper price,

students managed to generate a profit of

RM 606.00 in three days!

Additionally, parallel with the school’s

vision to reduce the usage of plastic, the

students who participated used materials

that are fully plastic-free! From cooking to

packaging. Although the cost of paper

straws was more expensive, our students

insisted to use paper straws instead of the

conventional plastic straws. Our students’

effort in decorating the booth received the

worthy award from the organiser - Business

Booth Best Decoration Award.


STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students

in four specific disciplines, they are; Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics in an interdisciplinary and

applied approach. Rather than teaching the four disciplines as

separate and discrete subjects, STEM integrates them into a

cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications.

What separates STEM from the traditional science and math

education is the blended learning environment and showing

students how the scientific method can be applied to

everyday life. It teaches students computational thinking skill

and focuses on real-world applications.

In Harvest Academy, we are progressively working to integrate

STEM education into our existing syllabus. The focus on STEM

is because this program of study emphasizes on the

application of the subjects in a challenging and rigorous

manner. Additionally, the courses and pathways which are

available in STEM fields prepare students for post-secondary

education and employment. Consequently, much weightage

is placed on STEM education programmes to build a bridge

between in-school and out-of-school STEM opportunities.

Harvest STEM Camp (The first-ever STEM Camp in Perlis)

Harvest Academy non-profit (external) event to increase STEM awareness among local students.

Failing at being successful in

one thing does not make you a

failure. Never give up when

there are difficulties ahead.

— Danny Chan Yi Xiang

No matter what happens,

always stay determined.

— Teang Yiyang (Damian)

Nothing is really over until

the moment you stop trying.

— Jamerline Teow Wan Xuen

It’s alright if you’re not a

great starter, but being the

best finisher is essential.

— Lee Jia Mu

It is not that you can’t, it is

just you don’t want it enough.

— Lee Jia Chien

Your child can

be the next

success story!

Enrol now!

Harvest STEM Camp (The first-ever STEM Camp in Perlis)

Drone assembling. Facilitator (right) assisting camper (left).

Tel +604-9704884

Address 45, Jalan Bukit Kaya, Taman Bukit Kaya, 01000 Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia.

Web www.harvestacademy.org.my

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